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Archival Science and Constitutional Point of View (헌법적 관점의 기록학)

  • Lee, Youngnam
    • The Korean Journal of Archival Studies
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    • no.79
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    • pp.121-168
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    • 2024
  • Record & archives management is at the heart of archival science. We must be faithful to record & archives management. However, isn't there a paradox that arises the more faithful we are to record & archives management? The paradox is that 'being a responsible manager and efficiently managing records' is rather reduces the interest in the social existence of humans who create and use such records. Why do humans produce and use records? It may be because human beings have been living with the concept of records. The concept is 'the same as the design of thoughts'. There is no need to doubt this direction because as record & archives management develops, more valuable records are preserved more systematically, and they are been served with wider scope and appropriateness. However, if we observe this situation from a human point of view rather than record & archives management, we find that humans appearing in record & archives management are limited to the object of using records. If humans are perceived differently based on the hypothesis of reviewing from the ground up, we can encounter a unique context about the relationship between humans and records or between records and humans. If it reaches the norm that human beings have dignity that cannot be transferred to anyone, have the right to pursue happiness, and must live by enjoying freedom, equality, and social basic rights, in short, if human beings are recognized from a constitutional point of view, we can newly recognize the social role and direction of records. The constitution and international human rights norms document basic human rights as the final norm and clarify that it is the duty of the state to guarantee and practice them. The social role of records from a constitutional point of view is the practice of records that proliferate basic human rights. The practice of archiving, which multiplies basic human rights, may also be a civic consciousness required of experts, but on the other hand, it can be a professional way for archival studies. If record management is a two-lane round trip, it can be said that the interaction between record management and record practice, which multiplies basic human rights, is a pioneering four-lane round trip. This article examines the practice of archiving, which has been developed in and out of record & archives management, by clearly grasping the constitutional perspective from the perspective of archival studies, and examines the social role of archival studies in this context. The social role of archival studies is to provide new linguistic rules for archiving.

Symbolism of the Ginseng Culture in Korean Lifestyle (한국인 생활 속 인삼 문화의 상징성)

  • Soonjong Ock
    • Journal of Ginseng Culture
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    • v.6
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    • pp.35-50
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    • 2024
  • "Culture refers to the behavioral and lifestyle patterns that a society has shared and transmitted within the community over a long period. Ginseng, frequently encountered in the daily life of Koreans through tools, crafts, folklore, and poetry, holds a deep place in the behavioral and lifestyle patterns of the Korean people. Ginseng, engraved in everyday objects, crafts, and poems, is symbolic in our culture as a representation of longevity and well-being. Ginseng elegantly depicted on ceramics serves as a symbol of longevity along with aesthetic beauty. The common inclusion of ginseng in ritual items in mountain deity beliefs, particularly represented by the 'Bullocho' (不老草) ginseng, reflects a strong belief in the mystical qualities of ginseng associated with longevity and prosperity. The incorporation of ginseng into commonly used everyday tools such as rice cakes, dining tables, decorations, matches, and fans suggests that ginseng was considered a talisman symbolizing health and longevity, kept close as a wish for good fortune. Rice cakes, often presented at ceremonies like ancestral rites, 60th-anniversary celebrations, weddings, and birthdays, had ginseng patterns carved into them as a way for our ancestors to inscribe the spirit and health-symbolizing ginseng onto the food. In family communities, ginseng patterns are frequently found on utensils related to eating, such as chopsticks, spoons, tea cups, and trays. Among the various folklore related to ginseng being passed down, the most prevalent are anecdotes illustrating its efficacy. Ginseng, gifted and exchanged as a symbol of gratitude in letters and poems, goes beyond being a mere medicinal herb to embody friendship and blessings. The symbolism of ginseng, as revealed in everyday objects, artworks, poems, and letters, can be summarized as follows: 1. In folklore and legends, ginseng symbolized filial piety offered to parents. 2. It represented gratitude sent to respected teachers and close friends. 3. Ginseng depicted on daily objects and artworks not only showcased aesthetics but also played a magical role in symbolizing longevity and well-being. Ginseng patterns on items like rice cake molds and dining tables embody the spirit of a caring community, wishing for longevity and prosperity."

