• 제목/요약/키워드: Hwa-Byung symptoms

검색결과 103건 처리시간 0.069초

종합검진 수검자의 스트레스 수준과 생활습관, 자각증상 및 임상적 진단의 관련성 (Relationship of Level of Stress, Life Style, Subjective Symptoms and Clinical Diagnosis in Clients taken Multiphasic Screening Program)

  • 박준한;전진호;강장미;손병철;김대환;이창희;정귀원;엄상화
    • Journal of Preventive Medicine and Public Health
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    • 제31권4호
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    • pp.728-739
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    • 1998
  • To improve wellness and quality of life by recognizing the health efforts of stress, the author estimated the relationships between stress, subjective symptoms and clinical diagnosis through a questionnaire and a battery of specified laboratory tests; electrocardiography, blood pressure, cholesterol, aspartate aminotransferase(AST), alanine aminotransferase(ALT), gamma glutamyl transferase$(\gamma-GTP)$, fasting blood sugar, gastro-endoscopy or UGI, abdominal sonography, etc. The data was gathered from 337 clients who were undergoing multiphasic screening program at a University Hospital from January to March 1998. The mean age of subjects was $46.5{\pm}11.2$ years and the mean of body mass index was $24.0{\pm}3.7kg/m^2$. The mean vol of stress was $18.5{\pm}6.0$ expressed as the score out of 40. By general characteristics and lift style among male, mean level of stress was significantly higher in case of lower socioeconomic status, habitual drug use, longer daily working time(>10 hours), no regular exercise, drinkers, irregular meal, skip-ping breakfast(p<0.05). In case of female, that was significantly higher in case of lower education, lowe. socioeconomic status, longer daily working time(>10 hours), no regular exercise, drinkers, smokers, irregular meal, skipping breakfast(p<0.05). Significant correlations were observed between stress and subjective symptoms in all kinds of organ system (p<0.01). Correlation coefficients of stress among male were relatively high with neuro-psychiatric symptom$(\gamma=0.476)$ and cardio-vascular symptom$(\gamma=0.361)$ in order, and correlation coefficients of stress among female was highest with neuro-psychiatric symptom$(\gamma=0.371)$. The prevalence of the diagnosis through the battery of laboratory tests was high in upper gastrointestinal disorders and hypercholesterolemia in order in both sex group. Among male the mean score of stress was significantly high in ulcerative peptic disorder of upper gastrointestine and hepatopathy in order (p<0.05) . Among female that was significantly high in diabetes mellitus. In summary, it is likely that there are associations between stress, subjective symptoms and clinical diagnosis. To promote wellness and quality of life it would be of value that periodic stress evaluation program and stress management including apropriate control of smoking and drinking, regular exercise and meal.

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음양 성격 유형에 따른 화병 환자의 증상 비교 연구 (A Comparative Study of Symptoms in Patients with Hwabyung according to Yin-Yang Personality Types)

  • 윤석인;채한;박희영;이현우;박찬;정선용;김종우
    • 동의신경정신과학회지
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    • 제35권2호
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    • pp.141-151
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    • 2024
  • Objectives: To compare symptoms and characteristics among patients diagnosed with Hwabyung according to their yin-yang personality types. Methods: A structured clinical interview was conducted to diagnose Hwabyung, followed by a cross-sectional study involving a total of 118 Hwabyung patients (95 females). Various measures including the Sasang Personality Questionnaire (SPQ), Hwabyung Comprehensive Test (HCT), HwaByung Scale (HBS), State-Trait Anger Expression Inventory (STAXI), Beck Depression Inventory-II (BDI-II), Beck Anxiety Inventory (BAI), Eogul Scale (ES), and Patient Health Questionnaire-15 (PHQ-15) were administered. Results: SPQ-total showed significant negative correlations with HBS-personality and STAXI-control, and a significant positive correlation with STAXI-out. SPQ-behavior showed significant positive correlations with HBS-symptom, STAXI-trait, STAXI-in, STAXI-out, BDI-II, BAI, ES, and PHQ-15. SPQ-cognition exhibited significant negative correlations with HBS-personality, STAXI-control, and ES. SPQ-emotion had significant negative correlations with HBS-personality and STAXI-in and a significant positive correlation with STAXI-out. SPQ-Yin demonstrated a significantly higher HBS-personality than SPQ-Yang. SPQ-Yang exhibited significantly higher STAXI-out than SPQ-Yin, whereas SPQ-Yin showed significantly higher STAXI-control and STAXI-in than SPQ-Yang. Although differences in depression, anxiety, resentment, and physical symptoms between yin and yang were not statistically significant, variations in interpretation criteria were observed. Conclusions: Anger expression patterns and physical/psychological symptoms among Hwabyung patients are different based on their yin-yang personality types. These findings can inform the prediction of symptoms in Hwabyung patients according to their yin-yang personality types and aid in establishing appropriate treatment plans.

