• 제목/요약/키워드: Haewon Sangsaeng

검색결과 30건 처리시간 0.017초

대순진리의 해원(解冤)사상에 대한 해체(解體)론적 이해 -자크 데리다(Jacques Derrida)의 해체론을 중심으로- (A Deconstructive Understanding the Concept of Haewon in Daesoon Truth: From the Perspective of Derrida's Deconstruction Theory)

  • 김대현
    • 대순사상논총
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    • 제39집
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    • pp.69-97
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    • 2021
  • '해체(解體, déconstruction)'는 현대철학을 특징짓는 속성의 하나인 창발성(創發性, emergent property)을 유도하는 개념이다. 고대 그리스 철학의 전통이 탈피를 거듭하여 개체의 자유와 평등에 대한 열망을 낳고 이로부터 르네상스와 계몽주의에 이르러 근대라는 역사적 방점 하에 철학의 종지부를 찍는 듯했다. 하지만 철학은 근대마저도 그러한 해체를 통해 그 이상의 가능성을 바라보고자 했다. 근대철학이 플라톤 철학의 인문적 완성으로 신과 인간의 묘한 동거를 꿈꾼다면 현대철학은 해체를 통해 그마저도 거부한다. 플라톤류의 고전적 형이상학은 절대자를 중심으로 순치된 안정된 체계이기는 하지만 결과적으로는 신과 종교를 토대로 할 수밖에 없고 인간의 자율성 또한 신 아래의 자율성일 뿐이다. 현대철학은 해체를 통해 인간 본연의 목소리로부터 철학을 시작하고자 한 노력의 결과 가운데 하나이다. 형이상학에 종속된 인식론이 아닌 인간 실존으로부터의 인식론을 구축하고 자유라는 말이 가질 수 있는 최고의 선을 해체를 통해 실현하고자 했다. 그렇듯 해체 또한 인간의 자유라는 근대적 화두의 연장선에 있다고 해도 틀리지 않다. 해체와 인간의 자유는 결국 서로 떼어낼 수 없는 하나의 몸인 것이다. 묘하게도 종교적 신앙성과 전통적 보수성을 주된 색채로 할 것만 같은 대순사상은 현대적 창발성을 가지고 있다. 대순사상을 창시한 증산이 활동하던 한국의 시기는 역사를 해석하는 예리한 시각이 있는 이들에게는 보물과 같이 중요한 의미를 가진다. 외세에 의한 답습이 아닌 주체적 문제의식 가운데 새로운 세상과 인간의 자유의 의미를 발견하려는 강렬한 염원에 의한 사상적 활동이 펼쳐진 시기이기 때문이다. 그러한 한국의 자생적 창발성이 낳은 비권력적 사상이 바로 흔히 말하는 한국 근대의 신종교인 셈이다. 그 가운데서 대순사상은 참동학으로서 증산의 명맥을 잇고 증산이 남긴 해원의 개념 속에서 근대를 넘은 현대의 가치를 현실 가운데 펼치고자 한다. 대순사상의 해원은 근대를 넘은 현대성을 담고 있다는 점에서 현대철학의 해체와 상통한다. 해원은 첫째로 단주로부터 발현된 인간 실존의 원초적 억압에 따른 근본 원(冤)의 해소를 의미한다. 두 번째로 대순사상의 해원은 인존이라는 해원적 실존을 중심으로 천지인 삼계의 해원을 아우른다. 데리다의 해체가 인간과 사회 내부에 잠재된 보이지 않는 구조와 속박의 틀을 드러내고 그것을 파기하는 것으로부터 억압을 풀고 인간의 근본 자유를 실현하고자 한 것은 대순사상의 해원이 천지인 삼계를 휘감고 있던 근본 억압을 풀어 삼계의 대립을 상생으로 개방하고자 한 점과 동일한 맥락이라고 할 수 있겠다.

