• Title/Summary/Keyword: Hospital, general

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An Exploratory Study of Hospice Care to Patients with Advanced Cancer (암환자를 위한 호스피스 케어에 관한 탐색적 연구)

  • Park, Hye-Ja
    • The Korean Nurse
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    • v.28 no.3
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    • pp.52-67
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    • 1989
  • True nursing care means total nursing care which includes physical, emotional and spiritual care. The modern nursing care has tendency to focus toward physical care and needs attention toward emotional and spiritual care. The total nursing care is mandatory for patients with terminal cancer and for this purpose, hospice care became emerged. Hospice case originated from the place or shelter for the travellers to Jerusalem in medieval stage. However, the meaning of modem hospice care became changed to total nursing care for dying patients. Modern hospice care has been developed in England, and spreaded to U.S.A. and Canada for the patients with terminal cancer. Nowaday, it became a part of nursing care and the concept of hospice care extended to the palliative care of the cancer patients. Recently, it was introduced to Korea and received attention as model of total nursing care. This study was attempted to assess the efficacy of hospice care. The purpose of this study was to prove a difference in terms of physical, emotional a d spiritual aspect between the group who received hospice care and who didn't receive hospice care. The subject for this study were 113 patients with advanced cancer who were hospitalized in the S different hospitals. 67 patients received hospice care in 4 different hospitals, and 46 patients didn't receive hospice care in another 4 different hospitals. The method of this study was the questionaire which was made through the descriptive study. The descriptive study was made by individual contact with 102 patients cf advanced cancer for 9 months period. The measurement tool for questionaire was made by author through the descriptive study, and included the personal religious orientation obtained from chung(originated R. Fleck) and 5 emotional stages before dying from Kubler Ross. The content ol questionaire consisted in 67 items which included 11 for general characteristics, 10 for related condition with cancer, 13 for wishes far physical therapy, 13 for emotional reactions and 20 for personal religious orientation. Data for this study was collected from Aug. 25 to Oct. 6 by author and 4 other nurse's who received education and training by author for the collection of data. The collected data were ana lysed using descriptive statistics, X2test, t-test and pearson correlation coefficient. Results of the study were as follows: "H.C Group" means the group of patient with cancer who received hospice care. "Non H.C Group" means the group of patient with cancer who did not receive hospice care. 1. There is a difference between H.C Group and Non H.C Group in term of the number of physical symptoms, subjective degree of pain sensation and pain control, subjective beliefs in physical cure, emotional reaction, help of present emotional and spiritual care from other personal, needs of emotional and spiritual care in future, selection of treatment method by patients and personal religious orientation. 2. The comparison of H.C Group and Non H.C Group 1) There is no difference in wishes for physical therapy between two groups(p=.522). Among Non H.C Group, a group, who didn't receive traditional therapy and herb medicine was higher than a group who received these in degree of belief that the traditional therapy and herb medicine can cure their disease, and this result was higher in comparison to H.C Group(p=.025, p=.050). 2) Non H.C Group was higher than H.C Group in degree of emotional reaction(p=.050). H.C Group was higher than Non H.C Group in denial and acceptant stage among 5 different emotional stages before dying described by Kubler Ross, especially among the patient who had disease more than 13 months(p=.0069, p=.0198). 3) Non H.C Group was higher than H. C Group in demanding more emotional and spiritual care to doctor, nurse, family and pastor(p=. 010). 4) Non H.C Group was higher than H.C Group in demanding more emotional and spiritual care to each individual of doctor, nurse and family (p=.0110, p=.0029, P=. 0053). 5) H.C Group was higher th2.n Non H.C Group in degree of intrinsic behavior orientation and intrinsic belief orientation of personal religious orientation(p=.034, p=.026). 6) In H.C Group and Non H.C Group, the degree of emotional demanding of christians was significantly higher than non christians to doctor, nurse, family and pastor(p=. 000, p=.035). 7) In H.C Group there were significant positive correlations as following; (1) Between the degree of emotional demandings to doctor, nurse, family & pastor and: the degree of intrinsic behavior orientation in personal religious orientation(r=. 5512, p=.000). (2) Between the degree of emotional demandings to doctor, nurse. family & pastor and the degree of intrinsic belief orientation in personal religious orientation(r=.4795, p=.000). (3) Between the degree of intrinsic behavior orientation and the degree of intrinsic: belief orientation in personal religious orientation(r=.8986, p=.000). (4) Between the degree of extrinsic religious orientation and the degree of consensus religious orientation in personal religious orientation (r=. 2640, p=.015). In H.C. Group there were significant negative correlations as following; (1) Between the degree of intrinsic behavior orientation and extrinsic religious orientation in personal religious orientation (r=-.4218, p=.000). (2) Between the degree or intrinsic behavior orientation and consensus religious orientation in personal religious orientation(r=-. 4597, p=.000). (3) Between the degree of intrinsic belief orientations and the degree of extrinsic religious orientation in personal religious orientation(r=-.4388, p=.000). (4) Between the degree of intrinsic belief orientation and the degree of consensus religious orientation in personal religious orientation(r=-. 5424, p=.000). 8) In Non H.C Group there were significant positive correlation as following; (1) Between the degree of emotional demandings to doctor, nurse, family & pastor and the degree of intrinsic behavior orientation in personal religious orientation(r= .3566, p=.007). (2) Between the degree of emotional demandings to doctor, nurse, family & pastor and the degree of intrinsic belief orientation in personal religious orientation(r=.3430, p=.010). (3) Between the degree of intrinsic behavior orientation and the degree of intrinsic belief orientation in personal religious orientation(r=.9723, p=.000). In Non H.C Group there were significant negative correlation as following; (1) Between the degree of emotional demandings to doctor, nurse, family & pastor and the degree of extrinsic religious orientation in personal religious orientation(r= -.2862, p=.027). (2) Between the degree of intrinsic behavior orientation and the degree of extrinsic religious orientation in personal religious orientation(r=-. 5083, p=.000). (3) Between the degree of intrinsic belief orientation and the degree of extrinsic religious orientation in personal religious orientation(r=-. 5013, p=.000). In conclusion above datas suggest that hospice care provide effective total nursing care for the patients with terminal cancer, and hospice care is mandatory in all medical institutions.

