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Comparison of Image Quality among Different Computed Tomography Algorithms for Metal Artifact Reduction (금속 인공물 감소를 위한 CT 알고리즘 적용에 따른 영상 화질 비교)

  • Gui-Chul Lee;Young-Joon Park;Joo-Wan Hong
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Radiology
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    • v.17 no.4
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    • pp.541-549
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    • 2023
  • The aim of this study wasto conduct a quantitative analysis of CT image quality according to an algorithm designed to reduce metal artifacts induced by metal components. Ten baseline images were obtained with the standard filtered back-projection algorithm using spectral detector-based CT and CT ACR 464 phantom, and ten images were also obtained on the identical phantom with the standard filtered back-projection algorithm after inducing metal artifacts. After applying the to raw data from images with metal artifacts, ten additional images for each were obtained by applying the virtual monoenergetic algorithm. Regions of interest were set for polyethylene, bone, acrylic, air, and water located in the CT ACR 464 phantom module 1 to conduct compare the Hounsfield units for each algorithm. The algorithms were individually analyzed using root mean square error, mean absolute error, signal-to-noise ratio, peak signal-to-noise ratio, and structural similarity index to assess the overall image quality. When the Hounsfield units of each algorithm were compared, a significant difference was found between the images with different algorithms (p < .05), and large changes were observed in images using the virtual monoenergetic algorithm in all regions of interest except acrylic. Image quality analysis indices revealed that images with the metal artifact reduction algorithm had the highest resolution, but the structural similarity index was highest for images with the metal artifact reduction algorithm followed by an additional virtual monoenergetic algorithm. In terms of CT images, the metal artifact reduction algorithm was shown to be more effective than the monoenergetic algorithm at reducing metal artifacts, but to obtain quality CT images, it will be important to ascertain the advantages and differences in image qualities of the algorithms, and to apply them effectively.

A Comparative Study of Teachers' and Students' Preference of Socio-Scientific Issues Topics (교사와 학생의 사회적-과학적 쟁점(Socio-Scientific Issues) 주제 선호도 분석)

  • Hyun Ju Park
    • Journal of Science Education
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    • v.47 no.2
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    • pp.180-191
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    • 2023
  • The purpose of this study was to investigate the preferred SSI topics of students and teachers in elementary, middle, and high schools. It analyzed the similarity of students' and teachers' preferred SSI topics by school level using the cosine similarity measure. A total of 566 students and 327 teachers from elementary, middle, and high schools participated in the study. Sixty topics were identified and listed in the areas of environment, science and technology, health and medicine, and other social issues based on the literature and SSI programs. Students and teachers were asked to select five of their favorite topics. The data was collected online using SurveyMonkey. The collected data was divided into six groups of students and teachers, and the frequency of topic selection was analyzed within each group. The topic preference similarity was analyzed by calculating vector values based on the frequency of the selected topics and measuring the cosine similarity between students, teachers, and teachers and students by school level. The results are as follows: First, the cosine similarity of SSI Preferred Topics between students' school-level cohorts was higher between middle and high school students (0.982) than between elementary and middle school students (0.651) or between elementary and high school students (0.662). Second, the cosine similarity of SSI Preferred Topics between teachers' school-level cohorts was similar for all comparison groups between elementary, middle, and high school. Third, the SSI topic preference similarity between students and teachers by school level had a higher cosine similarity between the elementary student and teacher cohorts (0.974) than the other school level comparisons, middle school (0.621) or high school (0.645). Access to topics of interest to students in SSI education is strongly associated with motivation and persistence in learning, as well as an enjoyable learning experience and positive attitudes toward learning. Therefore, when designing SSI lessons, it is important to examine topics from the perspective of student interest, especially if the teacher has selected SSI topics that are different from students' preferences. Careful instructional design will be needed to overcome the gap.