한반도 통일 유형별 북한지역의 대순진리회 3대 중요사업 추진 여건과 방안 연구 (Research on the Measures and Driving Force behind the Three Major Works of Daesoon Jinrihoe in North Korea in Case of the Respective Types of Unification on the Korean Peninsula)

  • 박영택
    • 대순사상논총
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    • 제39집
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    • pp.137-174
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    • 2021
  • 통일 시기에 대순진리회 3대 중요사업인 구호자선·사회복지·제반 교육사업을 어떻게 추진할 것인가가 이 논문의 핵심 주제다. 3대 중요사업은 통일 이후에도 반드시 추진되어야 하는바, 해원상생사상의 실천에 기반하기 때문이다. 해원상생의 인존사상은 유엔헌장의 서문과 세계평화를 지향한다는 점에서 일맥상통하다. 북한의 주민은 피폐된 경제 하에서 기아에 허덕이고 있는데 통일 시기 의식주의 위기를 맞이할 것이 분명하다. 본 연구에서는 3대 중요사업의 추진 여건을 분석하기 위하여 독일의 평화통일, 예멘의 급변사태 통일, 베트남의 무력통일 사례를 진단하였다. 3가지 통일유형은 공통적으로 3대 중요사업을 수행하는데 상당한 예산과 지원을 소요케 하였는데, 특히, 급변사태 후 무력충돌과 무력통일 시에는 수많은 인명의 살상과 인프라의 파괴로 구호와 의료지원 등 의식주 문제 해결이 시급하였다. 한편, 3대 중요사업의 방안을 도출하기 위하여 유엔난민기구(UNHCR)의 모델을 분석하였는바, 정신력과 전문성을 갖춘 전문 인력의 확충, 복합적인 상황 대비 능력을 갖춘 표준적인 조직의 편성과 명확한 과업 부여, 충분한 구호물품과 예산 준비, 접경지역과 북한지역의 거점 확보, 물류 창고와 수송수단 확보, 후원금 수급을 위한 네트워크 구축 등의 시사점을 도출하였다. 이를 바탕으로 통일시기와 북한지역 상황을 고려하여 통일대비 3대 중요사업의 체계구축 분야 세부과제 8개 항과 실행대비 검토과제 9개 항을 제시하였다. 결론적으로 통일시기 3대 중요사업은 그 당위성 측면에서 소홀함이 없어야 하며, '통일시기 3대 중요사업 추진방안' 제하의 매뉴얼에 3대 중요사업 추진의의, 조직 구성 및 임무, 통일시기 예상 상황, 전진기지 및 거점 운용, 경비 및 물류 준비, 파견팀 편성 및 운용, 홍보 및 대외협력, 전문 인력 양성, 안전조치, 수송 및 연락체계 등이 포함되어야 할 것이다.

대순진리회 교화의 역사적 전형(典型)에 관한 연구 (A Study on the Archetypes of Historical Edification of Daesoonjinrihoe)

