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Effect of the support pressure modes on face stability during shield tunneling

  • Dalong Jin;Yinzun Yang;Rui Zhang;Dajun Yuan;Kang Zhang
    • Geomechanics and Engineering
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    • v.36 no.5
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    • pp.417-426
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    • 2024
  • Shield tunneling method is widely used to build tunnels in complex geological environment. Stability control of tunnel face is the key to the safety of projects. To improve the excavation efficiency or perform equipment maintenance, the excavation chamber sometimes is not fully filled with support medium, which can reduce the load and increase tunneling speed while easily lead to ground collapse. Due to the high risk of the face failure under non-fully support mode, the tunnel face stability should be carefully evaluated. Whether compressive air is required for compensation and how much air pressure should be provided need to be determined accurately. Based on the upper bound theorem of limit analysis, a non-fully support rotational failure model is developed in this study. The failure mechanism of the model is verified by numerical simulation. It shows that increasing the density of supporting medium could significantly improve the stability of tunnel face while the increase of tunnel diameter would be unfavorable for the face stability. The critical support ratio is used to evaluate the face failure under the nonfully support mode, which could be an important index to determine whether the specific unsupported height could be allowed during shield tunneling. To avoid of face failure under the non-fully support mode, several charts are provided for the assessment of compressed air pressure, which could help engineers to determine the required air pressure for face stability.

Multi-scale calibration of a line-style sand pluviator

  • Yifan Yang;Dirk A. de Lange;Huan Wang;Amin Askarinejad
    • Geomechanics and Engineering
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    • v.37 no.5
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    • pp.431-441
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    • 2024
  • A newly developed line-style sand pluviator has been calibrated to prepare repeatable sand specimens of specific statuses of compactness and homogeneity for laboratory tests. Sand is falling via a bottom slot of a fixed hopper, and by moving the sample container under the slot, the container is evenly filled with sand. The pluviator is designed with high flexibility: The falling height of sand, the hopper's opening width and the relative moving speed between the hopper and the sample box can be easily adjusted. By changing these control factors, sand specimens of a wide range of densities can be prepared. A series of specimen preparation was performed using the coarse Merwede River sand. Performance of the pluviator was systematically evaluated by exploring the alteration of achievable density, as well as checking the homogeneity and fabric of the prepared samples by CT scanning. It was found that the density of prepared coarse sand samples has monotonic correlations with none of the three control factors. Furthermore, CT scanning results suggested that the prepared samples exhibited excellent homogeneity in the horizontal direction but periodical alteration of density in the vertical direction. Based on these calibration test results, a preliminary hypothesis is proposed to describe the general working principles of this type of pluviators a priori, illustrating the mechanisms dominating the non-monotonic correlations between control factors and the relative density as well as the vertically prevalent heterogeneity of specimens. Accordingly, practical recommendations are made in a unified framework in order to lessen the load of similar calibration work.

On the dynamic behavior of functionally graded cracked beams resting on winkler foundation under moving load

  • Alaa A. Abdelrahman;Mohamed Ashry;Amal E. Alshorbagy;Mohamed A. Eltaher;Waleed S. Abdalla
    • Steel and Composite Structures
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    • v.53 no.2
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    • pp.169-194
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    • 2024
  • Although the excellent characteristics of functionally graded materials (FGMs) cracks could be found due to manufacturing defects or extreme working conditions. The existence of these cracks may threaten the material or structural strength, reliability, and lifetime. Due to high cost and restrictions offered by practical operational features these cracked components couldn't be replaced immediately. Such circumstances lead to the requirement of assessing the dynamic performance of cracked functionally graded structural components especially under moving objects. The present study aims to comprehensively investigate the dynamic behavior of functionally graded cracked Timoshenko beams (FGCTBs) resting on Winkler foundation and subjected to moving load through shear locking free finite elements methodology. The through thickness material distribution is simulated by the exponential gradation law. The geometric discontinuity due to cracks is represented using the massless rotational spring approach. The shear locking phenomena is avoided by using the different interpolation functions orders for both deflections and rotations. Based on Timoshenko beam element, a shear locking free finite elements methodology is developed. The unconditionally stable Newmark procedure is employed to solve the forced vibration problem. Accuracy of the developed procedure is verified by comparing the obtained results with the available results and an excellent agreement is found. Parametric studies are conducted to explore effects of the geometrical, material characteristics, crack geometrical characteristics, the elastic foundation parameter, and the moving load speed on the dynamic behavior for different boundary conditions. Obtained results revealed the significant effect these parameters on the dynamic performance of FGCTBs.