Analysis of Language Message Expression in Beauty Magazine's Cosmetic Ads : Focusing on "Hyang-jang", AMOREPACIFIC's from 1958 to 2018 (화장품광고에 나타난 언어메시지 표현분석 : 1958년~2018년의 아모레퍼시픽 뷰티매거진<향장>을 중심으로)

  • Choi, Eun-Sob
    • Journal of Korea Entertainment Industry Association
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    • v.13 no.7
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    • pp.99-118
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    • 2019
  • This study confirmed the followings based on analysis of language messages in 718 advertisement in , AMOREPACIFIC's beauty magazine, published from 1958 to 2018 by product categories, era, in terms of purchase information, persuasive expression, word type. First, the number of pieces among 1980s to 1990s advertisement were the largest and, in terms of product categories, there were the greatest number of pieces in skincare, makeup and mens products. Second, headline and bodycopy had a different aspect in persuasive expression. "focused on image-making" was mainly used for head lines. Specifically, "situational image" was generally dominant. While the "user image" was higher before 1990's, "brand image" was as recent times. "Informal" was mostly applied for bodycopies, especially, "general information" and "differentiated information" was used the most. It is important to know what kind of information the brand established in each brand should be embodied rather than simply dividing the appeal method into "rational appeal" and "emotional appeal."Third, persuasive expression has different aspects in headlines and body copies. "focused on image-making" was mainly used as headlines. Specifically, "situational image" is dominant. Also, "user image" was high before 1990s but "brand image" got higher in recent times. "Informal" was mostly used as body copies, especially "general information" and "differentiated information" were the most frequently selected. Therefore, it is important to apprehend which information to specify established images by brands, rather than to divide "rational appeals" and "emotional appeals". Lastly, categorizing word type into brand names and headlines, foreign language was the most dominant in brand names and Chinese characters in headline. Remarkably, brand names in native language temporarily high in 70's and 80's, which could be interpreted to be resulted from the government policy promoting native language brands in those times. In addition, foreign language was frequently used in cosmetics and Chinese characters in men's product. It could be explained that colors or seasons in cosmetic products were expressed in foreign language in most case. On the other hand, the inclination of men's product consumers, where they pursue prestige or confidence in Chinese character, was actively reflected to language messages.

A Study on the Classification of Rural Tourism Resources through a Card Sorting Test -Focused on Rural Amenity Resources Database- (카드분류법을 통한 농촌관광자원 유형 분류 -농촌어메니티자원 DB를 중심으로-)

  • Kang, Young Eun;Park, Mee Jeong;Kim, Sang Bum;Kim, Eun Ja
    • Journal of recreation and landscape
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    • v.6 no.2
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    • pp.63-71
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    • 2012
  • As the interest in rural tourism has been increasing since the late 1990s, the research associated with rural tourism has increased, including research on the classification of rural tourism resources. The research classifying these resources has proved useful to many other studies. Although such studies have been conducted for a long time, they have expressed only experts' perspectives and been supported by statistics, without reflecting on users' opinions. Given this background, this study aims to classify rural tourism resources by focusing on the rural activities for tourists who use those tourism resources. To achieve this, each study participant proceeded to collect tourism resources by using a rural amenity resources database, and a card sorting test was conducted. Thirty-two people who had previously gone sightseeing in the rural areas were chosen as participants in the card sorting test. After the card sorting test was complete, the results were reviewed by experts. These results yielded six categories: doing nature activities, eating and cooking local dishes, putting up (overnight stays), going sightseeing/appreciating the landscape, enjoying leisure activities, and doing artistic activities. In the doing nature activities category, there were four subcategories: experiencing local resources, experiencing nature, experiencing tradition, and harvesting. This study was conducted to improve the satisfaction and understanding of the tourists who visit rural areas. Thus, the classification of rural tourism resources developed by this study will be widely used to establish the framework or contents of websites, applications, and so on, for promoting rural tourism resources and local resources.

