• 제목/요약/키워드: Hair style attitude

검색결과 17건 처리시간 0.017초

외모(外貌)에 있어서 가상(假想) 3D 패션 코디네이션에 대(對)한 질적(質的) 연구(硏究) (A Qualitative Study about Coordination system of 3D Virtual Model)

  • 신효정;김효숙;최창석
    • 패션비즈니스
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    • 제7권2호
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    • pp.143-155
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    • 2003
  • The purpose of this study were to investigate 1) Values placed upon born hereditary appearance and a made up appearance, 2)examined for points of body and clothing and 3)discrepancy in opinions about Coordination system of 3D Virtual Model This study chose qualitative research approach in-depth interviews were from December 12, 2002, to February 20, 2003. The subjects of the study were 12 women aged in twenties 12 women aged over forty. The results of this study were as follows. 1. Women aged in their twenties defined appearance as follows. there are important a made up appearance, Appearance is looking at point of view from body shape to face, makeup, hair style, body image, cosmetic surgery, clothing and is looking at the whole point of view from hair to tiptoe. This seems to include attitude, personality, behavior, images, and feeling. 2. Regarding body image Women aged in their twenties prefer a slender figure. Women aged in their twenties exerts all possible efforts to have an attractive body through dress well. 3. Regarding body image Women aged in their twenties prefer coordinate to system of 3D virtual model.

재평가되어야할 르누아르의 이국취미와 패션컬러 (Renoir's Fashion Colors and Exotic Taste That Must Be Re-Evaluated)

  • 이금희
    • 패션비즈니스
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    • 제22권1호
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    • pp.82-99
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    • 2018
  • The purpose of this study is to examine the characteristics that appeared in the fashion and colors of exotic tastes used by Renoir with a view to re-evaluating his-attitude towards exotic tastes. The methods used in this study were literature research and analysis of visual data from Renoir's works. The results of the study are as follows. Renoir's exotic tastes originated from the material perspective appearing in the fashions and accessories of Algeria, Orient, Spain, and Japan. Parisienne Odalisque Lise in Harem-style, Jeanne Samari in parisienne fashion holding a Japanese fan, and Gabriel in oriental fashion were portrayed as major muses. The Algerian style consisted of white, yellow or red veils, thobes, loose pants worn in Haik, and burnous. The Oriental-style was composed of harem pants, turbans, hair accessories, ornate zouave jackets, and oriental ornaments. The Spanish-style showed gay ornaments, fitted red or yellow matador costume, red bandannas, black hats, and red dresses, plus Spanish guitars. The Japanese-style consisted of kimonos, accessories such as fans, and backgrounds with interior articles such as vases, wall picture frames, and folding screens. The exotic fashion colors were red, yellow and white. Renoir expressed the works with his delicate skills and sense of craftsmanship, and he even added creative design portrayals sometimes. He selected fashions and accessories of exotic tastes as objects and expressed the objects with materials and colors reflecting regional characteristics as such, he can be regarded as an artist wed to who fashions of exotic tastes.

1990년대와 2000년대의 그런지(Grung) 패션에 관한 연구 (A Study on The Grunge Fashion of the 1990's and 2000's)

  • 정유경;금기숙
    • 한국의류학회지
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    • 제29권3_4호
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    • pp.449-461
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    • 2005
  • The purpose of this study is to rediscover the hidden value of non-mainstreamers style which has been overlooked for the past decade by investigate the aesthetics and formative features of the Grunge fashion. The Grunge fashion was derived from explosive popularity of the early 90's grunge music. Grunge was the alternative anti-thesis against mainstream pop music and anti-fashion against mainstream fashion. Dirty, rubbish grunge style of the poor street youth and grunge musicians have raised to the high fashion by designers. And These trial of designers made people to notice the value of the non-mainstreamers street style like grunge. Actually, the grunge brought the shock with many argument to the 90's fashion field. But now, It became the classic of the street fashion. And It has potent influence on the music, culture and high fashion. The Grunge is a kind of links between music and fashion, street fashion and high fashion, sub culture and mainstream culture, the past and now. Grunge isn't only a fashion of appearance. It is the attitude of wearing clothes and living a life. Variety grunge style in the international street fashion, high fashion, typical musicians's fashion of the 1990's and the 2000's was researched for this study. These materials were gathered from music magazines, fashion magazines, movies, musics and books. As a results of analysis, Grunge has the formative features like mix & match, layering, patchwork, primitive edge, rag, retro, recycle, kinderwhore, sneer scribbling, disheveled hair. Grunge also has the Aesthetic features like the beauty of $disorder{\cdot}\;disharmony{\cdot}\;incompleteness{\cdot}\;kitsch{\cdot}\;poverty{\cdot}\;alternative{\cdot}\;eclectic{\cdot}$symbiosis. For the last 10 years, These features changed our fashion be more pluralistic and dynamic.

