• Title/Summary/Keyword: Human View

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Study on the Organ Transplantation in the Oriental Medicine (장기이식에 관한 한의학적 개념 연구)

  • Kim, Kyoung-Shin;Lee, Soo-Jin;Kim, Byoung-Soo
    • Journal of Physiology & Pathology in Korean Medicine
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    • v.24 no.4
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    • pp.571-579
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    • 2010
  • The advancement of medical technology has made it possible to treat various incurable diseases. Especially organ transplantation can give another life to the patients who have organ failure and could not find any other ways to treat their diseases. According to the development of medical technology and immunosuppressive drugs, the rate and extent of organ transplantation is increasing these days. New medical technologies like organ transplantation brought on critical issues and these have changed the way of thinking and morals that has been the fundamental rules in our society. Bioethics is already an important field of medicine and oriental medicine should investigate the problem caused by the development of medical technology and life science and should form a view of life in oriental medicine. Oriental medicine is East Asian traditional medicine based on "Huangdi-Neijing", constructed by the system of Jangfu and meridian. The traditional therapies of oriental medicine have completed a scientific system on the point of view that looks on human and nature equally. This process continued to form a new medical theory as the environment was changed and the new diseases were appeared since "Huangdi-Neijing" and "Shoganron" showed a new scope to investigate human and diseases. Therefore, it is important to develop the point of view of oriental medicine as the medical situation was changed. Oriental medicine has a holistic view that considers human as a little cosmos resonated by a big cosmos and regards the possibility to recover and to regulate the energy in our body. This theory is a basic idea of oriental philosophy. Oriental medicine focuses on the balance of yin and yang of the body and tries to harmonize the imbalance of yin and yang caused by the life style and environment. This can solve many problems that cannot be settled by modern medicine and this can accomplish the new paradigm of oriental medicine that is needed these days.

A Study on Visibility Evaluation for Cabin Type Combine (캐빈형 콤바인의 시계성 평가에 관한 연구)

  • Choi, C.H.;Kim, J.D.;Kim, T.H.;Mun, J.H.;Kim, Y.J.
    • Journal of Biosystems Engineering
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    • v.34 no.2
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    • pp.120-126
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    • 2009
  • The purpose of this study was to develop a visibility evaluation system for cabin type combine. Human's field of view was classified into five levels (perceptive, effective, stable gaze, induced, and auxiliary) depending on rotation of human's head and eye. Divider, reaper lever, gearshift, dashboard, and conveying part were considered as major viewpoints of combine. Visibilities of combine was evaluated quantitatively using the viewpoints and the human's field of view levels. The visibility evaluation system for cabin type combine was consisted of a laser pointer, stepping motors to control the direction of view, gyro sensors to measure horizontal and vertical angle, and I/O interface to acquire the signals. Tests were conducted with different postures ('sitting straight', 'sitting with $15^{\circ}$ tilt', 'standing straight', and 'standing with $15^{\circ}$ tilt'). The LSD (least significant difference) multiple comparison tests showed that the visibilities of viewpoints were different significantly as the operator's postures were changed. The results showed that the posture at standing with $15^{\circ}$ tilt provided the best visibility for operators. The divider of the combine was invisible due to blocking with the cabin frame at many postures. The reaper lever showed good visibilities at the postures of sitting or standing with $15^{\circ}$ tilt. The gearshift, the dashboard, and the conveying part had reasonable visibilities at the posture of sitting with $15^{\circ}$ tilt. However, most viewpoints of the combine were out of the stable gaze field of view level. Modifications of the combine design will be required to enhance the visibility during harvesting operation for farmers' safety and convenience.

Recognizing Actions from Different Views by Topic Transfer

  • Liu, Jia
    • KSII Transactions on Internet and Information Systems (TIIS)
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    • v.11 no.4
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    • pp.2093-2108
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    • 2017
  • In this paper, we describe a novel method for recognizing human actions from different views via view knowledge transfer. Our approach is characterized by two aspects: 1) We propose a unsupervised topic transfer model (TTM) to model two view-dependent vocabularies, where the original bag of visual words (BoVW) representation can be transferred into a bag of topics (BoT) representation. The higher-level BoT features, which can be shared across views, can connect action models for different views. 2) Our features make it possible to obtain a discriminative model of action under one view and categorize actions in another view. We tested our approach on the IXMAS data set, and the results are promising, given such a simple approach. In addition, we also demonstrate a supervised topic transfer model (STTM), which can combine transfer feature learning and discriminative classifier learning into one framework.