Thermal Dynamics of Core and Periphery Temperature during Treadmill Sub-maximal Exercise and Intermittent Regional Body Cooling (트래드밀에서의 최대하 부하 운동과 간헐적 부위별 인체 냉각 시 심부와 말초 부위의 체온 변화)

  • Lee, Joo-Young;Koscheyev, Victor S.;Kim, Jung-Hyun;Warpeha, Joe M.
    • Journal of Korean Living Environment System
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    • v.16 no.2
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    • pp.89-100
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    • 2009
  • The present study was designed to observe the thermal dynamics of core and skin temperatures during sub-maximal treadmill exercise; to investigate the effect of regional body cooling during short rest after the treadmill exercise on the thermal dynamics. Three conditions (No cooling, Head/Hand cooling, Leg cooling) were simulated in a climatic chamber at 24±1℃ and 50±5%RH. Subjects performed two bouts of treadmill exercise at a rate of 80%HRmax followed by rest. Body cooling with a hood, long gloves, and a blanket that circulated water set at 15℃ was assigned during two bouts of rest. The results showed that (1) rectal temperature (Tre) did not show significant difference between three conditions; (2) Skin temperatures had specific features, depending on body regions. In particular, the initial fall phenomena of skin temperatures at the onset of exercise were noteworthy in the chest, thigh, calf, and finger tip. Of these, the most significant initial fall was found in finger temperature (Tfing). (3) During the period of the initial fall in skin temperatures, Tre gradually increased. (4) The magnitude of the fall of Tfing at the onset of 2nd running was on average 4.8, 5.1 and 3.4℃ for Control, HH cooling, and Leg cooling, respectively (p<0.05). The initial drop of Tfing at the onset of running was maintained for an average of 8.1, 7.9 and 6.3 minutes for Control, HH cooling, and Leg cooling, with no significant differences. In conclusion, the initial fall phenomena at the onset of treadmill exercise reflected non-thermal factors, as opposed to internal thermal status. The magnitude of the initial fall in Tfing was affected by legs cooling. Therefore, the initial fall phenomenon should be considered when interpreting the thermal status of the shell during heavy works/exercises that assigned with intermittent regional body cooling.

Chinese Agrarian Resistance and A New Mediation of State-Society Relationship (중국 농민저항과 국가-사회 관계의 새로운 조정)

  • Lee, Ki-Hyun
    • Journal of International Area Studies (JIAS)
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    • v.15 no.1
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    • pp.61-82
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    • 2011
  • Public resistance is an essential factor of the democratization process. Due to this, public resistance has been recognized as an important element in discussing the democratization of China. Recently in China, and a new era of resistance especially the agrarian resistance has been being expanded. This paper identifies trends and characteristics of that. With searching changes in the relationship between the nation and the societies in China, we will check whether democratization can be built from the whole bottom of the nation's ideology or not. It is a paradox of china's economic growth that the peasant uprising increased is a factor to the growth. The farmers' smoldering discontent exploded with rage because rural communities have been forced to sacrifice during the growth. The authoritarian party-state system in China has been faced with the limits in calming the peasant revolt down with the traditional suppression and restriction. Even though the party-state system in China has accepted farmers' dissatisfaction somewhat, and it has tried to improve its image of a benevolent government and pursued buying stability strategy, the gap between urban and rural areas has been expanded in the sustainable economic development and modernization process, therefore the authorities could not soothe the farmers' sense of alienation. Accordingly, the peasant revolt has not flickered out easily, and has been getting uncontrolled across China. Resistance characteristics of Chinese farmers have also changed. In the past, they had been sporadic and indirect ways, whereas in recent years, they have changed into organized and active ways. Of course, it is generally evaluated that the party-state system has sustained a strong social control so far. Buying stability strategy has prevented farmers' complaints from spreading to a threat to its regime, because civil societies in rural areas have still weak foundations from being formed. The party-state system, because of tensions and conflicts, will control the growing powers of civil societies in rural areas with institutionalization of interaction between the nation and the societies, and they will induce street protests to legalized struggle for a while. However, the relationship between the state and the societies has already started new rearrangement, in terms of that the conflicts between the state and rural communities have continued, and the changes of resistance ways.