연취급 근로자의 연폭로 수준에 따른 주관적 자각증상 호소율 (Prevalence Rate of Lead Related Subjective Symptoms in Lead Workers)

  • 정두신;김화성;안규동;이병국
    • Journal of Preventive Medicine and Public Health
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    • 제26권2호
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    • pp.251-267
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    • 1993
  • 연폭로의 정도와 자각증상과의 관계를 알아보기 위하여 435명의 연폭로 남자 근로자와 212명의 일반 사무직 남자 근로자를 대상으로 연폭로 지표가 되는 혈중 연, 혈중 Zinc Protoporphyrin(ZPP), 요중 Delta-aminolevulinic acid(DALA), 혈색소, 혈구 용적 측정을 위한 혈액 시료 및 소변 시료를 채취하여 분석하였고, 연관련 자각증상 조사는 14개의 증상 조사 항목을(표 3 및 별첨 1) 피검자가 응답 하도록하여 상담 의사의 면접을 통한 확인을 거쳐 수집 하였다. 수집된 각 항목은 인체 조직계 증상군별로 1) 위장관계 증상 2) 신경과 근육 및 관절계 증상 3) 일반 체질적 증상 4) 정신과적 증상으로 구분하여 연폭로 지표 수준과 연폭로 작업 여부에 따른 자각증상 호소율을 비교 조사하여 얻은 결론은 다음과 같다. 1. 연폭로군에서 대조군보다 유의하게 높은 자각증상 호소율을 보인 증상군은 신경과 근육 및 관절계 증상으로 "손이나 발이 저리거나 쥐가 잘난다", "관절이 아프거나 쑤신다", "손가락, 손, 발 등에 힘이 없다", "근육통을 느낀다" 순 이었다. 2. 연폭로군과 대조군의 자각증상 호소율에 가장 큰 차이를 보인 증상 항목은 "손이나 발이 저리거나 쥐가 잘 난다"였으며, 전체 조사 대상에서 가장 높은 증상 호소율을 보인 증상 항목은 일반 체질적 자각 증상군의 "전보다 피곤감을 느낀다"였다. 3. 전체 조사 대상의 혈중 연과 혈중 ZPP 수준에 따른 연폭로량의 증가와 자각증상 호소율의 증가를 보인 증상 항목은 신경과 근육 및 관절계 증상군의 "손이나 발이 저리거나 쥐가 잘난다", "관절이 아프거나 쑤신다", "손가락. 손 발 등에 힘이 없다", "근육통을 느낀다"와 위장관계 증상군의 "아랫배가 아파서 고생한 적이 있다"였다. 4 연폭로군에서 혈중 연과 혈중 ZPP 수준에 따른 연폭로량의 증가와 자각증상 호소율의 증가를 보인 증상 항목은 신경과 근육 및 관절계 증상으로 혈중 연의 증가에 따라 증상 호소율이 증가하였다. 5. 연폭로군에서 39세 이하 와 40세 이상 연령군으로 나누어 비교시 39세 이하 군의 증상 호소율이 40세 이상 군보다 높게 나왔으며. 신경과 근육 및 관절계 증상이 39세이하 군에서 혈중 연의 증가와 함께, 40세 이상 군에서 혈중 ZPP의 증가와 함께 자각증상 호소율의 증가를 나타냈다. 6. 연폭로 지표에 따른 폭로수준과 증상 호소율과의 관계를 알아보기 위하여 대조군에 대한 폭로군, 연폭로군의 저농도 폭로군에 대한 고농도 폭로군의 교차비를 산출한 결과 신경과 근육 및 관절계 증상군의 "손이나 발이 저리거나 쥐가 잘난다", "관절이 아프거나 쑤신다", "손가락, 손, 발 등에 힘이 없다", "근육통을 느낀다"와 위장관계 증상군의 "아랫배가 아파서 고생한 적이 있다"가 연폭로량의 증가에 따른 교차비의 증가를 보여 양-반응의 관계를 추정할 수 있었다.

