• 제목/요약/키워드: Han Dynasty

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중국 은일문화의 사대부원림의 관계 -선진시대에서 당조까지- (The Relation Between the Chinese Ceclusion Culture and the Gentleman's Gardens)

  • 임상섭;조정송
    • 한국조경학회지
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    • 제26권4호
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    • pp.113-124
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    • 1999
  • The purpose of this study is to search into the relation between the chinese seclusion culture and the gentleman's gardens by means of the historical and aesthetic approach. The periodic limits of this study is from pre-Qin to Tand. For gentleman's gardens in Tang dynasty at once got out of the noble's gardens which had imitated the imperial gardens until Tang, and became the origin of the gardens of the literati appearing in post-Tang dynasty. The major findings are as follows : First, in pre-Qin period, the origin of the seclusion culture is classified as the metaphysical seclusion of Taoism and the physical seclusion of Confucianism. Although Pu, Yuan, and Uou which could be said the first step of the chinese gardens were inquired, the clear relation between the seclusion and them is not found. Second, during Qin-Han dynasty, the role of the gardens, as the settings of the seclusion, are comparatively minor, too. But uan Kuang-Han's garden considerably escaped from that of pre-Qin in the aspect of function, and it has the characteristics of recreation. Third, during Wei-Chin and Liu dynasty, two types of the seclusions emerged. One is the small seclusion, and the other the Great Seclusion. Though, as formerly, the contemporary gardens did not escaped from the imperial gardens, Shi Chong's garden can be the setting of the Court Seclusion. But the seven Righteous in Bamboos' and Tao Yuan-Ming's settings of the seclusion were real natural environments rather than gardens. Forth, in Tang dynasty, in spite of relatively low status, Bai Ju-Yi's theory of the middle Seclusion enabled gentlemen to make seclusion in sinecures unlike the court Seclusion. The theoretical background of the Middle Seclusion was Zen Buddhism and the State Examinations System and Bai Ju-Yi's private social position also had an important effect on it. In Tang dynasty, there being nobiliary gentleman's gardens, Bai Ju-Yi's garden, Lushan Caotangyuan, was the setting of the Middle Seclusion. It can be called a real gentleman's garden, for it is simple and small unlike the imperial gardens or the nobiliary gentleman's gardens.

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당대(唐代) 이전(以前)의 '삼초이론(三焦理論)에 기초한 변증(辨證)'의 연혁(沿革) (History of Symptom Discrimination based on Theory of Triple Energizers(三焦) before Tang Dynasty(唐代))

  • 조학준
    • 대한한의학원전학회지
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    • 제28권2호
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    • pp.87-102
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    • 2015
  • Objectives : I intended to find out the origin and development of symptom discrimination based on theory of triple energizers before Tang Dynasty(唐代). Methods : I extracted the topic-related contents from books in this era. After arraying them in a chronological order, I analyzed the materials. Results : The author in Zhong Zang Jing(中藏經) first mentioned that symptom of Huo Luan(霍亂) was deeply related with triple energizers. Ge Hong(葛洪) did not only come out with some symptoms and mechanisms for Shang Han(傷寒) and Za Bing(雜病), but also applied them to their usages for herb medicine. Chao Yuan Fang(巢元方) suggested its symptoms were more closely related with Shang Han and Za Bing than before. For the first time, Chao subdivided its symptoms to both cold-heat and weakness-strength sides. Sun Sai Miao(孫思邈) supplemented its discrimination invented by Chao(巢元方), adding more symptoms and prescriptions for triple energizers. Wang Tao(王燾) showed more prescriptions for triple energizers than before, and initially designed the discrimination for Huo Luan, diabetes(消渴), and epidemic Wen Bing(溫病). Conclusions : Before Tang dynasty, the symptom discrimination based on theory of triple energizers had been originated and developed for the purpose of repairing Za Bing, not just treating Wen Bing.

