• Title/Summary/Keyword: Growing degree day

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Predicting Harvest Date of 'Niitaka' Pear by Using Full Bloom Date and Growing Season Weather (배 '신고'의 만개일 및 생육기 기상을 이용한 수확일 예측)

  • Han, Jeom-Hwa;Son, In-Chang;Choi, In-Myeong;Kim, Seung-Heui;Cho, Jung-Gun;Yun, Seok-Kyu;Kim, Ho-Cheol;Kim, Tae-Choon
    • Horticultural Science & Technology
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    • v.29 no.6
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    • pp.549-554
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    • 2011
  • The effect of full bloom date and growing season weather on harvesting date of 'Niitaka' pear (Pyrus pyrifolia) in Naju province and the model of multiple linear regression for predicting the fruit growing days was studied. Earlier year in full bloom date, the harvesting date tended earlier but fruit growing days tended longer. Mean and coefficient of variation of fruit growing degree days (GDD) accumulated daily mean and maximum temperature at the base of $0^{\circ}C$ from full bloom date to harvesting date was 3,565, 2.9% and 4,463, 2.5%, respectively. Fruit growing days was not correlated with the fruit GDD accumulated daily mean and maximum temperature at the base of $0^{\circ}C$ in each month but highly correlated with GDD accumulated daily meteorological factors at days after full bloom date. Especially, it was highly negatively correlated with GDD accumulated daily mean and maximum temperature at the base of $0^{\circ}C$ from $1^{st}$ day after full bloom to $60^{th}$ day. The determination coefficient ($r^2$) of multiple linear regression model by full bloom date, GDD accumulated daily mean and maximum temperature from $1^{st}$ day after full bloom to $60^{th}$ day for predicting fruit growing days was 0.7212. As a result, the fruit growing days of 'Niitaka' pear in Naju province can predict with 72% accuracy by the model of multiple linear regression.

Temporal and Spatial Distribution of Growing Degree Days for Maize in Northeast District of China (중국 동북지역에서 옥수수 유효적산온도의 시공간적 분포)

  • Jung, Myung-Pyo;Park, Hye-Jin;Shim, Kyo-Moon;Ahn, Joong-Bae
    • Korean Journal of Environmental Agriculture
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    • v.35 no.4
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    • pp.302-305
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    • 2016
  • BACKGROUND: The northeast district of China, especially Liaoning province, Jilin province, and Heilongjiang province, is one of the largest agricultural production regions in China. These regions play a significant role in ensuring food security. Accumulated temperature such as growing degree days (GDD) is an important environmental factor for plant growth and yield. Therefore, in this study, temporal and spatial distribution of GDD for maize was examined as a basis to estimate the growth and yield of maize in these regions. METHODS AND RESULTS: Meteorological date produced by NASA (MERRA-2) was used to estimate GDD of maize at this study sites. The GDD was calculated from sowing (May 1) to harvesting (Sep. 30). The average GDD of this region between 2010 and 2015 was $1323.0^{\circ}C$ day (595.3-1838.9). The spatial distribution of GDD showed a similar pattern during the different years surveyed. Double cropping for maize could be in only Liaoning province, northwestern Jilin province, and western and eastern Heilongjiang province where the GDD was over $1600^{\circ}C$day. However, The GDD in eastern Heilongjiang province was varied by year. CONCLUSION: The GDD of maize in northeast district of China was varied spatially, but similar among recent six years at the same region. This result can be used to predict growth stage and yield of maize at these regions.

Relationship Between Heat Unit Requirement and Growth and Yield of Mulberry, Morns indica L.

