• Title/Summary/Keyword: Hospital, general

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A study of the impact of using a nursing care standards on the quality of nursing care in gastrectomy patients (위절제술환자의 간호실무표준 사용이 간호의 질에 미치는 영향)

  • Woo, Young-Ja
    • Journal of Korean Academy of Nursing Administration
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    • v.2 no.2
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    • pp.97-107
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    • 1996
  • Nursing standards determine the type and extent of services that are delivered to the patients and define quality care and communicate the institution's expectations of care. Thus, taking the standard of care and incorporating it into a welldefined indicator of excellent patient care becomes one of the first activities in setting up the nursing service's quality assurance process. The purpose of this study was to determine the impact of using a nursing care standards for the quality of nursing care in gastrectomy patients. The subjects were composed of fourty-two under going gastrectomy patients with stomach cancer in general surgery nursing care unit of K University Hospital in Pusan. The data was collected from January 3 to April 13,1996. The subjects were divided into a control group - those admitted from Jan.3 to Feb.12 and an experimental group those admitted from Feb.18 to April 13. The instruments used for this study were a nursing care standards in gastrectomy patients developed by the investigator and an evaluation tool for the quality of nursing care in abdominal surgery patients developed by Byoung-Sook Lee in 1995. The data was analized by means of chi-square test, t-test and Cronbach-alpha test with the SAS System. The result was as follows : The hypothesis, that scores of the quality of nursing care in the experimental group would be higher than that of the control group. was supported(t=-6.12, p=0.00). The detailed results of each standards of evaluation tool were as follows : The mean score of the experimental group was significantly higher than that of the control group in audit standard 1:'Collection of basic data of the patients', (t=-3.76, p=0.00). The mean score of the experimental group was significantly higher than that of the control group in audit standard 2 : 'Defining nursing diagnoses(or nursing problems)', (t= (-), p= (-) ). The mean score of the experimental group was significantly higher than that of the control group in audit standard 3:'Estabilishment of nursing care plan according to nursing diagnoses(or nursing problems)',(t= (-), p= (-) ). The mean score of the experimental group was significantly higher than that of the control group in audit stndard 4:'Implimentation of nursing care plan', (t=-2.38, p=0.01). The mean score of the experimental group was significantly higher than that of the control group in audit standard 8 : 'Increase of the knowledge of health related to surgery',(t=-2.40, p=0.01). No significant differences between the mean scores of the experimental group and that of the control group in audit standard 5 : 'Recover and maintain of the physical function', audit standard 6:'Prevention of the post-operative complication', audit standard 7 : 'Decrease of discomfort caused by operation', and audit standard 9 : 'Patient satisfaction in nursing care' were found. The standards of evaluation tool were devided into two dimension. One was process dimension which contains four standards(audit standard 1 to 4), the other was outcome dimension which contains five standards(audit standard 5 to 9). The mean score of the experimental group was significantly higher than that of the control group in process dimension (t=-12.30, p=0.00), but no significant difference between the mean scores of the experimental group and that of the control group in outcome dimension was found. From these results, it is concluded that using a nursing care standards in gastrectomy patients promotes quality of nursing care and nursing care standards of various fields are necessary for effective nursing care.

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Clinical Study on Prenatal care, and Dietary Intakes for Pregnant Women and new Mothers (임산부의 산전관리와 산욕기 영양실태에 관한 연구)