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Effects of Market Orientation and Relationship Orientation with Suppliers on Business Performance in Animal Clinic Industry: Moderating Effects of Entrepreneur's Characteristics and Clinic Location (동물병원의 시장지향성과 공급업체와의 관계지향성이 동물병원 성과에 미치는 영향: 경영자의 특성과 동물병원 입지에 따른 조절효과)

  • Yoo, Dong-Keun;Suh, Seung-Won;Lee, Yong-Ki
    • Journal of Global Scholars of Marketing Science
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    • v.18 no.2
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    • pp.189-222
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    • 2008
  • This study developed a model to empirically investigate the effects of market orientation and relationship orientation with suppliers on business performance and examine the moderating effects of entrepreneur's characteristics (working tenure) and clinic's location. The data was collected from 200 animal clinics which belong to Korean Animal Hospital Association (KAHA)'s national conference in April, 2007. Descriptive statistic, factor analysis, reliability analysis, and regression analysis were conducted to analyze the data using SPSS/PC+ 12.0. The findings are as follows. First, the market orientation of animal clinics influences significantly both financial and non-financial performance. When the moderating effect of entrepreneur's working tenure is considered, market orientation has significant effect on animal clinic's financial and non-financial performance. However, when the moderating effect of animal clinic's location is considered, market orientation has not significant effect on animal clinic's financial and non-financial performance. Second, animal clinic's relationship orientation with suppliers mostly affects the financial and non-financial performance significantly. When entrepreneur's working tenure in the clinic is longer (above 4 years group), relationship orientation with suppliers significantly affects both financial and non-financial performance. Meanwhile, when the entrepreneur's working tenure in the clinic is shorter (less than 3 years group), relationship orientation with suppliers doesn't affect clinic's financial performance but affect non-financial performance partially. In other words, when entrepreneur's working tenure is shorter (less than 3 years group), market orientation more influences on clinic's financial and non-financial performance while relationship orientation with suppliers does less. It is thought that their relation with suppliers and relationship orientation activities with suppliers are less strongly established and maintained yet. So, they primarily focus on market orientation strategy when entrepreneur's working tenure is shorter. Third, when animal clinics are located in non-metropolitan area, relationship orientation with suppliers significantly affects financial and non-financial performance. However, when animal clinics are located in metropolitan area, it doesn't affect financial and non-financial performance either. It is thought that animal clinics which are located in non-metropolitan area need stronger relationship with suppliers and need support more from them as most of suppliers actively work in metropolitan area not in the non-metropolitan area and animal clinics in metropolitan area can easily get better market information than animal clinics in non-metropolitan area. Lastly, while the effect of the market orientation significantly influences animal clinic's business performance continuously, the effect of the relationship orientation differently influences business performance as it is moderated by entrepreneur's working tenure and animal clinic's location. So, relationship orientation with suppliers can be selectively applied to improve the clinic's financial and no-financial performance. In summary, both of animal clinic's marketing orientation and animal clinic's relationship orientation with suppliers positively influence their business performance. However, entrepreneur's working tenure and animal clinic location moderate the relationship between market orientation and relationship orientation and their business performance differently. This study is quite meaningful to empirically investigate the effects of both of market orientation and relationship orientation with suppliers on business performance and examine the moderating effects of entrepreneur's characteristics (working tenure) and clinic's location. And, as this kind of study has been very few in the context of animal clinic industry, it helps practically understand the effects of market orientation and relationship orientation with suppliers on the financial and non-financial performance in animal clinic industry. Furthermore, as the market conditions in animal clinic industry have been in difficulty for a few years, this study can help improve animal clinic's financial and non-financial business performance together with their suppliers as business partners. Lastly, this study can help find mid-term and long-term cooperation between animal clinics and their suppliers. This study has some limitations. So, care should be taken when generalizing the results of the study. First, our samples were collected from only the animal clinics industry. However, a comparison of the results presented here with those form other marketing contexts (e.g., general hospitals) would be worthwhile. Future comparative research will enhance the generality of our contingency theory cross industry context. Second, this study found that market orientation and relationship orientation affect business performance. However, there may be other antecedents, such as internal market orientation and relationship orientation with customers. Also, this research did not consider other moderators, such as overall market conditions, competitive situations, and power/conflict between suppliers and buyers in the relationship between market and relationship orientation and business performance.