한역(漢易) 괘기설(卦氣說)의 학술적 배경에 대한 연구 (A Study on the Academic Background of Gwae(卦氣) Theory of Yiology in Han(漢) Dynasty)

  • 은석민
    • 대한한의학원전학회지
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    • 제21권3호
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    • pp.69-81
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    • 2008
  • Gwae(卦氣) theory was one of the main theoretical foundation of yiology in the Han(漢)-dynasty. It was based on the concept that the trigram or hexagram of the book of change corresponds to the seasonal point such as 24 solar terms in one year, so there was so much influence from astronomy and divination system of that time in the development of theoretical principle of Gwae(卦氣) theory. Since Han(漢) Dynasty, the theoretical method such as Gwae(卦氣) theory that correlates the astronomy and divination system with the book of change, had become one of the main academic thoughts throughout the entire history in China, and it was also like that in medicine. Nevertheless there still exists the skeptical sights that Gwae(卦氣) theory was not a part of orthodox yiology, that had been developed by Confucian scholar and had also been recognized as the right path to the study of the book of change. Nowadays because of the new opportunity such as the excavation of the ancient silk script, this kind of controversy has moved on its another step. With regard to this problem, this article will treat the current thoughts about the Gwae(卦氣) theory and think about the substantial basis of each point of view.

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원말명초(元末明初) 문학 동향 및 송렴(宋濂) 문학관의 변화 (The change of Song lian's viewpoint of Literature and The Literary trend in the Late Yuan and the Early Ming dynasty)

  • 박경남
    • 동양고전연구
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    • 제62호
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    • pp.67-85
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    • 2016
  • 본고는 원말명초(元末明初) 문학의 전개과정을 검토하면서 명대(明代) 초기 관각문학의 기틀을 다졌던 송렴(宋濂) 문학의 위치를 점검해 보았다. 그는 명대 문학사에서 도학자적 문학관을 견지했던 것으로 단순 요약되고 있지만, 그 과정은 그리 간단하지 않다. 본고는 문학론과 관련된 송렴의 글을 연대기적으로 분석함을 통해 그가 청 장년기까지도 진한고문(秦漢古文) 등의 고문사(古文辭)에 빠져 오랫동안 헤어 나오지 못했음을 밝힐 수 있었다. 송렴은 삼십 세에 스승 황진(黃?)과의 만남을 계기로 육경에 침잠하며 도학적 문예관을 가지게 되었지만 고문사의 유혹을 완전히 떨쳐버리지는 못했다. 오십 이후 주원장(朱元璋)을 도와 명 건국의 주역으로 참여하게 되면서 비로소 자신의 경세적 문학관을 실천적으로 확립하였고, 이후 자신의 도학적-경세적 문학관을 이론적으로 정립할 수 있었다. 그리고 이 과정은 또한 청 장년기 그 자신의 문학 수련의 주요한 대상이자 명초의 가장 중요한 문학적 전범이기도 하였던, "사기" 등의 진한고문을 부정하는 과정이기도 하였다. 요약하면, 원말명초의 격동의 시기에 송렴은 개인적, 시대적으로 문학관의 변화를 겪으며, 그 생애 말년에 육경 및 송대의 도학자와 한유(韓愈) 구양수(歐陽脩) 등의 당송고문을 성인(聖人)의 문(文)으로 통하는 치세의 문학으로 재정립함으로써 명대 문학의 이념적 좌표와 새로운 문학적 전범을 제시하고 있었던 것이다.

초피고 (A Study on Cho-pi)

  • 박춘순
    • 복식
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    • 제42권
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    • pp.25-42
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    • 1999
  • This study aims to prove that the fact that minority races in the north-eastern region contributed sable skin to the Quing Dynasty might be related to Cho-Sun of King Muryong in the Warring states period because documents are available here and there. The Chinese had been using fur clothing since ancient times but we cannot find any mention that they had used sable skin. This fact shows that sable skin was not widely used because of its rarity. Cho-pi had been used in making costume on a large scale from the period of the Han Dynasty to the end of the Quing Dynasty. Cho-pi was very rare and it was used as a measure of bartering. China met the demand of cho-pi by the Cho-pi contributions of the frontier minority races. It might bwe that the high demand of Cho-pi in the Quing Dynasty forced minority races to contribute Cho-pi The documents concerning Cho-pi in the north-eastern region are of great importance not only to the history of costume but also to the history of ancient economy and national culture.

