• 제목/요약/키워드: History of Silla

검색결과 158건 처리시간 0.025초

삼국시대(三國時代) 병기체제(兵器體制)의 연구(硏究) (This Study of the Arms Used in the Three Kingdoms)

  • 김성태
    • 헤리티지:역사와 과학
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    • 제34권
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    • pp.20-58
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    • 2001
  • In order to unravel the characteristics of arms used in the 'Three Kingdoms,' Kokuryo, Silla and Paikje. the classification and the developing procedures of the arms should be first discussed. At first, the basic arms of the soldiers of Three Kingdoms were iron swords, iron spearheads, and bows. During that period, swords attached a ring pommel were commonly used. But after 5A. D. a sword with a decoration pommel appeared. Infantry generally used iron spearheads. From the late 4A. D. the long spearheads were broadly used in cavalry battles. In the late 6A. D. infantry mainly used long spearheads, and this resulted in the foundation of long spearheads units. There were two kinds of bows: Short Bow whose arch is small and Long Bow whose arch is long. It is known that the Short Bow was widely used in Kokuryo and Paikje up to 5A. D. In the early era, infantry used Long Bow, yet it was vastly used after 6A. D. when a castle's strategical value was great and defending a castle was. significant. Above mentioned, as basic combat weapons, iron spearhead and bow were fundamental. In particular, the spearhead was the essential weapon to a soldier. Yet, arrow gun and hook-shape cutters were important weapons. Especially, after 6A.D., when a castle became strategically pivotal in military, the arrow gun became the important weapon. This resulted in the foundation of arrow gun units. Hook-shape cutters were used to snatch horsemen or to climb up to fall the castle. Yet, the cutter was not the Three Kingodoms' basic weapon. In addition, the three stages of arms development in the Three Kingdoms are formation stage, development stage, and settlement stage. The formation stage was the period when premitive military unit appeared in the Three Kingdoms. It ranged from 1B. C. to the mid 3A. D. At that time according to regions. there were two weapon systems operating: North area including Kokuryo and the northern part of Paikje and South area including Silla, Kaya and the southern part of Paikje. ln North area a sword with a ring attached at the end of the holder, iron spear with neck and mid-size flat holder and iron arrowhead with an extension to fix, were used. In this period, during a war calvary units were mostly used and their weapon systems seemed possibly to succeed in that of Kochosun. In the development stage, when LoLang's influence on surroundings became weak, Koguryo, Paikjae and Silla had directly contacted each other. In the late 3A.D. to the early 6A.D., Silla achieved a drastic improvement in weapon system. This was the period when Kokuryo played a leading role in arms race. Kokuryo's arms manufacturing techniques passed onto Silla, Kaya and Paikje. In combat strategy a joint operation between infantry and calvary prevailed even if their military tactics were different. In a calvary battle heavily armed horsemen played import roles at this period. The horsemen and even horses were heavily guarded with iron armors. After all, the appearance of fully armed horsemen implies the very need of powerful destructive forces in weapon system. At that time, basic weapons were a big sword with a ring attached at the end of the holder, swallow's tail-shape spear with neck, and iron spearhead with neck and an extension. The settlement stage began at the mid 6A.D., when it was the revolutionary period in the arms development history. Of course, actual proofs and picture documents were not sufficient enough to penetrate full scale of the weapon system. But, according to historical circumstances and historic records, it is very certain that this period was the peak in arms development. In this period special military units, such as infantry-calvary companies, Archery units and Long spear units, that executed particular duties with special weapons, were founded. This became the characteristics of the settlement stage.

수막새에 새겨진 선악의 철학 -신라의 미소, 수막새를 통한 고찰- (The Philosophy of Good and Evil Engraved on Roof - End Tiles - A Contemplation of "The Smile of Silla" Roof-End Tiles)