Analysis of the 2022 Revised Science Curriculum Grades 3-4 Achievement Standards Based on Bloom's New Taxonomy of Educational Objectives and Comparison to the 2015 Revised Curriculum (Bloom의 신교육목표분류에 따른 2022 개정 과학과 교육과정 초등학교 3~4학년군 성취기준 분석 및 2015 개정 교육과정과의 비교)

  • Kim, Woo-Joong;Kim, Dong-Suk;Shin, Young-Joon;Kwon, Nan-Joo;Oh, Phil-Seok
    • Journal of Korean Elementary Science Education
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    • v.43 no.3
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    • pp.353-364
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    • 2024
  • The purpose of this study is to analyze the achievement standards for grades 3-4 of the 2022 revised science curriculum and identify the goals of science education for grades 3-4 of the 2022 revised curriculum, as well as provide implications for the development of the science textbooks for grades 3-4 and the direction of teaching for teachers in the field. For this purpose, 57 achievement standards of the Science Department 2022 revised curriculum for grades 3-4 were analyzed as to their knowledge dimensions and cognitive processes according to Bloom's Taxonomy of the New Educational Objectives. In cases where an achievement standard is a double sentence or combines two or more knowledge dimensions or cognitive process dimensions, we separated the sentences after having consulted with a group of experts and divided the achievement standards into 57 sentences. We then analyzed the frequency of the categorization of concepts and descriptors by comparing them with the previously studied elementary science standards from the 2015 revised curriculum. The main findings of the study are as follows. First, in the knowledge dimension, the "factual knowledge" accounted for 50 items (86%), compared to "conceptual knowledge" (10%), and "procedural knowledge" (4%), and "metacognitive knowledge" was not analyzed at all. Second, in terms of the cognitive processes, "Understanding" was the highest at 60% with 34 items. It was followed by "applying" with 11%, "creating" with 19%, "evaluating" with 15%, and "analyzing" and "remembering" with 6%. Third, when analyzing the descriptors, "I can explain" was the highest with 9%, followed by "comparison" with 6%, and "practice" and "classification" with 5%. Fourth, compared to the 2015 revised curriculum, "conceptual knowledge" was reduced and "factual knowledge" was overwhelmingly increased. Fifth, in the cognitive process dimension, "understanding,' has increased significantly, while the other cognitive process dimensions have decreased. Conclusions and implications based on these findings are as follows: the focus of the Science Department for grades 3-4 in the 2022 revised curriculum is heavily weighted toward the "factual knowledge," with "understanding" dominating the cognitive process dimensions. As a result, many concepts and applications have been reduced. Based on the results of the comparison of the descriptors with the results of the 2015 revised curriculum, the implications for the development of the science textbooks for grades 3-4 of the 2022 revised curriculum were discussed, and so were the implications of the curriculum for the field.

A Study on the Change of Cyber Attacks in North Korea (북한의 사이버 공격 변화 양상에 대한 연구)

  • Chanyoung Park;Hyeonsik Kim
    • The Journal of the Convergence on Culture Technology
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    • v.10 no.4
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    • pp.175-181
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    • 2024
  • The U.N. Security Council's North Korea Sanctions Committee estimated that the amount of North Korea's cyberattacks on virtual asset-related companies from 2017 to 2023 was about 4 trillion won. North Korea's cyberattacks have secured funds through cryptocurrency hacking as it has been restricted from securing foreign currency due to economic sanctions by the international community, and it also shows the form of technology theft against defense companies, and illegal assets are being used to maintain the Kim Jong-un regime and develop nuclear and missile development. When North Korea conducted its sixth nuclear test on September 3, 2017, and declared the completion of its national nuclear armament following the launch of an intercontinental ballistic missile on November 29 of the same year, the U.N. imposed sanctions on North Korea, which are considered the strongest economic sanctions in history. In these difficult economic situations, North Korea tried to overcome the crisis through cyberattacks, but as a result of analyzing the changes through the North's cyber attack cases, the strategic goal from the first period from 2009 to 2016 was to verify and show off North Korea's cyber capabilities through the neutralization of the national network and the takeover of information, and was seen as an intention to create social chaos in South Korea. When foreign currency earnings were limited due to sanctions against North Korea in 2016, the second stage seized virtual currency and secured funds to maintain the Kim Jong-un regime and advance nuclear and missile development. The third stage is a technology hacking of domestic and foreign defense companies, focusing on taking over key technologies to achieve the five strategic weapons tasks proposed by Chairman Kim Jong-un at the 8th Party Congress in 2021. At the national level, security measures for private companies as well as state agencies should be established against North Korea's cyberattacks, and measures for legal systems, technical problems, and budgets related to science are urgently needed. It is also necessary to establish a system and manpower to respond to the ever-developing cyberattacks by focusing on cultivating and securing professional manpower such as white hackers.

