• Title/Summary/Keyword: Hydraulic Stability Analysis

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Systematic analysis for the thermal stability assessment of 166Ho production using HANARO: An in silico study

  • Taeyun Kim;Bo-Young Han;Seongwoo Yang;Jaegi Lee;Gwang-Min Sun;Byung-Gun Park;Sung-Joon Ye
    • Nuclear Engineering and Technology
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    • v.56 no.11
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    • pp.4914-4920
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    • 2024
  • Medical radioisotopes (RIs) are widely used in the diagnosis and treatment of tumors. Theranostic RIs, such as 131I, 166Ho, 177Lu, and 186Re, are particularly notable for their ability to enable diagnosis and treatment simultaneously. Conducting irradiation tests using the High-flux Advanced Neutron Application Reactor (HANARO), a 30-MW multipurpose research reactor, enables the production of these medical RIs. Prior to irradiation tests, it is crucial to assess whether they affect the thermal stability of irradiated materials and the thermal-hydraulic safety of HANARO. This study systematically investigates the feasibility of 166Ho production using the isotope production irradiation hole of HANARO, focusing on thermal stability. The nuclear heating rates of the RI production target and RI capsule are calculated using MCNP6, and the calculated nuclear heating rates are used for three-dimensional heat transfer analysis using COMSOL Multiphysics. Under the assumed conditions in this study, 166Ho production did not compromise the thermal stability of the RI production target and RI capsule; consequently, the thermal-hydraulic safety criteria of HANARO could be satisfied. This study can serve as a valuable reference for evaluating the thermal stability of irradiated materials and the thermal-hydraulic safety of HANARO, which must be performed before irradiation tests using HANARO.

Effect of hydraulic distribution on the stability of a plane slide rock slope under the nonlinear Barton-Bandis failure criterion

  • Zhao, Lian-Heng;Cao, Jingyuan;Zhang, Yingbin;Luo, Qiang
    • Geomechanics and Engineering
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    • v.8 no.3
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    • pp.391-414
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    • 2015
  • In this paper, stabilities of a plane slide rock slope under different hydraulic distributions were studied based on the nonlinear Barton-Bandis (B-B) failure criterion. The influence of various parameters on the stability of rock slopes was analyzed. Parametric analysis indicated that studying the factor of safety (FS) of planar slide rock slopes using the B-B failure criterion is both simple and effective and that the effects of the basic friction angle of the joint (${\varphi}_b$), the joint roughness coefficient (JRC), and the joint compressive strength (JCS) on the FS of a planar slide rock slope are significant. Qualitatively, the influence of the JCS on the FS of a slope is small, whereas the influences of the ${\varphi}_b$ and the JRC are significant. The FS of the rock slope decreases as the water in a tension crack becomes deeper. This trend is more significant when the flow outlet is blocked, a situation that is particularly prevalent in regions with permafrost or seasonal frozen soil. Finally, the work is extended to study the reliability of the slope against plane failure according to the uncertainty from physical and mechanics parameters.

Field Application of the Slit Type Coastal Structures under Waves and Currents

  • Park, Sang-Gil;Kang, Sug-Jin;Kim, Kang-Min;Kim, Suk-Mun;Lee, Joong-Woo
    • Journal of Navigation and Port Research
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    • v.34 no.9
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    • pp.711-718
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    • 2010
  • Redevelopment of the domestic small fishing ports is being started in earnest by applying the environmentally friendly technology in order to attract tourists. For the purpose of improving water quality in the harbor, selection of breakwater type might have the priority to secure calmness and stability. Therefore, this study is to determine the hydraulic characteristics of reflective ratio, installation efficiency and stability of the special type of blocks through the hydraulic model experiment. The results were introduced to analyze for the effect of infield construction work through numerical analysis. Gujora, a small fishing port in southern Korea, is affected by the waves of SSE, S, SSW direction and strong tidal currents. The results of applying cylindrical slit block show that stability of the blocks and harbor calmness were secured. Considering that the pass rate of a long period wave is still excellent, the primary objective of wave control and the secondary objective of improving water exchange are satisfied simultaneously.

