• Title/Summary/Keyword: Grouping

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Age Differences in Signs and Symptoms of Patients with Temporomandibular Disorders

  • Jo, Jung Hwan;Park, Ji Woon;Kim, Ji Rak;Seo, Hyong Duk;Jang, Ji Hee;Chung, Jin Woo
    • Journal of Oral Medicine and Pain
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    • v.40 no.2
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    • pp.55-62
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    • 2015
  • Purpose: The aims of this study were to evaluate the differences in subjective symptoms, clinical characteristics, distribution according to Research Diagnostic Criteria for Temporomandibular Disorders (RDC/TMD) subgroup, psychological profile of TMD patients, and to identify the prevalence and trend according to age. Methods: A total of 1,052 patients (261 men and 791 women; mean age, $34.40{\pm}15.73$ years) who visited the Orofacial Pain Clinic of the Department of Oral Medicine, Seoul National University Dental Hospital complaining of TMD symptoms of were evaluated. All patients were questioned for medical history, clinical symptoms and contributing factors. Clinical examination and patient grouping based on RDC/TMD was conducted. Radiographies were taken. The Korean version of RDC/TMD axis II and Symptom Checklist-90-Revision (SCL-90-R) were administered to evaluate pain-related disability level and psychological status of the patients. Results: Prevalence peaked in the 20-year-old age group. There were more women than men in all groups. The highest T-score among SCL-90-R dimensions was somatization in each group, except for teenagers who showed the highest T-score in interpersonal sensitivity. The 30-year-old age group showed the highest distribution of high disability based on the graded chronic pain scale. Age was positively associated with pain intensity (r=0.100), number of positive muscles on palpation (r=0.137) and negatively associated with maximum mouth opening (r=-0.168). Conclusions: Subjective symptoms and clinical characteristics of TMD patients show distinct tendencies according to different age groups. Treatment should be customized and personalized according to age for efficient symptom resolution and patient satisfaction.

A study on the Improvement of Facility-Wide Quality Assurance Technique for Quality Management of Military Product (군수품 품질경영 효율화를 위한 사업장 단위 품질 보증 개선 방안 연구)

  • Kang, In-Myun
    • Journal of the Korea Academia-Industrial cooperation Society
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    • v.18 no.12
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    • pp.613-619
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    • 2017
  • Recently, the development and production of weapons systems for military products have been increasing. Therefore, there is a need for an efficient quality control method suitable for limited resources and manpower for the manufactured military products. Military munitions are characteristically developed and produced as business contract units. In addition, business and quality control are done by contract. For this reason, many contracts are concluded in one producer and similar products are often produced. Business and quality control also require extensive manpower and effort. If a company produces several similar products, a more efficient management approach is required. This study therefore examines these problems in an attempt to present solutions by analyzing the types of munitions contracts and the characteristics of products produced by one company. Based on the results, a method is proposed to manage the contract-specific management methods by company, that is, by business site. The method is applied to an engine manufacturing company and the integrated management plan is verified and its effectiveness confirmed. The effect of facility-wide method was a reduction of QA manpower and an improvement in maintaining quality assurance and stability through management of the workforce and contract grouping method.

Hypermedia, Multimedia and Hypertext: Definitions and Overview (하이퍼미디어.멀티미디어.하이퍼텍스트: 정의(定義)와 개관(槪觀))