Research on damage detection and assessment of civil engineering structures based on DeepLabV3+ deep learning model

  • Chengyan Song
    • Structural Engineering and Mechanics
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    • v.91 no.5
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    • pp.443-457
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    • 2024
  • At present, the traditional concrete surface inspection methods based on artificial vision have the problems of high cost and insecurity, while the computer vision methods rely on artificial selection features in the case of sensitive environmental changes and difficult promotion. In order to solve these problems, this paper introduces deep learning technology in the field of computer vision to achieve automatic feature extraction of structural damage, with excellent detection speed and strong generalization ability. The main contents of this study are as follows: (1) A method based on DeepLabV3+ convolutional neural network model is proposed for surface detection of post-earthquake structural damage, including surface damage such as concrete cracks, spaling and exposed steel bars. The key semantic information is extracted by different backbone networks, and the data sets containing various surface damage are trained, tested and evaluated. The intersection ratios of 54.4%, 44.2%, and 89.9% in the test set demonstrate the network's capability to accurately identify different types of structural surface damages in pixel-level segmentation, highlighting its effectiveness in varied testing scenarios. (2) A semantic segmentation model based on DeepLabV3+ convolutional neural network is proposed for the detection and evaluation of post-earthquake structural components. Using a dataset that includes building structural components and their damage degrees for training, testing, and evaluation, semantic segmentation detection accuracies were recorded at 98.5% and 56.9%. To provide a comprehensive assessment that considers both false positives and false negatives, the Mean Intersection over Union (Mean IoU) was employed as the primary evaluation metric. This choice ensures that the network's performance in detecting and evaluating pixel-level damage in post-earthquake structural components is evaluated uniformly across all experiments. By incorporating deep learning technology, this study not only offers an innovative solution for accurately identifying post-earthquake damage in civil engineering structures but also contributes significantly to empirical research in automated detection and evaluation within the field of structural health monitoring.

A study on the shear bond strengths of veneering ceramics to the colored zirconia core (착색지르코니아 코어와 전장 도재 사이의 전단결합강도에 관한 연구)

  • Kang, Sun-Nyo;Cho, Wook;Jeon, Young-Chan;Jeong, Chang-Mo;Yun, Mi-Jung
    • The Journal of Korean Academy of Prosthodontics
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    • v.47 no.3
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    • pp.312-319
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    • 2009
  • Statement of problem: Delamination of veneering porcelain from underlying ceramic substructures has been reported for zirconia-ceramic restorations. Colored zirconia cores for esthetics have been reported that their bond strength with veneered porcelain is weaker compared to white zirconia cores. Purpose: This study aimed to investigate the shear bond strength by manufacturing the veneering porcelain on the colored zirconia core, using the layering technique and heat-pressing technique, and to evaluate the clinical stability by comparing the result of this with that of conventional metal ceramic system. Material and methods: A Metal ceramic (MC) system was tested as a control group. The tested systems were Katana zirconia with CZR (ZB) and Katana Zirconia with NobelRondo Press (ZP). Thirty specimens, 10 for each system and control, were fabricated. Specimen disks, 3 mm high and 12 mm diameter, were fabricated with the lost-wax technique (MC) and the CAD-CAM (ZB and ZP). MC and ZB specimens were prepared using opaque and dentin veneering ceramics, veneered, 3 mm high and 2.8 mm in diameter, over the cores. ZP specimens were prepared using heat pressing ingots, 3 mm high and 2.8mm in diameter. The shear bond strength test was performed in a Shear bond test machine. Load was applied at a cross-head speed of 0.50 mm/min until failure. Mean shear bond strengths (MPa) were analyzed with the One-way ANOVA. After the shear bond test, fracture surfaces were examined by SEM. Results: The mean shear bond strengths (SD) in MPa were MC control 29.14 (2.26); ZB 29.48 (2.30); and ZP 29.51 (2.32). The shear bond strengths of the tested systems were not significantly different (P > .05). All groups presented cohesive and adhesive failures, and showed predominance of cohesive failures in ceramic veneers. Conclusion: 1. The shear bond strengths of the tested groups were not significantly different from the control group (P >.05). 2. There was no significant different between the layering technique and the heat pressing technique in the veneering methods on the colored zirconia core. 3. All groups presented cohesive and adhesive failures, and showed predominance of cohesive failures in ceramic veneers.