Structural behavior of aluminum reticulated shell structures considering semi-rigid and skin effect

  • Liu, Hongbo;Chen, Zhihua;Xu, Shuai;Bu, Yidu
    • Structural Engineering and Mechanics
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    • v.54 no.1
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    • pp.121-133
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    • 2015
  • The aluminum dome has been widely used in natatorium, oil storage tank, power plant, coal, as well as other industrial buildings and structures. However, few research has focused on the structural behavior and design method of this dome. At present, most designs of aluminum alloy domes have referred to theories and methods of steel spatial structures. However, aluminum domes and steel domes have many differences, such as elasticity moduli, roof structures, and joint rigidities, which make the design and analysis method of steel spatial structures not fully suitable for aluminum alloy dome structures. In this study, a stability analysis method, which can consider structural imperfection, member initial curvature, semi-rigid joint, and skin effect, was presented and used to study the stability behavior of aluminum dome structures. In addition, some meaningful conclusions were obtained, which could be used in future designs and analyses of aluminum domes.

A Numerical Analysis: Effects of Hydraulic Characteristics of a Hazardous Zone on the Face Stability in Subsea Tunnelling (해저터널 시공중 문제구간의 수리적 특성이 막장의 안정성에 미치는 영향에 관한 수치해석적 연구)

  • Hong, Eun-Soo;Park, Eui-Seob;Shin, Hee-Soon;Kim, Hyung-Mok;Ryu, Dong-Woo
    • Tunnel and Underground Space
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    • v.18 no.5
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    • pp.366-374
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    • 2008
  • Tunnelling under water table induces many geotechnical problems because of groundwater. In subsea tunneling, reduction of face stability can induce flooding in the vicinity of a fracture zone characterized by high permeability and high water pressure. In this study, the effects of high water pressure on the stability of a tunnel face in a limited zone with high permeability(hazardous zone) are analyzed. On the basis of the 'advance core' concept, the seepage force acting on a hypothetical cylinder ahead of a tunnel face is modeled. This study focuses on the hydraulic behavior of the ground ahead of the tunnel face by three-dimensional steady-state seepage analyses. The impact of the hazardous zone on the seepage force and stability of the tunnel face are simulated and analyzed. In light of the analysis results, it is estimated that the distance from the tunnel face to the exterior boundary limit, which the seepage force significantly affects the stability of the tunnel face, of a hypothetical cylinder is approximately 5 times the tunnel radii. Despite the restrictive assumptions of this study, the results are highly indicative regarding the risks of hazardous zones.

Estimation of saturated hydraulic conductivity of Korean weathered granite soils using a regression analysis

  • Yoon, Seok;Lee, Seung-Rae;Kim, Yun-Tae;Go, Gyu-Hyun
    • Geomechanics and Engineering
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    • v.9 no.1
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    • pp.101-113
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    • 2015
  • Saturated soil hydraulic conductivity is a very important soil parameter in numerous practical engineering applications, especially rainfall infiltration and slope stability problems. This parameter is difficult to measure since it is very highly sensitive to various soil conditions. There have been many analytical and empirical formulas to predict saturated soil hydraulic conductivity based on experimental data. However, there have been few studies to investigate in-situ hydraulic conductivity of weathered granite soils, which constitute the majority of soil slopes in Korea. This paper introduces an estimation method to derive saturated hydraulic conductivity of Korean weathered granite soils using in-situ experimental data which were obtained from a variety of slope areas of South Korea. A robust regression analysis was performed using different physical soil properties and an empirical solution with an $R^2$ value of 0.9193 was suggested. Besides that this research validated the proposed model by conducting in-situ saturated soil hydraulic conductivity tests in two slope areas.

