• Title/Summary/Keyword: Grid number

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Analysis of Available Performance Satisfying Waiting Time Deadline for (n, k)-way Systems (대기시간 데드라인 조건을 고려한(n, k)-way 시스템의 가용 성능 분석)

  • 박기진;김성수
    • Journal of KIISE:Computer Systems and Theory
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    • v.30 no.9
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    • pp.445-453
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    • 2003
  • As cluster systems used for high performance computing consist of large number of running servers, one has to solve the low availability problems occurred by the high chance of the server failures. To handle the problems, it is necessary to have the precise definition of available performance of cluster systems that represents availability and performability of the systems simultaneously. Previous research results that mention availability issues lack for concerning system performance such as waiting time and response time in their availability definition. In this paper, we propose a new availability metric for (n, k)-way cluster systems which compose of n primary servers and k backup servers. With the metric, the change of system performance according to arrival rates is captured and the waiting time of a request can be kept below to a certain level. Using various system operating parameters, we calculate availability and downtime of cluster systems along with waiting tine deadline.

Maximum Delay-Aware Admission Control for Machine-to-Machine Communications in LTE-Advanced Systems (LTE-Advanced 시스템에서 M2M 통신의 최대 지연시간을 고려한 호 수락 방법)

  • Jun, Kyungkoo
    • The Journal of Korean Institute of Communications and Information Sciences
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    • v.37B no.12
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    • pp.1113-1118
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    • 2012
  • Smart grid and intelligent transportation system draw significant interest since they are considered as one of the green technologies. These systems require a large number of sensors, actuators, and controllers. Also, machine-to-machine (M2M) communications is important because of the automatic control. The LTE-Advanced networks is preparing a set of functions that facilitate the M2M communications, and particularly the development of an efficient call admission control mechanism is critical. A method that groups MTC devices according to QoS constraints and determines the admission depending on the QoS satisfaction is limitedly applied only if the data transmission period and the maximum delay are identical. This paper proposed a call admission control that is free from such limitation and also optimizes the admission process under the certain condition of the transmission period and maximum delay. The theorems regarding the proposed method are presented with the proofs. The simulations confirms its validity and shows it is better in call admission probability than existing works.

ENF based Detection of Forgery and Falsification of Digital Files due to Quadratic Interpolation (이차 보간에 따른 ENF 기반의 위변조 디지털 파일 탐지 기법)

  • Park, Se Jin;Yoon, Ji Won
    • Journal of KIISE
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    • v.45 no.3
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    • pp.311-320
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    • 2018
  • Recently, the use of digital audio and video as proof in criminal and all kinds of litigation is increasing, and scientific investigation using digital forensic technique is developing. With the development of computing and file editing technologies, anyone can simply manipulate video files, and the number of cases of manipulating digital data is increasing. As a result, the integrity of the evidence and the reliability of the evidence Is required. In this paper, we propose a technique for extracting the Electrical Network Frequency (ENF) through a grid of power grids according to the geographical environment for power supply, and then performing signal processing for peak detection using QIFFT. Through the detection algorithm using the standard deviation, it was confirmed that the video file was falsified with 73% accuracy and the forgery point was found.

Principal Components Self-Organizing Map PC-SOM (주성분 자기조직화 지도 PC-SOM)

  • 허명회
    • The Korean Journal of Applied Statistics
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    • v.16 no.2
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    • pp.321-333
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    • 2003
  • Self-organizing map (SOM), a unsupervised learning neural network, has been developed by T. Kohonen since 1980's. Main application areas were pattern recognition and text retrieval. Because of that, it has not been spread to statisticians until late. Recently, SOM's are frequently drawn in data mining fields. Kohonen's SOM, however, needs improvements to become a statistician's standard tool. First, there should be a good guideline as for the size of map. Second, an enhanced visualization mode is wanted. In this study, principal components self-organizing map (PC-SOM), a modification of Kohonen's SOM, is proposed to meet such needs. PC-SOM performs one-dimensional SOM during the first stage to decompose input units into node weights and residuals. At the second stage, another one-dimensional SOM is applied to the residuals of the first stage. Finally, by putting together two stages, one obtains two-dimensional SOM. Such procedure can be easily expanded to construct three or more dimensional maps. The number of grid lines along the second axis is determined automatically, once that of the first axis is given by the data analyst. Furthermore, PC-SOM provides easily interpretable map axes. Such merits of PC-SOM are demonstrated with well-known Fisher's iris data and a simulated data set.

