• Title/Summary/Keyword: Hanji(Korea paper)

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The research of restoration paper(Hanji) as the solution of damage in the bees-waxed volume of the Annals of Joseon Dynasty (조선왕조실록 밀납본 손상 복원을 위한 복원용지 탐색)

  • Seo, Jin-ho;Jeong, So-young;Jeong, Seon-hwa
    • 보존과학연구
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    • s.28
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    • pp.5-19
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    • 2007
  • The annals of Joseon Dynasty is the most valuable resource containing the record of Korean history and has been known as one of the UNESCO's Memory of the World Register. There was a period that the annals of Joseon Dynasty was used with beeswax to control pests. It is considered as the prior reason of damage on the annals of Joseon Dynasty. Therefore, in this study we examined the restoration paper(Hanji) as the solution of damage in the waxed volume of the annals of Joseon Dynasty. FT-IR spectrometer was used to examine traditional paper inside and outside of Korea and accelerated artificial aging paper. As a result of FT-IR analysis, spectrum did not showed its big difference in all paper used in this study. However, there was a different spectrum in paper which was made with not Broussonetia kazinoki, but Echinochloa crus-galli var. frumentacea and Dioscorea batatas. Among traditional papers in various countries, spectrum of Korean paper showed the most similarity from the annals of Joseon Dynasty. In comparison between accelerated artificial aging paper and waxed volume, we could identify the change of spectrum affected by the damage.

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Microcapsulations of Aromatic Essential Oils and Their Application to Korean Traditional Hanji(paper) (추출 방향성 물질을 함유한 마이크로 캡슐의 제조와 한지에의 적용)

  • 조중연;신준섭;민춘기;류운형;이선호
    • Journal of Korea Technical Association of The Pulp and Paper Industry
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    • v.33 no.2
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    • pp.74-80
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    • 2001
  • This study was carried out to manufacture microcapsules from natural aromatic essential oils by polymeric emulsification and to evaluate their properties using microscopical and electro-chemical analysis techniques. It was shown that aromatic essential oils (yuja, lavender, and peppermint) could be microcapsulated and their emulsion has a good stability and storage characteristics.

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Taxonomic study of Broussonetia (Moraceae) in Korea (한국산 닥나무속(Broussonetia, 뽕나무과)의 분류학적 연구)

  • Yun, Kyeong-Won;Kim, Muyeol
    • Korean Journal of Plant Taxonomy
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    • v.39 no.2
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    • pp.80-85
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    • 2009
  • Three Korean Broussonetia species (Moraceae) were reexamined based on morphological characters. The plants which has been used for making traditional paper Hanji in Korea are considered hybrid species between B. kazinoki and B. papyrifera, its natural habitat was firstly discovered in Is. Gageo (Jeonnam Province). Thus it is newly described as B. × hanjiana M. Kim. Its Korean name is changed into Daknamu instead of Kkujidaknamu. Therefore, Korean name for B. kazinoki is also changed into Aegidaknamu instead of Daknamu. Dioecious plants of Broussonetia kazinoki which were found in Is. Gageo are named as B. kazinoki for. koreana M. Kim (Gageo-Aegidaknamu).

The study of nondestructive method for measuring the acidity of the recent record paper in Hanji by using FT-NIR spectroscopy and Integrating sphere (푸리에 변환 근적외선 분광분석기(FT-NIR)와 적분구를 이용한 근대 한지 기록물의 산성도 비파괴 평가방법에 대한 연구)

