• Title/Summary/Keyword: Grouping

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Quantitative Observation on the Behavior of the Smoky Brown Cockroach, Periplaneta fuliginosa(Seville): Presence at Important Micro-havitats of Rearing Cages in the Laboratory (먹바퀴, Periplaneta fuliginosa(Seville), 습성의 계량적 관찰: 실험실내 사육상의 중요 미소서식처에서의 출현)

  • 전태수;박영석
    • Korean journal of applied entomology
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    • v.32 no.3
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    • pp.354-371
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    • 1993
  • Behavior of adult females of the smoky brown cockroach was observed for 10-15 days continuously by using computer and the automatic sensoring system. Under the light condition of l2L~ 12D, individual variations were generally higher and the periodicity appeared less in terms of the presence time at the micro-habitats and the locomotory activity. The smoky brown cockroach appeared 20.42, 11.50, 6.31 and 2.66 % in a day in averages respectively at the shelter and the places for other individuals, feeding and drinking. It stayed 20.29 % in a day at the shelter when food, water, and other individuals were not supplied. Visiting rates were higher at the feeding and dnnking places than at. the ot.her micro-habitats. The degree of t.he locomotory activity was relatively lower when food, water, and other individuals were not supplied t.han when they were supplied. The Pnncipal Component Analysis (PCA) on the presence at the micro-habitats showed that. t.he presence pattern for each mdividual appeared differently (Q mode) while the differem time zones were grouped to the photophase and scotophase (R mode). When food, water, and other individuals were supplied the degree of grouping was higher at the shelter than at the places for feeding and drinking. When the act.ivityand the presence time at the different micro-habitats were jointly analyzed by PCA, the achvity of the female smoky brown cockroach appeared in relation with the presence time ( %) at the places for feeding and other individuals.

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Tactile Sensibility Factors of Traditional Silk Fabrics (전통 견직물의 촉각적 감성요인)

  • Yi, Eun-Jou
    • Science of Emotion and Sensibility
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    • v.10 no.1
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    • pp.99-111
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    • 2007
  • In order to identify tactile sensibility factors of traditional silk fabrics and to provide prediction models for the sensibility factors by mechanical properties, seventeen different traditional silk fabrics were evaluated in terms of both tactile sensation and sensibility by using a modified magnitude estimation line scale Gongdan and Newttong with lower values for surface roughness(SMD), bending rigidity(B), and compression resilience(RC) were rated as softer, smoother, fluffier, and more pliable in tactile sensation than any other traditional silk fabrics whereas Nobangju haying higher B, SMD, and tensile resilience(RT) was touched as crisper, more rustling, and springier. Three different tactile sensibility factors including 'Feminine', 'Natural', and 'Casual' were obtained significantly by grouping fifteen different tactile sensibility descriptors. In the prediction models sensibility 'Feminine' was explained positively by SMD, which was supported by the fact that both Gongdan and Newtton were perceived as more feminine. Sensibility 'Natural' that was felt stronger as for Myoungju and Sa was predicted negatively by both fabric thickness(T) and RT. Finally, RC, elongation at maximum load (EM), and T predicted sensibility 'Casual' negatively, which results in its higher factor scores for Myoungju and Shantung, respectively.

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Seabed Classification Using the K-L (Karhunen-Lo$\grave{e}$ve) Transform of Chirp Acoustic Profiling Data: An Effective Approach to Geoacoustic Modeling (광역주파수 음향반사자료의 K-L 변환을 이용한 해저면 분류: 지질음향 모델링을 위한 유용한 방법)

  • Chang, Jae-Kyeong;Kim, Han-Joon;Jou, Hyeong-Tae;Suk, Bong-Chool;Park, Gun-Tae;Yoo, Hai-Soo;Yang, Sung-Jin
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    • v.3 no.3
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    • pp.158-164
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    • 1998
  • We introduce a statistical scheme to classify seabed from acoustic profiling data acquired using Chirp sonar system. The classification is based on grouping of signal traces by similarity index, which is computed using the K-L (Karhunen-Lo$\grave{e}$ve) transform of the Chirp profiling data. The similarity index represents the degree of coherence of bottom-reflected signals in consecutive traces, hence indicating the acoustic roughness of the seabed. The results of this study show that similarity index is a function of homogeneity, grain size of sediments and bottom hardness. The similarity index ranges from 0 to 1 for various types of seabed material. It increases in accordance with the homogeneity and softness of bottom sediments, whereas it is inversely proportional to the grain size of sediments. As a real data example, we classified the seabed off Cheju Island, Korea based on the similarity index and compared the result with side-scan sonar data and sediment samples. The comparison shows that the classification of seabed by the similarity index is in good agreement with the real sedimentary facies and can delineate acoustic response of the seabed in more detail. Therefore, this study presents an effective method for geoacoustic modeling to classify the seafloor directly from acoustic data.

