• Title/Summary/Keyword: High-resolution Seismic

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Late Pleistocene Unconformity in Tidal-Flat Deposit of Gyeonggi Bay, Western Coast of Korea (한국 서해 경기만 조간대 퇴적층의 후기 플라이스토세 부정합)

  • Jung, Hoi-Soo;Yoo, Hai-Soo;Seo, Jung-Mo;Paeng, Woo-Hyun;Lim, Dhong-Il
    • Journal of the Korean earth science society
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    • v.24 no.8
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    • pp.657-667
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    • 2003
  • Deep-drilled core sampling and high-resolution seismic survey were carried out to identify a Holocene-late Pleistocene boundary in Gyeonggi Bay, western coast of Korea. Analysis of core sections revealed the existence of an oxidized and semi-consolidated sediment layer, Iying immediately below a Holocene horizon (Unit I) and being developed at the top of a late Pleistocene deposit (Unit II). The oxidized sedimentary layer (uppermost part of Unit II) is characterized by semi-consolidated, yellowish sediments showing signs of desiccation and alteration such as high N value, low water content, periglacial cryogenic structure, depletion of smectite, and high geochemical weathering index (Ba/Sr ratio). This feature, together with radiocarbon ages, suggests that the layer has formed as a result of prolonged subaerial exposure of Unit II sediments during the late Wisconsin sea-level lowstand, producing a regional unconformity. Such unconformitic-bounding surface corresponds to a prominent near-surface reflector (R), which is observed in seismic profiles obtained across the drilled-core sections in the study area. Consequently, the buried oxidized-sedimentary layer associated with the seismic reflector possibly plays a key horizon for the understanding of late Quaternary environmental changes as well as evidence of the emergence of the Yellow Sea shelf during the late Wisconsin sea-level lowstand.

Seismic Stratigraphy and Depositional History of Late Quaternary Deposits on the Korea Strait Inner Shelf, Korea

  • Yoo, D.G.;Lee, H.Y.;Kim, S.P.;Kim, K.O.;Koo, N.H.;Kim, Y.G.
    • Journal of the Korean Geophysical Society
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    • v.5 no.4
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    • pp.271-281
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    • 2002
  • Interpretation of high-resolution seismic profiles collected from the inner shetf of the Korea Strait reveals that the shelf sequence in this area consists of three sedimentary units (I, II, and III in a descending order) formed after the last glacial maximum. Lower two units (II and III) represent the transgressive systems tract formed during the Holocene transgression, Unit III above the sequence boundary is interpreted to be the transgressive estuarine deposit, whereas Unit ll above the ravinement surface forms a thin transgressive sand which consists of the sediment produced through shoreface erosion and winnowing during the transgression. Unit I above the maximum flooding surface is the highstand systems tract consisting mainly of recent muds derived from the Nakdong River.

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Gas Hydrate Occurrence in the Southwestern Slope of the Ulleung Basin, East Sea, Inferred from Seismic Evidence (동해 울릉분지 남서 사면지역에서 탄성파 특징으로부터 유추한 가스 수화물의 존재 가능성)

  • Hong, Jong-Kuk;Yoo, Hai-Soo;Jou, Hyeong-Tae;Han, Sang-Joon;Choi, Dong-Lim
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    • v.6 no.4
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    • pp.242-248
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    • 2001
  • A high resolution Chirp seismic profile and a multichannel seismic reflection profile were analysed to study the possibility of gas hydrate presence in the southwestern upper slope of the Ulleung Basin. The Chirp profile shows acoustic turbidity, acoustic void, and pockmarks, suggesting the presence of shallow gas in the sediments .Slope failures appear to have occurred in association with decomposition of gas hydrated sediments. A bottom-simulating reflector (BSR) is seen in subbottom depths of 60 to 110 m below the seafloor at water depths of 750 to 1130 m. The sediments above BSR are characterized by acoustic blanking probably due to amplitude reduction caused by a mixture of gas hydrate with sediments. The interval velocity above the BSR is 1,650 m/sec and it drops abruptly to 1,080 m/sec below the BSR. The sediment column between seafloor and the BSR thins with increasing water depth, which is very closely related to increasing geothermal gradient with increasing water depth in the Ulleung Basin.