Automatic Registration Between KOMPSAT-2 and TerraSAR-X Images (KOMPSAT-2 영상과 TerraSAR-X 영상 간 자동기하보정)

  • Han, You-Kyung;Byun, Young-Gi;Chae, Tae-Byeong;Kim, Yong-Il
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Surveying, Geodesy, Photogrammetry and Cartography
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    • v.29 no.6
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    • pp.667-675
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    • 2011
  • In this paper, we propose an automatic image-to-image registration between high resolution multi-sensor images. To do this, TerraSAR-X image was shifted according to the initial translation differences of the x and y directions between images estimated using Mutual Information method. After that, the Canny edge operator was applied to both images to extract linear features. These features were used to design a cost function that finds matching points based on the similarities of their locations and gradient orientations. For extracting large number of evenly distributed matching points, only one point within each regular grid constructed throughout the image was extracted to the final matching point pair. The model, which combined the piecewise linear function with the global affine transformation, was applied to increase the accuracy of the geometric correction, and the proposed method showed RMSE lower than 5m in all study sites.

Development and Use of Digital Climate Models in Northern Gyunggi Province - II. Site-specific Performance Evaluation of Soybean Cultivars by DCM-based Growth Simulation (경기북부지역 정밀 수치기후도 제작 및 활용 - II. 콩 생육모형 결합에 의한 재배적지 탐색)

  • 김성기;박중수;이영수;서희철;김광수;윤진일
    • Korean Journal of Agricultural and Forest Meteorology
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    • v.6 no.1
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    • pp.61-69
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    • 2004
  • A long-term growth simulation was performed at 99 land units in Yeoncheon county to test the potential adaptability of each land unit for growing soybean cultivars. The land units for soybean cultivation(CZU), each represented by a geographically referenced land patch, were selected based on land use, soil characteristics, and minimum arable land area. Monthly climatic normals for daily maximum and minimum temperature, precipitation, number of rain days and solar radiation were extracted for each CZU from digital climate models(DCM). The DCM grid cells falling within a same CZU were aggregated to make spatially explicit climatic normals relevant to the CZU. A daily weather dataset for 30 years was randomly generated from the monthly climatic normals of each CZU. Growth and development parameters of CROPGRO-soybean model suitable for 2 domestic soybean cultivars were derived from long-term field observations. Three foreign cultivars with well established parameters were also added to this study, representing maturity groups 3, 4, and 5. Each treatment was simulated with the randomly generated 30 years' daily weather data(from planting to physiological maturity) for 99 land units in Yeoncheon to simulate the growth and yield responses to the inter-annual climate variation. The same model was run with input data from the Crop Experiment Station in Suwon to obtain a 30 year normal performance of each cultivar, which was used as a "reference" for evaluation. Results were analyzed with respect to spatial and temporal variation in yield and maturity, and used to evaluate the suitability of each land unit for growing a specific cultivar. A computer program(MAPSOY) was written to help utilize the results in a decision-making procedure for agrotechnology transfer. transfer.