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중국 수학교육의 역사(주나라에서 송나라까지) (Mathematics education in ancient China)

  • 김성숙;강미경
    • 한국수학사학회지
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    • 제31권5호
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    • pp.223-234
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    • 2018
  • Ancient Chinese mathematics education has a long history of more than 3,000 years, and many excellent mathematicians have been fostered. However, the systematic framework for teaching mathematics should be considered to be started from the Zhou Dynasty. In this paper, we examined the educational goals, trainees(learners), providers(educators), and contents in mathematics education in the ancient Chinese Zhou Han Dynasty, Tang Dynasty and Song Dynasty.

조선시대 조경공사의 제도적 측면에 관한 연구 (A study ion the administrative system of landscape construction during Chosun-Dynasty)

  • 전영옥;양병이
    • 한국조경학회지
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    • 제25권2호
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    • pp.43-53
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    • 1997
  • The purpose of this study is to investigate the administrative system of landscape construction during Chosun-Dynasty. This study is based on the analysis of historic documents including the Codes and the Chronicles published during Chosun-Dynasty. The landscape construction controlled by government during Chosun-Dynasty was mainly undertaken by the government office titled "Seon-Gong-Gam" undr the Ministry of Industry. There were two functions of the "Seon-Gong-Gam" : one was construction including building and landscape, the other was the supply of materials and technicians to the field of constructino work. The construction function was carried out through government office titled "Cha-Mun-Gam" was in charge of the construction works of inside Chang-Dog Palace, while "Five Units" classified by work were responsible for the works of outside Chand-Dog palace in Han-Yang. In view point of the activities and responsibilities of the above two divisions, : "Cha-Mun-Gam" and "Five Units", it is concluded that one of the functions of "Seon-Gong-Gam" was to construct and manage the royal gardens.

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조선(朝鮮) 문인(文人)과 교류(交流)한 청조(淸朝) 학자(學者)들의 문자학(文字學) 연구(硏究)에 관한 소고(小考) (Study on the Chinese graphonomy's exchanges of Qing Dynasty and Joseon Dynasty)

  • 서한용
    • 비교문화연구
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    • 제25권
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    • pp.529-548
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    • 2011
  • Zu Wen-Zao(朱文藻), Li Tiao-Yuan(李調元), Hong Liang-Ji(洪亮吉), Peng Yuan-Rui(彭元瑞), Qian Dong-Huan(錢東垣), Sun Xing-Yan(孫星衍), Ruan Yuan(阮元), Chen Zhan(陳?), Wu Shi-Fen(嗚式芬), Feng Gui-Fen(馮桂芬), He Shao-Ji(何紹基), Fan Zu-Yin(潘祖蔭) made the contributions to the theoretical construction to the science of Chinese characters in their books "Shuwenxizhuankao(說文繫傳考異)", "Liushufenhao(六書分毫)", "Liushuzhuanzhulu(六書轉注錄)", "Xiqinggujian(西淸古鑒)", "Xiaoeryajiaozheng(小爾雅校證)", "Jiujingzhengsuzikao(九經正俗字考)", "Jiguzhaizhongdingyiqikuanshi(積古齋鐘鼎?器款識)", "Shuwenshengxi(說文聲繫)", "Shuwenjiuzizhengyi(說文解字正義)", "Jungulu(?古錄)", "Shuwenjiuzizhukaozheng (說文解字段注考正)", "Shuowenduanzhubozheng(說文段注駁正)", "Haidongjinshilu(海東金石錄)". They analyzed the rules behind character construction, and tried to find out the nature of Chinese characters, the relationship between Chinese characters, the evolutionary laws of Chinese characters, the characteristic of ancient Chinese characters etc.