  • 백경언
    • 대순사상논총
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    • 제22권
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    • pp.471-507
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    • 2014
  • Edification in Daesoonjinrihoe is not only a phenomenon that occurs following the differences of religious experience or spiritual development among the community members, which enables the members to share teaching and learning experiences with one another, but also an issue determined as one of the major activities of the religious order and a plan for achieving the purpose of the religious order-Podeokchenha(Wordly Propagation), Gujechansaeng (Salvation of all mankind) and Jisangcheonguk Geonseol(Building of earthly paradise). The purpose of this article is to clarify its concept and provide an example of edification, through considering the historical model for edification to help the cultivators with their work of edification. The archetype of edification of Daesoonjinrihoe was formed and gradually developed in phases by Sangje, Kang Jeungsan, the Supreme God(姜甑山, 1871-1909), Doju, Jo Jeongsan(趙鼎山, 1895-1958) and Dojeon, Park Wudang(朴牛堂, 1917-1995), by the three of whom the Religious Authority was succeeded. Sangje descended to the human world and preached to people to live by the rule of Haewon Sangsaeng(Resolution of grievances for the mutual beneficences of all life) and set an example of abolishing the old customs, living in mutual beneficences and having respect for human being. Doju, in revering the last will of Sangje, established the religious order by setting its creed, rituals and activities, which formed most contents of the archetype of edification. Dojeon set up a religious faith system by firmly establishing the Religious Authority and performed the True Law in accordance with Sangje's program of heaven to educate the cultivators to achieve the goal of self-cultivation following the last will of Doju. Through this, a perfect method to reach the state of Dotong(The Truly Unified State of Dao) is fulfilled. In this way, the archetype of edification was formed in the process of succession of Religious Authority. In conclusion, edification in Daesoonjinrihoe contributes to a 'systematic conveyance and understanding' through the historical archetype of edification, and it can be described as a concept that becomes a model to put into practice the 'True Law' of teachings given by two Sangjes for Dotong. Therefore, edification of Daesoonjinrihoe is drawing attention of its development as an important activity that realizes the ultimate value of the religious order because it solves the problems of immorality(absence of Dao), disorder and disregard of human value generated from the other side of this material civilization, with the truth of Haewon Sangsaeng, and has a function of rebuilding and leading the individuals and the society to the Truly Unified State of Dao through performing of the True Law.

The Ethical Obligations of Humankind towards Animals and Its Implications for Korean Religions: Focusing on Korean Buddhism and Daesoon Thought

  • Dominik RUTANA
    • 대순사상과 동아시아종교
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    • 제3권2호
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    • pp.55-70
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    • 2024
  • This study presents and examines various ethical theories that could offer potential solutions to the issue of discrimination against non-human animals in contemporary society, and traces its implications for Korean religions. The article focuses on two normative ethical theories - virtue ethics and the ethics of care - and through an analysis of existing research, argues that both theories may serve as foundational principles guiding our behavior, not only in our interactions with other humans but also in our treatment of non-human animals. Furthermore, the examples presented in this study demonstrate that similar ethical theories have already been adopted as frameworks for human behavior towards other living beings within two religious traditions, Buddhism and Daesoon Jinrihoe. In both belief systems, animals are acknowledged as integral components of the world in which we live. Additionally, both religions endorse the idea that the well-being of non-human animals and our attitudes toward them can also have a direct impact on our present lives, as well as on our future existence. Consequently, promoting morally upright conduct towards other living creatures should be viewed as a necessary measure, beneficial not only for the animals themselves but also for the collective well-being of humanity.

Jin-gyeong and Sin-ingan: The Prophecy of the Later World in The Canonical Scripture of Daesoon Jinrihoe

  • KIM, David W.
    • 대순사상과 동아시아종교
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    • 제1권1호
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    • pp.127-151
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    • 2021
  • The core tenets of Daesoon Jinrihoe in Jeungsanism are encapsulated in the teachings of Eumyang-hapdeok (陰陽合德, Virtuous Concordance of Yin and Yang), Shinin-johwa (神人調化, Harmonious Union between Divine Beings and Human Beings), Haewon-sangsaeng (解寃相生, Resolution of Grievances for Mutual Beneficence) and Dotongjingyeong (道通眞境, Perfected Unification with Dao). Among them, the first three teachings eventually turn towards the prophetic thought of Dotong-jingyeong, which is the process of man becoming a divine figure. While these principles are considered crucial advice for overcoming an unstable life, there are many curious questions that help for better comprehension. What is the reality of Jin-gyeong (眞境) for their followers? How can one reach the ultimate stage under this belief system? Is this ideological concept different from similar perspectives of other major religions? How is this concept related to the idea of Jisang-cheonguk (地上天國, earthly paradise)? This paper analyses these issues of Jin-gyeong from the historical and social narratives of Haengnok (行錄, Acts), Gongsa (公事, Reordering Works), Gyoun (敎運, Progress of the Order), Gyobeop (敎法, Dharma), Gwonji (權智, Authority and Foreknowledge) and Yesi (豫示, Prophetic Elucidations) in The canonical scripture of Jeon-gyeong and also from the ontological approaches of East Asian faiths in order to identify alternative notions of Daesoon cosmology. The paper, based on the sayings of Kang Jeungsan, particularly his philosophy of the Later World, argues the insight that the Jin-gyeong world can be interpreted as created through the Cheonji-gongsa (天地公事, Reordering Works of Heaven and Earth) project in terms of Gaebyeok (開闢, Great Opening) and the earthly paradise as open only for those who achieve the condition of Sin-ingan (新人間, literally means 'new humans' but symbolizing 'being a human-god') by the personal cultivation of Dotong (道通, the unity with Dao).