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Clinical Features and Treatment Response in 18 Cases with Idiopathic Nonspecific Interstitial Pneumonia (특발성 비특이성 간질성 폐렴 18례의 임상상 및 치료반응)

  • Kang, Eun-Hae;Chung, Man-Pyo;Kang, Soo-Jung;An, Chang-Hyeok;Ahn, Jong-Woon;Han, Joung-Ho;Lee, Kyung-Soo;Lim, Si-Young;Suh, Gee-Young;Kim, Ho-Joong;Kwon, O-Jung;Rhee, Chong-H.
    • Tuberculosis and Respiratory Diseases
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    • v.48 no.4
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    • pp.530-542
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    • 2000
  • Background : Nonspecific interstitial pneumonia (NSIP) has been reported recently to have shown much better response to medical treatment and better prognosis compared with idiopathic UIP. However, clinical characteristics of idiopathic NSIP discriminating it from UIP have not been clearly defined. Method : Among 120 patients with biopsy-proven diffuse interstitial lung diseases admitted to the Samsung Medical Center between July 1996 and March 2000, 18 patients with idiopathic NSIP were included in this study. Retrospective chart review and radiographic analysis were performed. Results : 1) At diagnosis, 17 patients were female and the average age was 55.2±8.4 years (44~73 years). The average duration from development of respiratory symptom to surgical lung biopsy was 9.9±17.1 months. Increase in bronchoalveolar lavage fluid lymphocytes (23.0±13.1) was noted. On HRCT, ground glass and irregular linear opacity were observed, but honeycombing was absent in all patients. 2) Corticosteroids were initially given to 13 patients, but the medication was stopped in 3 patients due to severe side effects. Further medical therapy was not possible in 1 patient who experienced streroid-induced psychosis. Herpes zoster (n=3), tuberculosis (n=1), avascular necrosis of the hip (n=1), cataract (n=2) and diabetes mellitus (n=1) developed during prolonged corticosteroid administration. Of the 7 patients receiving oral cyclophosphamide therapy, hemorrhagic cystitis hindered one patient from continuing with the medication. 3) After medical treatment, 14 of 17 patients improved, and 3 patients remained stable (mean follow-up ; 24.1±11.2 months). FVC increased by 20.2±11.2 of predicted value and the extent of ground glass opacity on HRCT decreased significantly (15.7±14.7). 4) Of the 14 patients who had stopped medication, 5 showed recurrence of NSIP and 2 became aggravated during steroid tapering. All patients with recurrence showed deterioration within one year after completion of initial treatment. Conclusion : Since idiopathic NSIP has unique clinical profiles and shows good prognosis, diagnosis different from UIP, and aggressive medical treatment are needed.

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Role of Invasive Procedures in the Diagnosis and Management of Pulmonary Infiltrates in Patients with Leukemia (백혈병 환자에서 발생한 폐침윤의 진단 및 치료에 있어 침습적 검사의 역할)

