• Title/Summary/Keyword: Health & Medical Data

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A Distributed address allocation scheme based on three-dimensional coordinate for efficient routing in WBAN (WBAN 환경에서 효율적인 라우팅을 위한 3차원 좌표 주소할당 기법의 적용)

  • Lee, Jun-Hyuk
    • Journal of Digital Contents Society
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    • v.15 no.6
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    • pp.663-673
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    • 2014
  • The WBAN technology means a short distance wireless network which provides each device interactive communication by connecting devices inside and outside of body. Standardization on the physical layer, data link layer, network layer and application layer is in progress by IEEE 802.15.6 TG BAN. Wireless body area network is usually configured in energy efficient using sensor and zigbee device due to the power limitation and the characteristics of human body. Wireless sensor network consist of sensor field and sink node. Sensor field are composed a lot of sensor node and sink node collect sensing data. Wireless sensor network has capacity of the self constitution by protocol where placed in large area without fixed position. In this paper, we proposed the efficient addressing scheme for improving the performance of routing algorithm by using ZigBee in WBAN environment. A distributed address allocation scheme used an existing algorithm that has wasted in address space. Therefore proposing x, y and z coordinate axes from divided address space of 16 bit to solve this problems. Each node was reduced not only bitwise but also multi hop using the coordinate axes while routing than Cskip algorithm. I compared the performance between the standard and the proposed mechanism through the numerical analysis. Simulation verified performance about decrease averaging multi hop count that compare proposing algorithm and another. The numerical analysis results show that proposed algorithm reduced the multi hop better than ZigBee distributed address assignment

Study on the Applicability of Thermography as Severity Measurement in the Patients with Osteoarthritis of the Knee (퇴행성 슬관절염 환자의 증상 중증도 지표와 DITI의 상관성 연구)

  • Seo, Byung-Kwan;Ryu, Seong-Ryong;Kang, Jung-Won;An, Kyung-Eh;Lee, Jae-Dong;Choi, Do-Young;Kim, Keon-Sik;Lee, Doo-Ik;Lee, Yun-Ho;Lee, Sang-Hoon
    • Journal of Acupuncture Research
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    • v.22 no.4
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    • pp.35-45
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    • 2005
  • Objectives : To investigate the applicability of thermography as severity measurement in the patients with osteoarthritis (OA) of the knee. Methods : Data were obtained from 80 patiens with OA of the knee. They were asked to answer two disease-specific questionnaire (Western Ontario and McMaster Universities (WOMAC) OA index. Lequesne's Functional Index (LFI)), one generic instrument (Korean Health Assessment Questionnaire (KHAQ)), VAS in order to assess the severity of disease, quality of life, and degree of pain and taken thermography in standardized environment. Results : The thermal difference between ipsilateral side and contralaterla side of lateral aspect of knee was correlated with that of medial aspect of knee, and the thermal difference of anterior thigh was correlated with that of lateral, medial aspect of knee and patella region. Age, duration of disease, duration of morning stiffness, sex, crepitus, and painful side of knee were not correlated with the thermal differences of each region. LFI, WOMAC, WOMAC pain subscale, WOMAC stiffness subscale, WOMAC physical function, KHAQ, VAS were not correlated with the thermal differences of each region. Conclusion : Futher study on the thermography on OA of the knee in population with appropriate severity grade and the standardization of analysis of thermographic data were recommended.

