• Title/Summary/Keyword: Gwangju-Jeonnam Province

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A Study on the Recognition, Knowledge, and Self-Efficiency of the Basic Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation of Care Helpers (요양보호사의 기본심폐소생술에 대한 인지, 지식 및 자기효능감에 대한 연구)

  • Lee, Jae-Min
    • The Korean Journal of Emergency Medical Services
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    • v.16 no.1
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    • pp.7-18
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    • 2012
  • Purpose: The purpose of this study is to help care workers to do their best as first respondents by analysing their recognition, knowledge, and self-efficacy on basic CPR (cardiopulmonary resuscitation) that is directly connected to the lives of patients and thus their education and methods can be improved for their positive basic lifesaving work. Method: For this purpose 360 structured questionnaires were used to the subjects in the eastern area of Jeonnam province from June 20 to July 4, 2011. Of these questionnaires 217 were used excluding 113 incomplete, 27 error, and 3 male ones. The collected data were analysed by the real number, the percentage, the average, the standard deviation, t-test, ANOVA, and Tukey with SPSS WIN 18.0. Results: 1. In the view of subjects, those aged over 51 accounted for 96(44.2%) as the majority, high school graduates, 95(43.8%), worked for 1 or more than 1 year-less than 2 years, 66(30.4%), experienced to see persons collapsed losing their consciousness, 46(21.2%), took the education, 184(85.7%), had 1 session of education, 80(43%), got the last education for 2 or more than 2 years 68(37%), and practiced through mannequin for the education aids, 86(46.7%). 2. There was significant difference in the view of recognition with the length of work (p=.010) and experienced to see persons collapsed losing their consciousness (p=.020), in the view of knowledge with academic background (p=.040) and the length of work, and in the view of self-efficacy with academic background (p=.002), the length of work (p=.010) and experienced to see persons collapsed losing their consciousness (p=.000). 3. There was significant difference in the session of education (p=.000), last education (p=.025) and education aids for basic CPR. Self-efficacy had significant difference according to the session of education for basic CPR (p=.001) and the time of education (p=.000). 4. There was correlation between recognition and self-efficacy (r=.41). The higher the recognition is, the better the self-efficacy improves. However the correlation between knowledge and self-efficacy was so low that the former did not have influence on self-efficacy. Conclusions: It needs to offer education to the lifesaving workers based on their experiences. If there is education more than 2 sessions in a year with mannequin and the simulation providing sufficient hours, care workers' recognition would be increased resulting in higher self-efficacy and thus they could keep the role of active lifesaving worker at the first practical site.

Survey on Lake Environments in the Yeongsan and Seomjin River Basins - Based on 10 lakes such as Hadong and Sangsa - (영산강·섬진강수계 호소환경조사 - 하동호 등 10개 호소 중심으로 -)

  • Kim, Shin-Jo;Song, Hyo-Jeong;Park, Tae-Jin;Hwang, Moon-Young;Cho, Hang-Soo;Song, Kwang-Duck;Lee, Hyung-Jin;Kim, Young-Suk
    • Journal of Korean Society on Water Environment
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    • v.31 no.6
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    • pp.665-679
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    • 2015
  • Yearly mean temperature in the 29 lakes surveyed ranges from 12.6 (Suncheon) to 13.9℃ (Mokpo), the lowest in −2.7℃ (January) and the highest in 25.9℃ (July). Monthly mean the amount of rainfall recorded the highest of 336.7 mm in August and the lowest with 4.9 mm in January. A total of 424 species of phytoplankton were identified. They were 157 Chlorophyceae, 161 Bacillariophyceae, 39 Cyanophyceae, and 67 other algal taxa. The phytoplankton diversity were low in stream type reservoirs such as Guemho, Youngsan and Youngam. The population density of phytoplankton ranged from 19 to 53,161 cells/ml. Annual mean of total zooplankton abundance in 45 sites was 369±827 ind./L (n=180). Rotifers were the most common taxa and their relative abundance was high (65~77%). The benthic microinvertebrate fauna of 10 reservoirs of Jeonnam province were 71 species of 61 genera of 44 families of 16 orders of 7 classes of 4 phyla. Aquatic insects of Phylum Arthropoda were 50 species of 44 genera of 28 families of 6 orders. The number of individuals was 6,132. Diptera was highiest (41.3%), and Ephemeroptera (31.0%), Trichoptera (17.5%), Anellida (3.8%), Mollusca (3.3%), Crustacea (0.4%). Large hydrophytes were identified 32 taxa, 2 varieties 30 species 26 genera and 20 families. Especially, Jijung and Juam lakes require management such as physical remove of this ecosystem disturbance field plants. Fishes were identified total 44 taxa, such as 25 Cyprinidae (56.8%), 8 Cobitidae (17.0%), 3 Gobiidae (6.4%), 2 Bagridae (4.3%), 2 Osmeridae (4.3%), 2 Odontobutidae (4.3%), 2 Centrachidae (4.3%), 1 Siluridae (2.1%), and 1 Centropomidae (2.1%). A pale chub was dominant species (18.9%).

The Influence of Autonomy Support and Self-Determined Motivation on Learning Outcomes among College Students (대학생의 자율성지지와 자기조절 동기가 학습성과에 미치는 영향)

  • Lee, Mi-Ok;Kim, Se-Young;Lee, Mi-Young
    • Journal of the Korea Academia-Industrial cooperation Society
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    • v.16 no.8
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    • pp.5223-5231
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    • 2015
  • The purpose of this study was to examine relations in autonomy support, self-determined motivation, and learning outcomes among college students. The subjects of this study were 231 college students in Jeonnam Province and Daejeon city, sampled by convenience sampling. The result of this study is as follows: First, perceived autonomy support had a significant direct positive effect on identified and intrinsic motivation. Also perceived autonomy support had a significant direct positive effect on learning outcomes and processes. Second, external had a significant positive effect on duty motivation and duty motivation had a direct positive effect on identified duty. In addition to identified motivation had a significant positive effect on intrinsic motivation, learning outcomes and processes. Third, intrinsic motivation had positively influenced on learning outcomes and processes. As the last of the findings, perceived autonomy support, duty motivation and identified motivation had significant effects on learning outcomes and processes. These results imply that perceived autonomy and self-determination motivation is important to enhance academic performance.

The Effects of Job Demand in Medical Estheticians on Expertise and Job Satisfaction: A Focus on the Manipulating Role of Job Resources (의료미용 종사자의 직무요구가 전문성 및 직무만족에 미치는 영향: 직무자원의 조절적 역할을 중심으로)

  • Shin, Hyang-Ran;Mo, Jeong-Hee
    • Journal of Digital Convergence
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    • v.16 no.1
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    • pp.453-461
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    • 2018
  • As modern people's needs to be healthy and beautiful are increasing, medical skin care industry is growing both in quantity and quality. Therefore, this study investigated job demand and the moderating effect of job resource in employees who provided medical skin care services and the effects of job demand and job specialty on job satisfaction. The subjects of the study were medical estheticians in Gwangju City and Jeonnam Province and were interviewed with the use of a questionnaire. The data was analysed using SPSS 21.0 and a frequency analysis, a factor analysis, a reliability analysis, a correlation analysis were conducted and the results are presented as follows: The results are presented as follows: First, as for job demand, only cooperation had the moderating effect of job resource. Second, when the effect of job resources on medical skin care specialty was inspected, it was discovered that cooperation and equipment application had a positive effect on the specialty. Third, when the effect of job demand and specialty on job satisfaction was inspected, it was discovered that job tension had a negative effect on satisfaction and workload and specialty had a positive effect on satisfaction.