• Title/Summary/Keyword: Horizontal Edge

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Robust Lane Detection Method Under Severe Environment (악 조건 환경에서의 강건한 차선 인식 방법)

  • Lim, Dong-Hyeog;Tran, Trung-Thien;Cho, Sang-Bock
    • Journal of the Institute of Electronics and Information Engineers
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    • v.50 no.5
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    • pp.224-230
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    • 2013
  • Lane boundary detection plays a key role in the driver assistance system. This study proposes a robust method for detecting lane boundary in severe environment. First, a horizontal line detects form the original image using improved Vertical Mean Distribution Method (iVMD) and the sub-region image which is under the horizontal line, is determined. Second, we extract the lane marking from the sub-region image using Canny edge detector. Finally, K-means clustering algorithm classifi left and right lane cluster under variant illumination, cracked road, complex lane marking and passing traffic. Experimental results show that the proposed method satisfie the real-time and efficient requirement of the intelligent transportation system.

Facial Recognition Algorithm Based on Edge Detection and Discrete Wavelet Transform

  • Chang, Min-Hyuk;Oh, Mi-Suk;Lim, Chun-Hwan;Ahmad, Muhammad-Bilal;Park, Jong-An
    • Transactions on Control, Automation and Systems Engineering
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    • v.3 no.4
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    • pp.283-288
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    • 2001
  • In this paper, we proposed a method for extracting facial characteristics of human being in an image. Given a pair of gray level sample images taken with and without human being, the face of human being is segmented from the image. Noise in the input images is removed with the help of Gaussian filters. Edge maps are found of the two input images. The binary edge differential image is obtained from the difference of the two input edge maps. A mask for face detection is made from the process of erosion followed by dilation on the resulting binary edge differential image. This mask is used to extract the human being from the two input image sequences. Features of face are extracted from the segmented image. An effective recognition system using the discrete wave let transform (DWT) is used for recognition. For extracting the facial features, such as eyebrows, eyes, nose and mouth, edge detector is applied on the segmented face image. The area of eye and the center of face are found from horizontal and vertical components of the edge map of the segmented image. other facial features are obtained from edge information of the image. The characteristic vectors are extrated from DWT of the segmented face image. These characteristic vectors are normalized between +1 and -1, and are used as input vectors for the neural network. Simulation results show recognition rate of 100% on the learned system, and about 92% on the test images.

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Numerical analysis of natural convection from a horizontal isothermal surface immersed in water near its density extremum (최대밀도점 부근의 물속에 잠겨있는 수평등온도면에 의하여 야기되는 자연대류의 수치해석)

  • 김병하;조승환;유갑종
    • Transactions of the Korean Society of Mechanical Engineers
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    • v.14 no.1
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    • pp.197-206
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    • 1990
  • Numerical results of heat transfer from a horizontal isothermal surface are presented for wall temperature T$_{w}$ = 0 .deg. C and ambient water temperature, T$_{\infty}$, from 1 .deg. C to 15 .deg. C. They include streamlines, temperature profiles, local heat transfer coefficients and average Nusselt numbers for the entire flow fields. For a upward-facing horizontal isothermal surface, the results show steady two dimensional flow regimes for T$_{\infty}$ .leg. 4.4 .deg. C, but no solution was obtained above T$_{\infty}$ = 4.4 .deg. C. For a downward-facing horizontal isothermal surface, the flow regimes are steady two dimensional flow for T$_{\infty}$ .geq. 4.9 .deg. C, and the numerical calculation was failed below this ambient water temperature. The mean Nusselt number has its maximum value at about T$_{\infty}$ = 3.4 .deg. C for upward-facing horizontal isothermal surface. For the case of downward-facing horizontal isothermal surface, the mean Nusselt number increases as the ambient water temperature increases.es.s.s.