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Factors Predicting the Interface Pressure Related to Pressure Injury in Intensive Care Unit Patients (중환자실 환자의 욕창 관련 경계압력 예측요인)

  • Shine, Ji Seon;Kim, Soo Jin;Lee, Ji Hyun;Yu, Mi
    • Journal of Korean Academy of Nursing
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    • v.47 no.6
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    • pp.794-805
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    • 2017
  • Purpose: Interface pressure is a factor that contributes to the occurrence of pressure injuries. This study aimed to investigate interface pressure at common sites of pressure injury (occipital, gluteal and peritrochanteric areas), to explore the relationships among risk factors, skin condition and interface pressure, and to identify risk factors influencing interface pressure. Methods: A total of 100 patients admitted to the intensive care unit were enrolled at a tertiary teaching hospital in Korea. Interface pressure was recorded by a scanning aid device (PalmQ). Patient data regarding age, pulmonary disease, Braden Scale score, body mass index, serum albumin, hemoglobin, mean blood pressure, body temperature, and oxygen saturation were included as risk factors. Data collected from July to September 2016 were analyzed using binary logistic regression. Results: The mean interface pressure of the occipital, gluteal, and right and left peritrochanteric areas were 37.96 (${\pm}14.90$), 41.15 (${\pm}16.04$), 53.44(${\pm}24.67$), and 54.33 (${\pm}22.80$) mmHg, respectively. Predictive factors for pressure injuries in the occipital area were age ${\geq}70$ years (OR 3.45, 95% confidence interval [CI]: 1.19~9.98), serum albumin deficit (OR 2.88, 95% CI: 1.00~8.26) and body temperature ${\geq}36.5^{\circ}C$ (OR 3.12, 95% CI: 1.17~8.17); age ${\geq}70$ years (OR 2.81, 95% CI: 1.10~7.15) in the right peritrochanteric area; and body temperature ${\geq}36.5^{\circ}C$ (OR 2.86, 95% CI: 1.17~6.98) in the left peritrochanteric area. Conclusion: Our findings suggest that old age, hypoalbuminemia, and high body temperature may be contributory factors to increasing interface pressure; therefore, careful assessment and nursing care of these patients are needed to prevent pressure injury. Further studies are needed to establish cutoff values of interface pressure for patients with pressure ulcers.

The Convergent factors influencing of the Middle Aged Women's Perceived Aging (중년 여성들의 노화인식에 영향을 미치는 복합적 요인)

  • Jung, Moon-Sin;Kwon, Hye-Jin
    • Journal of Digital Convergence
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    • v.15 no.2
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    • pp.493-501
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    • 2017
  • This study aimed to present cosmetic countermeasures for preventing fast aging process in the middle age and accepting healthy aging both physically and mentally by investigating the perception of aging according to the health condition, lifestyle and psychological condition targeting mid-aged women in 40s to 50s residing in Seoul and Gyeonggi-do Province. The data collection period was from July 25 to Sept 1, 2015. The data was analyzed by descriptive statistics, t-test, ANOVA, Pearson's correlation coefficients, and stepwise multiple regression. It was shown that as the age was higher, the menopause ratio was higher, drinking, exercise volume and hours of sleep were reduced and the stress and psychological pressure were higher. According to the menopausal status, the status of facial aging showed a significant difference (${\chi}^2=39.692^{***}$, p<.001), and it also showed a difference according to the status of leisure (hobby) activity (${\chi}^2=22.470^{***}$, p<.01). Also, as higher the age and closer to the menopause in items including the progress of aging, anxiety about aging and improvement efforts, more negative perception was shown, indicating that it is necessary to prepare cosmetic countermeasures for mid-aged women in like a second puberty 40s to 50s although aging and menopause around 50s are very natural. If a beauty alternative is provided, it will help them to have a successful retirement.

Effects of Depression, and Physical Activity on Fatigue among Elderly with Chronic Disease (만성질환 노인의 우울 및 신체활동이 피로에 미치는 영향)

  • Lee, Eun-Ju;Park, Euna
    • Journal of the Korea Academia-Industrial cooperation Society
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    • v.17 no.5
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    • pp.260-268
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    • 2016
  • The objective of this study was to investigate the relationship among the variables and effects of depression and physical activity on fatigue in the elderly with chronic disease. A descriptive research design was employed in this study. In total, 500 elderly patients diagnosed with chronic disease were selected from 3 medical centers for the study. The measurements were used to examine their general characteristics, fatigue, depression, and physical activity. To analyze the data, statistical analyses, including ANOVA, t-test, Scheffe's test, Pearson's correlation coefficient, and hierarchical regression analysis, were conducted for the analysis of the data. The results indicated that the age, gender, and educational level in the first step model explained 6% of the effect on fatigue among the elderly with chronic disease. In addition, depression and physical activity in the second step model explained 16% of the effect on fatigue. These findings demonstrate the significance of (considering) depression and physical activity related to care plans when developing health-programs for decreasing fatigue and planning intervention strategies.