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Effective Wavefield Separation of Reflected P- and PS-Waves in Multicomponent Seismic Data by Using Rotation Transform with Stacking (다성분 탄성파탐사자료에서 회전 변환과 중합을 이용한 효과적인 P파 반사파와 PS파 반사파의 분리)

  • Jeong, Soocheol;Byun, Joongmoo;Seol, Soon Jee
    • Geophysics and Geophysical Exploration
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    • v.16 no.1
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    • pp.6-17
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    • 2013
  • Multicomponent seismic data including both P- and PS-waves have advantages in discriminating the type of pore fluid, characterizing the lithologic attributes and producing the high resolution image. However, multicomponent seismic data recorded at the vertical and horizontal component receivers contain both P- and PS-waves which have different features, simultaneously. Therefore, the wavefield separation of P- and PS-waves as a preprocessing is inevitable in order to use the multicomponent seismic data successfully. In this study, we analyzed the previous study of the wavefield separation method suggested by Jeong and Byun in 2011, where the approximated reflection angle calculated only from one refernce depth is used in rotation transform, and showed its limitation for seismic data containing various reflected events from the multi-layered structure. In order to overcome its limitation, we suggested a new effective wavefield separation method of P- and PS-waves. In new method, we calculate the reflection angles with various reference depths and apply rotation transforms to the data with those reflection angles. Then we stack all results to obtain the final separated data. To verify our new method, we applied it to the synthetic data sets from a multi-layered model, a fault model, and the Marmousi-2 model. The results showed that the proposed method separated successfully P- and PS-reflection events from the multicomponent data from mild dipping layered model as long as the dip is not too steep.

Basin analysis using high-resolution magnetotelluric data (고해상 자기지전류 자료를 이용한 분지해석)

  • Ryang Woo Hun
    • The Korean Journal of Petroleum Geology
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    • v.7 no.1_2 s.8
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    • pp.7-12
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    • 1999
  • A new high-resolution rnagnetotelluric (MT) survey was conducted for pull-apart basin analysis (Cretaceous Eumsung Basin), combined with surface sedimentological results. Two cross-basinal MT profiles represent an asymmetric form with a subbasin in the southeastern part. These basinal architectures are well compatible with paleoflow directions and facies transitions of surface sedimentology. The results also suggest that the basin fills reflect pull-apart opening with rapid subsidence of the central blocks. Combined with the surface sedimentological data on asymmetric lithofacies distribution, facies transitions, and paleoflow directions of the alluvio-lacustrine systems, the MT data help explain basin-fill processes during the basin formation. For petroleum exploration and basin analysis, the high-frequency MT technique can be a useful substitute for the costly burden of a seismic-reflection survey on land.

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Seismic waveform tomography in the frequency-space domain: selection of the optimal temporal frequency for inversion

  • Yokota Toshiyuki;Matsushima Jun
    • Geophysics and Geophysical Exploration
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    • v.7 no.1
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    • pp.19-24
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    • 2004
  • Frequency-space domain full-wave tomography is a promising technique for delineating detailed subsurface structure with high resolution. However, this method requires criteria for the selection of a set of optimal temporal frequency components, to achieve stability in the sequence of inversion processes together with computational efficiency. We propose a method of selecting optimal temporal frequencies, based on wavenumber continuity. The proposed method is tested numerically and is shown to be able to select an optimal set of frequency components that are sufficient to image the anomalies.

A Geoacoustic Model at the SSDP-101 Long-core Site in the Korea Strait

  • Woo-Hun Ryang;Seong-Pil Kim
    • Journal of the Korean earth science society
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    • v.44 no.4
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    • pp.264-274
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    • 2023
  • The Korea Strait comprises a continental shelf in a shallow sea that experienced glacio-eustastic sea-level changes during the Quaternary period. A long core of 76.6 m in length was acquired at the South Sea Drilling Project site (SSDP-101; 34°19.666'E and 128°16.335'N) with a 60 m water deep. The uppermost massive sand beds were interpreted as sandy sediments of the nearshore marine sand ridge in the shallow sea during the transgression of sea level, whereas the lower parts of alternating sandy and muddy beds were interpreted as deposits in marsh, estuary, and tidal flat environments. A three-layered geoacoustic model was reconstructed for the sedimentary succession in the high-resolution seismic profile based on a 140-grain size and sediment type of core SSDP-101. For the actual underwater simulation and experiments, the in-situ P-wave speeds were calculated using the sound speed ratio of the Hamilton method.

