• Title/Summary/Keyword: HEEL

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A Study of Real Ship Experiments to Estimate the Heeling Angle of Passenger Type Ship when Turning (여객선형의 선회 중 횡경사 추정에 관한 실선 실험 연구)

  • Kim, Hongbeom;Lee, Yunhyung;Park, Youngsun;Kong, Gilyoung
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Marine Environment & Safety
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    • v.24 no.5
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    • pp.497-503
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    • 2018
  • Passenger ships and training ships have a common feature in that they serve many passengers. Thus, safe navigation is very important. During normal sailing, a ship may turn using various types of steering, including maneuvers to avoid collisions with dangerous target. When a ship turns, a heeling angle occurs. If trouble arises during sailing, a dangerous heeling angle may result or a capsizing accident. In this study, the heeling angle during turning was measured through experimentation with two training ships similar to passenger ships. These findings were compared with theoretical formulas for heeling angle when turning. We confirmed that the limit of the maximum heeling angle estimation using heeling angle formula when turning presented in IMO stability criteria. In addition, it was confirmed that the maximum estimated heeling angle can be reached by applying the result calculated in the theoretical formula 1.4 times when turning right and 1.1 times when turning left to reflect sailing speed when of rudder hard over. It is expected that this study will provide basis data for establishing safe operation standards for the prevention of dangerous heeling angles when turning.

Simple and Efficient Methods for the Response Estimation of Building Structure Subjected to Human Induced Loads (무리하중을 받는 구조물의 간편하고 효율적인 응답추정)

  • Kim, Tae-Ho;Lee, Dong-Guen;Min, Kyung-Won
    • Journal of the Earthquake Engineering Society of Korea
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    • v.9 no.4 s.44
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    • pp.19-28
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    • 2005
  • Long span structures with low natural frequencies such as shopping malls, large offices, and assembly rooms may experience signification dynamic responses due to human activities. In many cases, the group activities are common thing in comparison with the single activity. The purpose of this study is to evaluate the responses of building structure subjected to group human loads using mode shapes. For this purpose, equations to estimate the magnitudes ol responses ol structure subjected to group walking loads are derived. And the correlation of loads is verified for identifying the relation of each human load composing of group human loads using two load cells. The method is proposed for evaluating the responses of structure subjected to group loads using mode shapes and correlation function related to each human loads. The effectiveness ol the proposed method is verified analytically using a simple beam and floor and experimentally on a footbridge measuring the structural response induced by group pedestrians for the case of synchronization or not. Results indicate that the amplitudes of group walking loads can be easily estimated if the mode shapes are available, and that the corresponding structural responses can be estimated easily by the simple response measurement using the proposed method.

A Study on Securing a Stable GM for Each Ship Type Considering the Ship's Operating Status (선박의 운항 상태를 고려한 선종별 안정적인 GM 운용에 관한 연구)

  • Kim, Hong-Beom;Kim, Jong-Kwan;Lee, Yun-Sok
    • Journal of Navigation and Port Research
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    • v.44 no.4
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    • pp.275-282
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    • 2020
  • Recently, the occurrence of a ship capsizing was analyzed as the main cause of the lack of stability or loss because of the improper management of the center of gravity, the movement of cargo or heavy weight when excessive steering occurs or when navigating during bad weather. Thus, to prevent a ship from capsizing, it is necessary to secure stability to enable the ship's return to its upright position, even if a dangerous heel occurs. The GM is a crucial evaluation factor regarding stability, which the navigation officer uses to preserve stability. In this study, based on the stability data collected from the operating of ships for five years, The GM by ship's type according to the operating status was analyzed specifically such as a ship's length, breadth, and gross tonnage. The feature of the GM distribution according to a ship's length was confirmed, and after performing the correlation analysis between the breadth and the GM, the ratio of the GM to breadth was calculated, and the result was compared with the previous ratio. Additionally, a simple approximation formula and minimum GM for the estimation of the GM by ship type were proposed by the regression analysis of the GM using the gross tonnage (GT)/breadth (B) to reflect the trend of larger ships being built. The results of this study are expected to be used as data for the review of securing a stable GM on ships.