증산사상과 DMZ 세계생태평화공원 - 한반도 상등국 천지공사를 중심으로 - (Jeungsan Thoughts and DMZ World Eco-peace Park - Universal Redesign for the Foremost Leading Country centering on Korea -)

  • 김정완
    • 대순사상논총
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    • 제24_1권
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    • pp.97-144
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    • 2014
  • Jeungsan(甑山) carried out the Universal Redesign(天地公事) through which the former world full of a mutual opposition(相克) can be peacefully transferred into the latter world composed of a mutual beneficence(相生). Although the Universal Redesign consists of such three factors heaven, earth, and human, it converges towards Human Redesign in that humans are the main agents for heaven and earth. Human as Redesign object is characterized as a member of community, not an anarchistic individual. The Universal Resign of Jeungsan is eventually connected with the construction of a country comprising a mutual beneficence in that it is the most typical strain among all the human communities. His Universal Resign for foundering the foremost country does not target all the countries, but only one country upon and through which the world with a mutual beneficence can be formed. He executed the Universal Redesign based on such three principles as Haewon sangsaeng(解冤相生), Boeunsangsaeng(報恩相生), and Wonsibanbon(原始返本), Judging from such principles, Korea can be naturally selected as the target of the Universal Redesign for constructing the foremost country. It is approaching when the Universal Redesign in order to transform Korea into the foremost country comes true. The first step for Korea to be made as the foremost country is the construction of DMZ World Peace Park (DWPP) which was proposed by Bak Geunhye, the Korean President, to Obama, the President of USA, in 2013 she visited there. DWPP can be expected to be a center for corporation and interchange between South and North Korea under the interest and support of the world including UN, furthermore, the Capital area of reunified Korea, and finally the world hub of inter national political and economic relation. DWPP is planned to be built at the core of the best place in Korea which is a propitious spot all over the world, upon which a new world capitalism order armed with mutual beneficence can spread.

"God Always Find a Way": The Crisis of Civilization and Its Overcoming through the Worldview of Daesoon Jinrihoe

  • CHA Seonkeun
    • 대순사상과 동아시아종교
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    • 제3권2호
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    • pp.13-34
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    • 2024
  • This article is a compilation of civilizational crises and their overcoming from the worldview of Daesoon Jinrihoe, based on the premise that religion can offer advice on the crises faced by modern civilization. It is a reinterpretation of human history from a religious perspective, focusing on mutual contentions, grievances, grudges, and their overcoming. Daesoon Jinrihoe explains that modern civilizational crises were first recognized by divine beings in the 18th and 19th centuries, and then later recognized by humans in the 20th and 21st centuries. Unable to resolve the civilization crises, the divine beings asked the Supreme God to intervene in human history, and the Supreme God was born in a human body to reveal the root causes and development of various civilizational crise sand to propose solutions to overcome them. These solutions encompass setting the world aright and ushering in a new era through the Reordering Works of Heaven and Earth (天地公事), attaining enduring peace by practicing grievance resolution for mutual beneficence (解冤相生), and reconstructing the relationship between divine beings and humans in harmonious coexistence. Devotees hold that Daesoon Jinrihoe is a religion that originated as a solution to a problem faced by God rather than humankind. As such, it considers the crises of civilization and their overcoming as the reason for existence. According to the religion's worldview, the Supreme God has already provided the solution to these civilizational crises. With a tip of the hat to the film Interstellar (2014), it could be said, "God Found a Way. He Always Has." Now, Daesoon Jinrihoe posits that it is up to humans to implement the way that God found.