  • Chia, Soon-Hyang;Park, Chai-Soon
    • Journal of Nutrition and Health
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    • v.9 no.4
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    • pp.36-46
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    • 1976
  • This study was projected to provide basic data on prenatal care for future direction in maternity and child care, and also to investigate the diet of women during pregnancy and the period directly afterwards in order to offer to mothers appropriate advice for the improvement of nutritional standards. A clinical study on prenatal care was based on 1054 delivery cases. A nutritional survey was performed on 174 mothers admitted to the department of obstetrics at St. Mary's Hospital during the period of March, 1975 to February, 1976. The results obtained are summarized as follows; I. Clinical study on prenatal care 1) The age distribution showed 59.4% of the mothers were between the ages of 25 to 29 years old. 2) The gestational period was highest between the 37th and 40th gestational weeks. 33.7% of the mothers were primigravidae and 31.8% of them primiparae. 3) 41.3% of the mothers had not received prenatal care or had only received it once before. 4) Induced deliveries were 61.8% and spontantaneous deliveries 38.2%. 61.9% of the mothers had received prenatal care, while those without prenatal care accounted for 61.6% of the total induced deliveries. 5) Low birth weights were 7.7% and 5.0% of the mothers had received prenatal care, while 11.5% had no prenatal care. 6) There were 1.13% of still births, 0.32% of the mothers had prenatal care and the remainder did not have prenatal care. 7) Of those receiving prenatal care, 2.1% showed in the 03 Apgar score group, 6.3% in the 46 Apgar score group, and 91.6% in the 710 Apgar score group. Among the non-prenatally cared for group 5.0% of the newborns were in the 03 Apgar score group, 9.7% were in 46 Apgar score group and 85.3% were in the 710 Apgar score group. 8) Obstetrical complications were developed in 11.86% of the pregnant women when they were hospitalized. Among the group receiving the prenatal care 8.1% of the mothers had obstetrical complications. In the group without prenatal care 17.16% of the mothers had obstetrical complications. The most common obstetrical complication was malpresentation. 9) The first prenatal care was received between the 37th and 40th gestationl weeks. II. Food intake during pregnancy The following are the results from the questionnaires of the mothers concerning diets during pregnancy; 1) Main meals and snacks In 32.2% of the cases, their main meals during the diet amounted to more than was usually eaten at other times. In 67.8% of the cases, their main meals during the diet were the same as that usually eaten. In 22.4% of the cases, snacks during the diet amounted to more than usually eaten at other times. In 77.6% of the cases, snacks during the diet were the same as usually eaten. 2) Itemized list The mothers made a special effort to include certain items in their diets, the following is a breakdown of those items; a. egg, meat, fish 33.3% b. fruit, vegetables 32.2%. c. milk, fruit juice 18.4% d. cake, bread 2.9% e. nothing special 13.2% 3) Milk 44.8% of the mothers had at least one cup of milk everyday. 33.4% of the mothers had at least one cup of milk on occasion. 15.5% of the mothers did not have any milk. 4) Vitamins 39.7% of the mothers had vitamins everyday. 24.7% of the mothers had vitamins occasionally. 35.6% of the mothers did not have any vitamins. 5) Anemic symptoms 9.2% of the mothers very often had anemic symptoms during pregnancy. 39.1% of the mothers often had anemic symptoms during pregnancy. 51.7% of the mothers did not have anemic symptoms at all. 6) Taboos on food 23% of the mothers recognized 'taboos' on food during pregnancy 27% of the mothers displayed on uncertainty about the 'taboos' on food during pregnancy 50% of the mothers displayed indifference toward the taboos. III. Nutritional survey on the new mothers diet. 1) The diets for new mothers can be divided into four categories, such as general diet, low sodium diet, soft diet and liquid diet. 2) Cooked rice and seaweed soup were the main foods for the new mothers as has been the traditional diet for Korean mothers. 3) The average diet contained 1,783g. And the average consumption of the basic food groups per capita per day was 1,265g for cereals and grains, 456g for meats and legumes, 58g for fruits and vegetables, 0g for milk and fish and 4g for fats and oils. 4) In addition to the 1,783g of food in the main diet there was also 142.8g of food taken as snacks. 5) The average daily consumption of calories and nutrients was 2,697 Kcal and 123.4g for proteins, 44.9g for fats, 718.2mg for calcium, 14mg for iron, 2,101.4 I.U. for vitamin A, 0.43mg for thiamine, 1.02mg for riboflavin, 15.88mg for niacin, 5.26mg for ascorbic acid. When these figures are compared with the recommended allowances for new mothers in Korea, the calories and nutrients taken in were satisfactory. But the intake of minerals and vitamins was below the recommended allowance.

