• Title/Summary/Keyword: Health education need

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A Review Study on Interprofessional College Education in Health Care Sector (보건의료분야 전문가간 대학 교육에 대한 사례연구)

  • Yoon, Byoung-Jun;Lee, Jun-Hyup
    • The Journal of Korean Society for School & Community Health Education
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    • v.11 no.1
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    • pp.149-158
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    • 2010
  • Background & Objectives: Rising concerns about patient safety and looming health provider shortages were generating new recognition for an old idea. Interprofessional education means that two or more professions learn with, from and about other to improve collaboration and the quality of healthcare. The University of British Columbia established the College of Health Disciplines in 2001 to examine the merits of interprofessional health education. The objective of this study was to review UBC's interprofessional health education and to introduce the theoretical framework of interprofessional education for collaborative patient-centered practice. Methods: This study was conducted with the materials relevant to the interprofessional education. We reviewed the journals and Web site for this subject and we obtained interview data from administrators in the University of British Columbia, College of Health Disciplines. Results: We introduced interdisciplinary education for collaborative patient-centered practice model. It is assumed valuable model in preparing the interprofessional education as well as theoretical framework for implementation. We preseuted the example for interprofessional education of the College of Health Disciplines, University of British Columbia. Conclusion: We need to introduce the interprofessional education at the health care departments of University or College in Korea.

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Oral Health Practices of Some Local Child Care Teachers Oral Health Education Awareness and Need Survey (일부 지역 보육교사의 구강건강관련 실천도 및 구강보건교육 인식도·필요도 조사)

  • Ku, In-Young
    • Journal of Korean Clinical Health Science
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    • v.7 no.2
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    • pp.1325-1336
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    • 2019
  • Purpose. Infant oral health care forms the basis of lifelong health, and the role of child care teachers in contributing to the quality level in the formation of correct habits at this time throughout the infant's health care and education is very important. The purpose of this study was to examine the relationship between the perceived oral health status of nursery teachers and the necessity of oral health education, and to emphasize that the oral health of teachers is closely related to the oral health of infants and young children. Methods. This study was conducted from May to June 2018 by surveying private nursery teachers in some parts of Gyeongsangbuk-do province by using the self-entry method. The research tools consisted of the general characteristics of subjects, subjective oral health status, oral health practice, oral health education awareness, and oral health education needs. We used shceffe as a post hoc test to compare the differences between groups after frequency analysis, independent t-test, and one-way ANOVA analysis. The linear regression analysis was conducted to determine the relationship between perceived oral health status, oral health practice and awareness, and oral health education needs. The statistical level was .05. Results. According to the results of this study, the oral health related practice according to the demographic characteristics is at the final education level, and the oral health related awareness is age, marital status and oral health education needs. The results showed statistically significant differences in final educational attainment and cohabitation. Regarding the relationship between perceived oral health status, oral health related practice and awareness, and oral health education needs There were significant differences in oral health practice(β =.329) and oral health education needs (β =.158). Conclusion. Based on the above results, the child care facility can emphasize the importance of the role of the child care teacher in the oral health care of infants, and the basic data for the establishment of the child care management program in the future by reflecting the role of the teacher in the development of the child care management program of the child care facility. I want to use as.

Factors Related to Awareness and Education Regarding Relationship between Systemic Disease and Oral Health among Dental Patients (일개 치과내원 환자의 전신질환과 구강건강 간 연관성 및 관련 교육 필요성 인식에 영향을 미치는 요인)