Prevalence of Dry Eye Disease Its Affecting Factors by Using OSDI Questionnaire (OSDI 설문지를 이용한 안구건조증 유병률과 관련요인)

  • Han, Seung-Hee;Kim, Eun-Young
    • Journal of the Korea Academia-Industrial cooperation Society
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    • v.17 no.10
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    • pp.93-103
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    • 2016
  • This study consisted of descriptive research to determine the prevalence of dry eye disease using the Ocular Surface Disease Index (OSDI) questionnaire targeting workers in hospitals to understand the differences between general and health related characteristics depending on whether people have dry eye disease, and to determine the influencing factors of the disease. The subjects were 502 (Male: 51, Female: 451) general hospital employees in G-city. The data were collected from October 1 to October 31, 2015. Logistic regression was used to analyze the data. The results showed that hospital workers' prevalence of dry eye disease was 76.1%. Factors influencing DED in this population included currently having or adjusting medication (OR: 4.73), among those who felt their eyes dry, those who visited clinics and received medical treatment (artificial tears) (OR: 2.37), those who felt eye dryness (OR: 2.23), and not eating regularly (OR: 0.55). Moreover, 54.0% of those who had dry eye disease reported serious conditions. Accordingly, education to manage the risk factors of the disease and improve lifestyle is needed to prevent and manage dry eye disease.

The Effect of Post-Traumatic Stress on Depression of Korean and Vietnam War Veterans: Mediating Effect Analysis of Ego-Resilience (한국전, 베트남 참전 국가유공자들의 외상 후 스트레스가 우울에 미치는 영향에 대한 융복합적 연구 : 자아-적응유연성의 매개효과 분석)

  • Kim, Yunyoung;Hyun, Hye Sun;Choi, Nayoung;Kim, Tae Yeol
    • Journal of Digital Convergence
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    • v.17 no.11
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    • pp.547-556
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    • 2019
  • The purpose of this study was to investigate the relationship between post-traumatic stress and depression in veterans and to examine mediating effects of ego-resilience in relation. Data were collected from 383 subjects of National Merit of the Korean War or Vietnam War with the cooperation of the Daegu Veterinary Association from March to June 2018, and the collected data were analyzed using the SPSS 24.0 Statistics Program to analyze the mediating effects of ego-resilience in post-traumatic stress and depression with hierarchical multiple regression. Post-traumatic stress was found to be high in the case of long absence(F=7.97, p<.001), unemployment(t=2.09, p=.040), poor economic condition(F=64.49, p<.001), and ego-resilience as a parameter in the relationship between post-traumatic stress and depression. Based on the results of this study, it is required to develop various programs focusing on improving ego-resilience and systematic management at the national level in order to intervene in depression of veteran.

A Study on the Current Status of Tuberculosis Patients in Korea(2010-2018) (국내 결핵환자 발생 현황 고찰(2010-2018))