Social Backgrounds and Clan Politics of Kazakhstan Elites: Focusing on Elites from Junior Zhuz (카자흐스탄 엘리트의 사회배경과 씨족 정치: 소주즈(Zhuz) 출신 엘리트를 중심으로)

  • Bang, Ilkwon
    • Journal of International Area Studies (JIAS)
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    • v.14 no.1
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    • pp.77-106
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    • 2010
  • As for the matter of guardianship-benefit network which has been at the heart of the discussion of power elites and clan politics in Kazakhstan, it has been often maintained that it is basically formed by the framework of the regional and descent connection net called Zhuz or at least it has been heavily under Zhuz's influence. But it is pointed out that the controversy of Zhuz suffers from a lot of limitations in explaining the surface of power elites in the recent process of political changes and the rearrangement of power relations. Consequently, this paper tried to take a closer look at the matter focusing on the social backgrounds of elites from Junior zhuz, who have been estimated to be relatively pushed back in terms of the advancement into the central power. As a result, it was found that the backgrounds of clan and tribe origin within Zhuz couldn't have any foundation to be seen as a decisive element through which they could grow into power elites. The phenomenon of Kazakhstani elites is a legacy of concrete historic situations. The important consideration points for analyzing the emergence of elites which could be applied to a nomadic and traditional society can hardly be an invariable framework for analyzing modern elites since independence. Since 2000, Kazakhstan has experienced economic changes including privatization due to the absolute strengthening of presidential influence which turned into a foundation for a new authoritarian system, the rearrangement of the inner circle of power, and their decisions. These changes in situations have had profound effects on the character of power elites. The phenomenon that clandestine connections have shown their appearances as they have gotten intertwined with various factors, in particular, in the economic field which has been heavily under Junior zhuz makes us convinced that the elite organization in Kazakhstan has always been the product of political and economic changes. In reality, the behaviors of elites were the outcome continuously reflecting environmental situations surrounding them, and those situations lie in a complicated and multiple-layered connection net. Therefore, it is believed that having interests in elites' social backgrounds and maintaining many pieces of information on them will be able to be a more useful approach to analyzing the elite society in the future in that interests in their social backgrounds become an informant of various network formation nets which reflect real situations.

Prediction of Maximal Oxygen Uptake Ages 18~34 Years (18~34 남성의 최대산소 섭취량 추정)

  • Jeon, Yoo-Joung;Im, Jae-Hyeng;Lee, Byung-Kun;Kim, Chang-Hwan;Kim, Byeong-Wan
    • 한국체육학회지인문사회과학편
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    • v.51 no.3
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    • pp.373-382
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    • 2012
  • The purpose of this study is to predict VO2max with body index and submaximal metabolic responses. The subjects are consisted of 250 male aging from 18 to 34 and we separated them into two groups randomly; 179 for a sample, 71 for a cross-validation group. They went through maximal exercise testing with Bruce protocol, and we measured the metabolic responses in the end of the first(3 minute) and second stage(6 minute). To predict VO2max, we applied multiple regression analysis to the sample with stepwise method. Model 1's variables are weight, 6 minute HR and 6 minute VO2(R=0.64, SEE=4.74, CV=11.7%, p<.01), and the equation is VO2max(ml/kg/min)= 72.256-0.340(Weight)-0.220(6minHR)+0.013(6minVO2). Model 2's variables are weight, 6 minute HR, 6 minute VO2, and 6 minute VCO2(R=0.67, SEE=4.59, CV=11.3%, p<.01), and the equation is VO2max(ml/kg/min)= 68.699-0.277(Weight) -0.206(6minHR)+0.020(6minVO2)-0.009(6minVCO2). And the result did not show multicolinearity for both models. Model 2 demonstrated more correlation compared to Model 1. However, when we conducted cross-validation of those models with 71 men, measured VO2max and estimated VO2 Max had statistical significance with correlation (R=0.53, 0.56, P<.01). Although both models are functional with validity considering their simplicity and utility, Model 2 has more accuracy.