The Effects of Sensory Integrative Therapy on Vestibulo-Proprioceptive Sensory Processing of Children With Asperger Syndrome (감각통합치료가 아스퍼거 아동의 전정.고유감각 처리능력에 미치는 효과)

  • Kim, Eun-Sung;Kim, Kyeong-Mi
    • The Journal of Korean Academy of Sensory Integration
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    • v.6 no.1
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    • pp.35-46
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    • 2008
  • Objective : This study verifies the effects of sensory integrative (SI) therapy on vestibular- and proprioceptive sensory (BPS) processing ability of a child with Asperger Syndrome (AS). Method : A boy who is 11 years and 2 months old took the Functional Independence Measure for Children (Wee-FIM), Canadian Occupational Performance Measure (COPM), Short Sensory Profile, Bruininks-Oserestky Test of Motor Proficiency-2 (BOT-2), and Test of Playfulness (ToP) for the baseline. The child participated in 3 evaluation sessions and 8 therapy sessions based on the AB research design. Duration of each session is 50 min and the therapy session is divided into 40 minutes for treatment and 10 minutes for evaluation. Since the vestibular sense and proprioception build up one's ability of postural control, several tests were employed to evaluate the child' postural control as outcome measure; distance from front leg of chair to heel of the child with sitting (C-H distance), angle between trunk and thigh (hip joint angle) with sitting, and the 'prone-extension posture' which is a subtest of Clinical Observation of Motor and Postural Skill (COMPS) to examine postural control embodied with integration of reflex and BPS processing. Result : During the therapy, average data of the C-H distance is decreased from 27.33cm to 11.69cm, average data of the hip joint angle is also decreased from $43.3^{\circ}$ to $20^{\circ}$, and average time for the prone-extension posture is increased from 13.15seconds to 24.84seconds. Conclusion : This result indicates that the ability to postural control in sitting and to maintain the prone-extension posture can be improved by sensory integrative therapy, with enhanced BPS processing.

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Treatment of the Soft Tissue Defect in Extremities by Forearm Free Falp (전완부 유리피판술을 이용한 연부조직 결손의 치료)

  • Lee, Kwang-Suk;Byun, Young-Soo;Woo, Kyung-Jo;Bae, Cheol-Hyo
    • Archives of Reconstructive Microsurgery
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    • v.4 no.1
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    • pp.58-64
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    • 1995
  • The radial forearm flap was first designed at the Ba-Ba Chung Hospital of People's Republic of China in 1978. The flap consists of the skin of the volar surface of the forearm, the subcutaneous fat, the underlying fascia, and the intramuscular fascia which includes the radial vessels. It is very useful flap in soft tissue coverage of skin defects of the upper and lower extremities. The authors have reported 13 cases of forearm free flap treated in the Korea University Hospital from January 1991 to Jun 1995 with a review of literature. The results were as follows. 1. We had good results in soft tissue coverage for all patients 2. The average size of flaps was $54cm^2$ and the average ischemic time of flaps was 74minutes. 3. The postoprative complication was occurred in three of 13 cases, two of three cases were arterial thrombosis treated with thrombectomy in postoperative 2 days, and one case was venous thrombosis resulted in superficial necrosis of the flap treated with STSG. 4. Forearm free flap with sensory innervation is a good donor site for reconstruction of weight-bearing areas of heel and sole. 5 The forearm free flap is suitable for soft tissue coverage of the upper and lower extremities, and can be used by skillful microsurgeon with high success rate.

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Effects of Loading on Biomechanical Analysis of Lower Extremity Muscle and Approximate Entropy during Continuous Stair Walking (지속적인 계단 보행에서 부하가 하지 근육의 생체역학적 변인과 근사 엔트로피에 미치는 영향)