  • Kang, Soo-Jung;Park, Sang-Joon;An, Chang-Hyeok;Ahn, Jong-Woon;Kim, Ho-Cheol;Lim, Si-Young;Suh, Gee-Young;Kim, Ho-Joong;Kwon, O-Jung;Lee, Hong-Ghi;Rhee, Chong-H.;Chung, Man-Pyo
    • Tuberculosis and Respiratory Diseases
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    • v.48 no.4
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    • pp.448-463
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    • 2000
  • Background : Pulmonary infiltrate is a frequent cause of morbidity and mortality in patients with leukemia. It is often hard to obtain a reliable diagnosis by clinical and radiologic findings alone. The aim of this study was to evaluate diagnostic and therapeutic benefits of invasive procedures for new lung infiltrates in leukemia. Methods : Patients with leukemia who developed new lung infiltrates from December 1994 to March 1999 were included in this study. These patients were classified into the empirical group who received empirical therapy only and into the invasive group who underwent bronchoscopy or surgical lung biopsy for the diagnostic purpose of new lung infiltrates. A retrospective chart review was done to find the etiologies of new lung infiltrates, the yield of invasive procedures, outcome as well as predicting factors for survival. Results : 1) One hundred-two episodes of new lung infiltrates developed in 90 patients with leukemia. Invasive procedures were performed in 44 episodes while 58 episodes were treated with empirical therapy only. 2) Invasive procedures yielded a specific diagnosis in 72.7%(32/44), of which 78.1% had infectious etiology. Therapeutic plan was changed in 52.3%(23/44) of patients after invasive procedures. None of them showed procedure-related mortality. 3) The overall survival rate was 62.7%(64/102). Survival rate in the invasive group (79.5%) was significantly better than that in the empirical group (50.0%) (p=0.002). 4) Upon multivariate analysis, the performance of invasive procedures, no need for mechanical ventilation and achievement of complete remission of leukemia after induction chemotherapy were the independent predicting factors for survival in patients with leukemia and new lung infiltrates. Conclusion : Bronchoscopy and surgical lung biopsy are useful in the diagnosis of new lung infiltrates in patients with leukemia. However, survival benefits of invasive procedures should be considered together with disease status of leukemia and severity of respiratory compromise.

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Breast Conservation Therapy Versus Mastectomy - Preliminary Results of Pattern of Failure and Survival Rate in Early Breast Cancer (조기유방암에서 유방보존치료와 유방전절제술의 치료결과 및 실패양상 비교)

  • Kim Yeon-Sil;Yoon Sei-Chul;Chung Su-Mi;Ryu Mi-Ryeong;Jung Sang-Sul;Choi Ihl-Bohng
    • Radiation Oncology Journal
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    • v.22 no.2
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    • pp.115-123
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    • 2004
  • Purpose : This retrospective study was conducted to compare early preliminary results of breast conservation therapy (BCT) with mastectomy In early breast cancer. Materials and Methods : We evaluated 171 women with AJCC stage I and II breast cancer who had been treated at Kangnam St. Mary's Hospital from March 1989 to August 1996. Eighty-eight patients underwent mastectomy and 85 patients did conservative surgery with breast irradiation. in the BCT group, all patients received whole breast irradiation to a total dose of 45\~50 Gy/5\~6 wks, followed by a boost to the original tumor site at least 60 Gy. Chemotherapy was administered to 29 (34.1%) patients in BCT and 40 (45.5%) in mastectomy, with various sequencing of surgery and/or radiation. We compared survival rate, patterns of failure in each treatment group and the prognostic factors that had a significant effect on treatment failure. The median follow-up time was 63 months (19\~111 months). Log rank test was used to estimate the prognostic factors for treatment failure. Results : Overall survival, disease free survival, locoregional recurrence and distant metastasis rates were not significantly different between the two treatment groups. During the follow-up period, 11 patients (12.5%)in the mastectomy group and 10 patients (11.8%% in the BCT group were failed. Six local recurrences occurred after mastectomy and 5 after BCT Five patients fatted at distant site in mastectomy and 4 in BCT. Of the local recurrence cases, five of 6 mastectomy patients and 3 of S BCT patients were alive with no evidence of disease after salvage surgery and/or chemoirradiation. Our results indicated that the major influence on survival was distant metastasis. Unfortunately, control of distant metastasisis was not frequently achieved. Even with salvage systemic therapy or radiotherapy, most of distant metastasis patients died or had uncontrolled disease in both treatment groups: only one of 4 BCT patients and none of mastectomy patients were alive without disease. There was no apparent difference in the incidence rate of contralateral breast cancer and non-breast 2nd primary tumor between the two treatment groups. Univariate Log-rank test identified the N stage and the involved axillary LN number as distinct prognostic factors that were highly predictive of treatment failure in both treatment groups. Additionally, marginal status in BCT and histologic nuclear grade In the mastectomy group were risk factors for treatment fallure (p < 0.05). Concousion : Although further careful follow-up is necessary to confirm the trends evident In this serles, it would appear that patterns of failure and survival rate following conservative surgery and radiotherapy in early breast cancer are similar to those following mastectomy. The great majority of patients with local recurrence had an exellent salvage rate in both treatment groups. Therefore, these preliminary short term results support BCT as an equally effective management for early breast cancer as an alternative to mastectomy.