서구문화의 유입에 따른 중국 여성 복식의 변화와 그 유형에 대한 연구 - 20세기 전반기를 중심으로 - (A Study of the Changes and the Types of Chinese Women's Clothing Resulted from the Introduction of European Culture)

  • 조영란;이금희
    • 복식문화연구
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    • 제16권5호
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    • pp.891-909
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    • 2008
  • The purpose of this study was to examines the changes in Chinese women's clothing resulted from the introduction of Western culture in the first hal# of the 20th century in terms of Chinese view of the world and their attitude towards European culture. The clothes are divided into four types according to their characteristics : traditional Chinese type, China-Europe adjustment type, China-Europe blend type and European type. As for the research method, both literature and visual data are examined. The traditional Chinese type showed changes only in the width and length retaining the features of the traditional qipao until the 1910s. The China-Europe adjustment type used the same flat pattern making of traditional Chinese dress while imitating only the appearances of European one-piece, two-piece and three-piece dresses. It also was presented with European accessaries and hair-styles. The China-Europe blend type, starting to appear with the introduction of the three-dimensional pattern making from the Europe in the 1930s, showed a perfect mixture of European and traditional Chinese costumes in the early 1940s when the Chinese learned and adapted the European pattern making. The European type was the most modernized designs using a variety of European-style details and constructions as the traditional clothing started to have unrestricted European-style changes. Great significance can be found in the fact that the Chinese modified their garments by themselves using the pattern mating they learned from the Europe.

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영화 '시카고'의 의상(衣裳)에 나타난 팜므 파탈 이미지 연구(硏究) (Study on Image of Femme Fatale represented on Costumes in the Movie 'Chicago')

  • 김지영;간호섭
    • 패션비즈니스
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    • 제8권1호
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    • pp.16-33
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    • 2004
  • Up to now, image of femme fatale has undergone constant transformation to be inherited and developed through various genres of movies. With few exceptions such cases have represented sensuality of women by costumes with the most distinctive and exaggerated sexuality. Temptresses in movies are mostly drawn as extravagant and gorgeous one or a gloomy and dreary woman. Such an image is reinforced with make-up, hair style, accessories, attitude and manner of talking. The movie 'Chicago' is a musical film that crosses the boundaries of reality and fantasy with dancing and singing. Its lighting, stage setting, powerful and sexy dancing augmented already exaggerated and sensual costumes. Following is the analysis of costumes for two heroines as images of femme fatale. Strong contrast of color among black, red and blue on see-through & stickingly tight body suit signifies liberal mind and arrogant charisma of Velma. The contrast, haughty gestures, cropped black hair and thick makeups represent sex appeal, aggressive image, and fearlessly determined character of femme fatale. Roxie wears decent dresses in front of public and gorgeous stage costume in fantasy to convey two images of bad girl and angel. Her body suit, showing off lustering materials and dazzling bead decoration, is rather loose but still displays her bodyline to emphasize sexiness for representation of desire in fantasy. Chastity and innocence are implied with the decency of dresses in reality. They were specially chosen to draw public sympathy and indicate cunning disguise of Roxy who desperately wants to realize her desire. These dauntless costumes, which sufficiently express inside aspirations of Velma and Roxie later denote open and realistic social yearning rather than fatal desire hidden behind sensual beauty. It doesn't exist as imperfect, unrealistic and socially disdainful ambition as the image of femme fatale of paintings and movies did before in history. Femme fatale is expressed with deep cleavage, silk dresses that explicitly display bodyline, sexiness of mesh stockings with garter belts. All of these won't be utilized as a negative tool to seduce and destroy someone anymore but rather, they should represent rightful and fair nature of humans such as men's curiosity who secretly steal a look at them or female sexuality that women spontaneously want to show off.

