• Title/Summary/Keyword: Grid system

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An FSI Simulation of the Metal Panel Deflection in a Shock Tube Using Illinois Rocstar Simulation Suite (일리노이 록스타 해석환경을 활용한 충격파관 내 금속패널 변형의 유체·구조 연성 해석)

  • Shin, Jung Hun;Sa, Jeong Hwan;Kim, Han Gi;Cho, Keum Won
    • Transactions of the Korean Society of Mechanical Engineers A
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    • v.41 no.5
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    • pp.361-366
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    • 2017
  • As the recent development of computing architecture and application software technology, real world simulation, which is the ultimate destination of computer simulation, is emerging as a practical issue in several research sectors. In this paper, metal plate motion in a square shock tube for small time interval was calculated using a supercomputing-based fluid-structure-combustion multi-physics simulation tool called Illinois Rocstar, developed in a US national R amp; D program at the University of Illinois. Afterwards, the simulation results were compared with those from experiments. The coupled solvers for unsteady compressible fluid dynamics and for structural analysis were based on the finite volume structured grid system and the large deformation linear elastic model, respectively. In addition, a strong correlation between calculation and experiment was shown, probably because of the predictor-corrector time-integration scheme framework. In the future, additional validation studies and code improvements for higher accuracy will be conducted to obtain a reliable open-source software research tool.

Review on the Three-Dimensional Magnetotelluric Modeling (MT 법의 3차원 모델링 개관)

  • Kim, Hee-Joon;Nam, Myung-Jin;Song, Yoon-Ho;Suh, Jung-Hee
    • Geophysics and Geophysical Exploration
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    • v.7 no.2
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    • pp.148-154
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    • 2004
  • This article reviews the development of three-dimensional (3-D) magnetotelluric (MT) modeling. The 3-D modeling of electromagnetic fields is essential in understanding the physics of MT soundings, and in implementing an inversion method to reconstruct a 3-D resistivity image. Although various numerical schemes have been developed over the last two decades, practical methods have been quite limited. However, the recent rapid improvement in computer speed and memory, as well as the advance in iterative solution algorithms for a large system of equations, makes it possible to model the MT responses of complex 3-D structures, which have been very difficult to simulate before. The use of staggered grids in finite difference method has become popular, conserving a magnetic flux and an electric current and allowing for realistic discontinuous fields. The convergence of numerical solutions has been greatly accelerated by adopting Krylov subspace methods, proper preconditioning techniques, and static divergence corrections. The vector finite-element method using edge elements is also free from the discontinuity problem, and seems a natural choice for modeling complex structures including irregular topography because its flexibility allows one to capture full geometric complexity.

Investigation of Subsurface Structure of Cheju Island by Gravity and Magnetic Methods (중력 및 자력 탐사에 의한 제주도 지질구조 연구)

  • Kwon, Byung-Doo;Lee, Heui-Soon;Jung, Gwi-Geum;Chung, Seung-Whan
    • Economic and Environmental Geology
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    • v.28 no.4
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    • pp.395-404
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    • 1995
  • The geologic structure of the Cheju volcanic island has been investigated by analyzing the gravity and magnetic data. Bouguer gravity map shows apparent circular low anomalies at the central volacanic edifice, and the maximum difference of the anomaly values on the island appears to be 30 mgal. The subsurface structure of the island is modeled by three-dimensional depth inversion of gravity data by assuming the model consists of a stacked grid of rectangular prisms of volcanic rocks bounded below by basement rocks. The gravity modeling reveals that the interface between upper volvanic rocks and underlying basement warps downward under Mt. Halla with the maximum depth of 5 km. Magnetic data involve aeromagnetic and surface magnetic survey data. Both magnetic anomaly maps show characteristic features which resemble the typical pattern of total magnetic anomalies caused by a magnetic body magnetized in the direction of the geomagnetic field in the middle latitude region, though details of two maps are somewhat different. The reduced-to-pole magnetic anomaly maps reveal that main magnetic sources in the island are rift zones and the Halla volcanic edifice. The apparent magnetic boundaries inferred by the method of Cordell and Grauch (1985) are relatively well matched with known geologic boundaries such as that of Pyosunri basalt and Sihungri basalt which form the latest erupted masses. Inversion of aeromagnetic data was conducted with two variables: depth and susceptibility. The inversion results show high susceptibility bodies in rift zones along the long axis of the island, and at the central volcano. Depths to the basement are 1.5~3 km under the major axis, 1~1.5 km under the lava plateau and culminates at about 5 km under Mt. Halla. The prominent anomalies showing N-S trending appear in the eastern part of both gravity and magnetic maps. It is speculated that this trend may be associated with an undefined fault developed across the rift zones.