Experimental study on the vertical bearing behavior of nodular diaphragm wall in sandy soil based on PIV technique

  • Jiujiang Wu;Longjun Pu;Hui Shang;Yi Zhang;Lijuan Wang;Haodong Hu
    • Geomechanics and Engineering
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    • v.35 no.2
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    • pp.195-208
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    • 2023
  • The nodular diaphragm wall (NDW) is a novel type of foundation with favorable engineering characteristics, which has already been utilized in high-rise buildings and high-speed railways. Compared to traditional diaphragm walls, the NDW offers significantly improved vertical bearing capacity due to the presence of nodular parts while reducing construction time and excavation work. Despite its potential, research on the vertical bearing characteristics of NDW requires further study, and the investigation and visualization of its displacement pattern and failure mode are scant. Meanwhile, the measurement of the force component acting on the nodular parts remains challenging. In this paper, the vertical bearing characteristics of NDW are studied in detail through the indoor model test, and the displacement and failure mode of the foundation is analyzed using particle image velocimetry (PIV) technology. The principles and methods for monitoring the force acting on the nodular parts are described in detail. The research results show that the nodular part plays an essential role in the bearing capacity of the NDW, and its maximum load-bearing ratio can reach 30.92%. The existence of the bottom nodular part contributes more to the bearing capacity of the foundation compared to the middle nodular part, and the use of both middle and bottom nodular parts increases the bearing capacity of the foundation by about 9~12% compared to a single nodular part of the NDW. The increase in the number of nodular parts cannot produce a simple superposition effect on the resistance born by the nodular parts since the nodular parts have an insignificant influence on the exertion and distribution of the skin friction of NDW. The existence of the nodular part changes the displacement field of the soil around NDW and increases the displacement influence range of the foundation to a certain extent. For NDWs with three different nodal arrangements, the failure modes of the foundations appear to be local shear failures. Overall, this study provides valuable insights into the performance and behavior of NDWs, which will aid in their effective utilization and further research in the field.

Wind-sand coupling movement induced by strong typhoon and its influences on aerodynamic force distribution of the wind turbine

  • Ke, Shitang;Dong, Yifan;Zhu, Rongkuan;Wang, Tongguang
    • Wind and Structures
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    • v.30 no.4
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    • pp.433-450
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    • 2020
  • The strong turbulence characteristic of typhoon not only will significantly change flow field characteristics surrounding the large-scale wind turbine and aerodynamic force distribution on surface, but also may cause morphological evolution of coast dune and thereby form sand storms. A 5MW horizontal-axis wind turbine in a wind power plant of southeastern coastal areas in China was chosen to investigate the distribution law of additional loads caused by wind-sand coupling movement of coast dune at landing of strong typhoons. Firstly, a mesoscale Weather Research and Forecasting (WRF) mode was introduced in for high spatial resolution simulation of typhoon "Megi". Wind speed profile on the boundary layer of typhoon was gained through fitting based on nonlinear least squares and then it was integrated into the user-defined function (UDF) as an entry condition of small-scaled CFD numerical simulation. On this basis, a synchronous iterative modeling of wind field and sand particle combination was carried out by using a continuous phase and discrete phase. Influencing laws of typhoon and normal wind on moving characteristics of sand particles, equivalent pressure distribution mode of structural surface and characteristics of lift resistance coefficient were compared. Results demonstrated that: Compared with normal wind, mesoscale typhoon intensifies the 3D aerodynamic distribution mode on structural surface of wind turbine significantly. Different from wind loads, sand loads mainly impact on 30° ranges at two sides of the lower windward region on the tower. The ratio between sand loads and wind load reaches 3.937% and the maximum sand pressure coefficient is 0.09. The coupling impact effect of strong typhoon and large sand particles is more significant, in which the resistance coefficient of tower is increased by 9.80% to the maximum extent. The maximum resistance coefficient in typhoon field is 13.79% higher than that in the normal wind field.