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  • Title/Summary/Keyword: Household Goods

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Synthesis and Surface Active Properties of Long Chain N-Acyl Collagen Derivatives (고급 지방산 N-아실 콜라겐 유도체의 합성 및 계면활성)

  • Kim, T.Y.;Nam, K.D.;Nam, S.I.;Ahn, J.H.;Lee, J.H.
    • Journal of the Korean Applied Science and Technology
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    • v.10 no.2
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    • pp.81-90
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    • 1993
  • The Surfactants composed of acylated aterocollagen which is produced by the acylation of the side chain amino radicals of aterocollagen with an aliphatic acid having 12 to 18 carbon atoms will be discussed in this study. This condensation is done at moderate reaction temperature (<25C) in aqueous alkaline solution. The products of this reaction were identified by UV/VIS spectroscopy and infrared spectroscopy. For these compounds, surface active properties and physical properties including isoelectric point, Krafft point, surface tension, critical micelle concentration(cmc), foaming power, viscosity behaviour, water holding capacity, skin irritation and emulsifying power were measured respectively. The experimental results received that the products have a good emulsifying power, excellent water holding capacity while having low skin irritation. Thus, these derivatives will be expected to be used as an emulsifying agent for O/W type cosmetic emulsion.

The Actual Condition of Relational Goods and Decomposition (관계재로서 함께하는 시간의 실태와 영향요인 및 분해)

  • Noh, Hyejin
    • Korean Journal of Social Welfare Studies
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    • v.48 no.3
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    • pp.117-143
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    • 2017
  • This study empirically analyzed the factors that intensify the unequal distribution of relational goods through the decomposition of relational gaps and the actual condition of relational goods. The results of the analysis are as follows. First, the average time for forming a relationship with family members or others is 158 minutes in 24 hours a day. Second, tobit regression analysis showed that relational goods time increased as they were employed, more family members, and ownership of their home. On the other hand, relational goods decreased when they were female, double-working, aged, divorced, and increased working time. The increase in household income decreased family relational goods, but increased the time with others. Based on the results of this analysis, this study proposed reduction of working time as a way to increase the happiness by sharing the relationship with meaningful people.

Information Search Factor of Consumer Behavior -In case of purchasing electric goods- (소비자의 정보탐색 행동에 관한 연구 -가전제품 구매행동을 중심으로-)

  • 강미옥
    • Journal of the Korean Home Economics Association
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    • v.30 no.1
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    • pp.149-161
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    • 1992
  • The purpose of this study is to analyze information search activity in purchasing behavior of household electric goods. Qusetionare survey method was used in this research. The sample was taken from 302 housewives living in Seoul, from 9th of Nov. to 20th of Nov, in 1991. Used statical methods were Frequency, Percentage, Crosstab, Anova, and Regression Analysis. The major findings are summarized as follows : 1) Component elements of information search : The means of acquiring information is that friends, neighbors, sales are most. A cause of choosing information is the sequence of satisfaction after using, easiness of interaction. The time in choosing goods is more month. 2) Component element of information search as social economic status housewife : children numbers and means of acquiring information(P<.01), education and a cause of choosing information(P<.05), life cost per month and a cause of choosing information(P<.05), social economic status and a time information search are significant. 3) A perception of risk as searching information : Among searching content of information a price influence a perception of risk. 4) Content of searching information and satisfaction of purchasing experience : Best choice is significant as quality of goods, difference of quality is significant as safety and degree of offering information is significant as a brand. 5) Satisfaction of purchasing experience following practical use of information : Best choice is significant as viewing of an exhibit and opinion of user. Difference of quality is not significant as any vairable. Degree of offer information influence searching pamphlet, searching an advertisement and opinion of user. 6) A perception of risk following source of an information : A perception of risk is most influenced by pamphlet.