  • Lee, Soo-Kyung;Hong, Kang-E
    • Journal of the Korean Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry
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    • v.10 no.2
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    • pp.145-157
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    • 1999
  • This study was performed by the children and adolescents who were abused or neglected physically, emotionally that were selected in child & adolescents psychiatric ward. We investigated the number of these case in admitted children & adolescents, and also observed characteristics of symptoms, developmental history, characteristics of abuse style, characteristics of abusers, family dynamics and psychopathology. We hypothesized that all kinds of abuse will influnced to emotional, behavioral problems, developmental courses on victims, interactive effects on family dynamics and psychopathology. That subjects were 22 persons of victims who be determined by clinical observation and clinical note. The results of the study were as follows:1) Demographic characteristics of victims:ratio of sex was 1:6.3(male:female), mean age was 11.1±2.5. According to birth order, lst was 12(54.5%), 2nd was 5(23%), 3rd was 2(9%) and only child was 3(13.5%). 2) Characteristics of family:According to socioeconomic status, middle to high class was 3(13.5%), middle one was 9(41.% ), middle to low one was 9(41%), low one was 1(0.5%). according to number of family, under the 3 person was 3(13.5%), 4-5 was 17(77.5%), 6-7 was 2(9%). according to marital status of parents, divorce or seperation were 5(23%), remarriage 2(9%), severe marital discord was 19(86.5%). In father, antisocial behavior was 7(32%), alcohol dependence was 10(45.5%). In mother, alcohol abuse was 5(23%), depression was 17(77.3%), history of psychiatric management was 6(27%). 3) Characteristics of abuse:Physical abuse was 18(81.8%), physical and emotional abuse and neglect were 4(18.2%). according to onset of abuse, before 3 years was 15(54.5%), 3-6 years was 5(27.5%), schooler was 1(15%). Only father offender was 2(19%), only mother offender was 8(35.4%), both offender was 8(35.4%), accompaning with spouse abuse was 7(27%), and accompaning with other sibling abuse was 4(18.2%). 4) General characteristics and developmental history of victims:Unwanted baby was 12(54.5%), developmental delay before abuse was9(41%), comorbid developmental disorder was 15(68%). there were 6(27.5%) who didn‘t show definite sign of developmental delay before abuse. 5) Main diagnosis and comorbid diagnosis:According to main diagnosis, conduct disorder 6(27.3%), borderline child 5(23%), depression4(18%), attention deficit hyperactivity disorder(ADHD) 4(18%), pervasive developmental disorder not otherwise specified 2(9%), selective mutism 1(5%). According to comorbid diagnosis, ADHD, borderline intelligence, mental retardation, learning disorder, developmental language disorder, oppositional defiant disorder, chronic tic disorder, functional enuresis and encoporesis, anxiety disorder, dissociative disorder, personality disorder due to medical condition. 5) Course of treatment:A mean duration of admission was 2.4±1.5 months. 11(15%) showed improvement of symtoms, however 11(50%) was not changed of symtoms.

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Evaluation of Parameters of Gas Exchange During Partial Liquid Ventilation in Normal Rabbit Lung (토끼의 정상 폐 모델에서 부분액체환기 시 가스교환에 영향을 주는 인자들에 대한 연구)

  • An, Chang-Hyeok;Koh, Young-Min;Park, Chong-Wung;Suh, Gee-Young;Koh, Won-Jung;Lim, Sung-Yong;Kim, Cheol-Hong;Ahn, Young-Mee;Chung, Man-Pyo;Kim, Ho-Joong;Kwon, O-Jung
    • Tuberculosis and Respiratory Diseases
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    • v.52 no.1
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    • pp.14-23
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    • 2002
  • Background: The opitmal ventilator setting during partial liquid ventilation(PLV) is controversial. This study investigated the effects of various gas exchange parameters during PLV in normal rabbit lungs in order to aid in the development of an optimal ventilator setting during PLV. Methods: Seven New-Zealand white rabbits were ventilated in pressure-controlled mode with the following settings; tidal volume(VT) 8 mL/kg, positive end-expiratory pressure(PEEP) 4 cmH2O, inspiratory-to-expiratory ratio(I:E ratio) 1:2, fraction of inspired oxygen(FTO2) 1.0. The respiration rate(RR) was adjusted to keep PaCO2 between 35~45 mmHg. The ventilator settings were changed every 30 min in the following sequence : (1) Baseline, as the basal ventilator setting, (2) Inverse ratio, I:E ratio 2:1, (3) high PEEP, adjust PEEP to achieve the same mean inspiratory pressure (MIP) as in the inverse ratio, (4) High VT, VT 15 mL/kg, (5) high RR, the same minute ventilation (MV) as in the High VT. Subsequently, the same protocol was repeated after instilling 18 mL/kg of perfluorodecalin for PLV. The parameters of gas exchange, lung mechanics, and hemodynamics were examined. Results: (1) The gas ventilation(GV) group showed no significant changes in the PaO2 at all phases. The PaCO2 was lower and the pH was higher at the high VT and high RR phases(p<0.05). No significant changes in the lung mechanics and hemodynamics parameters were observed. (2) The baseline PaO2 for the PLV was 312± mmHg. This was significantly lower when decreased compared to the baseline PaO2 for GV which was 504±81 mmHg(p=0.001). During PLV, the PaO2, was significantly higher at the high PEEP(452±38 mmHg) and high VT (461±53 mmHg) phases compared with the baseline phase. However, it did not change significantly during the inverse I:E ratio or the high RR phases. (3) The PaCO2 was significantly lower at high VT and RR phases for both the GV and PLV. During the PLV, PaCO2 were significantly higher compared to the GV (p<0.05). (4) There were no important or significant changes in of baseline and high RR phases lung mechanics and hemodynamics parameters during the PLV. Conclusion: During PLV in the normal lung, adequate VT and PEEP are important for optimal oxygenation.