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Clinical Significance of Gastrointestinal Symptoms and Abdominal Ultrasonographic Findings in Henoch-Schönlein Purpura (Henoch-Schönlein 자반증에서 복부 증상의 임상적 의의와 복부 초음파 소견)

  • Choi, Eun Jung;Lee, Chang Woo;Choi, Du Young
    • Clinical and Experimental Pediatrics
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    • v.48 no.1
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    • pp.63-67
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    • 2005
  • Purpose : Henoch-Scho¨nlein purpura(HSP) is a systemic vasculitis, characterized by cutaneous palpable purpura, gastrointestinal(GI) symptoms, arthritis and renal involvement. In general, the prognosis is determined by GI complication as well as the severity of nephritis. In this study, we analyzed the statistical relationship between the GI symptom and other clinical findings for assessing the prognosis, and evaluated abdominal ultrasonographic findings for early diagnosis of this disease with atypical clinical presentation and early detection of serious GI complications. Methods : One hundred seventy seven patients with HSP in the Department of Pediatrics, Wonkwang University Hospital from January 1994 to June 2004, were enrolled. We retrospectively analyzed charts about clinical and abdominal ultrasonographic findings, and classified our patients into two groups(GI-Sx(-), GI-Sx(+)) for statistical analysis. Results : The ratio of female to male is 1.5 : 1. The peak age incidence was five to eight years in 95 cases(53%). The GI symptoms appeared in 117 cases(66%), which include abdominal pain 115 (98 %), tenderness 45(38%), nausea and vomiting 35(30%), bloody stool 10(8.5%), diarrhea four(3.4%), rebound tenderness four(3.4%), and also intussusception and appendicitis were complicated in five and two cases respectively. GI-Sx(+) group had an increased risk of renal involvement and relapse than the GI-Sx(-) group. But there were no relationships about sex and age incidence, or other clinical and laboratory findings between two groups. Ultrasonographic findings in 98 patients with GI symptoms included small bowel thickening in 70 cases(71%) in which duodenum, jejunum and ileum were involved in 71%, 45.7%, 40% respectively, small bowel dilatation in 41 cases(42%), lymph node swelling in 46 cases(47%), and ascites in 25 cases(25.5%). Conclusion : GI symptoms in patients with HSP suggested increased risk of renal involvement and relapse. Abdominal ultrasonography could be helpful in the early diagnosis on atypical clinical presentation and early detection of serious GI complication in these patients.

The changes in signal-averaged electrocardiogram after surgical correction of congenital heart disease (선천성 심장병의 개심술 후 신호 평준화 심전도의 변화)

  • Kim, Yeo Hyang;Choe, Hee Jung;Kim, Gun Jik;Cho, Joon Yong;Hyun, Myung Chul;Lee, Sang Bum
    • Clinical and Experimental Pediatrics
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    • v.52 no.12
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    • pp.1364-1369
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    • 2009
  • Purpose : To analyze abnormal ventricular activation in childhood congenital heart disease induced by postoperative changes in ventricular volume and pressure and ventricular scar formation using signal-averaged electrocardiography (SAECG). Methods : Fifty-two patients who had undergone open heart surgery (OHS) were enrolled. Patients were divided into the following 3 groups: right ventricular volume overload (atrial septal defect, group1), left ventricular volume overload (ventricular septal defect, group2), and right ventricular pressure overload (tetralogy of Fallot, group 3). The patients were monitored by standard 12-lead ECG and SAECG before and 2 months after the operation. QRS duration, QT and QTc intervals, filtered QRS (f-QRS), high frequency low amplitude potential (HFLA), and root mean square (RMS) voltage in the terminal 40 ms of SAECG were determined. Results : In the preoperative period, group1 showed significant increase in QRS (P=0.011) compared to those of the other 2 groups. In the postoperative period, group3 showed significant increase in the QTc interval (P=0.004) compared to those in the other 2 groups. SAECG parameters showed no significant differences among the groups in the pre- or postoperative period. Of the 52 patients, 12 (23%) in the preoperative period and 21 (40%) in the postoperative period had at least 1 SAECG abnormality. The prevalence of SAECG abnormalities was significantly higher in the postoperative group 2 and group 3 (preoperative: 20% versus postoperative: 28%, P<0.001, preoperative: 14% versus postoperative: 64%, P<0.001, respectively). Conclusion : Abnormal SAECG patterns may be attributed to postoperative scars, OHS itself, and/or ventricular overload.