Searching for critical failure surface in slope stability analysis by using hybrid genetic algorithm

  • Li, Shouju;Shangguan, Zichang;Duan, Hongxia;Liu, Yingxi;Luan, Maotian
    • Geomechanics and Engineering
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    • v.1 no.1
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    • pp.85-96
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    • 2009
  • The radius and coordinate of sliding circle are taken as searching variables in slope stability analysis. Genetic algorithm is applied for searching for critical factor of safety. In order to search for critical factor of safety in slope stability analysis efficiently and in a robust manner, some improvements for simple genetic algorithm are proposed. Taking the advantages of efficiency of neighbor-search of the simulated annealing and the robustness of genetic algorithm, a hybrid optimization method is presented. The numerical computation shows that the procedure can determine the minimal factor of safety and be applied to slopes with any geometry, layering, pore pressure and external load distribution. The comparisons demonstrate that the genetic algorithm provides a same solution when compared with elasto-plastic finite element program.

Application of Fiber Stone for Bridge Pier Scour Protection (교각 세굴방지를 위한 섬유돌망태의 적용성)

  • Kim, Seong-Won
    • Proceedings of the Korea Water Resources Association Conference
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    • 2011.05a
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    • pp.337-340
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    • 2011
  • In this study, qualitative and quantitative evaluations are performed using the hydraulic analysis of fiber stone for bridge pier scour protection. We can consider that the effective scour protection should be suggested from the side of hydraulic stability, structure stability, and permissible tractive force. The perfect verification, however, on the fiber stone for bridge pier scour protection is not sufficient because of short literatures and experiments on the field study. The continuous research, therefore, will be needed to establish reliable verification using literatures investigation and the various experiments on the fiber stone for bridge pier scour protection.

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Application of Dynamic Reliability Model to Analysis of Armor Stability of Rouble-Mound Breakwaters (경사제 피복재의 안정성 해석에 대한 동적 신뢰성 모형의 적용)

  • Kim, Sung-Ho;Lee, Cheol-Eung
    • Journal of Industrial Technology
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    • v.24 no.A
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    • pp.215-226
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    • 2004
  • A dynamic reliability model which can take into account the time history of loading sequences may be applied to the analyses of the hydraulic stability of armor units on rubble-mound breakwaters. All the parameters related to the stability of structures have been considered to be constants in the deterministic model until now. Thus, it is impossible to study the effects of some uncertainties of the related random variables on the stability of structures. In this paper, the dynamic reliability model can be developed by POT(Peak Over Threshold) method in order to take into account the time history of loading sequences and to investigate the temporal behaviors of stability of structure with its loading history. Finally, it is confirmed that the results of dynamic reliability model agree with straight- forwardly those of AFDA(Approximate Full Distribution Approach) of the static reliability model for the same input conditions. In addition, the temporal behaviors of probability of failure can be studied by the dynamic reliability model developed to analyze the hydraulic stability of armor units on rubble-mound breakwaters. Therefore, the present results may be useful for the management of repair and maintenance over the whole life cycle of structure.

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An experimental study on the influence of undular bore on the hydraulic stability at Shinwol rainwater storage and drainage system (불규칙 단파가 신월저류배수시설의 수리적 안정성에 미치는 영향에 대한 실험 연구)

  • Oh, Jun Oh
    • Journal of Korea Water Resources Association
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    • v.52 no.5
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    • pp.313-323
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    • 2019
  • Deep Tunnel system is a large-scale urban flood control facility installed underground in order to reinforce the lack of drainage systems in developed cities. In a structure like a deep tunnel system, the undular bore generated in the downstream causes a problem in the hydraulic stability of the tunnel. In this study, to investigate the influence of the undular bore on the hydraulic stability at the "Shinwol rainwater storage and drainage system", under construction for the first time in the country, a hydraulic model experiment was conducted on various flooding inflow scenarios. As a result of the hydraulic model experiment carried out in this study, the undular bore generated downstream is trapped in the pipe while moving to upstream, pushes the compressed air. It is judged that overflow occurred by choking the vertical drop shaft in the process when this compressed air is being exhaust through the upstream vertical drop shaft and blocking flood inflow. In addition, the analysis of velocity of undular bore shows that the undular bore transfers energy, and at this time, the pressure rose in the pipe and the velocity increment occurred of the undular bore. Further studies are needed to predict the size and velocity of undular bore, which plays an important role in the hydraulic stability of the tunnel in the deep tunnel system.