  • Sarkar A.;Rekha M.;Keshavacharyulu K.
    • International Journal of Industrial Entomology and Biomaterials
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    • v.10 no.1
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    • pp.65-68
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    • 2005
  • Growth and development of a plant over a growing season is closely related to the daily accumulation of heat. Heat unit measured by accumulated growing degree days (GDD) is becoming increasingly popular to estimate the growth of a plant or even in insect. GDD or heat accumulation per day is measured by calculating average daily temperature and then subtracting the base temperature below which growth does not occur. Heat accumulation per day is added for the desired period and accumulated GDD is determined. The present study was conducted in five seasons in an established garden with K-2, S-36 and V-1 mulberry varieties belonging to Morus indica L. grown under completely irrigated condition at the farm of CSRTI, Mysore during 2001 - 2002. Plants were pruned in each season and the growth of the plant measured by total shoot length and fresh leaf yield was recorded at an interval of 5 days starting from 30 days of pruning (DAP) to 70 days when all the plants were pruned. The accumulated GDD for the corresponding days were recorded and used for analysis. Accumulated growing degree days (GDD) have been found to be perfectly correlated with both growth and yield in all the seasons in all the varieties studied. The high $R^2$ values indicated a strong relationship between the accumulated GDD and, growth and yield of mulberry.

Utilization of Growing Degree Days as an Index of Growth Duration of Rice Varieties (Growing Degree Days를 이용한 수도품종의 생육기간 측정방법과 이용)

  • 이석순
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    • v.28 no.2
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    • pp.173-183
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    • 1983
  • To evaluate growing degree days(GDD) as an index of growth duration of rice plants, 30 days old seedlings of 16 japonica and 14 indica/japonica varieties were transplanted six times from May 10 at the 10-day intervals at Gyeongsan in 1982. The number of days from transplanting to heading decreased as transplanting dates delayed in all japonica varietie and 4 indica/japonica varieties but that of 10 indica/japonica varieties decreased up to June 9 or June 19 transplantings and then it levelled off or increased with further delay of transplanting. However, GDD requirement was similar among transplanting dates at appropriate base temperatures; GDD could be better than calendar day system to classify maturity of varieties especially grown in a wide range of climatic conditions. Required GDD from transplanting to heading of all indica/japonica and early japonica varieties showened a smaller coefficient of variation (CV) compared to longer season japonica varieties. Among GDD methods, an accumulation of daily Max + Min temp./2 -$l0^{\circ}C$ showed the smallest CV for the duration from transplanting to heading, but for ripening period GDD calculated with adjusted maximum temperature when it was higher than $30^{\circ}C$ showed the best results. Heading date did not affect required GDD for maturity of japonica varieties, but in indica/japonica varieties GDD decreased as heading date delayed; at late transplantings ripening period of indica/japonica varieties was less extended compared to japonica varietes due to a decrease in grain weight.

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염도와 알코올 첨가량에 따른 청국장 숙성중의 변화

  • 이동순
    • Culinary science and hospitality research
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    • v.3
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    • pp.239-257
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    • 1997
  • This study investigated the effect of the addition of alcohol on the quality change of Chungkukjang during the aging, The Cung-kuk-jang was made by the degree of 3, 5, 10%, respectively, and determined NH2-N, NH3-N, total acidity, cell numbers, lactate, succinate and phenolic acid to measure the change of flavor component in the aging of 2$0^{\circ}C$. 1. In the treatment groups of different amount of alcohol and salt added and aging period of Chung-kuk-hang, NH2-N was more decreased with more addition of alcohol and salt in the 3-and 10-day of aging. NH3-N was increased gradually in the addition of up to 2.0% alcohol and then decreased in the 3-and 10-day of aging. 2. In the treatment groups of different amount of alcohol added and aging period Chung-kuk-hang, the total acidity was more decreased with more addition of alcohol and higher degree of salt. Cell number was decreased rapidly with the addition of 1.0% alcohol in the 3-day and then decreased relatively and in the 10-day of aging, and it was increased with the addition of alcohol 3. With the addition of alcohol and the different growing temperature, the content of phenolic acid was more browning changed at 3$0^{\circ}C$ than that of at 2$0^{\circ}C$ and the phenol content of each group was decreased with increasing the addition amount of alcohol. Thus, the more addition of alcohol amount would the more extend the period of Chung-kuk-hang aging.