  • Shin, Yong-Min;Park, Soung-Be;Kim, Chan-Bong;Lee, Seong-Uk;Cho, Won-Bo;Kim, Hyo-Jin
    • Proceedings of the Korea Technical Association of the Pulp and Paper Industry Conference
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    • 2011.10a
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    • pp.255-269
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    • 2011
  • The purpose of study has to analyze with non destructive method for researching the tool that could be measured with the status of record written on Hanji speedily. Because the original record should be destructed for analyzing with previous method in the case of the paper record, it was to develop the tool based on non destructive method for overcoming such limit. The study was used with FT NIR (Fourier transform NIR) for analyzing the Hanji for being written and preserved. The FT NIR spectrometer that of NIR spectrometer has the better performance of precision and accuracy than dispersive NIR spectrometer was used. Also the wavelength of FT-NIR was measured with 12,500 to 4,000 cm1, and the integrating sphere as diffuse reflectance type was used for analyzing Hanji. The moisture and acidity (pH) of chemical factors as quality evaluated factor of Hanji was studied for the correlation of NIR spectrum. And then The NIR spectrum was pretreated for showing the coefficients of optimum correlation. MSC and First derivative of Savitzky - Golay was used as pretreated method, and the coefficients of optimum correlation were shown by PLSR(Partial least square regression). And the coefficients of optimum correlation were calculated by PLSR(Partial least square regression). The correlation coefficients of acidity had 0.92 on NIR spectra without pretreatment. Also the SEP of acidity was 0.24. And then The NIR spectra with pretreatment would have more good correlation coefficients (R2=0.98) and more good SEP(=019) on acidity. Therefore the data of correlation coefficients (R2) and SEP with pretreatment was shown to be superior. And NIR spectra data of first derivative had best linearity on the correlation coefficients (R2=0.99) and also SEP(=0.45) was superior. Therefore the correlation coefficients and SEP of first derivative had better than those of NIR spectra of no pretreatment. As such result, it was possible to evaluate the record status of Hanji speedily with integrated sphere and NIR analyzer as non destructive method.

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Studies on the Accelerated Aging Characteristics of Paper Records by Gaseous Air Pollutants (가스상 대기오염물질에 의한 종이 기록물의 가속열화 특성 연구)

  • Jeong, So-Yoon;Jeon, Soo-Yeon;Baek, So-Ra;Jeong, Hyun-Seok;Lee, Jin-Hee;Kim, Hyoung-Jin
    • Journal of Korea Technical Association of The Pulp and Paper Industry
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    • v.47 no.4
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    • pp.151-159
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    • 2015
  • Paper records were generally degraded by some factors from atmospheric environments, like temperature, relative humidity or air pollutants. In this study, the degradation behavior of paper records by single or mixed gases of NO2, SO2, HCHO and TVOC was evaluated. The mechanical, optical and chemical properties of 4 kinds of paper (acid and neutral-based printing paper, traditional Hanji, and filter paper) were directly and indirectly affected by gaseous harmful materials. The brightness and L value in all papers were slightly increased by accelerated aging under gaseous HCHO and TVOCs, but highly decreased by conditions under gases NO2 and SO2. The optical properties of paper records were most vulnerable in acid-based paper and high stable in filter paper and traditional Hanji by air pollutant degradation. The aging treatments under mixed gas pollutants including NO2 resulted in decrease of physical, mechanical and optical properties of paper, so it was supposed that the concentration of NO2 gas would be strictly controlled for optimum indoor air quality management in domestic storage centers for paper records.

Pulping Properties of Bast Fibers of Paper Mulberry by Pre-steaming and 2-stage Cooking System (증기 전처리 및 2단 증해 시스템에 의한 닥 인피부의 펄프화 특성)

  • Hwang, Ji Hyun;Seo, Jin Ho;Kim, Hyoung Jin
    • Journal of Korea Technical Association of The Pulp and Paper Industry
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    • v.45 no.1
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    • pp.75-82
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    • 2013
  • The traditional Hanji-making was confronted with lots of industrial disadvantages and economic problems, due to the original hand-made process. Recently, the studies on the automation of overall Hanji manufacturing process is carried out by applying the commercial chemical pulping method in order to expand industrial application or efficiency of non-wood fibrous materials. However, the application of commercial pulping methods to the bast tissues of paper mulberry leads to the chemical and mechanical deterioration of cellulosic fibers. In this study, the optimal cooking method using the bast parts of paper mulberry produced by an auto-scraping device was applied to minimize the damage of fiber strength for the paper yarn manufacture. The pre-steaming treatment and alkaline pulping systems were evaluated in removal efficiency of lignin and pectin materials within the bast tissue of paper mulberry. With the application of pre-steaming treatment and 2 stage pulping system using potassium carbonate and then sodium hydroxide, kappa values were decreased two times more in lignin removal than the single stage of pulping method. It was also identified from SEM images and ATR-FTIR spectra that the pectin components within cellular structure of bast tissue were easily removed and the debarked bast parts by a auto-scraping device were easily defiberized by 2-stage pulping sequence using potassium carbonate/sodium hydroxide pulping system.