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Study on the Exposure Dose(mAs) and acquisition Image set up Density Display and Sensitivity of control Panel for the Digital Flat-Panel-Detector (디지털 평판형 검출기에서 Control Panel의 Density Display와 Sensitivity 설정이 조사선량(mAs)과 획득영상에 미치는 영향에 관한 연구)

  • Kim, Byung-Ki;Kim, Sang-Keun;Cha, Seon-Hwa;Choi, Jun-Gu;Lee, Jun;Kim, Min-Woo;Kim, Sun-Bae;Kim, Gyeong-Sun
    • Korean Journal of Digital Imaging in Medicine
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    • v.9 no.2
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    • pp.17-21
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    • 2007
  • The purpose to recognize change of average pixel value of acquisition image by control panel's density and right set up method of speed (sensitivity) and exposure dose(mAs) change that dose in purpose digital flatpanel-detector. X -ray generator DHF-158H2(Hitachi, Japan). Detector CXDI 4OG(Canon, Japan), 12 : 1 grid and exposure ray 135 kVp, 250 mA, 10 ms. focus-detector distance 180 cm and used AEC mode. DICOM reflex analysis program used image J that is digital reflex analysis program that offer in United States America National Health Center(National Institutes of Health : NlH) phantom used chest phantom(Anthromorphic : Flukebrome.medicaI USA). An experiment chest phantom that consist by formation equivalence material use because density value( -3${\sim}$+3) in X-ray control panel and seep that is speed step(slow, medium, fast) each control experimentalize. image analysis reflex neted through an experiment using image j each image compare. These was change in dose according to slow, medium, fast and density's change in an experiment result. According to detector sensitivity and density condition set, dose was relationship dissimilarity 500% from 200%. The dose came highest when is density +3 to slow. and dose more increases gray scale's extent could know that rise. Could know whether how equipment set is important through this experiment. cause of disease which change by digital radiography system forward is thought to increase more, it is considered that suitable education by this and continuous interest about equipment need absolutely.

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Relationship of soil profile strength and apparent soil electrical conductivity to crop yield (실시간 포장에서 측정한 토양 경도 및 전자장 유도 전기전도도와 작물수량과의 관계)

  • Jung, Won-Kyo;Kitchen, Newell R.;Sudduth, Kenneth A.
    • Korean Journal of Soil Science and Fertilizer
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    • v.39 no.2
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    • pp.109-115
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    • 2006
  • Understanding characteristics of claypan soils has long been an issue for researchers and farmers because the high-clay subsoil has a pronounced effect on grain crop productivity. The claypan restricts water infiltration and storage within the crop root zone, but these effects are not uniform within fields. Conventional techniques of identifying claypan soil characteristics require manual probing and analysis which can be quite expensive; an expense most farmers are unwilling to pay. On the other hand, farmers would be very interested if this information could be obtained with easy-to-use field sensors. Two examples of sensors that show promise for helping in claypan soil characterization are soil profile strength sensing and bulk soil apparent electrical conductivity (ECa). Little has been reported on claypan soils relating the combined information from these two sensors with grain crop yield. The objective of this research was to identify the relationships of sensed profile soil strength and soil EC with nine years of crop yield (maize and soybean) from a claypan soil field in central Missouri. A multiple-probe (five probes on 19-cm spacing) cone penetrometer was used to measure soil strength and an electromagnetic induction sensor was used to measure soil EC at 55 grid site locations within a 4-ha research field. Crop yields were obtained using a combine equipped with a yield monitoring system. Soil strength at the 15 to 45 cm soil depth were significantly correlated to crop yield and ECa. Estimated crop yields from apparent electrical conductivity and soil strength were validated with an independent data set. Using measurements from these two sensors, standard error rates for estimating yield ranged from 9 to 16%. In conclusion, these results showed that the sensed profile soil strength and soil EC could be used as a measure of the soil productivity for grain crop production.