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Assessment of planting soil temperature and growing degree day impacts on silage corn (Zea mays L.) biomass

  • Moonju Kim;Jiyung Kim;Mu-Hwan Jo;Kyungil Sung;Kun-Jun Han
    • Journal of Animal Science and Technology
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    • v.66 no.5
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    • pp.949-961
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    • 2024
  • The annual forage crop production system, enclosing silage corn (Zea mays L.) and following cool-season annual forage, can enhance forage production efficiency where available land is limited for pasture production. In this forage production system, successful silage corn cultivation has a significant value due to the great yield of highly digestible forage. However, some untimely planting or harvesting of corn due to changing weather often reduces biomass and feeding values. Therefore, a study was conducted to quantify the corn silage biomass reductions by the deviations from optimum planting soil temperature and optimum growing degree day (GDD). The approximations of maximum corn production were estimated based on field trial data conducted between 1978 and 2018 with early, medium, and late-maturity corn groups. Based on weather data, the recorded planting dates and harvest dates were converted into the corresponding trials' soil temperatures at planting (STP) and the GDD. The silage corn biomass data were regressed against STP and GDD using a quadratic function. The maximum biomass point was modeled in a convex upward quadratic yield curve and the optimum STP and GDD were defined as those values at the maximum biomass for each maturity group. Optimized STP was at 16.6℃, 16.2℃, and 15.6℃ for early, medium, and late maturity corn groups, respectively, while optimized GDD at harvest was at 1424, 1363, and 1542℃. The biomass reductions demonstrated quadratic functions by the departures of STP or GDD. The 5% reductions were anticipated when STP departed from the optimum temperature by 2.2℃, 2.4℃, and 1.4℃ for early, medium, and late maturity corns, respectively; the same degree of reductions were estimated when the GDD departed by 200, 180, and 130℃ in the same order of the maturity groups. This result indicates that biomass reductions of late-maturity corn were more sensitive to the departures of STP or GDD than the early-maturity corn. Therefore, early maturing cultivars are more stable in biomass production in a silage corn-winter annual forage crop production system to enhance forage-based livestock production efficiency.

Analysis of Environmental Factors for Full Bloom Stage and Fruit Growth in Peach (복숭아 품종의 만개기와 과실 생장에 영향을 미치는 환경요인 분석)

  • Han, Hyun Hee;Han, Jeom Hwa;Jeong, Jae Hoon;Ryu, Su Hyun;Kwan, Yong Hee
    • Journal of Climate Change Research
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    • v.7 no.4
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    • pp.493-498
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    • 2016
  • This study was conducted to investigate the effect of environment factors on full bloom stage and fruit width in four peach cultivars. The average temperature in March was the main factor to determine the date of full bloom in 'Kurakatawase'($-0.6871^*$) and 'Changhowon Hwangdo'($-0.5270^*$). The fruit growth curve after 35 days from full bloom was the double sigmoid shape in 'Changhowon Hwangdo' cultivar. Environmental factors affecting fruit width were mean diurnal range(BIO2) and temperature annual range(BIO 7) in 'Kurakatawase', growing degree days(GDD) after 30 days from full bloom and July precipitation in 'Yumyeong', and annual mean temperature(BIO1), BIO7, and July precipitation in 'Kawanakajima Hakuto'. Of these, major environmental factors affecting fruit width in more than two cultivars were BIO7 and July precipitation.