  • Kim, Ji-Hee
    • Journal of Information Management
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    • v.25 no.1
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    • pp.24-46
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    • 1994
  • In this paper I will discuss definitions of hypermedia, multimedia and hypertext. Hypertext is the grouping of relevant information in the form of nodes. These nodes are then connected together through links. In the case of hypertext the nodes contain text or graphics. Multimedia is the combining of different media types for example sound, animation, text, graphics and video for the presentation of information by making use of computers. Hypermedia can be viewed as an extension of hypertext and multimedia. It is based on the concept of hypertext that uses nodes and links in the structuring of information in the system. In this case the nodes consist of an the different data types that are mentioned in the multimedia definition above. The 'node-and-link' concept is used in organisation of the information in hypermedia systems. The 'book' metaphor is an example of the way these systems are implemented. This concept is explained and a few advantages and disadvantages of making use of hypermedia systems are discussed. A new approach for the development of hypermedia systems, namely the knowledge-based approach is now looked into. Joel Peing-Ling Loo proposed this approach because he thought that it is the most effective way for handling this kind of technology. A semantic-based hypermedia model is developed in this approach to formulate solutions for the restrictions in presenting information authoring, maintenance and retrieval. The knowledge-based presentation of information includes the use of conventional data structures. These data structures make use of frames(objects), slots and the inheritance theory that is also used in expert systems. Relations develop between the different objects as these objects are included in the database. Relations can also exist between frames by means of attributes that belong to the frames.

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Design and Implementation of Communication Mechanism between External Educational Contents and LAMS (LAMS와 외부 교육용 콘텐츠간의 통신 메커니즘의 설계 및 구현)

  • Park, Chan;Jung, Seok-In;Han, Cheol-Dong;Seong, Dong-Ook;Yoo, Jae-Soo;Yoo, Kwan-Hee
    • The Journal of the Korea Contents Association
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    • v.9 no.3
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    • pp.361-371
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    • 2009
  • LAMS(learning activity management system)[1] is one of the useful tools for designing and managing effectively the learning activities such as web search, chat, forum, grouping, and board. Even if LAMS has been upgraded to support the methods for making e-Learning contents conveniently, it does not have a method to communicate with external educational contents (EEC) made by external tools like Flash, Java, Visual C++, and so on. LAMS, which has been operated on Web environment, should manage all EECs like video and dynamic educational contents as educational contents in LAMS database. However, the current LAMS does not support the functionalities which can provide information of EECs to LAMS database and can also access any information about EECs from the database yet. In this paper, we propose the communication mechanism between the LAMS and EECs for solving the problem. In special, the mechanism makes many statistical data by using the information, and provides them for reflecting in education, and can control various learning management that was impossible under the original LAMS. Based on the proposed mechanism, teachers using LAMS can make more various educational contents and can manage them in the system.

Analysis of the Moderating Effect of School Levels on the Structural Relationship between Stress in Interpersonal Relationships at Work and Rumination in Teachers' Depression (교원의 우울에 대한 직무 관계스트레스와 반추의 구조적 관계에서 학교급에 의한 조절효과 분석)

  • Yang, Sung-Jin;Lee, Eun-Chul
    • The Journal of the Korea Contents Association
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    • v.19 no.11
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    • pp.122-131
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    • 2019
  • This study analyzed the moderating effect according to school levels in the structural relationship between stressful interpersonal relationships at work and rumination in teachers' depression. For this study, a research model was formed based on theoretical understandings and a literature review. The researchers surveyed 811 teachers at primary and secondary schools to measure scales of depression, rumination, and stress in interpersonal relationships at work. Primary education and secondary education were the grouping variables for the school levels, and the collected data was analyzed using multi-group structural equation modeling. Also, to affirm equivalence between the two models, the data was investigated using the constrained model of measurement equivalence. The research results verified the equivalence between the two models and the moderating effect by comparing the path coefficients of the two models on the assumption of equivalence constraint. As a result, the moderating effect according to school levels was revealed on the path from stressful interpersonal relationships at work to depression. Grounded on this analysis, stress in interpersonal relationships at work mediates the impact of rumination in teachers' depression. In addition, the research revealed that the moderating effects on stressful interpersonal relationships at work varied according to school level, and the moderating effect of stress in interpersonal relationships at work affected middle school teachers but not primary school teachers.