Compressive Strength of Horizontal Joints in Precast Concrete Large Panel System (대형 콘크리트 패널구조 수평접합부의 지지력 성능에 관한 연구)

  • 서수연;정봉오;이원호;이리형
    • Magazine of the Korea Concrete Institute
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    • v.6 no.2
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    • pp.138-147
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    • 1994
  • The compressive strength of horizontal joints in precast concrete large panel structures depends on parameters such as grout and panel strength, detail of joint, joint moment, width of grout column, and etc. 44 specimens were tested to investigate the effects of parameters that influence the compressive strength of horizontal joints. The design formula specified in Korean Cock for compression horizontal joints must be reviewed, because it was based on the test results of the joint types not used in Korea. In this study comparing the test results, there fore, the validity of the design formulas was evaluated and a suitable formula was proposed to predict the ultimate strengths of compression horizontal joints. The increase of ultimate strengths was not observed, even if confined the horizontal displacement of slabs and reinforced the wall edge, when the grout strength is lower than panel strength. From the comparison of test results and those by the proposed formula, it was shown that proposed formula was suitable to predict the ultimate compressive strength of horizontal joints.

No-reference objective quality assessment of image using blur and blocking metric (블러링과 블록킹 수치를 이용한 영상의 무기준법 객관적 화질 평가)

  • Jeong, Tae-Uk;Kim, Young-Hie;Lee, Chul-Hee
    • Journal of the Institute of Electronics Engineers of Korea SP
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    • v.46 no.3
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    • pp.96-104
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    • 2009
  • In this paper, we propose a no-reference objective Quality assessment metrics of image. The blockiness and blurring of edge areas which are sensitive to the human visual system are modeled as step functions. Blocking and blur metrics are obtained by estimating local visibility of blockiness and edge width, For the blocking metric, horizontal and vertical blocking lines are first determined by accumulating weighted differences of adjacent pixels and then the local visibility of blockiness at the intersection of blocking lines is obtained from the total difference of amplitudes of the 2-D step function which is modelled as a blocking region. The blurred input image is first re-blurred by a Gaussian blur kernel and an edge mask image is generated. In edge blocks, the local edge width is calculated from four directional projections (horizontal, vertical and two diagonal directions) using local extrema positions. In addition, the kurtosis and SSIM are used to compute the blur metric. The final no-reference objective metric is computed after those values are combined using an appropriate function. Experimental results show that the proposed objective metrics are highly correlated to the subjective data.

Hepatic Vessel Segmentation using Edge Detection (Edge Detection을 이용한 간 혈관 추출)

  • Seo, Jeong-Joo;Park, Jong-Won
    • Journal of the Korea Society of Computer and Information
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    • v.17 no.3
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    • pp.51-57
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    • 2012
  • Hepatic vessel tree is the key structure for hepatic disease diagnosis and liver surgery planning. Especially, it is used to evaluate the donors' and recipients' liver for the LDLT(Living Donors Liver Transplantation) and estimate the volumes of left and right hepatic lobes for securing their life in the LDLT. In this study, we propose a method to apply canny edge detection that is not affected by noise to the liver images for automatic segmentation of hepatic vessels tree in contrast abdominal MDCT image. Using histograms and average pixel values of the various liver CT images, optimized parameters of the Canny algorithm are determined. It is more time-efficient to use the common parameters than to change parameters manually according to CT images. Candidates of hepatic vessels are extracted by threshold filtering around the detected the vessel edge. Finally, using a system which detects the true-negatives and the false-positives in horizontal and vertical direction, the true-negatives are added in candidate of hepatic vessels and the false-positives are removed. As a result of the process, the various hepatic vessel trees of patients are accurately reconstructed in 3D.

Morphometric characteristics of diploid and triploid Far Eastern catfish, Silurus asotus

  • Park, In-Seok
    • Korean Journal of Environmental Biology
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    • v.38 no.1
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    • pp.106-113
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    • 2020
  • This study identified the differences in the morphometric characteristics of the truss and classical dimensions between diploid and triploid Far Eastern catfish, Silurus asotus, and provided methods for sorting diploid and triploid Far Eastern catfish based on morphometric observations. The significant variables were the direct distance between the anterior edge of the lower lip and the anterior insertion of the dorsal fin(DALAD), the horizontal distance between the anterior edge of the lower lip and the anterior insertion of the ventral fin (HALAV), the direct distance between the anterior edge of the upper lip and the first nostril(DAUF), the direct distance between the anterior edge of the upper lip and the second nostril(DAUS), the interorbital width(IW), and the mandible barbel length (ManBL). The more significant variables were HALAV, DALAD, DAUF, IW, and DAUS. The most useful combination of variables for separating the two groups was DALAD, IW, and DAUF, which correctly classified 85% of the catfish as triploid or diploid, and that percentage was the maximum degree of value possible (p<0.05). Triploid Far Eastern catfish had a high rate of growth in the head region and body depth during the first year after hatching. Triploid Far Eastern catfish had smaller heads and shorter mandible barbels than diploid Far Eastern catfish.