  • Kim, Won-Soon;Park, Chang-Su
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Radiology
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    • v.15 no.7
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    • pp.1021-1030
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    • 2021
  • This study analyzed the status of tuberculosis patients in Korea by collecting data from the Statistics Korea and the KDCA's GLOBAL Tuberculosis Report from 2010 to 2018 to find ways to manage tuberculosis patients in Korea and provide basic data on tuberculosis policies. The results are as follows. First, the results of tuberculosis patients in Korea decreased by about 21.3% to 33,796 (65.9%) in 2018 and 26,433 (51.5%) in 2018. Second, the status of tuberculosis patient treatment in Korea was found to be 655 in 2018, an increase of about 160% compared to 2014. Third, the incidence of tuberculosis among adolescents was 1.8% in 2018 for those aged 10 to 14 and 15.0% for those aged 15 to 19, the highest rate of tuberculosis among high school students, Fourth, looking at the incidence of tuberculosis patients by age, subjects in their 60s or older showed a prevalence of tuberculosis by 60% or more, especially elderly tuberculosis patients over 80 years of age. Fifth, the status of the incidence of tuberculosis patients by gender was found to be 1.4 times higher in men than in women in 2018 compared to 2010. Sixth, 1,419 people (75.6%) in Jeollanam-do had the highest prevalence of tuberculosis nationwide, and 99 people (33.4%) in Sejong had the lowest prevalence. Seventh, the number of foreign patients in Korea continued to increase to 1,510 in 2012, increasing to 2,569 in 2016. The results this study indicate the need for rapid and accurate early tuberculosis screening policies and management for tuberculosis relapse patients, high school student, age groups over 60, a group of men such as the military, the elderly over 80, and foreigners.

Investigation of the Super-resolution Algorithm for the Prediction of Periodontal Disease in Dental X-ray Radiography (치주질환 예측을 위한 치과 X-선 영상에서의 초해상화 알고리즘 적용 가능성 연구)

  • Kim, Han-Na
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Radiology
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    • v.15 no.2
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    • pp.153-158
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    • 2021
  • X-ray image analysis is a very important field to improve the early diagnosis rate and prediction accuracy of periodontal disease. Research on the development and application of artificial intelligence-based algorithms to improve the quality of such dental X-ray images is being widely conducted worldwide. Thus, the aim of this study was to design a super-resolution algorithm for predicting periodontal disease and to evaluate its applicability in dental X-ray images. The super-resolution algorithm was constructed based on the convolution layer and ReLU, and an image obtained by up-sampling a low-resolution image by 2 times was used as an input data. Also, 1,500 dental X-ray data used for deep learning training were used. Quantitative evaluation of images used root mean square error and structural similarity, which are factors that can measure similarity through comparison of two images. In addition, the recently developed no-reference based natural image quality evaluator and blind/referenceless image spatial quality evaluator were additionally analyzed. According to the results, we confirmed that the average similarity and no-reference-based evaluation values were improved by 1.86 and 2.14 times, respectively, compared to the existing bicubic-based upsampling method when the proposed method was used. In conclusion, the super-resolution algorithm for predicting periodontal disease proved useful in dental X-ray images, and it is expected to be highly applicable in various fields in the future.

A Meta-analysis of the Difference in Job Satisfaction Levels by Type of Employee (근로자의 고용형태별 직무만족도 차이에 대한 메타분석)

  • Kim, Young-Heung;Na, Seung-Il;Kim, Ji-Hyeon;Park, Yong-Jin
    • Journal of vocational education research
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    • v.37 no.1
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    • pp.101-118
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    • 2018
  • The purpose of this study was to investigate the effect size of the difference of job satisfaction by type of employment by combining data from previous studies. For this purpose, the total of 95 articles analyzed. For the analysis of data, CMA(Comprehensive Meta-Analysis) 2.0 program was used and statistical significance was set at 5%(${\alpha}=0.05$). The main conclusions of this study are as follows. First, regular workers have higher job satisfaction than non-regular workers and the effect size of employment type is medium. Second, among five constituents of job satisfaction, the difference of wage and promotion satisfaction is greater than the difference of satisfaction in human relations, work and working environment satisfaction. Third, the job satisfaction of regular and non-regular workers differs according to the occupation areas. Fourth, there is a big difference in job satisfaction in financial, insurance, food and service occupation areas, and regular workers have higher job satisfaction than non - regular workers. On the other hand, non-regular workers have higher job satisfaction than regular workers in health, medical, social occupation areas.