구천응원뇌성보화천존(九天應元雷聲普化天尊) 신격의 서사적 상상력 탐구 - 『봉신연의(封神演義)』의 문중(聞仲)과 『전경』의 강증산(姜甑山) 서사를 중심으로 - (Narrative Imagination Applied to the God Jiutian Yingyuan Leisheng Puhua Tianzun: As Observed in the Narrative of Wen Zhong in Investiture of the Gods and of Kang Jeungsan in The Canonical Scripture)

  • 유수민
    • 대순사상논총
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    • 제35집
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    • pp.255-293
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    • 2020
  • 본 논문은 명대 소설 『봉신연의(封神演義)』의 문중(聞仲) 서사와 대순진리회 경전 『전경』의 강증산(姜甑山) 서사를 비교 고찰함으로써, 구천응원뇌성보화천존 신격을 서사적 상상력의 차원에서 논의하고자 하였다. 논의는 다음의 세 가지 차원에서 진행되었다. 첫째, 『봉신연의』 문중서사에 고조선 신화의 뇌신(雷神) 이미지와 한국 선도 전통의 문화적 맥락이 반영되어 있고, 그러한 문화적 맥락이 다시 『전경』 강증산 서사에서도 곳곳에 나타나 있음을 살펴보았다. 둘째, 『봉신연의』 문중 서사에 표현된 '봉신(封神)'이라는 개념의 본질을 『전경』 강증산 서사에 나타나는 '해원(解冤)' 사상과 관련지어 고찰하였다. 셋째, 『봉신연의』에서 문중이 속해 있는 '절교(截敎)'라는 집단이 가지는 이류(異類) 포용의 특성을 『전경』에서 강증산이 추구하는 '상생(相生)'의 가치와 관련지어 논의하였다. 본 논문에서 도출한 구천응원뇌성보화천존 신격의 서사적 상상력에는 은(殷)을 포함한 동이계 종족의 설화와 문화에 대한 '망탈리테(mentalité)'가 반영되어 있었다. 이는 해당 신격이 태생적으로 한국 고유의 선도(仙道) 전통 및 한국 도교와 깊은 관련이 있음을 의미한다.

대순사상의 여성 해원에 대한 연구 - 20세기초 여성 문인 최송설당을 중심으로 - (A Study on Grievance-resolution for Women in Daesoon Thought: Focusing on Choi Song-sul-dang, a Female Writer from the Early 20th Century)

  • 임보연
    • 대순사상논총
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    • 제42집
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    • pp.143-165
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    • 2022
  • 이 연구는 그동안 고전문학에서도 시도되지 않았던 여성 한시와 대순사상의 융합 연구이자, 대순사상 분야에서도 시도되지 않았던 여성 한시와 대순사상의 융합 연구이다. 대순진리회에서 중요한 해원 사상을 고전 작품을 통해 밝혀보고자 하는 시도였다. 대순사상의 출현과도 시대적 맥락을 같이 하는 20세기 초의 최송설당(崔松雪堂)의 한시 작품을, 여성 해원이라는 틀 위에서 '평(平)'과 '화(和)'의 개념으로 분석하여, 가화(家和)와 상생(相生)으로 나아가는 지점을 찾고자 했다. <왕소군의 원망(昭君怨)>, <자술(自述)>, <송설당원운(松雪堂原韻)> 등과 같은 작품에서 여자로서의 한(恨)이 표현되었다. <정월 초하루(元朝祝)>, <우음(偶吟)> 등과 같은 작품에서는 가족의 평안을 바라는 내용을 표현하고 있었다. 송설당은 가정의 '원(寃)'을 풀기 위해 노력하는 과정에서 남자가 되지 못한 '한(恨)'을 느끼며 한계에 부딪히기도 하였지만, 가화(家和)를 이루기 위해 '평(平)'과 '화(和)'를 중요하게 여기며 평생을 노력해온 것으로 보인다. 이 논문은 문학과 사상의 융합이라는 학문적 확장의 측면에서 중요한 의미가 있을 것으로 판단된다. 대순사상의 측면에서도 사상 자체에만 몰두한 연구에서 나아가 사상과 문학을 융합적으로 살펴봄으로써, 전통시대의 삶과 문화 속에서도 대순사상의 면모를 확인할 수 있고, 이것이 고전에서 현대에 이르는 여전히 현재적인 의미를 지니고 있다는 것을 밝힐 수 있는 의의가 있을 것이다.