View of Human Beings in Daesoon Thought viewed from the Perennial Philosophy: Focusing on Kant's Anthropology (영원의 철학(The Perennial Philosophy)으로 본 대순사상의 인간관 - 칸트의 인간학을 중심으로 -)

  • Heo, Hoon
    • Journal of the Daesoon Academy of Sciences
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    • v.30
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    • pp.61-94
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    • 2018
  • The aim of this research is to examine the main concepts of human beings established by the saints and wise men in the Perennial Philosophy, and to reveal that the human view of Perennial Philosophy is consistent with the view of human beings of Daesoon Thought. In addition, Kant, who synthesizes Western modern philosophy, also sets out the ultimate goal of his philosophy of identifying human beings, wherein Kant asks what human beings are. The view of human beings in the Daesoon Thought reveals one kind of answer that can be given to Kant's anthropological question. If we compare this idea with that of the Western world (a Kantian view of humanity) based on this Perennial Philosophy, the characteristics of Daesoon Thought can be revealed clearly. Kant set the ultimate goal of his philosophy to answer the question, "What is man?" With regards to this, he posits four questions: 1) What can I know? 2) What should I do? 3) What can I hope for? 4) What are human beings? And Kant says that the fourth question (related to anthropology) involves three other questions. However, he does not offer up his own definition of human existence anywhere in his works. He regarded humans as being rational, and he did not think that humans had any special cognitive ability to intuit into humanity itself. In the end, Kant leaves the human being as a sort of unknown entity. On the other hand, The concept of humanity in Daesoon Thought (Perennial Philosophy) can provide a straightforward answer to Kant's question. This possible is because human beings in Daesoon Thought are not seen as different from the Dao (道) or deities (神), which can be called the essence of ultimate reality. From the perspective of Daesoon Thought, humans have divine cognitive abilities. In Perennial Philosophy, this could be the best way to simultaneously lead the object of mind and cognition to the divine Ground. Humans have special cognitive or perceptual abilities. The ultimate identity of every person is God. The realization of the divine being by finding one's true nature as a human being (the self) and the essence of the enlightenment of those who have shown this special intellectual intuition through training are both outcomes found at the core of perennial philosophy. These can be expressed clearly and obviously through the essence of Daesoon Thought.

Human Perception of Asymmetrical Three-Dimensional Image (비대칭적 3차원 영상에 대한 인간의 인지 특성)

  • Ha, Chang-Woo;Lee, Wan-Jae;Jin, Soon-Jong;Jeong, Je-Chang
    • Journal of Broadcast Engineering
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    • v.12 no.1 s.34
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    • pp.41-52
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    • 2007
  • The 3DTV services can be seen as a general case of the multi-view video that has been receiving a significant attention lately. However, the key factors that influence the success of 3DTV are the availability of content, the ease of use, the quality of contents, and the reduction of cost. This paper deals primarily with the perceptual improvement in image quality, especially based on human factors. An optimal asymmetrical coding method for binocular and multi-view images is presented. The quantitative value of asymmetrical rate to maintain optimized subjective image quality is explored. Also we analyze how edges of 2D images affect on 3D perceptions and propose an edge-preserving algorithm to perform perceptual improvements. Experimental results demonstrate that the proposed algorithm enhances subjective image quality much better than conventional methods.

Health Improvement and Treatment Effect of Probiotics (프로바이오틱스의 건강증진과 질병치료 효능)

  • Baek, Young-Mi;Kim, Kyung-Soon;Lee, Yeon-Weol;Cho, Chong-Kwan;Yoo, Hwa-Seung
    • Journal of Haehwa Medicine
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    • v.19 no.1
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    • pp.25-34
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    • 2010
  • Background : The human being and the bacteria have accomplished a balance and have coexisted each other during long time. Probiotics have evolved with the human host to exist and the result they have operated profitably to human host. So it requires that the functions of probiotics are expounded in view of Traditional Korean Medicine. Aim : Suggest the functions of probiotics in view of Traditional Korean Medicine. Method : The author's research has been performed to review the related references. Results : Probiotics assist the absorption of the lactose, proteins and minerals and product several kinds of vitamins, organic acids. Probiotics suppresses the growth of noxious bacteria and the production of harmful substances or gases. They absorbed and discharge the bile acid, and thus help us maintain the optimal level of blood cholesterol concentration. They can reinforce the immune response of the mucous membrane and control the hypersensitivity immune reaction such as asthma, atopy on the other hand. Probiotics have right functions as above and so can be applied widely in treatment of various disease and symptom. Conclusion : Considering the functions of probiotics in view of Traditional Korean Medicine, they participate in our spleen-earth-system (digestion and synthesis) and liver-wood-system (regulation of digestion, metabolism, internal secretion etc.), assist the function of lung-metal system(respiration and regulation of water metabolism) and regulate wi-chi (reinforce/control immune system). Consequently, hereafter there would be a necessity of control a circumstance in treatment of various diseases under these categories that probiotics should be able to do their right functions inside the human body.