"홍루몽"에 나타난 청대복식 연구 (A Study on the Costume of Ch'ing Dynasty in "Dream of the Read Chamber")

  • 나해연;전혜숙
    • 복식
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    • 제24권
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    • pp.59-82
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    • 1995
  • All kinds of art are the creatures of the daly and reflect the society and the life of the day in literary works. So, in which literary works, we can find the styles of those who lived in the specified days. And the styles of its character's costume are expressed with the day'mood and cultural backgrounds. In this study, we studied on the general meaning, which was shown in the Costume of early Ch'ing Dynasty that was forming the Costume of dress through dividing into the underwear and the outer garment in $\ulcorner$Dream of the read Chamber$\lrcorner$. During the Ch'ing Dynasty, according to the rule : Men followed it but women not" , they held on to the costume of them (both the Man and the Han) with a high pressure and a conciliatory policy. As a result, I have known that there is the Soojean clothe(수전의), which is the late Myung Dynasty's one and their is also Skirt (군), which held on the Costume of the Myung's. Hence in the Ch'ing , there are a lot of difference in the Costume , the economy and the politic because the ruler was not the han but the Ch'ing. Those characters are as follows. first, on the side of the style , it is occured in the coat and the over jacket of the round neckline. The style of the sleeves are also the tightly(고착). Second, on the side o f the material, the use of the furs are found. It seems that are influence of the north area. Third, it is involved not the traditional Costume of the Han, but the over jacket(which is waistlength), These characters had taken root into the Costume of the Ch'ing Dynasty. In case of the jacket, which are found in the novel most frequently , it was represented by the tight jacket (소오), the long jacket (대오), the short jacket(단오) and the Sam (삼). The skirt was used by women only. the Slacks were trousers only for men, so it was not foujnd in the women's wear. In the vest, the over jacket and coat, which are for putting on, its material, insiqnia and varied embroidery are very brillant and elaborate. The used materials are the silks , furs, wools and cottons. Among the dick silks are used most frequently . in case of the over jacket, the precious and varied furs are used for the collar, the sleeve or the decoration and the lining cloth. In the novel, mean followd the Costume of the Man and women followed the Costume of the Han. Especially, it is a special costume that there were women in male attire. Finally, the costume of the Ch'ing had built the unique one with holding on the advantage and the short point s of the northen race and the Han's. Also , I can find the brilliant , eleborate Customes of the aristocratic class in the novel.

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후한 영제(靈帝) 시기 민중 봉기와 그 배경 -재정·자연재해·내란의 상호영향- (The Relationship between Yellow Turban Rebellion and Displaced Persons: The Entangled Influence of the Economy, Natural Disasters, Civil Wars, and Refugees)

  • 최진열
    • 대순사상논총
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    • 제48집
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    • pp.407-443
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    • 2024
  • 본고에서 후한 중후기부터 누적된 재정위기가 영제 시기 황건적의 난과 그 전제가 되었던 유민 발생에 영향을 주었음을 논증하였다. 후한 영제 중평원년(184) 황건의 봉기는 천재와 인재가 복합적으로 결합되어 일어난 사건이었다. 영제 시기 각종 자연재해에도 불구하고 유민 대책이 부실했고 영제가 유민들을 귀향시켜야 한다는 양사와 유도의 간언을 받아들이지 않았기 때문에 황건적이 반란을 일으킬 수 있었다. 그러나 영제의 부실한 유민 대책은 영제 개인의 각박한 성정과 공감능력 부족보다 화제 이후 만연한 자연재해와 강의 반란, 이 때문에 발생한 재정수입 감소와 재정지출 증가의 누적된 결과였다. 황건의 봉기는 1년도 되지 않아 진압되었다. 따라서 황건의 봉기 자체가 후한 붕괴의 원인은 아니었다. 오히려 중평 2년(185) 이월 기유일 남궁에 대화재와 궁전 재건을 위한 전 1무당 10전의 증세, 공개적이고 강제적인 매관매직 장려, 이에 기생한 환관(宦官)의 수탈이 백성들을 곤경에 몰아넣었고 결국 각지에서 백성들의 반란이 일어났다. 따라서 황건의 봉기와 달리 천재가 아니라 인재로 봐야 할 것이다. 본고는 후한말 동란의 원인이 만성적인 자연재해, 강의 반란으로 인한 군사비 급증, 재정의 악화가 복합적으로 작용했음을 주장하여 기존의 시각을 환기했다는 점에서 연구사적 의의를 지닌다.