• Title/Summary/Keyword: Gravity casting

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Analysis of Pore Structure for Porous Body with Coal Fly ash and Clay (석탄회-점토계 다공체의 기공구조 분석)

  • 이기강;박천주
    • Korean Journal of Crystallography
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    • v.9 no.1
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    • pp.64-70
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    • 1998
  • Porous body was prepared from coal fly ash 70 wt%0clay 30 wt% slip using DCC(Direct Coagulated Casting) method. Effect of the specific gravity of the slip on the pore size and distribution of the sintered body was examined by the SEM observation of microstructure and mercury porosimetry measurement of the pore size distribution. Average pore size of the porous sintered body was about 2.5μm for all slips with specific gravity of 1.55, 1.60 and 1.65g/cm3, respectively. Sintered body prepared from the slip of specific gravity of 1.60g/cm3 have the narrowest pore size distribution. slip of specific gravity of 1.55g/cm3 shows broader pore size distribution due to slow gellation process. Slip of specific gravity of 1.65g/cm3 required large amount of deflocculant and showed large variation of the viscosity with addition of coagulant which resulted in very unstable slip properties.

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Permanent Mold Casting of Copper-Base Alloys for Plumbing Applications

  • Sahoo, M.;Sadayappan, M.;Fasoyinu, F.A.
    • Journal of Korea Foundry Society
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    • v.20 no.1
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    • pp.3-12
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    • 2000
  • The lead content of drinking water has been restricted to less than 15 ppb by Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) in USA. This has led to extensive research and development work at the Materials Technology Laboratory (MTL) of CANMET, a Canadian Government research laboratory, on the development of low-lead and lead-free copper alloys for plumbing applications. Attentionhas also been focused on the environmentally friendly and energy efficient permanent mold casting process to minimize the disposal of foundry sand contaminated by lead due to the use of leaded alloys in the non-ferrous foundries. A new series of alloys called SeBiLOY contaning Bi and Se been introduced to replace lead in the leaded alloys. This paper addresses some important casting characteristics such as fluidity, hot tear resistance, mechanical properties and microstructure of lead-free alloys such as SeBiLOY III and low-lead alloys such as silicon brass, silicon bronze and yellow brass in gravity permanent mold casting.

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Design and Development of the Simulated Die casting Process by using Rapid Prototyping (쾌속조형을 이용한 다이 캐스팅 제품의 시작 공정 설계 및 제작)

  • Kim, Ki-Don;Yang, Dong-Yol;Jeong, Jun-Ho;Park, Tae-Kwon
    • Journal of the Korean Society for Precision Engineering
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    • v.18 no.7
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    • pp.167-173
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    • 2001
  • The simulated die-casting process in which the traditional plaster casting process is combined with Rapid Prototyping technology is being used to produce AI, Mg, and Zn die-casting prototypes. Unlike in the die-casting process, molten metal in the conventional plaster casting process is fed via a gravity pour into a mold and the mold does not cool as quickly as a die-casting mold. The plaster castings have much larger and grosser grain structure as compared with the normal die-castings and the thin walls of the plaster mold cavity may not be completely filled. Because of lower mechanical properties induced by the large grain structure and incomplete filling, the conventional plaster casting process is not suitable for the trial die-casting process to obtain quality prototypes. In this work, an enhanced trial die-casting process has been developed in which molten metal in the plaster mold cavity is vibrated and pressurized simultaneously. Patterns for the casting are made by Rapid Prototyping technologies and then plaster molds, which have a runner system, are made using these patterns. Pressurized vibration to imparted molten metal has made grain structure of castings much finer and improved fluidity of the molten enough to obtain complete filling at thin walls which may not be filled in the conventional plaster casting process..