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외부법의 종양치료활용에 대한 고찰 (A study of external applications for cancer treatment)

  • 이용연;송기철;최병렬;서상훈;최우진;조정효;이연월;손창규;조종관;유화승
    • 대한한방내과학회지
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    • 제22권4호
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    • pp.659-667
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    • 2001
  • Objectives: The purpose of this study was to explore some new therapies to control clinical symptoms of patients with terminal cancer by using external applications. Methods: We investigated some literatures on the external applications for cancer patients and made diagrams. Results: The results are summarized as follows. External applications are one of the traditional oriental medical methods and these are effective for pain control, ascites & pleural effusion and palpitable mass. It has some characteristics which are simple, safe and popular, but we must pay attention carefully to allergic reaction and toxicity in using external applications. The therapeutic portion of external applications are decided by discipline of syndrome and disease differentiation, and the prescriptions are composed of antitumor herb medicines. Conclusions: From the above results, it is expected that external applications are useful to improve clinical symptoms and quality of life(QOL) for patients with terminal cancer who cannot intake foods or medicines.

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가미청간산(加味淸肝散)을 투여한 알콜성(性) 간질환(肝疾患) 환자(患者) 25례(例)에 대한 임상보고(臨床報告) (The Clinical Report about Patients with Alcoholic Liver Disease given Gamichunggan-san(Jiaweiqinggan-san))

  • 송기철;최병렬;서상훈;유화승;최우진;조정효;이연월;손창규;조종관;이용연
    • 대한한방내과학회지
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    • 제22권4호
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    • pp.613-619
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    • 2001
  • Objectives: The purpose of this study was to examine the efficacy of Gamichunggan-san(Jiaweiqinggan-san) on 25 patients who have suffered from alcoholic liver disease. Methods: Gamichunggan-san(Jiaweiqinggan-san) was administered to patients for over 1 months continuously. We checked improvement of clinical symptoms, changes of chemistry hematological test and especially lymphocyte count. Results: The results obtained are summarized as follows. Gamichunggan-san(Jiaweiqinggan-san) has significant effect on the improvement of clinical symptoms. And the improvement ratio of AST, ALT, ${\gamma}$-GTP was 77.8%, 61.5%, 76.2%. In patients with alcohoiic hepatitis, WBC was increased effectively within normal range and those with liver cirrhosis, All of the patients with the inverted ratio of lymphocyte was improved. Conclusions: From the above results, it is suggested that Gamichunggan-san(Jiaweiqinggan-san) have significant effects on recovery of liver malfunction and immune modulation, and also could be recommended as a prescription for alcoholic liver disease.

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과체 토법을 병용한 한방치료로 호전된 위상부 트림 치험 1례 (A Case of Suppression of Supragastric Belching Using Korean Medical Treatment with Melonis Calyx Vomiting Therapy)

  • 나현영;유정화;이다은;안세영;이병철;안영민
    • 대한한방내과학회지
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    • 제37권5호
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    • pp.863-869
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    • 2016
  • Objective: To describe the treatment of a 46-year-old female patient with supragastric belching using Korean medical treatment and Melonis Calyx vomiting therapy. Methods: The treatment included three administrations of Melonis Calyx vomiting therapy (day 2, day 9, and day 16), herbal decoction, acupuncture, and moxibustion. The severity of symptoms was evaluated daily with a numeric rating scale (NRS). Results: Korean medical treatment suppressed the belching and improved other symptoms. After using the Melonis Calyx, the severity of belching decreased from NRS 4 to NRS 1 (day 2), from NRS 3 to NRS 1 (day 9), and no further change from NRS 1 (day 13). Conclusions: Melonis Calyx vomiting therapy appears to be an effective treatment for patients with supragastric belching. Further study will be needed to confirm the effectiveness of Melonis Calyx vomiting therapy on supragastric belching.