Planning and Dosimetric Study of Volumetric Modulated Arc Based Hypofractionated Stereotactic Radiotherapy for Acoustic Schwannoma - 6MV Flattening Filter Free Photon Beam

  • Swamy, Shanmugam Thirumalai;Radha, Chandrasekaran Anu;Arun, Gandhi;Kathirvel, Murugesan;Subramanian, Sai
    • Asian Pacific Journal of Cancer Prevention
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    • v.16 no.12
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    • pp.5019-5024
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    • 2015
  • Background: The purpose of this study was to assess the dosimetric and clinical feasibility of volumetric modulated arc based hypofractionated stereotactic radiotherapy (RapidArc) treatment for large acoustic schwannoma (AS >10cc). Materials and Methods: Ten AS patients were immobilized using BrainLab mask. They were subject to multimodality imaging (magnetic resonance and computed tomography) to contour target and organs at risk (brainstem and cochlea). Volumetric modulated arc therapy (VMAT) based stereotactic plans were optimized in Eclipse (V11) treatment planning system (TPS) using progressive resolution optimizer-III and final dose calculations were performed using analytical anisotropic algorithm with 1.5 mm grid resolution. All AS presented in this study were treated with VMAT based HSRT to a total dose of 25Gy in 5 fractions (5fractions/week). VMAT plan contains 2-4 non-coplanar arcs. Treatment planning was performed to achieve at least 99% of PTV volume (D99) receives 100% of prescription dose (25Gy), while dose to OAR's were kept below the tolerance limits. Dose-volume histograms (DVH) were analyzed to assess plan quality. Treatments were delivered using upgraded 6 MV un-flattened photon beam (FFF) from Clinac-iX machine. Extensive pretreatment quality assurance measurements were carried out to report on quality of delivery. Point dosimetry was performed using three different detectors, which includes CC13 ion-chamber, Exradin A14 ion-chamber and Exradin W1 plastic scintillator detector (PSD) which have measuring volume of $0.13cm^3$, $0.009cm^3$ and $0.002cm^3$ respectively. Results: Average PTV volume of AS was 11.3cc (${\pm}4.8$), and located in eloquent areas. VMAT plans provided complete PTV coverage with average conformity index of 1.06 (${\pm}0.05$). OAR's dose were kept below tolerance limit recommend by American Association of Physicist in Medicine task group-101(brainstem $V_{0.5cc}$ < 23Gy, cochlea maximum < 25Gy and Optic pathway <25Gy). PSD resulted in superior dosimetric accuracy compared with other two detectors (p=0.021 for PSD.

Application of GIS to the Universal Soil Loss Equation for Quantifying Rainfall Erosion in Forest Watersheds (산림유역의 토양유실량(土壤流失量) 예측을 위한 지리정보(地理情報)시스템의 범용토양유실식(汎用土壤流失式)(USLE)에의 적용)

  • Lee, Kyu Sung
    • Journal of Korean Society of Forest Science
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    • v.83 no.3
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    • pp.322-330
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    • 1994
  • The Universal Soil Loss Equation (USLE) has been widely used to predict long-term soil loss by incorporating several erosion factors, such as rainfall, soil, topography, and vegetation. This study is aimed to introduce the LISLE within geographic information system(GIS) environment. The Kwangneung Experimental Forest located in Kyongki Province was selected for the study area. Initially, twelve years of hourly rainfall records that were collected from 1982 to 1993 were processed to obtain the rainfall factor(R) value for the LISLE calculation. Soil survey map and topographic map of the study area were digitized and subsequent input values(K, L, S factors) were derived. The cover type and management factor (C) values were obtained from the classification of Landsat Thematic Mapper(CM) satellite imagery. All these input values were geographically registered over a common map coordinate with $25{\times}25m^2$ ground resolution. The USLE was calculated for every grid location by selecting necessary input values from the digital base maps. Once the LISLE was calculated, the resultant soil loss values(A) were represented by both numerical values and map format. Using GIS to run the LISLE, it is possible to pent out the exact locations where soil loss potential is high. In addition, this approach can be a very effective tool to monitor possible soil loss hazard under the situations of forest changes, such as conversion of forest lands to other uses, forest road construction, timber harvesting, and forest damages caused by fire, insect, and diseases.