The effect of particle size on the edge notched disk (END) using particle flow code in three dimension

  • Haeri, Hadi;Sarfarazi, Vahab;Zhu, Zheming;Marji, Mohammad Fatehi
    • Smart Structures and Systems
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    • v.22 no.6
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    • pp.663-673
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    • 2018
  • In this study, the effect of particle size on the cracks propagation and coalescence or cracking pattern of the edge notched disc specimens are investigated. Firstly, calibration of PFC3D was performed using Brazilian experimental test output. Then micro parameters were used to build edge notched disc specimen. The horizontal wall of the assembly is let to move downward with a standard low speed of 0.016 m/s. The numerical results show that the tensile cracks are dominant failure pattern for the modeled discs. These tensile cracks initiate from the pre-existing notch tip and propagate parallel to the loading direction then interact with the upper boundary of the modeled specimen. As the size of the balls (ball diameter) decrease the number of tensile cracks increase. The tensile fracture toughness of the samples also decreases as the particle size increases. Understanding the crack propagation and crack coalescence phenomena in brittle materials such as concretes and rocks is of paramount importance in the stability analyses for engineering structures such as rock slopes, underground structures and tunneling.

Uplift capacity of horizontal anchor plate embedded near to the cohesionless slope by limit analysis

  • Bhattacharya, Paramita;Sahoo, Sagarika
    • Geomechanics and Engineering
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    • v.13 no.4
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    • pp.701-714
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    • 2017
  • The effect of nearby cohesionless sloping ground on the uplift capacity of horizontal strip plate anchor embedded in sand deposit with horizontal ground surface has been studied numerically. The numerical analysis has been carried out by using the lower bound theorem of limit analysis with finite elements and linear optimization. The results have been presented in the form of non-dimensional uplift capacity factor of anchor plate by changing its distance from the slope crest for different slope angles, embedment ratios and angles of soil internal friction. It has been found that the decrease in horizontal distance between the edge of the anchor plate and the slope crest causes a continuous decrease in uplift capacity of anchor plate. The optimum distance is that distance between slope crest and anchor plate below which uplift capacity of an anchor plate has been found to decrease with a decrease in normalized crest distance from the anchor plate in presence of nearby sloping ground. The normalized optimum distance between the slope crest and the anchor plate has been found to increase with an increase in slope angle, embedment ratio and soil internal friction angle.

High Speed Ball End Milling for Difficult-to-Cut Materials

  • Lee, Deug-Woo
    • Proceedings of the Korean Society of Precision Engineering Conference
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    • 2000.06a
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    • pp.19-27
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    • 2000
  • High speed machining (HSM), specifically end milling and ball end cutting, is attracting interest in the die/mold or aerospace industries for the machining of complex 3D surfaces. HSM of difficult-to-cut materials such as die/mold steels, titanium alloys or nickel based superalloys generates the concentrated thermal/frictional damage at the cutting edge of the tool and rapidly decreases the tool life. Following a brief introduction on HSM and reated aerospace or die/mold work, the paper reviews published data on the effect of cutter/workpiece orientation and cutting environments on tool performance. First, experimental work is detailed on the effect of cutter orientation on tool life, cutting forces, chip formation, specific force and workpiece surface roughness. Cutting was performed using 8 mm diameter PVD coated solid carbide cutters with the workpiece mounted at an angle of 45 degree from the cutter axis. A horizontal downwards cutting orientation proveded the best tool life with cut lengths ∼50% longer than for all other directions (horizontal upwards, vertical downwards, vertical upwards). Second, the cutting environments were investigated for dry, flood coolant, and compressed chilly air coolant cutting. The experiments were performed for various hardened materials and various coated tools. The results show that the cutting environment using compressed cilly air coolant provided better tool life than the flood coolant or the dry.

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