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Conjugal Role Structure in the Purchasing Decision Process (구매결정과정에서의 부부의 역할구조)

  • 윤복자
    • Journal of the Korean Home Economics Association
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    • v.19 no.4
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    • pp.73-84
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    • 1981
  • The purpose of this study was to examine the conjugal role structure in the purchasing decision process : problem precognition, information seeking and evaluating, final decision, and actually making the purchase, through a survey of the degree of conjugal involvement. The specific objectives were 1) to examine the conjugal role structure and differences at each phase of the decision process in purchasing of residence and twelve durable household consumer goods, 2) to determine the differences between conjugal role structure in each phase of the purchasing decision process and conjugal demographic factors(number of years married, conjugal education level, conjugal occupation, and income). Questionnaires were given to randomly selected husbands and wives in /seoul I October, 1980. data from the 275 responses were analyzed by percentage, mean, and F-test(analysis of variance). The results are as follows : 1) The conjugal role structure for the purchasing decision process of residence and twelve durable household consumer goods was analyzed by percent. It was found that role structure was specialized by the type of item. for instance, furniture and home appliances were purchased by wives; amusement goods and cars were purchased by husbands' and residence was purchased by joint. However, conjugal role structure in the purchasing decision process differed by phased of process : (1) Wives involvement in the phase of problem recognition was greater than their involvement in information seeking and evaluating, but husbands' involvement a in the phase of information seeking and evaluating was slightly greater than their involvement in problem recognition. (2) Husbands' involvement in the phase of making the final decision was far greater than their involvement I information seeking and evaluating. (3) Wives' involvement in the actually making of the purchase was far greater than their involvement in making the final decision. 2) Only one among conjugal demographic factors was significantly related to conjugal role structure. That, is, conjugal role structure in the purchasing decision process showed that the wives' involvement I making the final decision and in actually making the purchase increased with number of years married.

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A Study on Determinants of Expenditure in Leisure Culture Consumption Market (레저문화 소비시장의 지출결정요인에 관한 연구)

  • Lee, Seung-gil
    • The Journal of the Convergence on Culture Technology
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    • v.5 no.4
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    • pp.43-49
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    • 2019
  • The purpose of this study is to estimate the expenditure determinants of the leisure goods consumption market. In order to achieve the research purpose, 6597 samples of household trend survey data were used. Tobit model was applied to estimate expenditure determinants. As a result of analysis, expenditure determinants for sporting goods were influenced by marital status, education level, age, number of households, housing ownership and income level. The variables influencing spending on leisure items such as mountain climbing, fishing and hunting items were influenced by gender, marital status, education level, age, number of households, housing ownership and income level. The analysis results can be used as policy data for the establishment of leisure culture. The National Statistical Office's household trend survey is a yearly survey through a nationwide survey, but despite the fact that it is reliable data, it is not possible to apply various variables such as psychological characteristics to estimate consumer expenditure determinants more concretely. Has a limit of.

Machine Learning Approach to the Effects of the Superstore Mandatory Closing Regulation

  • AN, Jiyoung;PARK, Heedae
    • Journal of Distribution Science
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    • v.18 no.2
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    • pp.69-77
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    • 2020
  • Purpose - This paper is aimed to analyze the effects of the mandatory closing regulation targeting large retailers, which has been implemented since 2012 to protect small retailers. We examine the changes in consumers' choice of retailers and their purchasing patterns of agri-food following the implementation of such regulation. Research design, data, and methodology - Household spending patterns were identified through the historical data of household food purchase, consumer panel provided by the Rural Development Administration. Clustering was employed to determine the household spending patterns. Moreover, the different household spending patterns before and after the regulation were comparatively studied. The patterns of consumers' choice of retail stores and shopping baskets by the type of retailers, derived from the respective datasets before and after the regulation, were compared to analyze the effects of the regulation. Results -After the regulation, some consumers who used to shop at large retailers before the regulation changed their shopping places to small retailers. However, the product categories that consumers had mainly purchased before the regulation were rarely changed even after the regulation. Conclusions - Although the regulation helped migrate some of the consumers to small retailers, the regulation seemed to have failed to stimulate consumers to purchase the goods, normally bought at large retailers, from traditional markets. In other words, traditional markets are not effective substitutes for regulation-affected retailers.

Decomposition of Direct and Indirect Energy Consumption Growth in Korea from 1990 to 2000 (한국 가정부문 직간접 에너지소비의 증가요인 분석: 1990~2000)

  • Park, Hi-Chun
    • Environmental and Resource Economics Review
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    • v.15 no.3
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    • pp.531-553
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    • 2006
  • As energy conservation can be realized through changes in the composition of goods and services consumed, there is a need to assess indirect and total household energy requirements. The Korean household sector was responsible for about 55% of the country's primary energy requirement in the period from 1990 to 2000. And more than 60% of household energy requirement was indirect. Thus, indirect and total rather than direct household energy requirements should be the target of energy conservation policies. Increases in household consumption expenditure were responsible for a relatively high growth of energy consumption. Switching to consumption of less energy intensive products and decrease in energy intensities of products contributed substantially to reduce the increase in total household energy requirement.