  • 윤병렬
    • 헤리티지:역사와 과학
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    • 제53권1호
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    • pp.4-23
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    • 2020
  • 본 소고(小考)는 우리의 문화재인 수막새의 보편적인 의미에 대해 고찰하고, 특히 "신라의 미소" 수막새의 존재론적 의미 해석에 천착해 본다. 또 여기서 읽는 선악의 문제를 철학의 보편적 문제와 결부시켜 고찰해 본다. 선-악의 문제는 동서양을 막론하고 인류의 삶과 역사와 떼어서 생각할 수 없는 철학과 윤리 및 종교의 주제임에 틀림없을 뿐만 아니라 누구도 간과할 수 없는 심층 문제다. 중세의 교부였던 아우구스티누스는 악의 근원에 대해 깊이 천착했으며 나름대로 그 물음에 응답했지만, 결코 그 문제 해결은 누구에게나 해당되는 보편적인 해결책은 아니다. 말하자면 악의 근원에 대한 형이상학적 물음은 늘 열려있는 것이다. 셸링도 악의 근원 문제에 골몰했는데, 그는 이것이 "인간의 자유의지(menschliche Freiheit)"와 깊이 관련되어 있음을 타진하였다. 그러나 니체는 소크라테스와 기독교로부터 전승된 도덕을 "낙타의 도덕"이라고 폄하하면서 "선악의 피안(Jenseits vom Gut und Böse)"에 거주할 것을 주장한다. 본 소고(小考)에서는 선악이 우리의 손에 잡히든 혹은 잡히지 않든 "즉자-존재(an-sich-sein)"의 형식으로 존재하고 있음을 강조하고, 선악 사이의 싸움은 끝이 없을 뿐만 아니라 세계 및 인간의 운명과 철저하게 관련되어 있기에, 피안적인 것이라고 하기 보다는 차안적이라는 것을 밝힌다. 차안적인 선악 사이의 끝없는 싸움은 인도 사상과 종교의 영향을 받은 발리의 "바롱댄스"에도 잘 드러난다. 우리에게 전승된 얼굴무늬수막새도 다른 종류의 수막새와 마찬가지로 기왓골 끝을 단단하게 마감하는 건축학적 의미를 지닌 장식적 의미도 갖지만, 수호와 벽사(辟邪)의 의미도 갖고 있다. 벽사적인 의미를 갖는다는 것은 악이 곧 이 세상에 엄존하여 영향력을 행사하고 있다는 것을 전제로 한다. 인간의 능력을 뛰어넘는 불가항력적인 악의 존재에 대처하는 여러 민속적인 방식들을 타진해보고, 특히 악에 대처하는 얼굴무늬수막새인 "신라의 미소"를 통해 악귀에 대응하는 신라인들의 기상천외한 창조적 발상을 고찰해본다.

신라 5~6세기 무덤 출토 팔찌에 대한 연구 -물리적·형태적 특성 및 착장 양상을 중심으로 (A Study of the Bracelets Excavated from Fifth-and Sixth-century Silla Kingdom Tombs: Physical Characteristics and Wearing Practices)

  • 윤상덕
    • 박물관과 연구
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    • 제1권
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    • pp.174-197
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    • 2024
  • 피장자의 성별 및 위계 연구에 신라 마립간기 무덤 출토 귀금속제 장신구는 주요 연구대상이다. 그럼에도 팔찌(釧)는 소홀히 다루어졌는데, 최근 하대룡이 팔찌를 통해 성별을 추정한 연구를 발표하여 주목받았다. 이에 신라 팔찌의 기본 요소에 대한 관찰과 정리가 필요해졌고 이 글에서 물리적인 성격부터 외관과 변천, 착장 양상을 검토하였다. 대상 팔찌는 총 176점으로 은제, 금제가 대부분이며, 동, 유리 등이 확인되었다. 제작방법은 대부분 일회용 토범(土范)을 사용해서 주조로 만들었으며, 특히 각목문이나 돌기문도 새긴 것이 아니라 주조임을 알 수 있었다. 유리 팔찌와 용문양 팔찌는 둥근 형태의 거푸집을 사용하고, 판금제작을 제외한 나머지 팔찌는 '一자'형 거푸집으로 주조하여 둥글게 구부린 것으로 보았다. 이렇게 구부린 뒤에 양 끝을 접합해서 땜한 경우(폐쇄형)와 접합하지 않고 열린 형태로 둔 경우(개방형)로 나눌 수 있다. 변천은 이한상의 연구와 같이 황남대총 북분에서 출토된 문양 없는 둥근 봉의 형태에 각목문이 부가되고, 6세기가 되면 돌기형이 유행하는 방향을 확인하였는데, 초기형태는 원삼국시대의 가는 봉형 팔찌에서 이어진 것으로 추정하였다. 팔찌는 착장 뒤에 쉽게 빠지지 않도록 손목에 맞춰서 제작해야 하며, 이를 위해 개방형의 디자인이 사용될 수 밖에 없다. 또 금, 은과 동의 연성을 고려하면 늘림이나 변형은 가능하다고 보았다. 결국 팔찌가 남성의 손에 들어가기에 작더라도 개방형은 착장할 수 있으며, 폐쇄형도 타원형으로 변형하면 남성도 착장이 불가능하지 않다고 판단하였다. 즉, 변형 가능 정도에 따라 개방형인 A유형에서 유리팔찌와 같이 변형이 거의 불가능한 D유형까지 나누었을 때, 개방형인 A유형이 세환이식 착장자에게 더 많이 확인되며, 변형이 어려운 C, D 유형은 세환이식 착장자에게는 보이지 않고 태환이식 착장자에게서만 발견되는 점을 확인하였다. 따라서 팔찌는 남성도 착장할 수 있었으며, 세환이식과 태환이식 및 대도 착장을 기준으로 남녀를 구별하는 기존의 연구는 여전히 유효하다고 생각한다