When sense, liturgy, and story meet children's spirituality (감각, 예전, 이야기가 어린이영성과 만날 때)

  • Kum Hee Yang
    • Journal of Christian Education in Korea
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    • v.76
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    • pp.27-49
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    • 2023
  • Purpose of study: The purpose of this paper is to gain insight into the alternative possibility of Christian children's education overcoming the current church school paradigm namely schooling system by examining the characteristics and the direction of children's spiritual education. Research content and method: This paper is a review of the characteristics of children's spiritual education and ways to embody those characteristics. Therefore, it consists of two parts: the characteristics of children's spiritual education and the search for ways to embody those characteristics. First, children's spiritual education is a "formative" model that aims to form children's spirituality based on children's spirituality research that views children as 'spiritual beings.' This model specifically has three core orientations: 'experience', 'meeting God', and 'immersion'. In other words, children's spiritual education pursues 'experience rather than knowledge', pursues the experience of meeting God in the second person rather than teaching third-person knowledge about God, and values the spiritual moment of immersion more than anything else. Second, it searches for specific ways and methods through which those three core goals could be implemented, and found that they were 'sense,' 'liturgy,' and 'story.' The sense becomes a path that evokes experience, the liturgy becomes a place for 'meeting God,' and 'story' becomes a key path to 'immersion.' And when the three are organically combined with each other, the goals pursued by children's spiritual education can be holistically converged. Conclusions and Suggestions: Through these considerations, it found that the core values and direction of education are consistently maintained in children's spiritual education, from children's understanding to education methods. It also figured out that the direction should be shared not only by children's spiritual education but also by all who pursue holistic faith education: 'what to experience' rather than 'what to teach', 'liturgy' rather than 'teaching', 'story' rather than 'explanation', and 'sensory' experiences rather than 'abstract' knowledge.

The Impacts of Exclusion from Natural Park Districts by Park Re-planning on Prices and Construction Activities of Private Lands (자연공원 재계획에 따른 공원구역 해제가 사유지 지가와 건축행위에 미치는 영향)

  • Sung-Woon Hong;Woo Cho;Chan-Yong Sung
    • Korean Journal of Environment and Ecology
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    • v.38 no.4
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    • pp.416-425
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    • 2024
  • This study aims to analyze the changes in land prices and building construction activities before and after exclusion from park district as results of natural park re-planning. Seoraksan National Park, Namhansanseong Provincial Park, and Cheonmasan County Park were selected as study areas, and prices and construction activities were compared between areas remaining in and areas excluded from park districts for ten years after park re-planning. Land prices increased in all three study parks. The largest difference in land prices between remaining and excluded areas occurred in Cheonmasan City Park. Land price increased more in excluded than remaining areas in Seoraksan National Park. Unlike these two parks, the changes in land prices were not much different between remaining and excluded areas in Namhansanseong Provincial Park, which can be attributed to the facts that 1) provincial parks were already developed to certain level even before the exclusion due to its less stringent land use regulation than national parks, and 2) that Namhansanseong Provincial Park was also designated as Restricted Development Zone that has similar land use regulation level to natural parks. Comparison between building density measures before and after exclusion shows that development density generally increased after the exclusion. Building heights mostly increased during 10 years after the exclusion. Building to land ratios and floor area ratios also increased. However, building to land ratios and floor area ratios increased only slightly in Namhansanseong Provincial Park and Cheonmasan City Park, suggesting that in provincial and city parks, land development already occurred as a result of less stringent land use regulation. In conclusion, a national park system significantly restricts property right in natural parks, especially in national parks, which make it difficult to expand existing natural parks and/or establish new natural parks. A remedy for resolving problems related to private lands, such as increasing budget for purchasing private lands and introducing park facilities for local community is urgently required.

Estimation of Adult Season of Occurrence and Annual Generation Numbers of the Asiatic Pink Stem Borer, Sesamia inferens (Walker, 1856) (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae) (벼밤나방(Sesamia inferens (Walker, 1856))(나비목: 밤나방과) 성충 발생시기와 연중 세대수 추정)