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Analysis of Precedents Related with Child Abuse to Protect Rights of Children (아동권리보호를 위한 아동학대 관련 판례분석)

  • Park, Yeonju
    • Korean Journal of Social Welfare
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    • v.66 no.2
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    • pp.31-49
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    • 2014
  • The purpose of this study is to analyze precedents related with child abuse for protection of the rights of the child. There should be the law related with 'punishment for child abuse,' which is the grounds of punishment, to make a precedent in the law punishing for 'child abuse,' but there is the concept only for 'child abuse' in the Child Welfare Law, the fundamental law; therefore, for a direct judgment for punishment, only precedents of 'child abuse' related with loss of parental rights and judgements for criminal cases, civil cases and laws covering special cases have been made. For that reason, 'the special law related with punishment for child abuse cases' is desperately required (On last December 23, 2013, the special law related with punishment for child abuse cases passed the National Assembly). Hence, precedent analysis had performed by grouping precedent from 2000 to 2013 which were not judged as child abuse in trial but can be regarded as child abuse. When analyzing each precedent according to the contents of analysis and judgment by fact relevance in this study, problems which the current legislative system has were deducted through an implication of each case by diagnosing using diagraming after classifying lower instance terminated cases, which precedents of the Supreme Court and judgments sent to the Supreme Court were excluded, while excluding cases settled in the civil level and classifying analysis of civil case precedents which did not become a criminal case and completed as a civil case, analysis of criminal case precedents, classification of precedents of loss of the parental rights (regarding child abuse) and precedents of any other special laws. And compensatory tasks for special laws regarding punishment of child abuse were presented while suggesting compensatory tasks for the legislation regarding deducted problems.

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A Virtual Grouping Scheme for Improving the Performance of IEEE 802.11 Distributed Coordination Function (IEEE 802.11 DCF의 성능 향상을 위한 가상 그룹 방법)

  • 김선명;조영종
    • Journal of the Institute of Electronics Engineers of Korea TC
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    • v.41 no.8
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    • pp.9-18
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    • 2004
  • The IEEE 802.11 Distributed Coordination Function(DCF) protocol provides a contention-based distribution channel access mechanism for stations to share the wireless medium. However, the performance of the DCF drops dramatically in terms of throughput, delay and delay jitter as the number of active stations becomes large. In this paper, we propose a simple and effective scheme, called DCF/VG(Distributed Coordination Function with Virtual Group), for improving the performance of the IEEE 802.11 DCF mechanism. In this scheme, each station independently decides the virtual group cycle using the information provided by the carrier sensing mechanism. The virtual group cycle consists of one or more virtual groups and a virtual group includes an idle period and a busy period. Each station operates in only one out of several virtual groups of the virtual group cycle and does not operate in the others. In other words, each station decreases its backoff counter and tries to transmit a packet only in its virtual group like the IEEE 802.11 DCF. Performance of the proposed scheme is investigated by numerical analysis and simulation. Numerical and simulation results show that the proposed scheme is very effective and has high throughput and low delay and jitter under a wide range of contention level.

R-Tree Construction for The Content Based Publish/Subscribe Service in Peer-to-peer Networks (피어투피어 네트워크에서의 컨텐츠 기반 publish/subscribe 서비스를 위한 R-tree구성)

  • Kim, Yong-Hyuck;Kim, Young-Han;Kang, Nam-Hi
    • Journal of the Institute of Electronics Engineers of Korea TC
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    • v.46 no.11
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    • pp.1-11
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    • 2009
  • A content based pub/sub (Publish/subscribe) services at the peer-to-peer network has the requirements about how to distribute contents information of subscriber and to delivery the events efficiently. For satisfying the requirements, a DHT(Distributed Hash Table) based pub/sub overlay networking and tree type topology based network construction using filter technique have been proposed. The DHT based technique is suitable for topic based pub/sub service but it's not good contents based service that has the variable requirements. And also filter based tree topology networking is not efficient at the environment where the user requirements are distributed. In this paper we propose the R-Tree algorithm based pub/sub overlay network construction method. The proposed scheme provides cost effective event delivery method by mapping user requirement to multi-dimension and hierarchical grouping of the requirements. It is verified by simulation at the variable environment of user requirements and events.