Fish distribution and community characteristics of agricultural waterways in the southern region of Korean watersheds (국내 남부권역 주요 수계 농수로의 어류 군집 특성)

  • Ji, Sung-Min;Sung, Mu-Sung;Kim, Jeong-Hun;Park, Joon-Hwi;Kim, Hyun-Gu;An, Kwang-Guk
    • Korean Journal of Environmental Biology
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    • v.38 no.1
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    • pp.146-159
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    • 2020
  • The objective of our study was to analyze the distribution and composition of fish species and their community characteristics in agricultural waterways in the six water systems-Mankyung River, Seomjin River, Namhae Region, Tamjin River, Yeongsan River, and Dongjin River-during 2017-2018. Little is known about the distributions and community characteristics of the aquatic biota of agricultural waterways in Korea, even if the water bodies have important roles as spawning areas or habitats for fish. In this study, we identified 3,633 fish individuals in the waterways, belonging to 53 species, eleven families, and six orders (dominant species: Tanakia koreensis, T. lanceolate) and 7,108 fish individuals in the main rivers, belonging to 57 species, fifteen families, and nine orders. Moreover, three endangered wildlife (designated by the Ministry of Environment, Korea)-T. somjinensis, Acheilognathus majusculus and Coreoperca kawamebari-were found in the waterways. By fish guild analysis, we found that many waterways had a lower proportion of sensitive species and a higher proportion of omnivore species than those of the main rivers, which indicates a feature of a disturbed environment. In addition, by grouping with environmental variables, we found the group of waterways with high substrate complexity had a higher diversity index (Shannon index) and a lower dominance index (Simpson index) than that of simple substrate complexity. Overall, our study represents the characteristics of fish habitats in agricultural waterways and suggests the need to manage them and study further.

A Study of Individual Differences across Numerosity Sensitivity, Visual Working Memory and Visual Attention (수량민감도와 시각작업기억 및 시각적 주의 간 개인차 연구)

  • Kim, Giyeon;Cho, Soohyun;Hyun, Joo-Seok
    • Science of Emotion and Sensibility
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    • v.18 no.2
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    • pp.3-18
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    • 2015
  • Numerosity perception is considered as an innate ability of human being where its sensivitiy may widely vary across each individual person. The present study explored the relationship between visual working memory (VWM), visual search efficiency, and numerosity sensitivity. To accomplish this, we calculated each participant's K-value from change detection performance representing one's storage capacity in VWM, slopes of search RTs representing the search efficiency, and discrimination sensitivity for a quantity difference across two sets of dot arrays representing the numerosity sensitivity. The correlational analysis across the measurements revealed that participants with a high VWM capacity better discriminated the numerosity difference in the arrays when the spatial information in the two dot arrays was preserved. In contrast, the participants with high search efficiency discriminated better the difference in the arrays when the spatial information in the arrays was not preserved. The results indicate high VWM-capacity individuals were presumably able to use a strategy of storing the dot arrays by grouping them into a smaller pattern of dot arrays while high search-efficiency individuals were able to use a strategy of rapidly switching their focused attention across the dots in the arrays to count each individual dot. These in sum suggest that individual differences in numerosity sensitivity rely on one's working memory capacity as well as their efficient use of switching focused attention.

Subgenus classification of Accnthcmoebc by riboprinting (Riboprinting에 의한 가시아메바속의 분류)