감은사지 삼층석탑 구조에 관한 연구 (A study on the structure of the Three storied Stone pagoda in Gameunsa Temple site.)

  • 남시진
    • 건축역사연구
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    • 제17권3호
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    • pp.7-21
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    • 2008
  • Three-story Stone pagodas in Gameunsa Temple site, one of the early staged stone pagodas, has been known as a standard of Silla stone pagodas. A stone pagoda is not only a stone art work and but also a stone architecture. In understanding the stone pagoda it is very important to be approached with technological side in which we can investigate the stone pagoda deeply and as well as to have been approached with art historical view. Also it needs that we should see the stone pagoda in view of structural safety. We can get many high technique from our ancestors who made Gameunsajiseoktap. 1. To reduce any deformation such as relaxation and sinking of members which is caused by a heavy load the members such as the lower tier of the base is made up of the foundation stone and side stone in each, comprising one stone. 2. A special construction method for connection between wall stone and column stone in stereobates was invented. It is to make column stone projected partially and wall stone be caved in that two members should be jointed well. This unique method is not used any longer after the three-story Stone pagodas in Gameunsa Temple Site. 3. In each side upper and lower member are not engaged as the size of roof stones and support stones of roof stones are different. It can be done for a distribution of perpendicular load and a prevention for relaxation of members. 4. It makes sure that to make upper ends of support stones 10mm lower was to be avoid upper loads to it judging from survey in disassemblying east pagoda. It proves that ancestors who made this stone pagoda had a technique to understand the structural matters to make small members as big as possible, not to engage in joint, to avoid in ends of members from upper load.

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회암사(檜巖寺) 수조명분(修造名分)의 변화와 종교적 해법의 유사구조 - 자장(慈藏)의 영향을 중심으로 - (A Study on the Change of Cause for Rebuilding of Hoeamsa and Analogous Structure of Religious Solution - focusing on Jajang's Influence -)

  • 염중섭
    • 건축역사연구
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    • 제23권3호
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    • pp.7-19
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    • 2014
  • The temple Hoeamsa(檜巖寺) was repaired by Naong(懶翁), and with this the power of the temple became far greater to be the greatest Buddhist temple during late Goryeo and early Joseon. Naong's reconstruction of Hoeamsa was originated from Jigong(指空)'s teaching 'Samsan Yangsu(三山兩水).' But it is not clear whether Samsan Yangsu really meant Hoeamsa. By the way, after 14 years, Naong suddenly remembered this word and began to repair Hoeamsa in a large scale. From this, we can guess that Naong tried to give the contemporary Buddhism some change through the repair of Hoeamsa. But, as King Gongmin(恭愍王) the greatest supporter of Naong was suddenly assassinated, the political situation changed a lot and Naong also died unexpectedly. Naong's death brought out the critical sense to Hoeamsa and, in the process to resolve the crisis, the repair of Hoeamsa began to be justified through diverse religious factors. As these were expanded and developed on and one, Hoeamsa came to be honored as the most divine temple in Korea during the early Joseon dynasty. Furthermore, into the cause structure for the Naong's repair of Hoeamsa, the influence of Jajang was added through Odaesan Buddhism. As we can well understand, late Silla situation of Jajang and the late Goryeo of Naong were very similar and the both Buddhist leaders should have derived out some religious solution for them. In other words, both of them had a similar recognition in finding the religious solution for the contemporary crises. It becomes a way to understand the Hoeamsa repairing structure taken by Naong and his disciples. Therefore, by comparing the similar religious solution structures given by Jajang and Naong and by clearer understanding on Samsan Yangsu spirit, we can see the repair of Hoeamsa and the related aspects more accurately.