Geophysical Surveys for the Detection of Gallery and Geomembrane at the Imcheon Abandoned Mine (임천 폐광산의 지하갱도와 인공차수막의 탐지를 위한 지구물리탐사)

  • 김지수;한수형;이경주;최상훈
    • Economic and Environmental Geology
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    • v.36 no.6
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    • pp.501-510
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    • 2003
  • Several geophysical surveys(electrical resistivity, electromagnetic, seismic refraction, CPR) were conducted to primarily investigate the gallery and the geomembrane at an abandoned mine(Imcheon mine). The subsurface structure mapped from seismic refraction survey mainly consists of three velocity layers(>1000 m/s, 1000∼2000 m/s,<2000 m/s). Top of the bedrock, whose velocities exceed 2000 m/s, appears to be at depth of 7.5∼10m. Higher resistivities (of ten thousands-hundred of thousands ohm-m) are interpreted to be associated with a open(cavities) gallery. The events at depth of approximately 0.5∼0.7m in GPR sections are probably caused by high-density-poly-ethylene geomembrane. Taking into consideration of the differences in the spatial resolution between georadar and electrical surveys, the events of geomembrane correspond to the top of the high resistivities at depth of about 2m. The segments, characterized with the higher conductivities in the electromagnetic data and the lower resistivities in the electrical resistivity data, are probably associated with surface water or tear zone of geomembrane.

Identification of high-dip faults utilizing the GRM technique of seismic refraction method(Ⅱ) -Application to real data- (굴절파 GRM 해석방법을 응용한 고경사 단층 인지 (Ⅱ) -실제 자료 적용-)

  • Kim, Gi Yeong;U, Nam Cheol
    • Journal of the Korean Geophysical Society
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    • v.2 no.1
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    • pp.65-74
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    • 1999
  • From refraction data along four seismic profiles near Eonyang which the Yangsan fault passes through, the Slope Variation Indicators (SVI) are computed and interpreted in terms of fault distribution. The average velocities of 2,250-2,870 m/s are estimated using velocity-analysis functions for the target boundary along those profiles. The average velocity for Line 1 is approximately 600 m/s lower than ones for the other lines. The SVI's with amplitude greater than or equal to 0.5 ms/m are turned out to be located near faults shown on the high-resolution reflection section, as closely as one station spacing (3 m). Large amplitude SVI's are densely distributed near National Road 35, and the fault having the largest vertical slip is indicated to be located approximately 930 m west of the inferred fault on the published geologic map.

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High-Resolution Seismic Characteristics of the Holocene Mud Deposits in the Southeast Innershelf, Korea (한국 남동 내대륙붕해역의 홀로세 뻘질 퇴적층의 고해상도 탄성파 특성)

  • Choi, Dpng-Lim;Oh, Jae-Kyung;Lee, Chi-Won;Woo, Han-Jun
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    • v.2 no.1
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    • pp.8-13
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    • 1997
  • The Holocene mud deposits in the southeastern innershelf of the Korean Peninsula were studied using the shallow seismic reflection profiles coupled with sediment sampling. The Holocene mud deposits are developed as a belt in the innershelf area from the mouth of the Nakdong River to off Pohang along the coastline. The surficial sediments in the study area gradually become finer and well sorted from south to north. The seismic facies in the Holocene sequence change northward from parallel reflectors in the mouth of the Nakdong River and northeastward prograding reflectors in the southern part off Ulsan to transparent layer in the nearshore off Ulsan to Pohang. The regional difference of seismic facies indicates that the Holocene sediment characters are varied with localities. By combining the surficial sediments properties with seismic facies patterns, the suspended sediments mostly supplied from the Nakdong River may be transported northward along the shore by the north-flowing Tsushima warm current. The Holocene mud sequence overlying the ravinement surface which is produced by erosion of underlying sediments during a rapid transgression can be interpreted as the highstand system tracts probably formed during the highstand of sea level similar to the present-day sea level.

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