『전경』에 나타난 입문의례에 관한 연구 (A Study on the Entrance Rituals seen in the 『Jeon-Gyeong』)

  • 김태수
    • 대순사상논총
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    • 제24_2집
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    • pp.85-115
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    • 2015
  • The Reordering of the Universe(天地公事) pursuing the Latter world(後天)'s ideal world while denying the Former world(先天) is composed of enormous rituals. The Dosu(度數) is formed through these rituals and the world is transformed according to the Dosu. The people who follow the Sangje(上帝), the subject of this universe reordering and also participate in the Reordering of the Universe are called as the followers. The follower group can be said as a ritual group in the aspect that they participate in the ritual for the Reordering of the Universe. They not only observed the rituals but also actively participated in them, so took certain roles in forming the Dosu. That is, they performed certain, given roles in developing the rituals, or actively proposed their ideas under the Sangje's leadership, and participated in the process realizing the Dosu. Therefore it can be said that they were a group initiatively participating in the process overcoming the Former world's Sangguk(相克) world, and making the latter world's ideal world. It seemed that the followers at that time might have gone through a certain entrance ritual process in order to join in such a follower group. The 『Jeon-Gyeong』 recorded the entrance rituals of a man called as Cha Gyeong Seok among tremendous followers relatively in detail. According to the 『Jeon-Gyeong』, he first had to get a unique test in the entrance process, and the test was proceeded in several stages: the wisdom test reflecting the Sangje's unusual intelligence, the patience test to endure physical, psychological pains for the great ethic, and the test to evaluate the testee's ability to give up past oneself and to follow the Sangje with a new body & mind. In the process separating himself from the past his appearance, Gyeong-Seok, the candidate to enter, faced a liminal situation, and then performed the incorporation rite. In this process, the purification rite going him out of the past relationship of benefits & grudges was performed, and he was given the regulations to comply as a member of the follower group. Through such serial processes, his entrance in the follower group was allowed. What requested to the candidate in this entrance process was the severance from one's past. For that, the candidate was needed to go out of his past life habits, to free from the relationship of benefits and grudges, and to sever him from his past faults. Such severance was the precondition for him to go out of the Former world's negative reality and to break from the Sanggeuk habits. Another thing requesting to the candidate as well as the severance from his past was to establish a new ideal. The new ideal should be matched with the ideal of the Reordering of the Universe whose main ideology was the Haewon-Sangsaeng(解冤相生). Such ideal can be said as the driving force to proceed toward the new ideal world of Latter World. And the candidate was requested to purify his mind and to participate in the Universe Fair Judgement (天地公庭). That can be said as an important condition for the new member directly to participate in the ritual of the Reordering of the Universe dramatically transforming the world. Finally, the candidate was given the regulations for his ascetic practice(修道) as well as his participation in the Reordering, and was requested to comply them. After becoming a member of this follower group, one had to practice his asceticism through the compliance with such regulations and the training of mantras(呪文) in order to accomplish the goal called as Dotong(道通). By fulfilling these requirements, the newly entered member could have the qualification to perform a certain role in the ritual of the Reordering of the Universe, and could accomplish his religious ideal.