A Study of Community Residents' Consciousness of Taking Herb Medicine (지역사회 주민의 한약복용에 대한 의식 조사 연구)

  • Kim Sung-Jin;Nam Chul-Hyun
    • Journal of Society of Preventive Korean Medicine
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    • v.3 no.2
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    • pp.25-53
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    • 1999
  • This study was conducted to provide basic data for policy of Oriental medicine by analyzing community residents' consciousness of taking herb medicine and its related factors. Data were collected from 1478 residents from March 2, 1999 to May 31, 1999. The results of this study are summarized as follows. 1. According to general characteristics of the subjects, 52.3% of the subjects was 'female'; 25.0% 'fifties of age'; 21.4% 'forties of age'; 20.9% 'thirties of ages'; 69.1% 'married'; 60.1% 'resident in a big city'; 12.1% 'residents in a small town or village'; 39.0% 'highschool graduate'; 35.9% 'above college graduate'; 23.4% 'housewife'; 23.4% 'professional' 34.1% 'Buddhist'; 81.1% 'middle class'. 2. The rate of experience of taking herb medicine was 85.2%(88.2% of 'male'; 82.5% of 'female'). It appeared to be significantly higher in the groups of 'the married', 'housewife', and 'Buddhist'. As the age increased, so the rate of experience of taking herb medicine was significantly high. 3. In case of purpose of taking herb medicine, taking herb medicine as a restorative(66.8%) was much higher than taking it as a curative medicine. Taking herb medicine as a curative medicine appeared to be significantly higher in the groups of 'male', 'thirties of age', 'resident in a town or village', 'above college graduate', 'professional technician', 'Christian', and 'the upper class'. 4. 52.1% of the respondents satisfied with the effect of herb medicine. The groups of 'male', 'older age', 'residents in a big city', 'insurant in company', and 'the employed' showed significantly high rate in satisfying with herb medicine than the other groups. 5. According to the reason for preferring herb medicine, 36.7% of the respondents preferred herb medicine because the herb medicine was effective, while 27.8% preferred it because its side effect was low. 16.7% preferred it. because persons around them recommended it. The preference for the herb medicine displayed significantly higher rate in the groups 'sixties of age', 'the unmarried', 'resident in a big city', 'office clerk', and 'the lower class'. 6. 42.6% of the respondents did not want to take the herb medicine because the price of the herb medicine was high. Also 20.6% of the respondents did not want to take herb medicine because it is uneasy to take herb medicine. 15.8% did not want to take it because certain foods should not be taken during the period of taking it. 9.4% did not want to take it because it tasted bitter. 7. In case of opinions on side effects of herb medicine, 40.8% of the respondents thinks that herb medicine is free from side effects, while 37.5% thinks that it causes side effects. There were significant difference in the opinions on side effects by sex, age, marital status, resident area, education level, occupation, and type of health insurance. 8. 60.7% of the respondents thinks the price of herb medicine is not resonable, while only 10.9% thinks it is resonable. 9. 14.2% of the respondents thinks health foods which contain herbs are good, while 16.8% thinks it is bad. 76.7% thinks that medicinal herbs in packages must be included in health insurance coverage, while only 3.0% thinks it needs not be included in health insurance coverage. 10. 45.2% of the respondents uses packs of decocted herbs although they think the packs of decocted herb are a little low effective because decocting herbs in home is bothersome. 45.2% uses packs of decocted herbs because they are convenient, being not related to the effect. 7.6% takes medicinal herbs after decocting them in a clay pot because they think the packs of decocted herbs have low effect. 11. According to the level of satisfaction with Oriental medical care, the respondents marked 3.47±0.64 points on the base of 5 points. It was significantly higher in the groups of 'male', 'the married, resident in a big city', 'highschool graduate', 'the unemployed', 'office clerk', 'growing up in a big city', 'insurant in region', and 'the middle class'. 12. According to the result of a regression analysis of factors influencing preference for herb medicine, the factors displayed significant difference by sex, age, education level, health status, and times of receiving Oriental medical care. As shown in the above results, the community residents satisfy with the effect of herb medicine. Therefore, the method of taking herb medicine without difficulty must be devised. The medicinal herbs in packages need to be included in health insurance coverage and resonable price of herb medicine must be set. Also, education program for community residents must be developed in order to provide right information in herb medicine. Therefore, related public authority, associations, and professionals must make efforts, forming organic cooperative system.