A Study on Priority Rankings of Actions Providing Personal Information Security (개인정보의 안전성 확보조치 기준에서의 우선순위 정립에 관한 연구)

  • Kim, Young Hee;Kook, Kwang Ho
    • Convergence Security Journal
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    • v.14 no.4
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    • pp.9-17
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    • 2014
  • With the rapid development of the Internet and information technology, a company that deals with personal information does not have proper action to protect personal privacy and not take measures for the safe handling and management of personal information. It generates the case to abuse of personal information occurring frequently. In order to focus the effort to reduce damage and protect the privacy of personal information entity and enhance privacy laws based on the connection method and the processing of personal information, Korea encourages a company to follow regulation by providing certain criteria. However, in the case of items of measures standard of safety of personal information such as priority applicable criteria in accordance with the importance of itemized characteristics and the company of each individual information processing is not taken into account, and there are some difficulties to execute. Therefore, we derive criteria by law and reviewing existing literature related, the details of the measures standard of safety of personal information in this study and generate a hierarchical structure by using the KJ method for layering and quantification of the evaluation in integration of the reference item similar and the grouping. Accordingly, the weights calculated experts subject using the AHP method hierarchical structures generated in this manner, it is an object of the proposed priority for privacy and efficient more rational enterprise.

The Gifted Students' View on Argumentation and the Aspects of the Argumentation in Problem-Solving Type Experiment (문제해결형 탐구실험에서 나타난 영재학생들의 논의 양상 및 논의활동에 대한 인식)

  • Shin, Ho-Sim;Kim, Hyun-Joo
    • Journal of The Korean Association For Science Education
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    • v.31 no.4
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    • pp.567-586
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    • 2011
  • The purpose of this study was to investigate the gifted students' view on argumentation and the aspects of the argumentation in problem-solving type experiment. As a result, very lively argumentation was identified but quality enhancement on argumentation wasn't found over time. Students made frequent use of dialogic argumentation component, and especially, request & response component was highly used. Though usage frequency is low, the component of ground & question on ground was shown in 3rd class, and simple agreement gradually reduced, and reinforcing elaboration & metacognitive question has slightly increased. Also, students' argumentation were closely related to teachers' teaching approaches as some teacher-led steps doesn't appear in students' argumentation. By comparison in steps, 'problem solving activity & result analysis' step included 2 times more argument components than the previous step. We also found that method grouping teams does not almost affect the argumentation of gifted students. By survey results, most students recognized that they experienced free argumentation and this program activate argumentation and 'strange things' or 'difficulty' of program topics are obstacles in vitalization of argumentation. 'Surface growth experiments' was the most lively argumentation topic. The argumentation was lively made in the step of 'finding solution. 'Teachers' scaffolding accelerate the argumentation and help resolve difficulties in argumentation. Thus, students have positive recognition for the argumentation process in the experiments and recognize that argumentation process is needed.

FCAnalyzer: A Functional Clustering Analysis Tool for Predicted Transcription Regulatory Elements and Gene Ontology Terms