미용실 서비스 속성이 고객 만족과 충성도에 미치는 영향 (Effects of Service Attributes on Customer Satisfaction and Loyalty in Beauty Salon)

  • 최성일;김현태;최우정;김지현;김은정
    • 한국프랜차이즈경영연구
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    • 제10권4호
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    • pp.19-29
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    • 2019
  • Purpose: In beauty industry, service quality is very critical, because it impacts on the customer's positive attitude and behavior to the beauty salon or beauty brand. Thus, this research examines the effects of service attributes on customer satisfaction and loyalty in beauty salon. This research suggests the guidelines for how beauty salons should manage their physical environment, price policy, professional skills, and employees that improve management and business performance. Research design, data, and methodology: This study examines the structural relationship between service attributes, customer satisfaction, and loyalty. Service attributes divide into four sub-dimensions such as servicescape, price service, technical service, and employee service. In order to test the purposes of this research, research model and hypotheses were developed. All constructs were measured with multiple items developed and examined in previous studies. A total of 160 questionnaires were distributed and collected, and 150 were used for analysis except 10 that were unresponsive or unfaithful. The data were analyzed using SPSS 22.0 and SmartPLS 3.0 statistical package program. Result: The results of this research are as follows. First, all sub-dimensions of service attributes such as servicescape, price service, technical service, and employee service have significant positive impacts on satisfaction. Second, customer satisfaction have significant impact on loyalty. Conclusions: This study suggests an integrated model of the relationship that the characteristics of beauty salon service attributes affect customer loyalty through satisfaction, and suggests how to manage and allocate limited resources in the beauty industry. The findings of this research indicate that the level of customer satisfaction is shown to be increased by servicescape, technical characteristics, value of money, and human attributes. Thus, beauty salon management should focus on the relationship with their customers how to improve customer loyalty through satisfaction. The quality of beauty service influences customer's attitudes and behaviors toward beauty salon. Considering the beauty business, where the quality and customer satisfaction of beauty services are determined by the hairdresser's beauty skills,, the beauty salons must find ways to improve their skills and new trend of hair style. If beauty salon customers perceive the high quality of beauty service, they revisit beauty salon and recommend it to others.

조선시대의 의생활규범에 관한 연구 -문헌을 중심으로- (A Study of the Standard of Costume life in the Chosen Dynasty Period -Focus on Literature-)

  • 현진숙;민길자
    • 한국의류학회지
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    • 제9권2호
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    • pp.67-74
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    • 1985
  • According to the records that all the people in our country were taught the way of braiding the hair and hatting in the first year of 'Tangun' (the founding father of the Korean nation) and that the discipline between sovereign and subject, man and woman, and the standard of food, drink and dwelling were originated from that year, it seems that all the people in our country had lived with keeping a certain standard of food, clothing and shelter, and with maintaining the order in life from ancient times. So, our country have been called 'the Eastern Land of Courtesy' and also regarded as 'the country of the true gentle-man' which was characterized as the custom of a humane, and as the country that had the immortality since a benevolent person lived to a great age. Thus, all the people in our country have lived with keeping and maintaining a certain standard of all aspects in life, and the philosophy in life that we have today was established by the influences of our characteristic thought, Confucianism, Buddhism, Taoism and Christianity, especially the life style in the Chosun Dynasty Period have strong influence on our today life. Thus, the contents concerned with the standard of custume life among those of all life in the Chosun Dynasty Period was studied, and clothes itself is unable to give expression to its ends but when the relationship that is, the inter-harmony among clothes, the body which will be dressed in, and the inherent psyche in that body is formed, then the ends, the complete beauty will be expressed. Though there were many studies dealt with clothes itself, no one was concerned with the all kinds of standard in activities that the dresser should keep, so the purpose of this article is that as above. The literature search is used as the research method. The eight books, 'Noneo' (the Analects of Confucius), 'Yeogi' (the Book of Courtesy), 'Sohak' (the book of Precepts for child-ren), 'Yeosaseo'(the Women's Four Books), 'Sasojeol'(Korean Scholars' Minor Principles) 'Eonhaenaehoon' (Private Moral Instructions for Women), 'Woo-am seonsaeng kyenyeoseo' (Master Woo-am's Cautions for Girls) and 'Kyoobangkasa' (the Lyric Lines of the Boudoir) that had influenced the whole field of life in the Chosun Dynasty Period are analyzed, selected and finally arranged for studyilng the foundation of culture of the clothing and for helping to that culture in modern and future life. The results are as follows: 1. The standard of the clothing life in the Chosun Dynasty Period had deeply rooted in the teaching of confucianism, but also had been influenced by the custom which rooted in our people. 2. There is the emphasis upon the trinity among mind, clothes and activities in the clothing life. 3. The clothing and hat have to be dressed symmetrically in full of all required elements, 4. There is the harmony between the clothing with hat and environments or surroundings. 5. The true elegance in the clothing life will be realized not by the exterior outfit but by the interior outfit with the attitude of chastiny. In conclusion, as the material of clothing life in the Chosun Dynasty Period has the characteristics of the simplicity, the cleanliness, the elegance and the refinement, our clothing life is to be mastered with the simplicity, the cleanliness and the elegance in that life and with the harmony between the inside and the outside.

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