Postoperstive Chemoradiotherapy in Locally Advanced Rectal Cancer (국소 진행된 직장암에서 수술 후 화학방사선요법)

  • Chai, Gyu-Young;Kang, Ki-Mun;Choi, Sang-Gyeong
    • Radiation Oncology Journal
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    • v.20 no.3
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    • pp.221-227
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    • 2002
  • Purpose : To evaluate the role of postoperative chemoradiotherapy in locally advanced rectal cancer, we retrospectively analyzed the treatment results of patients treated by curative surgical resection and postoperative chemoradiotherapy. Materials and Methods : From April 1989 through December 1998, 119 patients were treated with curative surgery and postoperative chemoradiotherapy for rectal carcinoma in Gyeongsang National University Hospital. Patient age ranged from 32 to 73 years, with a median age of 56 years. Low anterior resection was peformed in 59 patients, and abdominoperineal resection in 60. Forty-three patients were AJCC stage II and 76 were stage III. Radiation was delivered with 6 MV X rays using either AP-PA two fields, AP-PA both lateral four fields, or PA both lateral three fields. Total radiation dose ranged from 40 Gy to 56 Gy. In 73 patients, bolus infusions of 5-FU (400mg/m2) were given during the first and fourth weeks of radiotherapy. After completion of radiotherapy, an additional four to six cycles of 5-FU were given. Oral 5-FU (Furtulone) was given for nine months in 46 patients. Results : Forty (33.7%) of the 119 patients showed treatment failure. Local failure occurred in 16 (13.5%) patients, 1 (2.3%) of 43 stage II patients and 15 (19.7%) of 76 stage III patients. Distant failure occurred in 31 (26.1%) patients, among whom 5 (11.6%) were stage II and 26 (34.2%) were stage III. Five-year actuarial survival was 56.2% overall, 71.1% in stage II patients and 49.1% in stage III patients (p=0.0008). Five-year disease free survival was 53.3% overall, 68.1% in stage II and 45.8% in stage III (p=0.0006). Multivariate analysis showed that T stage and N stage were significant prognostic factors for five year survival, and that T stage, N stage, and preoperative CEA value were significant prognostic factors for five year disease free survival. Bowel complication occurred in 22 patients, and was treated surgically in 15 (12.6%), and conservatively in 7 (5.9%). Conclusion : Postoperative chemoradiotherapy was confirmed to be an effective modality for local control of rectal cancer, but the distant failure rate remained high. More effective modalities should be investigated to lower the distant failure rate.

Effects of High Glucose and Advanced Glycosylation Endproducts(AGE) on the in vitro Permeability Model (당과 후기당화합물의 생체 외 사구체여과율 모델에 대한 역할)

  • Lee Jun-Ho;Ha Tae-Sun
    • Childhood Kidney Diseases
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    • v.10 no.1
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    • pp.8-17
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    • 2006
  • Purpose : We describe the changes of rat glomerular epithelial cells when exposed to high levels of glucose and advanced glycosylation endproducts(AGE) in the in vitro diabetic condition. We expect morphological alteration of glomerular epithelial cells and permeability changes experimentally and we may correlate the results with a mechanism of proteinuria in DM. Methods : We made 0.2 M glucose-6-phsphate solution mixed with PBS(pH 7.4) containing 50 mg/mL BSA and pretense inhibitor for preparation of AGE. As control, we used BSA. We manufactured and symbolized five culture dishes as follows; B5 - normal glucose(5 mM) + BSA, B30 - high glucose(30 mM) + BSA, A5 - normal glucose(5 mM) + AGE, A30 - high glucose(30 mM) + AGE, A/B 25 - normal glucose(5 mM) + 25 mM of mannitol(osmotic control). After the incubation period of both two days and seven days, we measured the amount of heparan sulfate proteoglycan(HSPG) in each dish by ELISA and compared them with the B5 dish at 2nd and 7th incubation days. We observed the morphological changes of epithelial cells in each culture dish using scanning electron microscopy(SEM). We tried the permeability assay of glomerular epithelial cells using cellulose semi-permeable membrane measuring the amount of filtered BSA through the apical chamber for 2 hours by sandwich ELISA. Results : On the 2nd incubation day, there was no significant difference in the amount of HSPG between the 5 culture dishes. But on the 7th incubation day, the amount of HSPG increased by 10% compared with the B5 dish on the 2nd day except the A30 dish(P<0.05). Compared with the B5 dish on the 7th day the amount of HSPG in A30 and B30 dish decreased to 77.8% and 95.3% of baseline, respectively(P>0.05). In the osmotic control group (A/B 25) no significant correlation was observed. On the SEM, we could see the separated intercellular junction and fused microvilli of glomerular epithelial cells in the culture dishes where AGE was added. The permeability of BSA increased by 19% only in the A30 dish on the 7th day compared with B5 dish on the 7th day in the permeability assay(P<0.05). Conclusion: We observed not only the role of a high level of glucose and AGE in decreasing the production of HSPG of glomerular epithelial cells in vitro, but also their additive effect. However, the role of AGE is greater than that of glucose. These results seems to correlate with the defects in charge selective barrier. Morphological changes of the disruption of intercellular junction and fused microvilli of glomerular epithelial cells seem to correlate with the defects in size-selective barrier. Therefore, we can explain the increased permeability of glomerular epithelial units in the in vitro diabetic condition.