Generation of daily temperature data using monthly mean temperature and precipitation data (월 평균 기온과 강우 자료를 이용한 일 기온 자료의 생성)

  • Moon, Kyung Hwan;Song, Eun Young;Wi, Seung Hwan;Seo, Hyung Ho;Hyun, Hae Nam
    • Korean Journal of Agricultural and Forest Meteorology
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    • v.20 no.3
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    • pp.252-261
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    • 2018
  • This study was conducted to develop a method to generate daily maximum and minimum temperatures using monthly data. We analyzed 30-year daily weather data of the 23 meteorological stations in South Korea and elucidated the parameters for predicting annual trend (center value ($\hat{U}$), amplitude (C), deviation (T)) and daily fluctuation (A, B) of daily maximum and minimum temperature. We use national average values for C, T, A and B parameters, but the center value is derived from the annual average data on each stations. First, daily weather data were generated according to the occurrence of rainfall, then calibrated using monthly data, and finally, daily maximum and minimum daily temperatures were generated. With this method, we could generate daily weather data with more than 95% similar distribution to recorded data for all 23 stations. In addition, this method was able to generate Growing Degree Day(GDD) similar to the past data, and it could be applied to areas not subject to survey. This method is useful for generating daily data in case of having monthly data such as climate change scenarios.

Comparison on the Time of Occurrence of Major Rice Insect Pests Based on Growing Degree Day in Northern Part of Korean Peninsula (북방농업지대에서 유효적산온도를 이용한 벼 해충의 발생시기 비교)

  • Kim, Soon-Il;Uhm, Ki Baik;Jin, Da-Yong;Park, Hyung Man
    • Korean journal of applied entomology
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    • v.58 no.3
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    • pp.239-249
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    • 2019
  • This study was carried out to compare on the time of occurrence of 6 major rice insect pests [Lissorhoptrus oryzophilus Kusche, Oulema oryzae Kuwayama, Sogatella furcifera (Horvath), Nilaparvata lugens Stal., Cnaphalocrocis medinalis (Guenee), Mythimna separata Walker] in northern part of the Korean peninsula. Using growing degree days of the insects, we evaluated the number of occurrence generations and the time of occurrence. Over-wintering insects such as L. oryzophilus and O. oryzae showed different occurrence periods in northern regions. The occurrence period of the first generation adults was later in northeast regions than in Korean middle regions and more later both in northern alpines and in northern parts of east sea. In addition, the first adults of S. furcifera, N. lugens, C. medinalis, and M. separata occurred between June and early August. However, from late August to September, these insects showed the different occurrence periods in northern regions. Especially, the second adults of N. lugens were not occurred and the second to third generation adults of S. furcifera, C. medinalis, and M. separata showed similar occurrence properties. Based on these properties, the occurrence of major rice insect pests will be less in northeast regions, northern regions of east sea, northern inlands, and northern alpines of the Korean peninsula. However, comparing with their occurrences in northern regions of Gyenonggi and Gangwon provinces, the rice insect pests may show similar occurrence pattern in mid-korean mountains except for pyunggang and yangduk regions as well as in the southern and northern regions of Suyang-san.

A Study on the Change of fine Structure of Hemp Cellulose (안동포원료 Hemp Cellulose의 미세구조에 관한 연구)

  • Lee UK Ja;Ryu Duck Whan
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Clothing and Textiles
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    • v.8 no.1
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    • pp.29-37
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    • 1984
  • This study was investigation of the change of fine structure of hemp cellulose at different growing stages. The samples collected about every eight day were divided into seven groups based on plants height, then they were numbered from 1 to 7 in the order of their height. For this, the degree of crystallinity, orientation and crystallite size were measured by wide angle X-ray diffraction method. The results of this experiment were summerized as follows ; 1) The degree of crystallinity was increased by growth of hemp celtilose to be maximum in sample 5$\~$6. At this stage, the stability of crystals was showed in good states. In addition to, crystallinity index by Segal, Turley and area method showed same tendency as Ruland's. 2) The change of orientation was gradually increased by growth of hemp cellulose. This result was correlated with the degree of crystallinity. Therefore, the change of orientation depend on the degree of crystallinity. 3) On the other hand, the crystallite size was decreased by growth of hemp cellulose. But, increased after sample 4. By the way, crystallite size was interrelated with growth rate.

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