중국 본초서에 실린 우리나라 본초 (Korean Medicinal Herbs in Chinese Herbal Literature)

  • 김종현;손장호;이환희;김도훈
    • 대한한의학원전학회지
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    • 제31권3호
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    • pp.1-32
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    • 2018
  • Objectives : This paper seeks to discover and compile the information of the types of Korean medical herbs that are recorded in China's medial herbs literatures. Following this, the special characteristics of each herb and the differences in the description of each Korean herb found in different literatures and ages. Methods : First, the literatures were searched for the names of countries, regions, and people used in Korean peninsula, and a database was compiled based on the findings. Texts with no relation to the subject matter were discarded, and the rests were listed in the order of publication. The special characteristics of the medical herbs found in these literatures were then studied. Results & Conclusions : Total of 69 medical herbs were found in 34 literatures. These medical herbs could be categorized into three: those with superior quality, those that are different from the medical herbs used in China, and those that are not available in China. The medical herbs with superior quality are: Gonpo(昆布), Insam(人參), Omija(五味子), Tosaja(?絲子), Haesongja(海松子), Sesin(細辛), Baekbuja(白附子) and more. We can deduce that these medical herbs were regarded as superior in quality compared to their counterparts in China because they grow in the northeast region where pine tree thrive and a home to many areas with seas and mountains, and also with four distinctive seasons.

회암사(檜巖寺) 수조명분(修造名分)의 변화와 종교적 해법의 유사구조 - 자장(慈藏)의 영향을 중심으로 - (Change in Repairing Cause of Hoeamsa(檜巖寺) and Influence of Jajang(慈藏))

  • 염중섭
    • 건축역사연구
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    • 제23권4호
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    • pp.35-46
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    • 2014
  • The temple Hoeamsa(檜巖寺) was repaired by Naong(懶翁), and with this the power of the temple became far greater to be the greatest Buddhist temple during late Goryeo and early Joseon. Naong's reconstruction of Hoeamsa was originated from Jigong(指空)'s teaching 'Samsan Yangsu(三山兩水)'. But it is not clear whether Samsan Yangsu really meant Hoeamsa. By the way, after 14 years, Naong suddenly remembered this word and began to repair Hoeamsa in a large scale. From this, we can guess that Naong tried to give the contemporary Buddhism some change through the repair of Hoeamsa. But, as King Gongmin(恭愍王) the greatest supporter of Naong was suddenly assassinated, the political situation changed a lot and Naong also died unexpectedly. Naong's death brought out the critical sense to Hoeamsa and, in the process to resolve the crisis, the repair of Hoeamsa began to be justified through diverse religious factors. As these were expanded and developed on and one, Hoeamsa came to be honored as the most divine temple in Korea during the early Joseon dynasty. Furthermore, into the cause structure for the Naong's repair of Hoeamsa, the influence of Jajang was added through Odaesan Buddhism. As we can well understand, late Silla situation of Jajang and the late Goryeo of Naong were very similar and the both Buddhist leaders should have derived out some religious solution for them. In other words, both of them had a similar recognition in finding the religious solution for the contemporary crises. It becomes a way to understand the Hoeamsa repairing structure taken by Naong and his disciples. Therefore, by comparing the similar religious solution structures given by Jajang and Naong and by clearer understanding on Samsan Yangsu spirit, we can see the repair of Hoeamsa and the related aspects more accurately.

청오경(靑烏經)의 문헌적 연구 (A philological Study on Qingwujing(靑烏經))