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A Study on the Remedy for Breach of Warranty under the Uniform Commercial Code (UCC상 Warranty 위반의 구제에 관한 연구)

  • 서정일
    • Journal of Arbitration Studies
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    • v.13 no.2
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    • pp.291-319
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    • 2004
  • The seller may take a warranty with respect to the goods. If they are not as warranted, they may be held liable for the breach of warranty. Even when they has not made a warranty, the law will in some instances hold them responsible as though they had made a warranty. An express warranty is a part the basis for the sale. That is, the buyer has purchased the goods on the reasonable assumption that they were as stated by the seller. When the buyer intends to use the goods for a particular or usual purpose, as contrasted with the ordinary use for which they are customarily sold, the seller makes an implied warranty that the goods will be fit for the purpose when the buyer relies on the seller's skill or judgment to select or furnish suitable goods, and when the seller at the time of contracting knows or has reason to know the buyer's particular purpose and his reliance on the seller's judgment. A merchant seller who makes a sale of goods in which he customarily deals makes an implied warranty of merchantability. The Uniform Commercial Code expressly abolishes the requirement a privies to a limited extent by permitting a suit for breach of warranty to be brought against the seller by members of the buyer's family, his household, and his guests, with respect to personal injury sustained by them. Apart from the express provision made by the Code, there is a conflict of authority as to whether privies of contract is required in other cases, with the trend being toward the abolition of that requirement. At common law the rule was that only the parties to a transaction had my rights relating to it. Accordingly, the buyer could sue his immediate seller for breach of warranties. The rule was stated in the terms that there could be no suit for breach of warranty unless there was a privies of contract. The code expressly abolishes the requirement of privies to a limited extent by permitting a suit for breach of warranty to be bought against the seller by members of the buyer. Apart from the express provision made by the Code, there is a conflict of authority as to whether privies of contract is required in other cases, with the trend being toward the abolition of that requirement.

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Income-Consumption and Inequality Structural Changes in the Agricultural Economy (농가경제의 소득-소비와 불평등 구조 변화 분석)

  • Ha-Young Jeong;Ye-Jin Song;Duk-Byeong Park
    • Journal of Agricultural Extension & Community Development
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    • v.30 no.4
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    • pp.229-241
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    • 2023
  • This study aims to examine the farm household income and consumption structure change as well as farm income inequality. Data from the Agricultural Household Survey for the years 2016, 2021, and 2022 were hired to analyze farm income inequality by the Gini coefficient decomposition method. Results show that from 2016 to 2021, all income quintiles exhibited an increasing trend, but in 2022, income decreased across all quintiles. As a result of analyzing farm household consumption expenditure, consumption expenditure increased in all income quintiles in 2021 and 2022 compared to 2016, but consumption of optional goods decreased in the fifth quintile. In addition, it was found that farmers in the first quartile had higher consumption expenditures and expenditures on options than those in the second quartile. The analysis of farm income by region show that public subsidies increased significantly for general rural farmers than for farmers in special and metropolitan areas in all income quintiles during the period. In the case of the first quintile, farm household income in rural areas in special and metropolitan cities increased compared to general rural areas. In the fifth quartile, agricultural income and sideline income in general rural areas increased compared to rural areas in special and metropolitan cities, while rural areas in special and metropolitan cities increased non-business income compared to rural areas. Results of farming income inequality by income type show a steady decline in inequality from 2016 to 2022, indicating that the decreasing gini coefficinet of public subsidies is contributing to the decline in farm income inequality. Private subsidies and side income are shown to increase inequality.

Korean Resident's Identity of Housing in Canada (캐나다 교민의 주거아이덴티티에 관한 연구)

  • 박선희
    • Journal of the Korean housing association
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    • v.14 no.3
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    • pp.109-118
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    • 2003
  • The purpose of this study is to investigate identity of Korean resident's on housing in Canada. A questionnaire survey method was used to collect data for this study. Results of the analyses showed that Korean styled decorations were the most possessions to express their identity, while the possession degrees of Korean household goods and Korean style furniture were relatively low. An electric mat and a low table were frequently being used in their home. The using degree of these goods were significantly different according to the residential period in Canada. Almost Korean-canadian tended to have a style of sitting on the floor in the behavior of sewing, ironing, entertaining, watching the T.V. This behavior style were significantly different according to family income, houses style, the house ownership.