A Case Study on the Development of Environment Friendly Citrus Farming in Jeju - Focusing on Graduate Farms of Korea National College of Agriculture and Fisheries (제주 친환경 감귤 농업 발전을 위한 사례연구 - 한농대 졸업생 농가를 중심으로 -)

  • Kang, S.K.;Kim, J.S.
    • Journal of Practical Agriculture & Fisheries Research
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    • v.16 no.1
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    • pp.37-53
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    • 2014
  • The purpose of this research is to find what difficulties the agricultural successors, the Korea National College of Agriculture and Fisheries (KNCAF) graduates, face with in implementing eco-friendly agriculture in Jeju, and what solutions they can be provided with. This research, a case study on the basis of open-ended survey questions, has 6 cases out of 8 graduates who have or had implemented eco-friendly citrus farming. In Jeju, 24 graduates have involved in citrus farming. According to the case study, only one case was environment-friendly farming method at the pesticide-free level, and the others at organic farming level. All the cases have tried to alter main crops or to diversify management for coping with global climate change and market-opening. On analyzing operating cost to gain product of merchantable quality, it revealed that the environment-friendly farming method needs much more managing efforts than the conventional farming does. But to the contrary, the materials cost in the environment-friendly farming method was lower than in the conventional farming method. In the total production and the price, the environment-friendly farming was 20~50% lower and 10~50% higher than the conventional farming, respectively. Difficulties which the graduates confronted with in implementing the environment-friendly agriculture are as below. Firstly, many of the difficulties have resulted from lack of the environment-friendly farming techniques, and the high cost of farm scale improvement due to high price of land and topographical features of Jeju. Secondly, the agricultural successors, the KNCAF graduates, have trouble in obtaining approval of their parents to changeover from the conventional farming to the environment-friendly farming. Lastly, there is no advisory organizations and experts for environment-friendly farming in the given area. For shift to the environment-friendly farming, followings are needed. Agricultural Technology & Extension center, with cooperation of leading farms in environment-friendly farming, should have a key role in offering education and consults on the environment-friendly farming techniques. Also, this organization should inform rapidly the research results to the farmers, and their feed-back should be involved in the next research. Therefore, it is suggested that the forum called 'Environment-friendly Organic Farming Forum in Jeju' tentatively is organized.

Total Energy Expenditure and Its Relationship with Physical Characteristics in Korean Children (한국 아동의 운동에너지 소비량과 신체적 특성과의 연관성)

  • Cho, Kang-Ok;Choi, Hye-Jung
    • 한국체육학회지인문사회과학편
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    • v.51 no.6
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    • pp.515-522
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    • 2012
  • The purpose of this study was to investigate the total energy expenditure (TEE) and then it's relationship between degree of energy expenditure and physical characteristics of Korean 1,370 children. The values of total energy expenditure were classified into under 1,000kcal/week, 1.000~2,000kcal/week, and over 2,000kcal/week. The average TEE of boys and girls were 2,088.4kcal/week and 1,695.6kcal/week. When compared with children of under 1,000kcal/week, the boys of the 1,000~2,000kcal/week showed significant difference in height (p<.001), weight (p<.05), waist circumference (p<.05), blood pressure (p<.001) and girls showed in height (p<.05), blood pressure (p<.01), heart rate (p<.01). However, the boys of over 2,000kcal/week showed significant difference in height, weight, waist circumference, BMJ, and blood pressure (p<.001) and girls in height (p<.001), waist circumference (p<.001), BMI (p<.05), blood pressure (p<.001). For correlation between the TEE and physical characteristics, TEE had significantly correlations with height (r=.298, p<.001), body weight (r=-.331, p<.001), waist circumference (r=-.236, p<.001), BMI (r=-.252, p<.001), blood pressure (r=-.239, p<.001), and heart rate (r=-.226, p<.001) for boys and height (r=.236, p<.001), systolic blood pressure (r=-.310, p<.001), and diastolic blood pressure (r=-.180, p=.016) for girls. These results show that physical characteristics were affected by physical activity for boys while only height and blood pressure were affected in girls.