  • 장성규
    • 건축역사연구
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    • 제18권2호
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    • pp.27-45
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    • 2009
  • This study was to analyze the philological character of Qingwujing(靑烏經). Qingwujing is the oldest and representative documents of FengShui, especially famous for FengShui XingQi(形氣) theories. In spite of is fame, a systematic research for Qingwujing was not yet fulfilled up to now in Korea. In is the main reason why have to research the philological character of Qingwujing. The results from this research were described as following. Qingwujing(靑烏經) as knows of Qingwujing's writer is very famous already in Han 한(漢) dynasty for his accurate FengShui methods. His FengShui thories getting more powerfyl from WeiChen(魏晉) to Tang(唐) dynasty. In Tang(唐) dynasty Qingwujing was abolished by government rulers, but it recovered and retouched by some scholars from Tang(唐) and Song(宋) dynasty. In the process, the block book of Qingwujing were changed for four or five kinds. Qingwujing's block books of Ming(明) dynasty are Yimenguangdu(夷門廣牘), Xiaoshisanjing(小十三經), Jujiabibei(居家必備), and Shuofu(說郛). It's block books of Qing(淸) dynasty are Gujintushujicheng(古今圖書集成), Sikuquanshu(四庫全書), Xuejintaoyuan(學津討原), and Ershierziquanji(二十二子全集). It's block book of Choson(朝鮮) dynasty is KyujangKak(奎章閣). Among them distinctive characters been founded, but the basic contents and theories are almost same. In Korea, Qingwuzi's FengShui theories were confirmed in Silla(新羅) dynasty, and it recoreded in Soongboksa inscription written by Choi-CheeWon. Qingwu(靑烏) or Qingwuzi were known for a great FengShui master of a FengShui standing theories in Koryeo(高麗) and Choson dynasty among royal families and the aristocratic classes. And Qingwujing was a representative FengShui theory book in wh0.1ole period of Choson dynasty. Now for understanding traditional FengShui theories, we have to understand the main FengShui theories on Choson dynasty at first. For understanding Choson FengShui, the study on philological character of Qingwujing is the basic works. If those works fulfilled successfully, we can understand FengShui theories and FengShu itself more correctly.

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우리나라의 다례와 다례에 관한 복식 - 궁중다례를 중심으로 - (The Study on the Tea Ceremony and the Costumes for the Tea Ceremony in Korea - Focusing on Royal Tea Ceremony -)

  • 서옥경
    • 복식
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    • 제54권5호
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    • pp.59-70
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    • 2004
  • Tea has influenced the basis of Korean culture in history for a long time. The dissertation aims to establish the history of the costumes for the tea ceremony based upon historical data. During Thee Kingdom Period. there was a ceremony called Tea Offering Ceremony In Silla times, there were Tea Offering Ceremony and Royal Shrine Tea Ceremony: In Corea age, they served Tea Presenting Ceremony: In Chosun age. tea ceremony was a part of Tea Presenting and was held during official greeting feasts for foreign envoys and during feast ceremonies at the court. The costumes for the tea ceremony by period are as fellows : In Corea times, king and all the government officials wore official court attire for Enthronement Ceremony (Ka-Rye). For Official Guest Reception Ceremony (Bin-Rye), king wore official costume, but in case the envoy was not carrying an Official King's Letter, king wore Ordinary Costume. In Chosun times, both king and prince crown wore ordinary costumes of winged silk crowns and royal robes (with golden dragon patterned segment) for Envoy Reception Tea Ceremony. In time of royal feast ceremony, king and prince crown wore ordinary costumes of winged silk crowns and royal robes, while queen wore red purple silk robe (red purple embroidered segment). Chosun's royal court occasionally held tea ceremonyat royal feast ceremonies during which king also wore ordinary costume of winged silk crown and royal robe as a costume to attract good fortunes. In case of ceremonies for bad occasions, a tea ceremony was included in Royal Inquisition procedures (joong-hyung-ju-dae-eui) during which king wore simple costume (Pyun-Bok).

TIMSS 결과에 나타난 우리나라 교실내 수학 교육의 변화 추이 분석 (Analysis of Trends of Mathematics Education in Korean Classes Based on TIMSS)

  • 김선희;김수진
    • 한국수학사학회지
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    • 제25권4호
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    • pp.139-155
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    • 2012
  • 본 연구는 1995년부터 2007년에 이르기까지 4회에 걸친 TIMSS의 학교장과 수학 교사 설문 결과를 분석하여 우리나라 수학 교실 내에서의 수학교육의 변화를 수학 교수 학습 방법, 평가, 교사의 전문성 측면에서 살펴보았다. 교수 학습 방법에서는 수준별 수업이 최근 많이 실시되고 있으며, 교사보다 학생 중심의 활동 비중이 수업에서 늘어났고, 숙제 빈도는 늘었으나 소요 시간은 많지 않으며 숙제는 여러 가지 방법으로 수학 수업과 연계되도록 활용되고 있음이 나타났다. 수학 평가 문항은 객관식이 많이 활용되고 있고 다양한 방법의 평가가 점차 많이 활용되고 있었다. 수학 교사의 전문성 측면에서, 교사들은 고령화되고 있으며 수학과 수학교육 전공자가 늘었고 수학을 가르칠 준비에 자신감이 많지 않았다. 그러나 수학 교사들은 동료와 다양하게 상호작용을 하는 경향이 있었고 연수 참가 비율은 연수 내용에 따라 증감이 있었다.