  • Eun Young Kim;Young-Mi Park;Soon Do Bae;Gwan-Seok Lee;Chae-Hoon Paik;Do-Ik Kim;Wonhoon Lee;Jin Kyo Jung;Bo Yoon Seo
    • Korean journal of applied entomology
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    • v.62 no.4
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    • pp.227-243
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    • 2023
  • The Asiatic pink stem borer, Sesamia inferens (Walker, 1856) (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae) is a pest that attacks rice stems. In this study, we estimated the annual generation of insect in several regions of the Republic of Korea. Adult trapping using a sex pheromone trap detected the occurrence of S. inferens adults in the three northernmost areas around 38° latitude and showed that the insect inhabits all of Korea. In most areas investigated, the seasons of the adult generations estimated using the single-sine degree-day model did not deviate from the corresponding observed seasons of adult occurrence. We estimated that the overwintering larvae hypothetically-estimated using the model could be originated from the last generation of adults. When larvae collected in paddy fields during the autumn season in a few middle and southern areas were reared at 25℃, ca. 70% of pupae did not show additional larval molting before their pupation. All larvae collected in early March in a southern area (Goseong, Gyeongsangnam-do) pupated without additional larval molting when reared at 25℃. Based on these results, we presumed that S. inferens could overwinter as mainly the last instar larval stage in the area. Taken together, we conclude that S. inferens primarily has two generations per year in areas around 38° latitude, and three generations in the areas between 35.3° and 37.3° latitude. In addition, approximately 35% of insects captured by the sex pheromone trap were species other than S. inferens, as determined by analyzing the nucleotide sequences of the cytochrome c oxidase 1 gene. These species were not morphologically misidentified as S. inferens.

Comparison of Agronomic Traits and Nutritional Characteristics of Colored Wheat Germplasm and Domestic Wheat Cultivars (유색 밀 유전자원의 국내 품종 대비 농업형질 및 영양학적 특성 비교)

  • Hyeonjin Park;Jin-Kyung Cha;So-Myeong Lee;Youngho Kwon;Gi-Un Seong;Byong Jun Jin;Youngeun Lee;Jong-Hee Lee
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    • v.69 no.3
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    • pp.163-169
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    • 2024
  • Recent agricultural practices have depleted micronutrients in the soil, exposing approximately two billion people worldwide to "hidden hunger", a condition in which sufficient calories are consumed but there is a deficiency in essential vitamins and minerals. This form of malnutrition occurs not only in developing countries but also in developed nations where staple foods include grains such as wheat and corn. Among cereal crops, the color of wheat grains can vary due to the presence of different pigments in the bran layers. Colored wheat, rich in functional compounds such as anthocyanins, offers various health benefits primarily due to its antioxidant properties. Therefore, this study aims to evaluate the phenotypic and nutritional characteristics of wheat germplasm 'IT016425' compared with domestic wheat cultivars, with the intention of considering the introduction of this germplasm for breeding purposes. In the field trial, 'IT016425' had a heading date and maturity that were 22 and 8 days later than 'Keumgang', respectively. 'IT016425' also presented the tallest plant height (105.1 cm) but the shortest spike length (7.8 cm) and spike number (14 per plant). The thousand grain weight was similar to that of 'Tapdong', measuring 39.0 g. 'IT016425' had the lowest protein content, with a mean value of 12.1%, whereas 'Keumgang' had the highest protein content (15.5%). However, 'Tapdong' and 'IT016425' compensated for their lower protein content by having higher levels of total dietary fiber. These cultivars exhibited the highest total dietary fiber content, with mean values of 3.16 and 3.29 g/100 g, respectively, whereas 'Keumgang' and 'Arijinheuk' had lower values. 'IT016425' also had the highest content of anthocyanin, with a mean value of 1.61 mg/100 g. Additionally, 'IT016425' had the highest levels of minerals such as K (230.64 mg/100 g), P (190.31 mg/100 g), Mg (45.40 mg/100 g), Zn (1.06 mg/100 g), Mn (0.54 mg/100 g), and Cu (0.12 mg/100 g) compared to the other tested cultivars. Cultivating 'IT016425' in Korea may not be suitable due to the common practice of rice-wheat double-cropping, as it has delayed heading and maturity. However, considering its high anthocyanin and mineral content, it is necessary to introduce the beneficial traits of 'IT016425' into breeding programs.

Experimental Studies on the Antitumor Effects of Jinryungtang Gagambang Extract (진령탕가감방의 항종양효과(抗腫瘍效果)에 관(關)한 실험적(實驗的) 연구(硏究))

  • Jeong, Jun-Tak;Moon, Goo;Moon, Suk-Jae
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    • v.4 no.1
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    • pp.37-53
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    • 1998
  • The sprig of Jinryungtang Gagambang has been used for curing as a traditional medicine without any experimental evidence to support the rational basis for their clinical use. This experiment was carried out to evaluate the possible therapeutic or antitumoral effects of Jinryungtang Gagambang extract against cancer, and to study some mechanisms responsible for its effect. The cytotoxic and antitumor effects were evaluated on human cell liens (A549, hep3B, Caki-1, Sarcoma 180) after exposure to Jinryungtang Gagambang extract using in ILS, colony forming efficency and SRB assay which were regarded as a valuable method for cytotoxic and antitumor effects of unknown compound on tumor cell lines. The results obtained in this studies were as follows. 1. As a result of exposure to Jinryungtang Gagambang extract, the proliferation of A549, hep3B, Caki-1, good correlations were shown from the results of SRB assay and those of clogenetic assay. 2. The oral administration of Jinryungtang Gagambang extract showed significant effects of increase of MST(mean survival time) and ILS(increased life span) depending on the increasing concentration. 3. Against squamous cell carcinoma induced by MCA, Jinryungtang Gagambang decreased not only the frequency of tumor production but also the number and weight of tumors per tumor bearing mice(TBM). Jinryungtang Gagambang also significantly suppressed the development of 3LL cell-implanted tumors by frequency and their size, and some developed tumors were regressed by the continuous treatment of Jinryungtang Gagambang extract into TBM. 4. Jinryungtang Gagambang extract also increased NK cell activities. According to the above results, it could be suggested that Jinryungtang Gagambang extract has prominent antiutmor effect.