  • Kim, Sang-Bae;Ryu, Gil-Mi;Kim, Young-Jin;Heo, Jee-Yeon;Park, Chan;Oh, Berm-Seok;Kim, Hyung-Lae;Kimm, Ku-Chan;Kim, Kyu-Won;Kim, Young-Youl
    • Genomics & Informatics
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    • v.5 no.1
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    • pp.10-18
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    • 2007
  • Numerous studies have reported that genes with similar expression patterns are co-regulated. From gene expression data, we have assumed that genes having similar expression pattern would share similar transcription factor binding sites (TFBSs). These function as the binding regions for transcription factors (TFs) and thereby regulate gene expression. In this context, various analysis tools have been developed. However, they have shortcomings in the combined analysis of expression patterns and significant TFBSs and in the functional analysis of target genes of significantly overrepresented putative regulators. In this study, we present a web-based A Functional Clustering Analysis Tool for Predicted Transcription Regulatory Elements and Gene Ontology Terms (FCAnalyzer). This system integrates microarray clustering data with similar expression patterns, and TFBS data in each cluster. FCAnalyzer is designed to perform two independent clustering procedures. The first process clusters gene expression profiles using the K-means clustering method, and the second process clusters predicted TFBSs in the upstream region of previously clustered genes using the hierarchical biclustering method for simultaneous grouping of genes and samples. This system offers retrieved information for predicted TFBSs in each cluster using $Match^{TM}$ in the TRANSFAC database. We used gene ontology term analysis for functional annotation of genes in the same cluster. We also provide the user with a combinatorial TFBS analysis of TFBS pairs. The enrichment of TFBS analysis and GO term analysis is statistically by the calculation of P values based on Fisher’s exact test, hypergeometric distribution and Bonferroni correction. FCAnalyzer is a web-based, user-friendly functional clustering analysis system that facilitates the transcriptional regulatory analysis of co-expressed genes. This system presents the analyses of clustered genes, significant TFBSs, significantly enriched TFBS combinations, their target genes and TFBS-TF pairs.

An Empirical Analysis on How Participants' Characteristics and Forum Quality Influence their Expectation and Satisfaction in Social Learning Forum (포럼 품질이 만족도에 미치는 영향에 대한 실증분석: 포럼 참가자 특성 및 기대감의 조절효과를 중심으로)

  • Choi, Eunsoo;Kim, Eunhee;Kim, Chulwon
    • Knowledge Management Research
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    • v.18 no.1
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    • pp.83-116
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    • 2017
  • The purpose of this study is to analyze empirically analyze how the characteristics of participants in educational and social learning forums and the quality of events influence expectations and satisfaction of forums. The study also aims to provide strategic implications for forum organizers and give them suggestions on how to set up target audience, manage forum contents, speakers, and services, improve attendee satisfaction, and ultimately maximize overall outcomes. As exchanges among individuals, enterprises, and organizations, as well as countries are growing rapidly, the convention industry has become a key player in the market. Conventions have also become a venue for people to discuss a specific agenda or topic, exchange information and learn knowledge and insights. Especially, the forum - as part of the convention industry - plays a vital role providing educational and social learning opportunities as scholars and expertise come together to share their knowledge and experience through a variety of discussions. With its role, many of forums are taking place in recent years; however, there have been few empirical studies upon the forum itself. Also, there have been few attempts to research how the quality of forums affect participants' satisfaction along with their characteristics and how much of practical knowledge is provided throughout the events. This study is meaningful in that it is the first practical study that takes a deep understanding of the forum and sees how the quality of the forums influences participants' satisfaction and whether the characteristics of participants have a moderating effect in increasing the level of satisfaction. Forum organizers could also take a strategic approach as their major concerns are to increase the number of participants and raise degree of satisfaction by providing significant information. There are four key elements that determine success or failure of a social learning forum. The four elements are contents, speakers, services, and participants. Content plays an important role in providing rich information and knowledge for participants. Speakers are the main knowledge providers who contribute to the forum's social learning role. Also, the services provided by forum organizers such as simultaneous interpretation services, program brochures, lunch and refreshments, and the overall design of event hall can also influence the level of participants' satisfaction. Lastly, the participants and their characteristics are important since they are the ones who receive knowledge from the providers. The results of this study show that the quality of forum (content, speaker, and services) has a decisive effect on the participants' satisfaction and there are some differences in expectation among the participants in the forum. Also, some groups of participants were more likely to be stimulated by the quality of forum when determining their satisfaction. The study is modeled after MBN Y Forum 2016 and its participants' characteristics. The forum is one of the most representative social learning forums of South Korea and its audiences are mostly young people. It has analyzed how the participants' characteristics influence their satisfaction by grouping them into ${\Delta}participants$ who have invited for free and those who paid for the entrance fee, ${\Delta}first-time$ participants and returning participants, ${\Delta}voluntary$ and involuntary participants, ${\Delta}participants$ who registered through web and those who did through mobile, and ${\Delta}participants$ who registered during pre-sale opens and those who registered during general opens.