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A Study on Nutritional Status of Young Children in Rural Korea (농촌영유아의 영양상태(營養狀態)에 관(關)한 조사연구(調査硏究))

  • Kim, Kyoung-Sik;Kim, Pang-Ji;Nam, Sang-Ok;Choi, Jung-Shin
    • Journal of Preventive Medicine and Public Health
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    • v.7 no.1
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    • pp.1-28
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    • 1974
  • The writers have conducted the investigation to assess the nutritional status of young rural Korean children aged from 0 to 4 years old in August 1971. The survey areas were Kaejong-myon. Daeya-myon, Okku-gun, Jeonra-bukdo, Korea. These survey areas were typical agricultural plain areas. The total numbers of children examined were 2,706 comprising 1,394 male and 1,312 female. The weight, height, and chest circumference of children were measured and means and standard deviations. were calculated for each measurement. In addition, the nutritional status of each child was classified by the four levels of malnutrition and the Gomez classification, The examination of red blood cell count, haematocrit value, and intestinal parasite infection were carried out at the same time. In general, recent work tend to suggest that environmental influences, especially nutrition, are of great importance than genetic background or other biological factors for physical growth and development. Certainly the physical dimensions of the body are much influenced by nutrition, particularly in the rapidly growing period of early childhood. Selected body measurements can therefore give valuable information concerning protein-calory malnutrition. Growth can also be affected by bacterial, viral, and parasitic infection. For the field workers in a developing country, therefore, nutritional anthropometry appears to be of greatest value in the assessment of growth failure and undernutrition, principally from lack of protein and calories. In order to compare and evaluate the data obtained, the optimal data of growth from the off-spring of the true well-fed, medically and socially protected are needed. So-called 'Standards' that have been compiled for preschool children in Korea, however, are based on measurement of children from middle or lower socio-economic groups, who are, in fact, usually undernourished from six months of age onwards and continuously exposed to a succession of infective and parasitic diseases. So that, the Harvard Standards which is one of the international reference standards was used as the reference standards in this study. Findings of the survey were as follows: A. Anthropometric data: 1) Comparing the mean values for body weight obtained with the Korean standard weight of the same age, the rural Korean children were slightly haevier than the Korean standard values in both sexes. Comparing with the Japanese children values, the rural Korean children were slightly haevier in male and in the infant period of female but lighter in female of the period of 1 to 4 years old than Japanese children. 2) Comparing the mean values for height obtained with the Korean standard height of the same age, the rural Korean children were taller than the Korean standard values except the second half of infatn period in both sexes. Comparing with the Japanese children, the rural Korean children were slightly smaller than Japanese children except the first half of infant peroid in both sexes. 3) Mear values of chest circumference of rural Korean children obtained were less than the Korean standard values of the same ages in both sexes. B. Prevalence of Protein-Calory Malnutrition: Children examined were devided into two groups, i. e., infant(up to the first birthday) and toddler (1 to 4 fears old). 1) Percentages of four levels of malnutrition: a) When the nutrtional status of each child was classified (1) by body weight value, the percentages for male and female of children attained standard growth were 52.8%(infant 83.3%, toddler 44.4%) and 39.7% (infant 74.5%. toddler 30.5%), the first level of malnutrition were 31.9%(infant 13.7%, toddler 36.9%) and 31.7%(infant 15.3%, toddler 36,0%), the second level of malnutrition were 12.3%(infant 1.7%, toddler 15.3%) and 23.3% (infant 7.7%, fodder 27.5%), the third level of malnutrition were 2.7%(infant 0.7%, toddler 3.2%) and 4.6%(infant 1.8%, toddler 5.3%) the fourth level of malnutrition were 0.3% (infant 0.7%, toddler 0.2%) and 