  • Shin, Bo-Mi;Choi, Yong-Keum;Bae, Soo-Myoung;Lee, Hyo-Jin
    • The Journal of the Korea Contents Association
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    • v.18 no.8
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    • pp.607-615
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    • 2018
  • The purpose of this study was to assess the level of awareness regarding the relationship between systemic diseases and oral health and the importance of education related to this association among dental patients, as well as to identify factors that affect the awareness of the relationship and the perceived need for education. This study was conducted from June 2016 to February 2017. Subjects of this study included outpatients (20-60 years old) from a dental clinic, and only patients who agreed to the survey were included. A total of 110 subjects were included, but the final analysis was based on 92 questionnaires, excluding questionnaires that were inaccurate. Survey questionnaires were completed by self-report and face-to-face interviews with a dental hygienist. The questionnaires covered basic information, awareness of the association between general and oral health, and experience with, and need for education related to, this association. Among the subjects, 48.9% were aware of the association between systemic diseases and oral health. A total of 39.1% of subjects had received education regarding the relationship between systemic diseases and oral health. Subjects who visited dental clinics regularly were 3.94 times (95% confidence intervals [CI]: 1.21-12.84) more likely to be aware of the association between oral health and disease compared with subjects who made only irregular visits to dental clinics. In addition, experience or education was significantly associated with awareness of the relationship between oral health and disease (odds ratio [OR]: 4.64, 95% CI: 1.54-13.93) and the need for education (OR: 3.98, 95% CI: 1.20-13.12). Thus, the dental professionals should provide education on the relationship between oral health and systemic disease in dental clinics to improve patients' awareness and oral health behaviors. These results can be used to strengthen education in the dental clinic.

Ethics education in Public Health (보건분야에서 윤리교육)

  • 이주열
    • Korean Journal of Health Education and Promotion
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    • v.15 no.1
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    • pp.67-77
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    • 1998
  • A major purpose of this article is to provide ethical aspects in public health. This is not intended to establish theoretical and philosopical argument for issues of health care ethics, but intended to describe the necessity of ethics education in public health. The increase in medical science to sustain life and the failure to provide corresponding ethical guideline in public health have created new ethical problems. All members in public health trainning programs should not only have an interest in health care ethics, but also have an ability to reach decisions in ethical problems related to community. The goal of ethics education in public health is not to improve the moral character of health care providers but rather to provide them with the conceptual abilities and decision-making skills they will need to deal successfully with ethical issues in public health research and practice. Obviously. the ultimate goal is to increase awareness of human values in health care.

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A Study on Platonic View of Health in "Politeia" (플라톤의 건강관에 대한 고찰 -"국가"를 중심으로 -)

  • 반덕진
    • Health Policy and Management
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    • v.9 no.3
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    • pp.149-169
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    • 1999
  • A purpose of this study is to understand Platonic View of Health in $\boxDr$Politeia$\boxUl$. Though Plato was not so much a doctor as a philosopher. he had health care of children at heart. He mapped out an ideal type of nation in $\ulcorner$Politeia$\lrcorner$. and he founded a Akademeia in order to realize his dreams. In his course of education. he put emphasis on the problem of health. He extended poetry education for mental health and physical education for physical health. He placed high value on mental health above physical health. and poetry education corresponds to our reading education of today. He perceived that reading had a considerable influence on mental health promotion. According to his assertion, life style, too. had something to do with health condition. To lead a simple. temperate life makes one' health promote, on the other hand, to lead a complicated, intemperate life makes one' health injure. Morever, he approved of a eugenic marriage and the law of jungle. If one is unable to take care of one' health oneself. he would rather die than live. We cannot accept this proposal by general consent. but we cannot be too careful of our health. We can draw out a philosophy of health from Platonic View of Health. For example. the importance of health education. the preference of mental health. the influence of reading education. and responsibility for self-care, etc. We need to establish a philosophy of health scientifically by lasting study of records.

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A Study on the Health Education Needs of the Aged in Seoul (서울시 노인들의 대중매체 관심도 및 보건교육 요구도 조사연구)

  • 임재은;이선자;김대희;박재간;김태현
    • Korean Journal of Health Education and Promotion
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    • v.12 no.1
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    • pp.3-21
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    • 1995
  • This survey was carried out with random sampling from 7 koos in Seoul (Seodaemoonkoo, Mapokoo, Kangdongkoo, Seongdongkoo, Koorokoo, Yongsankoo and Seongbookkoo. in order to evaluate the present health education needs of the aged and to find out the alternative plan for improvement. It used closed questionnaire. The number of the surveyed is 580. The brief results and suggestions of this study are as follows: 1. There is high level of health education needs of the aged in Seoul. 2. There is little activity of health education from the Ministry of Health and Social Affairs. 3. They like lectures and group guidances best of all the ways of health education. 4. They like pavilions of the aged best of all the places of health education. 5. They like to receive health education once a month for about an hour. 6. They need the public relations and education of accident-preventive behaviors as well as the improvement of accident-prone environment and complementary policy measures, especially securing an actually ample budget. 7. Health education for the aged should take convenience and accessibility into account.

