The Relation Between the Chinese Ceclusion Culture and the Gentleman's Gardens

중국 은일문화의 사대부원림의 관계 -선진시대에서 당조까지-

  • Published : 1999.01.01


The purpose of this study is to search into the relation between the chinese seclusion culture and the gentleman's gardens by means of the historical and aesthetic approach. The periodic limits of this study is from pre-Qin to Tand. For gentleman's gardens in Tang dynasty at once got out of the noble's gardens which had imitated the imperial gardens until Tang, and became the origin of the gardens of the literati appearing in post-Tang dynasty. The major findings are as follows : First, in pre-Qin period, the origin of the seclusion culture is classified as the metaphysical seclusion of Taoism and the physical seclusion of Confucianism. Although Pu, Yuan, and Uou which could be said the first step of the chinese gardens were inquired, the clear relation between the seclusion and them is not found. Second, during Qin-Han dynasty, the role of the gardens, as the settings of the seclusion, are comparatively minor, too. But uan Kuang-Han's garden considerably escaped from that of pre-Qin in the aspect of function, and it has the characteristics of recreation. Third, during Wei-Chin and Liu dynasty, two types of the seclusions emerged. One is the small seclusion, and the other the Great Seclusion. Though, as formerly, the contemporary gardens did not escaped from the imperial gardens, Shi Chong's garden can be the setting of the Court Seclusion. But the seven Righteous in Bamboos' and Tao Yuan-Ming's settings of the seclusion were real natural environments rather than gardens. Forth, in Tang dynasty, in spite of relatively low status, Bai Ju-Yi's theory of the middle Seclusion enabled gentlemen to make seclusion in sinecures unlike the court Seclusion. The theoretical background of the Middle Seclusion was Zen Buddhism and the State Examinations System and Bai Ju-Yi's private social position also had an important effect on it. In Tang dynasty, there being nobiliary gentleman's gardens, Bai Ju-Yi's garden, Lushan Caotangyuan, was the setting of the Middle Seclusion. It can be called a real gentleman's garden, for it is simple and small unlike the imperial gardens or the nobiliary gentleman's gardens.



  1. 역사학보 v.72 후한말 위진시대 사대부의 정치적 지향과 인물평론 박한제
  2. 상명여대논문집 v.8 육조 은사 연구 Ⅰ; 진서 은일전을 중심으로 심우영
  3. 연민학지 영가시기의 은일시 연구 심우영
  4. 송대 사대부론(서울대학교동양사학연구실 편, "강좌 중국사 Ⅲ") 하원주
  5. 부산대학교 석사학위논문 중국의 역대 산수화론과 장자사상과의 관계 허영애
  6. 古文眞寶 前集 김학주(역)
  7. 老子/莊子 장기근;이석호(역)
  8. 論語集註 성백효(역주)
  9. 白居易全集 v.Ⅰ, Ⅱ 劉明杰(点校)
  10. 史記列傳 홍성보(역)
  11. 說文解字 許愼(撰)
  12. 詩經集傳 v.上, 下 성백효(역주)
  13. 周禮正義 孫이讓(撰)
  14. 楚辭 유선준(해역)
  15. 中國庭園論 岡大路;김영빈(역)
  16. 禪宗與中國文化, 선종과 중국문화 葛兆光;정상홍(등 역)
  17. 中國文化叢書 v.2 중국사상사 金谷治(등)
  18. 科擧制度與中國文化 중국문화와 과거제도 金諍
  19. 중국문화사 김학주
  20. 中國園林美學 金學智
  21. 園林美學 劉天華
  22. 隱士生活探秘 중국은사문화 馬華;陳正宏
  23. 辭源 商務印書館(編)
  24. 중국문학속의 자연관 小尾郊一
  25. 園林與中國文化 王毅
  26. 당 전기의 지배층(서울대학교동양사학연구실편 "강좌 중국사 II") 유원적
  27. 園林美學 劉天華
  28. 중국역사사전 이병갑(편)
  29. 美的曆程 미의 역정 李澤厚
  30. 국어대사전 이희승(편)
  31. 禪與中國園林 任曉紅
  32. 미학 v.14 위진현학이 육조 예술론에 끼친 영향 조송식
  33. 園林美學槪論 趙春林
  34. 中國園林藝術 周武忠
  35. 中國古典園林史 周維權
  36. 中國文化叢書 v.2 중국사상사 조성을(역)
  37. 科擧制度與中國文化 중국문화와 과거제도 강길중(역)
  38. 隱士生活探秘 중국은사문화 강경범;천현경
  39. 중국문학속의 자연관 윤수영(역)
  40. 美的曆程 미의 역정 윤수영(역)