0.7% (0.7% for infant and toddler) respectively. (2) by height value, the percentages for male and female of children attained standard growth were 80.3% (infant 97.3%, toddler 75.6%) and 75.1% (infant 96.4%, toddler 69.5), the first level of malnutrition were 17.9% (infant 2.0%, toddler 22.3%) and 23.6% (infants 3.6%, toddler 28.8%), the second level of malnutrition were 1.2% (infant 0.3%, toddler 1.5%) and 1.1% (infant 0%, toddler 1.4%), the third level of malnutrition were 0.4%(infant 0.3%, toddler 0.5%) and 0.2%(infant 0%, toddler 0.3%), the fourth level of malnutrition were 0.1%(infant 0%, toddler 0.1%) and 0% respectively. (3) by body weight in relation to height, the percentages for male and female of children attained standard growth were 87.9% (infant 77.6%, toddler 87.9%) and 78.2% (infant 77.4%, toddler 78.2%), the first level of malnutrition were 12.2% (infant 18.4%, toddler 10.6%) and 18.2% (infant 17.9%, toddler 18.3%), the second level of malnutrition were 1.9%(infant 3.3%, toddler 1.5%) and 3.0%(infant 3.3%, toddler 2.9%), the third level of malnutrition were 0.1%(infant 0%. toddler 0.1%) and 0.5% (infant 0%, toddler 0.6%), the fourth level of malnutrition were 0.1%(infant 0.7%, toddler 0%) and 0.3% (infant 1.5%, toddler 0%) respectively. b) When the nutritional status of each child according to the mother's age at perturition, i. e., young aged mother (up to 30 years old), middle aged mother (31 to 40 years old) and old aged mother (41 years or above) was classified (1) by body weight, among infants and toddlers, at each year of age, with increasing the mother's age, there was an increase in percentage of subjects underweight. This tendency of increasing percentage of underweight was more significant in the infant period than the toddler period. (2) by height value, no significant differences between each mother's age group were found. c) When the nutritional status of each child according to the birth rank, i. e., lower birth rank (first to third) and higher birth rank (fourth or above) was classified (1) by weight value, children of higher birth rank were slightly more often underweight than those of lower birth rank, but not significant. (2) by height value, no differences were found between children of lower and higher birth rank. 2) Gomez Classification: When the nutritional status of each child was classified a) by body weight value, the percentages for male and female of children. attained standard growth were 53.1% (infant 82.6%, toddler 44.9%) and 39.2% (infant 73.4%, toddler 30.1%), the first degree of malnutrition were 39.4% (infant 14.7%, toddler 46.2%) and 47.1% (infant 21.9%, toddler 53.8%), the second degree of malnutrition were 7.3%(infant 2.3%, toddler 8.6%) and 12.9% (infant 4.0%, toddler 15.2%). and the third degree of malnutrition were 0.2%. (infant 0.3%, toddler 0.2%) and 0.8% (infant 0.7%, toddler 0.9%) respectively. b) by height value, the percentages for male and female of children attained standard growth were 80.8% (infant 97.0%, toddler 76.3%) and 73.8%(infant 95.6%, toddler 68.0%), the first degree of malnutrition were 18.5% (infant 2.7%, toddler 22.9%) and 24.6% (infant 4.4%, toddler 30.0%), the second degree of malnutrition were 0.6%(infant 0.3%, toddler 0.7%) and 0.5% (infant 0.1%, toddler 0.7%), and the third degree of malnutrition were 0.1%(infant 0%, toddler 0.1%) and 1.1% (infant 0%, toddler 1.3%) respectively. C. Results of clinical laboratory examination: 1) Red blood cells: The ranges of mean red blood cell counts for male and female were 3,538,000/mm3to4,403,000/mm3and3,576,000/mm3to4,483,000/mm3 respectively. The lowest red cell counts were seen at the age of 0-3 months for male and 1-2 months for female. 2) Haematocrit value : The ranges of haematocrit value of male and female were 35.1% to 38.8% and 34.7% to 38.8% respectively. The lowest haematocrit values were seen at the age of 2-3 months for male and 1-2, months for female. 3) The prevalence rates of intestinal parasites for male and female children with Ascaris lumbricoides were 34.1% (infant 18.8%, toddler 38.1%) and 36.0%(infant 18.4%, toddler 40.7%), with Trichocephalus trichiuris were 6.8% (infant 2.9%, toddler 7.9%) and 9.0% (infant 3.0%, toddler 10.6%), with Hookworm were 0.3% (infant 0.5%, toddler 0.2%) and 0.3% (infant 0.5%, toddler 0.3%), with Clonorchis sinensis were 0.4%(infant 0%, toddler 0.5%) and 0.1%(infant 0%, toddler 0.1%) respectively.

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