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Microstructural Characteristics of SiC Particle Reinforced Aluminum Alloy Composite by Squeeze Casting (Squeeze Casting에 의한 SiC 입자강화 Al합금기 복합재료의 미세조직 특성)

  • Kim, Sug-Won;Woo, Kee-Do;Han, Sang-Won
    • Journal of Korea Foundry Society
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    • v.15 no.6
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    • pp.566-573
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    • 1995
  • In this study, the microstructural characteristics such as primary silicon, eutectic silicon, $SiC_p$ dispersion behavior, compound amount and Si solubility in $Al/SiC_p$ composite fabricated by the squeeze casting under various conditions were investigated systematically. As applied pressure(MPa) increases, cooling rate and compound amount are increased. In gravity casting, the cooling rate of hypereutectic composite is slower than of hypoeutectic composite by exothermic reaction of primary Si crystallization. But the cooling rate of hypereutectic composite is faster than that of hypoeutectic composite fabricated by same applied pressure, because amount of primary Si crystallization in hypereutectic composite was decreased, on the contrary, primary ${\alpha}-Al$ in hypoeutetic composite was increased due to increase of Si solubility in matrix by applied pressure. The crystalized primary silicon in hypereutectic composite fabricated by squeeze casting become more fine than that in non-pressure casting This is because mush zone became narrow due to increase of Si content of eutectic composition by pressure and time for growth of primary silicon got shorter according to applied pressure. It is turned out that eutectic temperature and liquidus are decreased by the increasing of squeeze pressure in all the composite due to thermal unstability of matrix owing to increasing of Si solubility in matrix by the increasing of applied pressure, as indicated in thermal anaiysis(DSC) results.

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Microstructure and Tensile Properties of $SiC_p$-reinforced Aluminum Alloy Composites Fabricated by Die Casting Method (다이캐스팅법에 의해 제조된 SiC 입자강화 알루미늄합금기 복합재료의 미세조직 및 인장특성)

  • Lee, Tae-Won;Lee, Chi-Hwan
    • Journal of Korea Foundry Society
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    • v.17 no.4
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    • pp.385-392
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    • 1997
  • The main objective of this study is to investigate the microstructure and tensile strength of $SiC_p$/Al alloy composites fabricated by die casting method. Die casting was performed using the preheated mold at the pouring temperature range of $620{\sim}750^{\circ}C$ under the pressure of $1,039 kgf/cm^2$. The low speed and a following high injection speed were 0.4 and 2.1 m/s, respectively. The microstructure of $SiC_p$/Al alloy composites fabricated by die casting method was found to be finer than that of composites fabricated by gravity casting. Also, SiC particulates were homogeneously distributed in refined Al matrix due to rapid solidification. The tensile strength of $SiC_p$/Al alloy composites fabricated by die casting method was found to be varied with cast temperature. The maximun tensile strength of $SiC_p$(10 vol.% and 20 vol.%)/Al alloy composites showed 380 MPa at the cast temperature of $750^{\circ}C$ and 363 MPa at the cast temperature of $700^{\circ}C$, respectively.

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A Study on the Mechanical Characteristics and Mold Technique of the Automobile Valve Housing using High Pressure Die Casting (고압다이캐스팅을 이용한 자동차 밸브하우징의 주조방안 및 기계적 특성에 관한 연구)

  • Lee, Jong-Hyung;Yi, Chang-Heon;Lee, Sang-Joong
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Industry Convergence
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    • v.9 no.4
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    • pp.301-308
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    • 2006
  • Today's automobiles are changing into miniaturization and light weight for saving natural resources and energies. In order to raise the sufficiency of fuel consumption, new mechanism and components are required. Therefore, the expectations on the new materials are very high. Especially, Al materials are widely used to reduce the motors weight. Al using in automobiles is mostly casting material, and the material is developing rapidly in step with technical innovation. Al die casting has become an important field, as we are turning today's motor into light weight. One of the parts in steering system, valve housing, plays a role to reduce the operating effort of drivers. If valve housing being a part of steering system is produced by gravity casting, the space that manufacturing equipments are installed will be increased, and more energies and workers will be needed.

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Development of Forged Piston for Weight-Reduction (경량 단조 피스톤 기술 개발)

  • Hong, Eunji;Kang, Heesam
    • Transactions of the Korean Society of Automotive Engineers
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    • v.25 no.1
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    • pp.111-115
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    • 2017
  • This forged piston is proposed with a lighter weight and higher durability than a gravity casting piston for gasoline engines. However, a forged piston is very difficult to develop and mass-produce due to lack of basic technologies such as design, material and forging technique. First, we benchmarked existing forged pistons according to database design parameters. Second, we evaluated two solidification processes, continuous casting and spray forming, to produce heat-resistant alloy billets for forging. The spray forming process gives better mechanical properties at all temperatures, particularly at elevated temperatures except when poor formability is present. We used DEFORM simulation to determine the optimum process condition with billet from spray forming and successfully commercialized it with LF Sonata HEV.