  • Kim, Sung-Min;Kim, Hye-Ree;Ozkaya, Gizem;Shin, Sung-Hoon;Kong, Se-Jin;Kim, Eon-Ho;Lee, Ki-Kwang
    • Korean Journal of Applied Biomechanics
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    • v.25 no.3
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    • pp.323-333
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    • 2015
  • Objective : The purpose of this study was to investigate the changes of gait patterns and muscle activations with increased loads during stair walking. Also, it can be used as descriptive data about continuous stair walking in a real life setting. Method : Twelve sedentary young male adults(Age: $27.0{\pm}1.8yrs$, Weight: $65.8{\pm}9.9kg$) without any lower extremity injuries participated in this study. Participants performed stair walking up 7 floors and their ascending and descending motion on each floor was analyzed. A wireless electromyography(EMG) were attached on the Rectus Femoris(RF), Biceps Femoris(BF), Gastrocnemius(GN), Tibialis Anterior(TA) muscle to calculate integrated EMG(iEMG), median frequency(MDF) and co-contraction index(CI). Chest and left heel accelerometer signal were recorded by wireless accelerometer and those were used to calculate approximate entropy(ApEn) for analyzing gait pattern. All analyses were performed with SPSS 21.0 and for repeated measured ANOVA and Post-hoc was LSD. Results : During ascending stairs, there were a statistically significant difference in Walking time between 1-2nd and other floors(p=.000), GN iEMG between 2-3th and 6-7th(p=.043) floor, TA MDF between 1-2nd and 5-6th(p=.030), 6-7th(p=.015) floor and TA/GN CI between 2-3th and 6-7th(p=.038) floor and ApEn between 1-2nd and 6-7th(x: p=.003, y: p=.005, z: p=.006) floor. During descending stairs, there were a statistically significant difference in TA iEMG between the 6-5th and 3-2nd(p=.026) floor, and for the ApEn between the 1-2nd and 6-7th(x: p=.037, y: p=.000, z: p=.000) floor. Conclusion : Subjects showed more regular pattern and muscle activation response caused by regularity during ascending stairs. Regularity during the first part of stair-descending could be a sign of adaptation; however, complexity during the second part could be a strategy to decrease the impact.

Kinematic Analysis of Women's 100-m Final during IAAF World Championships, Daegu 2011 (2011 대구세계육상선수권대회 100 m 여자 결승전의 운동학적 분석)

  • Ryu, Ji-Seon;Ryu, Jae-Kyun;Kim, Tae-Sam;Park, Young-Jin;Hwang, Won-Seob;Yoon, Suk-Hoon;Park, Sang-Kyoon
    • Korean Journal of Applied Biomechanics
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    • v.21 no.5
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    • pp.521-528
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    • 2011
  • The purpose of this study was to analyze the kinematic characteristics of the finalists in the women's 100 m event to provide important information to coaches and athletes. Three different biomechanics techniques were applied for analyzing sprinter motion: LAVEG, a panning technique, and 12 video cameras for 3 dimensional analysis of the 40 m - 70 m portion of the race. Carmelita Jeter(USA) performed the maximum speed of 10.54 m/s at the distance of 58.2 m. There was a tendency to show a better performance time with a high number of steps (p=.13) and shorter stride length (p=.14) among the 8 sprints. Furthermore, the stride frequency and the performance time were negatively correlated as a higher stride frequency had a positive impact on the performance time (p=.02). Based on 3 dimensional analysis, the 4 top ranked sprinters used the different strategies to maintain a high COM (Center of Mass) velocity during the mid portion of the race (40 m - 70 m). Carmelita Jeter(USA) showed more flexed knee and hip motion at heel contact (HC) to maintain a high COM velocity while S.A. Fraser-Pryce (JAM) showed more extended knee and hip motion at HC. On the other hands, Veronica Campbell-Brown (JAM) and Kelly-Ann Baptiste (TRI) showed a tendency to have high knee lifts during the swing phase to maintain the high COM velocity during the race. These biomechanical analyses of the women's 100 m final event in the 2011 WC, Daegu, will provide important scientific information to coaches and athletes for understanding the sprinting mechanism of today's top-class sprinters.

Earthquake-Resistant Design of Cantilever Retaining-Walls with Sloped Base (기초슬래브의 밑면이 경사진 캔티레바식 옹벽의 내진설계)

  • Kim, Hong Taek
    • KSCE Journal of Civil and Environmental Engineering Research
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    • v.10 no.3
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    • pp.87-98
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    • 1990
  • The present Study dealt with the earthquake-resistant design of cantilever retaining walls supporting cohesionless soils. With design examples of three different types of cantilever retaining walls, the factors of safety against sliding were computed at various values of horizontal acceleration coefficient and compared with each other. The horizontal inertia effect due to the weights of concrete wall itself and a portion of backfill was taken into account in the analyses, and also Mononobe-Okabe pseudo-static solution method was modified to deal with various states different from limiting equilibrium state. From the analyses of safety against sliding, it was found that a cantilever retaining wall with sloped base was the most efficient type in earthquake resistant design. It was also found that by sloping the base, the width of the base slab could be reduced, resulting in the least volume of concrete, excavation and backfill as compared to the other types of walls. In the case of a cantilever retaining wall with sloped feel, the efficiency similar to that of a wall with sloped base could be expected under static loading as well as at relatively low level of earthquake loading. However, this efficiency became vanished with the increase of horizontal acceleration coefficient, since the rate of reduction in developed earth pressures on the heel became smaller. In addition, the design charts with different soil friction angles as well as with different earthquake resistant design criteria of safety factor against sliding were presented for the design of cantilever retaining walls sith sloped base.