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An analysis of factors affecting aspects of disease and satisfied medical treatments for oriental medical users (한방의료(韓方醫療) 이용자의 질병양상(疾病樣相)과 치료만족도(治療滿足度)에 영향(影響)을 미치는 요인분석(要因分析))

  • An Chang-Su;Nam Chul-Hyun
    • Journal of Society of Preventive Korean Medicine
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    • v.3 no.2
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    • pp.101-128
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    • 1999
  • A study on disease treated at oriental medical treatment facilities (OMTF) and patients' satisfaction levels was conducted in order to figure out why the patients visited oriental medical doctors and the level of satisfaction of the patients for the services offered to them by oriental medical doctors. This study was performed from March 2 through May 31, 1998 by interviewing 1.532 persons living in major and small cities in korea. The results obtained were summarized as follows; 1. The general characteristics of subjects. The highest portion of each part was, 66.9% female, persons in the age group of over 60's 22.7%, high school graduated 34.9%, house wife 30.8%, The married 65.0%, Buddhist 36.9%, maj or city residents 60.2%, company covered insurance benefiter 39.0% and etc. 2. 40.5% of subjects visited OMTF for skeletal and connective tissue diseases. 21.5% for digestive system diseases. 16.2% for respiratory system diseases. 13.3% for circulatory system diseases and 9.0% for neurological problems. 3. 42.7% of males visited OMTF for skeletal and connective tissue diseases, which were the highest and respiratory system disorders, digestive system disorders, circulatory system disorders and neurological diseases in order. 39.4% of females visited OMTF for skeletal and connective tissue disorders which were the highest and other conditions such as digestive system, circulatory, respiratory, and neurological disorders in order. 4. The males with circulatory system disorders were treated by herbal medicine, combination of herbal medicine and acupuncture, only in order. The females with the some conditions above were treated by combination of herbal medicine and herbal medical and acupuncture only in order. The males and females with respiratory system and digestive system diseases were treated by herbal medicine, combination of herbal medicine and acupuncture only in order. But the males and females with skeletal and connective tissue diseases were by acupuncture are the highest in order. 5. The females and persons in the age group of over 60' s and house wife. the not married, the unhealthy persons, residents living in small cities, the persons with high income by medical treatments frequency in circulatory system diseases are the highest. 6, The females, middle school graduated and the married, persons in the age group of over 60's, unemployed, sales and service industry workers, Buddhists, major city residents, the unhealthy persons, the persons with middle income by medical treatments frequency in respiratory system diseases are the highest. 7. The females, persons in the age group of over 60's, under graduated or elementary school graduated, the unemployed and house wife, the unmarried, Buddhists, major city residents, the unhealthy persons, the persons with low income by medical treatments frequency in digestive system diseases are the highest. 8. The males, major city residents, old ages, under graduated or elementary school graduated, go earn officials, people grown in small city, the persons who had health insurance policies, the persons with low income, the unhealthy persons by medical treatments frequency in skeletal and connective tissue disorders diseases. 9. 50.8% of the respondents said that the treatments at the OMTF were very effective. 47.7% of them said that the treatments were effective. The males, persons in the age group of 40's, high school graduates, official workes, the married, the persons who did not have religion, major city residents, the persons who had health insurance policies, the persons with high income and the healthy persons said that the treatment effects at OMTF were satisfactory. 10. The patients' satisfaction rate for OMTF on each disease is, 1st. Musculo-Skeletal system(most satisfied), 2nd. the pregnancy & delivery complications, 3rd. Eye & ophthalmics, 4th. Respiratory system, 5th. Mental & bodily disorder, 6th. Digestive system and etc. 11. The factors affect OMTF are age, satisfaction for OMTF, current disease, religion, efficiency of Oriental Medicine, health condition and etc. This explained power of variable were 39.0%. 12. The satisfied factors for OMTF is correlate to educational level, and economical variables.