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The Relationship between Health Education Competency and Satisfaction of Professional Nursing in Nursing Students (간호학생의 보건교육 수행정도와 간호전문직 만족도와의 관계연구)

  • Ju He-Kyoung
    • The Journal of Korean Academic Society of Nursing Education
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    • v.5 no.1
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    • pp.106-117
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    • 1999
  • A study was conducted to identify the perceptions about health education competence and satisfaction of nursing profession, and the relationship between health education competency and satisfaction of nursing profession in nursing students. The subjects were 118 nursing students who were third year at a diploma course. The results of this study are as follows : 1) In domain of health education process, the highest level of competency was the need assessment of the individual health education(mean : 3.62) and the lowest level of competency was the evaluation of heath education program(mean : 2.93. 2) In domain of health education method, the level of competency was estimated ordered as counselling and interview (mean : 3.53), health campaign(mean : 3.42), demonstration(mean : 3.30), role play (mean : 3.28), group discussion (mean : 3.25), lecture(mean : 3.10). 3) In domain of health education place, the level of competency was estimated ordered as of patient education while giving individually care(mean : 3.68), at home(mean : 3.67), in the classrom(mean : 3.67), in the community(mean : 3.35), while teaching with group patients at hosital(mean : 3.30). 4) In domain of activities of health educator, the level of competency was ordered as collaborator(mean : 3.59), coordinator(mean : 3.31), material developer(mean 3.14), program evaluator(mean : 3.13), program designer(mean 3.10). 5) Health education competency was found to be significantly related to satisfaction of professional nursing.

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Current Oral Health Care of Elementary School in Chungnam Province, Korea (충남지역 초등학교의 구강보건관리 실태)

  • Bae, Jin-Soon;Chang, Seong-Sil
    • Journal of the Korean Society of School Health
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    • v.13 no.2
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    • pp.331-340
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    • 2000
  • Primary school is regarded as an important period when many health-related behaviors and life-styles begin to be formed. Acquiring them through school heath education has a strong influence on the health promotion of not only the family but also the community. The objectives of this study were to evaluate current oral health care of elementary schools in Chungnam province and to provide information for further development in elementary school oral health. We performed a questionnaire survey to 280 health teachers and among them, 155 teachers answered. The result of this study were as follows: 1. Sixty five percent of the health teachers had little interest in oral health. Major information sources for teaching oral health were books in 58.1% of the 155 teachers and 83.2% of teachers spent 30 minutes to 1hour per day in oral health care practice for the students. 2. Contents of the oral health education were composed of regular and special curriculums, and an average of education time during a semester was 2.6 hours in 3rd grade, and 1.3 hours in first and second grade. 60.6% of the teachers made the children practice the proper method of tooth brushing during the education time. 3. Major problems in oral health education were insufficient time, lack of equipment and difficulty in teaching method. The educational media were tooth models among 91.0% and OHP among 85.2% of the teachers. The tooth model was usually used in first to fourth grades and OHP in fifth to sixth grades. But 63.9% health teachers need to develop stronger educational methods using multimedia. 4. Meanwhile the most important strategy of oral health in urban schools was health education, that of rural schools was fluoride mouth-rinsing programme. Fluoride mouth-rinsing programmes were performed by 60.0% of the elementary school. Periodic dental examination was performed in all elementary schools. 98.2% of the schools sent the results home through school notification letters, but post-examination management was performed in only 67.1% of them 64.5% of the health teachers do follow-ups on the oral disease of the children after the examination. Only 0.7% of the schools have oral health education plans for the students' parents. Considering these major strategies for elementary school oral health care were health education, practicing proper methods of tooth brushing, periodic dental examinations, and fluoride mouth-rinsing programmes. But health teachers need more time for oral health education, practicing and management, and developing education materials. With regard to the high demand for oral health education and poor follow-up after periodic examination, the oral health education in elementary school should be considered as a formal educational course for more proper management of oral health, including application of major strategies to the children in earlier grades and efforts for increasing recognition and participation of the parents.