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A study on the case of education to train an archivist - Focus on archival training courses and the tradition of archival science in Italiy - (기록관리전문가의 양성교육에 관한 사례연구 -이탈리아의 기록관리학 전통과 교육과정을 중심으로-)

  • Kim, Jung-Ha
    • Journal of Korean Society of Archives and Records Management
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    • v.1 no.1
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    • pp.201-230
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    • 2001
  • Conserving the recored cultural inheritance is actually the duty of all of us. Above all, the management and conservation of archives and documents is up to archivists who have technical knowledge about archival science. Archivists have to not only conserve archives and documents but also carry out classifying and appraising them in order to define them as current historic ones. The fundamental education about archival science is made up of history and law. Because Archive is the organisation which manage archives and documents produced by legal and administrative actions. Although there are still arguments about technical knowledge and degree archivists have to acquire, most of them prefer the studies related with history and emphasize legal studies to be the general boundary of archivits' ideology and trust. The training course about conservation of archives is conducted in about 9 National Archives of Torino, Milano, Venezia, Genova, Bologna, Parma, Roma, Napoli, Palermo. The training course in 19th was mostly based on the lectures of Phaleography, Diplomatics. There were not the education about archival science yet. Toward the end of 19th and 20th, people stressed the most basic subject in the training course of National Archive was not Phaleography and Diplomatics but archival science. The goal of archival science is to study the institution and organisation transferring archives and documents to Archive. And also it help archivists not wander about with ignorance of organisational and original procedures and divisions but know exactly theirs works. Like this, the studies on institution and organisation have got in the saddle as a branch of archival science since a few ten years. While archival science didn't evoke sympathy among people and experienced the tedious and difficult path in italy and other countries, Archive was managed by experts of other branches. As a result, there were a lot of faults in Archival Science. Specializing training course for Italian archivists came into being under the backdrop of Social Science Institute of Roma National University in 1925. The archival course of universities accomplished by the studies of history, law and economy. And such as Eugenio Casanova and Giorgio Cencetti were devoted archival science was abled to settle down in national archive. The training course for experts of 'archival science, 'Phaleography and Diplomatics' in National Archive of Bologna(Archivio di Stato di Bologna) is one of courses conducted in 17 National Archives in italy. This course is gratuitous and made up of 8 subjects(Archivistica, Paleografia, Diplomatica, Storia dell' Archivio, Notariato e documenti privati, istituzione medievale, istituzione moderna, istituzione contemporanea) students have to complete for two years. Students can receive the degree through passing twice written exam and once oral test. After department of Culture and education finally puts the marks of students, the chief Nationa Archive of Bologna confer the degree of 'archival science Phaleography and Diplomatics' on students passing the exams. This degree authenticates trainees' qualification which enables him to work at the archive in province, district and administrative capital city and archive of comunity and so on. Italian training course naturally leads archivists to keep in contact with valuable cultural inheritance through training in Archive. And it shows the intention to strengthen the affinity with each documents in the spot of archival management before training archivists. Also this is appraised as one of positive policies to conserve the local cultual inheritante in connection with the original qualitity of national archive with testify the history of each region. Traning course for archivist in Italy shows us the way how we have to prepare and proceed it. First, from producing documents to conserving than forever there has introduced 'original order that is to say a general rule to respect the first order given at the time producing documents'. Management of administrative documents is related consistently with one of historical documents. Second, the traning course for archivist is managing around 17 national archives. because italian national archive lay stress not or rducation of theory bus on train for archivest working in the first time of archival science. Third, diplomatics and phaleography for studies about historical document support archives. Forth, the studies on history id proceeding by cooperation between archivist and historian around archive. How our duties is non continuinf disputer who has to conserve and manage document and archives, but traing experts who having ability, vision and flexible thought, responsibility about archivals.