A Study of Data Structure for Efficient Storing of 3D Point Cloud Data (3차원 점군자료의 효율적 저장을 위한 자료구조 연구)

  • Jang, Young-Woon;Cho, Gi-Sung
    • Journal of Korean Society for Geospatial Information Science
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    • v.18 no.2
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    • pp.113-118
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    • 2010
  • Recently, 3D-reconstruction for geographic information and study of geospatial information is progressing in various fields through national policy such as R&D business and pilot project. LiDAR system has a advantage of acquisition the 3D information data easily and densely so that is used in many different fields. Considering to characterist of the point data formed with 3D, it need a high specification CPU because it requires a number of processing operation for 2D form expressed by monitor. In contrast, 2D grid structure, like DEM, has a advantage on costs because of simple structure and processing speed. Therefore, purpose of this study is to solve the problem of requirement of more storage space, when LiDAR data stored in forms of 3D is used for 3D-geographic and 3D-buliding representation. Additionally, This study reconstitutes 2D-gird data to supply the representation data of 3D-geographic and presents the storage method which is available for detailed representation applying tree-structure and reduces the storage space.

Analysis of the Interference between Parallel Socket Connections and Prediction of the Bandwidth (병렬 연결 간의 트래픽 간섭 현상 분석 및 대역폭 예측)

  • Kim Young-Shin;Huh Eui-Nam;Kim Il-Jung;Hwang Jun
    • Journal of Internet Computing and Services
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    • v.7 no.1
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    • pp.131-141
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    • 2006
  • Recently, many researchers have been studied several high performance data transmission techniques such as TCP buffer Tuning, XCP and Parallel Sockets. The Parallel Sockets is an application level library for parallel data transfer, while TCP tuning, XCP and DRS are developed on kernel level. However, parallel socket is not analyzed in detail yet and need more enhancements, In this paper, we verify performance of parallel transfer technique through several experiments and analyze character of traffic interference among socket connections. In order to enhance parallel transfer management mechanism, we predict the number of socket connections to obtain SLA of the network resource and at the same time, affected network bandwidth of existing connections is measured mathematically due to the interference of other parallel transmission. Our analytical scheme predicts very well network bandwidth for applications using the parallel socket only with 8% error.

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Minimizing Redundant Route Nodes in USN by Integrating Spatially Weighted Parameters: Case Study for University Campus (가중치가 부여된 공간변수에 의거하여 USN 루트노드 최소화 방안 -대학 캠퍼스를 사례로-)

  • Kim, Jin-Taek;Um, Jung-Sup
    • Journal of the Korean Geographical Society
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    • v.45 no.6
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    • pp.788-805
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    • 2010
  • The present USN (Ubiquitous Sensor Networks) node deployment practices have many limitations in terms of positional connectivity. The aim of this research was to minimize a redundancy of USN route nodes, by integrating spatially weighted parameters such as visibility, proximity to cell center, road density, building density and cell overlapping ratio into a comprehensive GIS database. This spatially weighted approach made it possible to reduce the number of route nodes (11) required in the study site as compared to that of the grid network method (24). The field test for RSSI (Received Signal Strength Indicator) indicates that the spatially weighted deployment could comply with the quality assurance standard for node connectivity, and that reduced route nodes do not show a significant degree of signal fluctuation for different site conditions. This study demonstrated that the spatially weighted deployment can be used to minimize a redundancy of USN route nodes in a routine manner, and the quantitative evidence removing a redundancy of USN route nodes could be utilized as major tools to ensure the strong signal in the USN, that is frequently encountered in real applications.

Optimal Test Function Petrov-Galerkin Method (최적시행함수 Petrov-Galerkin 방법)

  • Sung-Uk Choi
    • Journal of Korea Water Resources Association
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    • v.31 no.5
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    • pp.599-612
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    • 1998
  • Numerical analysis of convection-dominated transport problems are challenging because of dual characteristics of the governing equation. In the finite element method, a strategy is to modify the test function to weight more in the upwind direction. This is called as the Petrov-Galerkin method. In this paper, both N+1 and N+2 Petrov-Galerkin methods are applied to transport problems at high grid Peclet number. Frequency fitting algorithm is used to obtain optimal levels of N+2 upwinding, and the results are discussed. Also, a new Petrov-Galerkin method, named as "Optimal Test Function Petrov-Galerkin Method," is proposed in this paper. The test function of this numerical method changes its shape depending upon relative strength of the convection to the diffusion. A numerical experiment is carried out to demonstrate the performance of the proposed method.

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