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Coronary Artery Bypass Surgery with Radial Artery -Early Results (요골동맥을 이용한 관상동맥우회술 -조기성적)

  • 나찬영;이영탁;박국양;이해영;김욱성;박?현;홍민수;심재천;권오춘
    • Journal of Chest Surgery
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    • v.30 no.3
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    • pp.275-281
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    • 1997
  • The radial artery as a graft for myocardial revascularization was introduced by Carpentier in the early 1970s. Mid-term results were unfortunately discoura ing, and the clinical experience with this graft was interrupted. At the end of the 1980s, these authors reproposed the same arterial conduit with more satisfying results, because of improved technique and pharmacological management of the graft. Between October 1994 and July 1995, 36 patients underwent myocardial revascularization with a radial artery graft in Seiong General Hospital. Left internal mammary artery was concomitantly used as a pedicled Vift in 34 patients. Fifteen patients (42%) had a complete arterial waft revascularization. A total of 12) distal anastomoses were performed (average 3.4 per patient), including 36 left internal mammary artery wafts (two sequential in 2 patients), and 23 saphenous vein grafts. The remaining 64 distal anastomoses were perFormed with radial artery grafts (mean 1.8 per patient). The radial arteries were anastomosed to the circumflex (n=38), diagonal (n= 18), right coronary(n=G), and left anterior descending coronary artery(n=2). The percent ge of radial artery graft anastomoses (64) to the total anastomoses(123) was 52%. The radial artery was used as a single graft in 10 patients, as a sequential graft in 25 patients, and two grafts in 1 patient. Twenty patients underwent associated procedures coronary endarterectomy (14), coronary artery patch angioplasty (4), mitral valve repair (1), and repair of ventricular septal rupture (1). One patient died of low cardiac output syndrome and the others had no perioperative myocardial infarction. There are no ischemic and functional complications in the arm or hand aftcr removal of the radial artery. Only 1 patient required reexploration of the am, for the hematoma evacuation, and 2 patients complained transient thumb dysesthesia of the side of the havested arm. This dysesthesia improved within one month. Postoperative angiovaphic controls were obtained in 11 patients(31%) postoperative 79 to 210 days (mean 126 days). The patency rate were as follows : left internal mammary artery (100%), saphcnous vein (100%), and radial artery(95%). We concluded that the radial artery is useful alternative graft, but long term clinical and angiographic studies are required to derterminc whether wider application is warranted.

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Clinical Analysis on the Closed Thoracostomy -2341 cases (폐쇄식 흉강 삽관술에 대한 임상적 고찰)

  • Kim, Cheon-Seog;Kim, Yeun-Gue;Park, Jin;Lee, Kyong-Woon
    • Journal of Chest Surgery
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    • v.30 no.10
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    • pp.991-1000
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    • 1997
  • Closed thoracostomy with UWSD* which is the most utilized procedure in chest surgery applies general thoracic disorders, trauma and after-thoracic surgery. The University hospital was involved on operating 2341 cases of closed thoracostomy with UWSD except chest tubing after-thoracic surgery for a full six years from January, 1991 to December, 1996. The rate of men and women out of the total 2341 cases was 3.5 : 1, the distribution by age showed that men were 36.6 ±21.0 years old, women were 47.0±20.2 years old and so that the total were 40.0 ± 20.5 years old. As for indication, spontaneous, secondary and traumatic pneumothorax were the most common, in addition to hemothorax hemopneumothorax, hydrothorax, hydropneumothorax, empyema, chylothorax. The most indwelling period of chest tubing is between eight and fourteen days for 974 cases and the average is 13.7 ± 6.3 days, The average drainage amount immediately after thoracostomy was 537 ± 88m1, and in 694 cases(46.0%), the drain amount was 201 ~ 500 ml. The rate of right and left tubing was 52.4 47.6, in 2071 cases(88.5%), the thoracostomy was the first chance and 2210 cases(94.4%) were treated with a single tube drainage. Almost all the patients complained of tube site pain, besides tube site infection, intercostal neuralgia, loss of tube function by the pleural adhesion, intrathoracic infection, incomplete reexpansion of defective lung, hemorrhage caused by the rupture of a blood vessel, subcutaneous emphysema, lung parenchymal rupture, diaphragmatic and intraabdominal trauma, reexpansionary pulmonary edema of one side lung and cellulitis were relapsed. 84.6% of all patients recovered with only clo ed thoracostomy and the rest of patient needed additional some necessary managements and so on to have successful results. There were two deaths(0.1%), caused by reexpansionary pulmonary edema, the cellulitis were complicated by thoracostomy with UWSD on an empyema patients to come to death(due to sepsis). t UWSD = under water seal drainage