Microstructure and Mechanical Properties on Solid Solution Heat Treatment of Al-6Si-2Cu Alloy for Lightweight Automotive (자동차용 Al-6Si-2Cu 합금의 용체화처리에 따른 미세조직 및 기계적 특성 변화)

  • Hong, Seung-Pyo;Kim, Chung-Seok
    • Korean Journal of Materials Research
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    • v.24 no.10
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    • pp.538-542
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    • 2014
  • Microstructural and mechanical characteristics of Al-6Si-2Cu alloy for lightweight automotive parts were investigated. The test specimens were prepared by gravity casting process. Solution heat treatments were applied to as-cast alloys to improve mechanical properties. The microstructure of the gravity casting specimen presents a typical dendrite structure, having a secondary dendrite arm spacing (SDAS) of $37{\mu}m$. In addition to the Al matrix, a large amount of coarsened eutectic Si, $Al_2Cu$ intermetallic phase, and Fe-rich phases were identified. After solution heat treatment, single-step solution heat treatments were found to considerably improve the spheroidization of the eutectic Si phase. Two-step solution treatments gave rise to a much improved spheroidization. The mechanical properties of the two-step solution heat treated alloy have been shown to lead to higher values of properties such as tensile strength and microhardness. Consequentially, the microstructural and mechanical characteristics of Al alloy have been successfully characterized and are available for use with other basic data for the development of lightweight automotive parts.

Effect of Heat Treatment on the Microstructure and Mechanical Properties of the Gravity Cast Superchargers Housing Using A356 Aluminum Alloy (A356 알루미늄 합금 슈퍼차저 하우징의 미세조직과 기계적 성질에 미치는 열처리의 영향)

  • Kim, Dae-Hwan;Van, Guen-Ho;Seong, Bong-Hak;Cho, Bok-Hwan;Eom, Jeong-Pil;Park, Seong-Gi;Lim, Su-Gun
    • Journal of Korea Foundry Society
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    • v.32 no.5
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    • pp.231-240
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    • 2012
  • In present study, the effect of heat treatment on the microstructure and mechanical properties of the gravity cast superchargers housing using A356 alloy were investigated. In order to identify the characteristics of superchagers housing casting with heat treatment, Vickers hardness test, electrical conductivity test, opical and scanning electron microscopy were performed. And also, to investigate their mechanical properties, the T6 treated superchagers housing casting in optimum heat treatment condition were carried out tensile test using UTM (Universal Testing Machine).

Study for Heat Treatment Optimization of Titanium Hollow Casted Billet (타이타늄 중공마더빌렛 주조재의 열처리공정 최적화 연구)

  • Youn, Chang-Suk;Park, Yang-Kyun;Lee, Hyung-Wook;Lee, Dong-Geun
    • Journal of the Korean Society for Heat Treatment
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    • v.32 no.2
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    • pp.68-73
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    • 2019
  • ${\alpha}$-titanium alloy has a relatively low heat treatment characteristic and it is mainly subjected to heat treatment for residual stress, recovery or dynamic recrystallization. In this study, commercially pure titanium hollow castings was fabricated by gravity casting. Heat treatments were carried out at $750^{\circ}C$, $850^{\circ}C$ and $950^{\circ}C$ to investigate the effect of post-heat treatment on microstructure and mechanical properties. Beta-transus temperature ($T_{\beta}$) was about $913^{\circ}C$, and equiaxed microstructure was shown at temperature below $T_{\beta}$ and lath-type microstructure at temperature above $T_{\beta}$. Microstructure and mechanical properties did not show any significant difference in the direction of solidification for titanium hollow billet, so it can be seen that it was a well-made material for extrusion process. The optimum heat treatment condition of hollow billet castings for the seamless tube production was $850^{\circ}C$, 4 hr, FC, indicating a combination of equiaxed microstructure and appropriate mechanical properties.