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Wave and surface current measurement with HF radar in the central east coast of Korea (동해중부에서 HF Radar를 이용한 파랑 및 해수유동 관측)

  • Kim, Moo-Hong;Kim, Gyung-Soo;Kim, Hyeon-Seong
    • Journal of Advanced Marine Engineering and Technology
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    • v.38 no.6
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    • pp.771-780
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    • 2014
  • We installed HF Radar of Array type in Site A and Site B, observing the real-time wave and current in the central East coast of Korea. WERA(WavE RAdar) in this research uses HF Radar of Array Type with frequency range of 24.525 MHz, developed by Helzel, Germany. Each site is a 8-Channel system consisting of four transmitters and eight receivers, generating wave and current data, being observed every thirty minutes at the present time. HF Radar has grid resolution of an interval of 1.5 km using bandwidth of 150 kHz; The wave data covers an observation range of about 25 km, and the current data covers the maximum observation range of about 50 km. The Wave data observed by HF Radar was compared and verified with the AWAC data observed in the research sites. MIT also compared the Current data observed by HF Radar with Monthly the East sea average surface current and current flow pattern provided by KOHA(Korea Hydrographic and oceanographic Administration). The regression line and deviation of the comparison data of Wave was calculated by Principal Component Analysis, which showed correlation coefficient 0.86 and RMSD 0.186. Besides, data analysis of long-term changes of the current in the East coast showed that, during August and September, the North Korean Cold Current flow into the southward direction and the East Korean Warm Current flow into the northward direction in the coast.

The Characteristics analysis of a Flux-lock Type Fault Current Limiter according to the Winding Directions for Power Grid (전력계통 적용을 위한 결선방향에 따른 자속구속형 한류기의 특성 분석)

  • Lee, Mi-Yong;Park, Jeong-Min
    • Journal of the Korea Academia-Industrial cooperation Society
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    • v.14 no.11
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    • pp.5879-5884
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    • 2013
  • With the rapid industrialization and economical development, the electricity demands of the industrial facilities and densely populated large cities are continuing to increase in Korea. The increase in the power consumption requires the extension of power facilities, but it is difficult to secure spaces for equipment installation in the limited space of urban areas. In addition, the 154 kV or 345 kV transmission systems in Korea has a short transmission distance, and are connected to one another in network structures that ensure the high reliability and stability of power supply. This structure reduces the impedance during the fault in power system, and increases the magnitude of in the short circuit fault current. The superconducting fault current limiter (SFCL) was devised to effectively address these existing problems. The SFCL is a new-concept eco-friendly protective device that ensures fast operation and recovery time for the fault current and does not need additional fault detection devices. Therefore, many studies are being conducted around the world. In this paper, based on the wiring method the initial fault current characteristics, current limiting characteristics, according to the incident angle and the change in inductance current limiting characteristics were analyzed in a multifaceted methods.

Progress and Prospect of Research on Old Maps in Korea (우리나라 고지도의 연구 동향과 과제)

  • Kim, Ki-Hyuk
    • Journal of the Korean association of regional geographers
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    • v.13 no.3
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    • pp.301-320
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    • 2007
  • In Korean academic societies, old maps has not yet been properly investigated in terms of their genealogy, classification, detailed place names, historical backgrounds and the other aspects. With publication of the bibliographies and papers on old maps reserved in museum and library, the scope of research enlarged gradually its scope from 1970s. In 1980s, with the development of theoretical geography, scientific analysis were applied to investigate the projection method of Daedongyeo-jido. The 1990s proved a prominent decade for researches. The photo-copies of old maps enabled researchers to investigate the in-depth comparative study. The more important thing is that old maps became to be powerful instrument in the research of historical geography, such as territorial disputes and marine name(東海). And county old maps compiled by region became to be regional-cultural contents of local areas. Important issues in old map research in Korean academic societies are about Cheonha-do which is unique old world map in Korea, grid-system projection in old county maps and the genealogy of Daedongyeo-jido(manuscript and block print edition). This study shows that bibliography of all old maps preserved in each library and museum should be standardized. This could enable the exchange of information of old maps between institutes. The more important thing is that conciliation of human, social and natural sciences should be applied in the research of old maps.

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