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The Role of Intra-Aortic Balloon Pump in Coronary Artery Bypass Surgery (관상동맥 우회술에서의 대동맥내 풍선 펌프의 역할)

  • 박성식;김기봉
    • Journal of Chest Surgery
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    • v.30 no.3
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    • pp.282-286
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    • 1997
  • In the era of coronary artery bypass grafting, the intraaortic balloon pump (IABP) is more widely used and its indication has been ex anded. We perf'orbed retrospective clinical analysis on the patients who have received IABP pre andfor postoperatively during the course of CABG. From January 1981 to June 1995, total 322 patients have received CABG at the Seoul National University Hospital and among them 50 patients (15.5%) were supported by IABP during the course of the operation. The mean age at the time. of the operation was 57.2 years (39∼ 75 years) and the male to female ratio was 33 : 17. The preoperative diagnosis was unstable angina in 33 (66%), stable angina in 7 (14%) and postinfarct angina in 8 patients(16%). As for the indications of the IABP, there were 13 cases(26%) with left main disease, 13 (26%) with class IV angina, 12 (24%) with difficulty in CPB weaning, 6 (12%) with postinfarct angina and 3 (6%) with severe LV dysfunction. In the remaining 3 cases, one patient was operated on after PTCA failure in emergency basis, another was a patient with AMI, and the other was one who had postoperative low c rdiac output syndrome. All IABPS were introduced via femoral artery and among them 45 cases (90%) percutaneously. The mean postoperative assist time was 22.3 hours (0.5 ∼ 168 hours) and IABP could be removed within 48 hours in most of them (44150). The operative mortality was 6.1% (3 cases) and postoperative morbidity was only one with lower extremity ischemia. The more general application of the IABP during the course of the CABG ,especially in patients with high preoperative risk factors or difficulty in CPB weaning is a good measure of protecting and recovering myocardial function with minimal risk.

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Validity and Reliability of the Korean Version of the Global Assessment of Recent Stress Scale (전반적인 스트레스평가 척도 한국판의 타당도 및 신뢰도)

  • Koh, Kyung-Bong;Park, Joong-Kyu
    • Korean Journal of Psychosomatic Medicine
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    • v.8 no.2
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    • pp.201-211
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    • 2000
  • Objectives : The purpose of this study was to determine the validity and reliablity of the Korean version of the Global Assessment of Recent Stress(GARS) Scale developed for assessing the severity of current perceived stressors, and then to use the scale in clinical practice. Methods : The questionnaire was completed by 215 healthy subjects. A comparison was made regarding the perception of stressors among 242 patients(71 with anxiety disorder, 73 with depressive disorder, 47 with somatoform disorder, and 51 with psychosomatic disorder) and 215 healthy subjects. Factor analysis was done using oblique rotation after maximum-likelihood factor analysis. Results : Factor analysis yielded 1 subscale. Reliability was computed by administering the GARS Scale to 69 healthy subjects during a 2-week interval. Test-retest reliability for 8 items and the total score was significantly high, ranging between 0.85-.95. Internal consistency was significant(Cronbach's a for 7 items : .86). Convergent validity was computed by correlating the 8 items and the total score with the total score of the stress response inventory(SRI), the perceived stress questionnaire(PSQ), and the somatization, anxiety, depression, hostility subscales and general indices of the symptom checklist-90-revised(SCL-90-R). The correlations were all at significant levels. Discriminant validity was computed by comparing the 8 item scores of the patient and control groups. Significant differences were found in area relevant to sickness or illness and the overill global area. The patients with anxiety disorder were significantly higher in area relevant to sickness or illness than the healthy group, whereas the patients with depressive disorder was significantly higher in the overall global score than healthy group. The depressive disorder group was the highest in overall global score of the GARS scale among 4 patient groups, and showed a significant higher scores in interpersonal relationship and overall global area than the psychosomatic disorder group. Conclusions : These results indicate that the Korean version of the GARS scale is highly reliable and valid, and that it can be utilized as an effective measure of perceived stressors for research in stress-related fields. It is suggested that depressive disorder patients are more likely to perceive recent stressors than psychosomatic disorder patients.

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