  • 정동일;유학선
    • Parasites, Hosts and Diseases
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    • v.36 no.2
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    • pp.69-80
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    • 1998
  • Subgenus classification of Acanthcmoeba remains uncertain. Twenty-three reference strains of Acanthnmoeba including 18 (neo)type-strains were subjected for classification at the subgenus level by riboprinting, PCR/RFLP analysis of 185 rRNA gene (rDNA) . On the dendrogram reconstructed on the basis of riboprint analyses, two type- strains (A. astronwxis and A. tubinshi) of morphological group 1 diverged early from the other strains and were quite distinct from each other. Four type-strains of morphological group 3. A. culbertsoni, A. polestinensis, A. healyi were considered taxonomically valid, but A. pustulosn was regarded as an invalid synonym of A. pclestinensis. Strains of morphological group 2 were classified into 6 subgroups. Among them, A. giulni which has an intron in its 185 rDNA was the most divergent from the remaining strains. Acanthcmoebc ccstellanii Castellani, A. quinc Vil3, A. Iugdunensis L3a. A. poIyphage Jones, A. trinngularis SH621, and A. cqstellanii Ma strains belonged to a subgroup, A. castellanii complex. However, A. quinc and A. Lugnunensis were regarded as synonyms of A. ccstellanii. The Chang strain could be regarded as A. hatchetti. Acanthcmoebo nauritaniensis, A. niuionensis, A. paranivionensis could be considered as synonyms of A. rhwsodes. Neff strain was regarded as A. polyphage rather than as A. castellanii. It is likely that riboprinting can be applied for rapid identification of Acnnthcmoebc isolated from the clinical specimens and environments.

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A Study on the Satisfaction Analysis on Officially Assessed Land Price Using Time Seriate Geostatistical Analysis (시계열적 공간통계 기법을 활용한 공시지가의 만족도 분석에 관한 연구)

  • Choi, Byoung Gil;Na, Young Woo;Hyeon, Chang Seop;Cho, Tae In
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Surveying, Geodesy, Photogrammetry and Cartography
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    • v.36 no.2
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    • pp.95-104
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    • 2018
  • This study has the purpose of suggesting the method to analyze the spatiotemporal change of satisfaction concerning the officially assessed land price using geostatistical analysis. Analyzing the spatial distribution characteristic of officially assessed land price using present GIS (Geographic Information System) or is staying at qualitatively suggesting the improvement method of the officially assessed land price system. Grouping the appeal strength based on the official price and opinion price of officially assessed land price, GIS DB (Database) was constructed and the time seriate satisfaction were analyzed and compared through spatial density analysis and spatial autocorrelation analysis. As a result, it was found that the difference between the official price and the applicant's price differed depending on individual land, but most of the respondents requested the increase or the reduction of the average land price, which resulted in a large number of request. Analyzing the satisfaction of the officially assessed land price by using GIS, it was known that satisfaction of officially assessed land price could be analyzed by using the difference of the opinion price and not only the officially assessed land price. Spatiotemporal change of officially assessed land price satisfaction was known to be possible through spatiotemporal pattern analysis method such as spatiotemporal auto-corelation analysis and hotspot analysis etc using GIS. In short, regionally positive or negative significant relationship was investigated through spatiotemporal analysis using annual data.

Analysis of Major Traits for Native Ginseng(Panax ginseng C.A. Meyer) Collected from Poonggi Area in Korea Using DNA Marker (DNA marker를 이용한 풍기 재래인삼의 주요 특성 분석)

  • Rhim, Soon-Young;Choi, Hong-Jib;Ryu, Tae-Seok;Kwon, Tae-Ryong;Choi, Jin-Kook;Sohn, Jae-Keun
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    • v.55 no.3
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    • pp.253-258
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    • 2010
  • In this study, a total of 25 lines consisting of five native ginseng collections from Poonggi area, five lines from Geumsam area and 15 varieties were analyzed and clustered for the selection of Poonggi native ginseng in Korea using DNA markers. The results indicated that the long cluster distance were observed between the collections of 331002, 331004, 331005, 331007 and 331026 from Poonggi area, and the collections of 332009, 332021, 332046, 332050 and 332066 from Geumsan area because of the sensible differences on the number of leaves per stem, stem color and petiole color. Thus, the collections from Poonggi area with specific characters consisting of one stem per plant, five leaves per stem and broad elliptic leaflet shape were finely classified using nine primers including OPD05, OPD20, OPG17, OPH05 and so on. In this study, the collection of 331007 from Poonggi area was considered as the respective collection with above characters. Thus, the nine primers such as OPD05 and so on, will be used to select the Poonggi ginseng in the future studies.