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A numerical study of pillar reinforcing effect in underground cavern underneath existing structures (지하공간하부 지하저류공동에서의 필라 보강효과에 관한 수치해석적 연구)

  • Seo, Hyung-Joon;Lee, Kang-Hyun;Han, Shin-In;Lee, In-Mo
    • Journal of Korean Tunnelling and Underground Space Association
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    • v.14 no.5
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    • pp.453-467
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    • 2012
  • Usage of underground space is increasing at metropolitan city. More than 90% of flood damages have occurred at downtown of metropolitan cities. In order to prevent and/or minimize the flood-induced damage, an underground rainwater detention cavern was proposed to be built underneath existing structures. As for underground caverns to be built for flood control, multi-caverns will be mostly adopted rather than one giant cavern because of stability problem. Because of the stress concentration occurring in the pillars between two adjacent caverns, the pillar-stability is the Achilles' heel in multi-caverns. So, a new pillar-reinforcing technology was proposed in this paper for securing the pillar-stability. In the new pillar-reinforcing technology, reinforced materials which are composed of a steel bar and PC strands are used by applying pressurized grouting, and then, by applying the pre-stress to the PC strands and anchor body. Therefore, this new technology has an advantage of utilizing most of the strength that the in-situ ground can exert, and not much relying on the pre-cast concrete structure. The main effect of the pressurized grouting is the increase of the ground strength and more importantly the decrease of stress concentration in the pillar; that of the pre-stress is the increase of the ground strength due to the increase of the internal pressure. In this paper, ground reinforcing effects were verified the stress change in pillar is obtained by numerical analysis at each construction stage. From these results, the effects of pressurized grouting and pre-stress are verified.

Shoes from Pinet to the Present

  • June, Swann
    • Proceedings of the Korea Society of Costume Conference
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    • 2001.08a
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    • pp.11-13
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    • 2001
  • For those unfamiliar with the shoe world, Pinet (1817-1897) was a contemporary of Worth, the great Parisian couturier. So I look at the glamour shoes and the world of haute couture, and indeed the development of the named designer. That is a concept we are all familiar with now. So it is not easy to comprehend the lack of names for the exquisite work before 1850. Straightway I have to say that the number of noted shoe designers is far fewer than famous dress designers, but I will introduce you to some of them, against the background of contemporary shoe fashions. Franc;ois Pinet was born in the provinces (probably Touraine) in 1817, two years after the end of the Napoleonic Wars. His father, an ex-soldier, settled to shoemaking, a comparatively clean and quiet trade. It had a tradition of literacy, interest in politics, and was known as the gentle craft, which attracted intelligent people. We should presume father would be helped by the family. It was usual for a child to begin by the age of 5-6, tying knots, sweeping up, running errands and gradually learning the job. His mother died 1827, and father 1830 when he was 13, and at the time when exports of French shoes were flooding world markets. He went to live with a master shoemaker, was not well treated, and three years later set out on the tour-de- France. He worked with masters in Tours and Nantes, where he was received as Compagnon Cordonnier Bottier du Devoir as Tourangeau-Ia rose dAmour (a name to prove most appropriate). He went on to Bordeaux, where at 19 he became president of the local branch. In 1841 he went to Paris, and in 1848, revolution year, as delegate for his corporation, he managed to persuade them not to go on strike. By now the shoemakers either ran or worked for huge warehouses, and boots had replaced shoes as the main fashion. In 1855 Pinet at the age of 38 set up his own factory, as the first machines (for sewing just the uppers) were appearing. In 1863 he moved to new ateliers and shop at Rue ParadisPoissoniere 44, employing 120 people on the premises and 700 outworkers. The English Womans Domestic Magazine in 1867 records changes in the boots: the soles are now wider, so that it is no longer necessary to walk on the uppers. There is interest in eastern Europe, the Polonaise boots with rosette of cord and tassels and Bottines Hongroises withtwo rows of buttons, much ornamented. It comments on short dresses, and recommends that the chaussure should correspond to the rest of the toilet. This could already be seen in Pinets boots: tassels and superb flower embroidery on the higher bootleg, which he showed in the Paris Exposition that year. I think his more slender and elegant Pinet heel was also patented then or 1868. I found little evidence for colour-matching: an English fashion plate of 1860 shows emerald green boots with a violetcoloured dress.

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