SCL-90-R을 이용한 화병과 주요우울장애의 비교 (Comparison between Major Depressive Disorder & Hwabyung (Culture Bound Syndrome) using the SCL-90-R)

  • 정선용;박종훈;김상호;황의완;권정혜;김종우
    • 동의신경정신과학회지
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    • 제15권2호
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    • pp.45-51
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    • 2004
  • Hwabyung is a Korean culture bound syndrome and translated as anger syndrome at DSM-IV. And it is caused by the suppression of anger and has characteristics of chest discomfort, burning up as physical symptoms, and mortification, chagrin as psychological symptoms. It is very common in the field of psychiatry in Korea with Major Depressive Disorder (MDD). * Objective : 95 patients with MDD or Hwabyung, who visited the department of psychiatry in Korea University Medical Center or oriental medical hospital of Kyunghee Medical Center from May 2003 to August 2003, were selected for the study to compare between Major Depressive Disorder and Hwabyung. * Methods : The Structured Clinical Interview Schedule for DSM-IV (SCID) and Hwa-Byung Diagnostic Interview Schedule (HBDIS) were conducted for diagnosis. And Symptom Check List-90-Revised (SCL-90-R) was carried out for comparison between MDD and Hwabyung. * Result : Among the 95 patients, MDD group was 23 persons, Hwabyung group was 36 persons, and MDD plus Hwabyung group was 36 persons and it occupied 37.9%. MDD plus Hwabyung group had higher scores than any other groups in the whole dimensions of SCL-90-R. Hwabyung group had higher scores than MDD group in somatization, anxiety, hostility, Global Severity Index(GSI) and positive symptom total (p<.05) of SCL-90-R, but two groups had no difference in obsessive-compulsive, interpersonal-sensitivity, depression, phobic anxiety, paranoid ideation, psychoticism, positive symptom distress index of SCL-90-R. * Conclusion : These result showed that Hwabyung is similar to MDD at the point of depression and psychoticism but more severe at somatization, anxiety and anger than MDD.

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만성 비소 중독으로 의심되는 피부염 치험 1례 (A Clinical Experience of Dermatitis suspected Chronic Arsenic Intoxication)

  • 강병수;최정화;박수연;정민영;김종한
    • 한방안이비인후피부과학회지
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    • 제30권3호
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    • pp.201-210
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    • 2017
  • 만성 비소 중독으로 의심되는 피부염 환자를 양방 치료 없이 평혈음을 기본으로 한 한약과 침 치료 등 한방 단독 치료를 통하여 제반 증상을 호전시켰음을 관찰하여 보고한다.

국소부신피질호르몬제 사용 중단 후 나타난 홍피성 건선의 한방 치험 1례 (A Case of Psoriasis aggravated to Erythrodermic Psoriasis after Stopping Topical Steroids treated with Traditional Korean Medicine)

  • 김민희;이병철;윤영희;최인화
    • 한방안이비인후피부과학회지
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    • 제25권1호
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    • pp.104-111
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    • 2012
  • Objective : The aim of this study is to report the effect and safety of Traditional Korean Medicine on the treatment of erythrodermic psoriasis which appeared after stopping high potency topical steroids. Methods : A patient with psoriasis stopped topical steroids after the first outpatient care and was treated with herbal medicine, acupuncture, moxibustion for eight months. The severity of psoriasis was assessed with Psoriasis Area and Severity Index. Liver and renal functions were tested to observe the hepatic and renal toxicity of the treatment. Results : PASI score were 6.2 on the first visit and three months after it increased to 30 and the patient showed symptoms of erythrodermic psoriasis. And seven months after the first visit, it decreased to 0.6. There was no hepatic and renal toxicity of the treatment. Conclusion : These findings suggest that Traditional Korean Medicine might be effective and safe for the treatment of erythrodermic psoriasis.

A childhood case of spinal tuberculosis misdiagnosed as muscular dystrophy

  • Song, Doo-Il;Sohn, Su-Ye;Kim, Yun-Kyung;Eun, So-Hee;Rhie, Young-Jun;Jang, Gi-Young;Woo, Chan-Wook;Choi, Byung-Min;Lee, Jung-Hwa;Je, Bo-Kyung
    • Clinical and Experimental Pediatrics
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    • 제53권5호
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    • pp.657-660
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    • 2010
  • Tuberculosis is primarily a pulmonary disease, but extra-pulmonary manifestations are not uncommon, especially in children and adolescents. Ten percent of extra pulmonary tuberculosis localizes to the bones and joints, and 56% of such cases affect the spine. We treated a childhood case of spinal tuberculosis misdiagnosed as muscular dystrophy in a patient without specific constitutional symptoms. We report this case because the patient had an unusual presentation of spinal tuberculosis.