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Influence on Oral Health Behavior Oral Health Knowledge of and Attitude and Dental Education Experience of High School Students (고등학생의 구강건강 지식.태도 및 구강보건교육 여부가 구강건강행위에 미치는 영향)

  • Choi, Gyu-Yil;Ju, Jong-Wook
    • The Journal of Korean Society for School & Community Health Education
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    • v.13 no.3
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    • pp.33-42
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    • 2012
  • Purpose: This research targeted the high school students to analysis the behavior leading to oral health following the level of knowledge of and attitude towards oral health. Going steps further, this research examines the effect of the education on the oral cavity's health on the behavior leading to oral health to provide the need to conduct education on the oral cavity's health. Methods: High school students in the 1st to the 3rd grades in two high schools in Gyeongsangnamdo were targeted to conduct survey on 444 students. Collected data was subjected to the SPSS statistical program to obtain the frequency, percentage and average. Moreover, standard deviation, t-verification, one-way ANOVA, correlation analysis and logistics regression analysis were conducted. Results: First, average of the high school students' knowledge of and attitude towards oral cavity's health was higher when the education on the oral cavity's health was received compared to when education on the oral cavity's health was not received. Second, knowledge of and attitude towards oral cavity's health were high when there was the willingness to participate in the education on the oral health. In case education on the oral cavity's health was received, average of the knowledge of oral cavity's health was high, which manifested statistically significant difference. Average of the knowledge of oral cavity's health was high as well in case there is a perception that the need for the education on oral cavity exists. Third, the probability of having had their teeth scaled was higher when the total score for the knowledge of oral cavity's health was higher. The probability of having had their teeth scaled was higher when the score on the attitude for preventing periodontal disease was higher. Conculsion: These results demonstrate that the existence of high school students' education on the oral cavity's health, and knowledge of and attitude towards oral cavity's health exert significant influence on the behavior leading to oral cavity's health.

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Health Education Needs of Students, Parents and Teachers and the Status of Health Education in Elementary, Middle, and High Schools (초․중․고등학교 학생․학부모․일반교사의 보건교육 영역별 요구도와 보건교육)

  • Yun, Soon-Nyoung;Kim, Young-Im;Choi, Jeong-Myung;Cho, Hee-Soon;Kim, Young-Hee;Park, Young-Nam;Oh, Gyoung-Soon;Lee, Boon-Ok;Cho, Sun-Nyu;Cho, So-Young;Han, Sun-Hee;Ha, Yeong-Mi
    • Journal of the Korean Society of School Health
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    • v.18 no.1
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    • pp.1-14
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    • 2005
  • Purpose: The purpose of this study was to identify the needs of health education in students, their parents and teachers in the elementary, middle and high schools and the current situation of health education class. Method: The subjects of this study were a total of 9450 persons including students, their parents and teachers from 279 schools throughout the country. They were selected through convenient sampling. Data were analyzed through $\chi^2$-test and ANOVA. Result: Students, their parents and teachers replied that 18 dimensions of health education class (DHEC) are necessary. The four DHEC - healthier life style, sex education, mental health and safety education - showed high educational needs in students, their parents, and teachers. High school students had higher educational need of 'symptom management for daily living' than elementary and middle school students. Students, their parents and teachers in elementary school had higher educational needs of 17 DHEC than those in middle and high school. The percentages of schools with health education class taught by health teachers were 99.2%, 75.5% and 66.0% respectively in elementary, middle and high schools. Health education was given mainly using physical education classes at elementary schools, and creative class hours at middle and high schools. In general, health education took 1-3 hours per week at elementary schools, and less than an hour at middle and high schools. Conclusion: Therefore, based on the results, systematic health education class should begin from elementary school to meet the need of health education in students, their parents and teachers, and further study should be made on the number of hours required and the amount of contents of 18 DHEC.