• Title/Summary/Keyword: Granitic gneiss

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Characterization of Microtextures formed by Chemical Weathering in Crystalline Rocks and Implications for Rock Mechanics (화학적 풍화에 의한 결정질 암석내의 미세조직 발달특징과 암반공학적 의미)

  • Choo, Chang-Oh;Jeong, Gyo-Cheol
    • The Journal of Engineering Geology
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    • v.21 no.4
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    • pp.381-391
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    • 2011
  • Weathering can reduce rock strength and eventually affect the structural stability of a rock mass, which is important in the field of engineering geology. Several methods have been developed to evaluate the degree of weathering, including the chemical weathering index. In this study, we analyzed the weathering degree and characteristics of microtextures and pores in crystalline rocks (gneiss and granites) based on petrographic observations, the chemical weathering index, mineralogy by XRD, microtextural analysis by SEM/EDS, measurements of pore size and surface area by the BET method, and microporosity by X-ray CT. The formation of secondary minerals and microtexture in gneiss and granitic rocks are assumed to be affected by complex processes such as dissolution, precipitation, and fracturing. Hence, it is clear that some chemical weathering indices that are based solely on whole-rock chemistry (e.g., CIA and CWI) are unable to provide reliable assessments of the degree of weathering. Great care is needed to evaluate the degree of chemical weathering, including an understanding of the mineralogy and microtexture of the rock mass, as well as the characteristics of micropores.

Oxygen and Hydrogen Isotopic Compositions of the Hwacheon Granite (화천화강암의 산소와 수소 동위원소 조성)

  • Park Young-Rok;Ko Bokyun
    • The Journal of the Petrological Society of Korea
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    • v.13 no.4
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    • pp.214-223
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    • 2004
  • Oxygen and hydrogen isotopic compositions of the Jurassic peraluminous Hwacheon granite were measured, and compared with those of other Jurassic peraluminous Daebo granite in Korea. $\delta$$\^$18/O values for quartz and feldspar of the Hwacheon granite range from 8.2 to 10.6 and 5.8 to 9.0$\textperthousand$, respectively. Whole rock $\delta$$\^$18/O values for banded biotite gneiss country rocks surrounding the Hwacheon granites range from 8.1 to 9.4$\textperthousand$. Whole rock and biotite $\delta$D Values for Hwacheon granite range from -84 to -113 and -107 to -113$\textperthousand$, respectively. Whole rock $\delta$D values for banded biotite gneiss country rocks range from -76 to -100$\textperthousand$. Both $\delta$$\^$18/O and $\delta$D values of the Hwacheon granite are characterized by low values compared to the 'normal' values for the fresh peraluminous granitic rocks. Low $\delta$$\^$18/O values of the Hwacheon granite resulted from fluid-rock interaction for a long period. Isotopic modelling result renders that a relatively low-$\delta$$\^$18/O fluid below -1$\textperthousand$ was involved in subsolidus isotopic exchange under a relatively high fluid/rock ratio (<-6). The fluid of meteoric origin has experienced a modification of oxygen isotopic composition as a result of fluid-rock interaction with the Hwacheon granite and surrounding metapelitic country rocks.

Comparative Analysis of the Joint Properties of Granite and Granitic Gneiss by Depth (심도에 따른 대전지역 화강암과 안동지역 편마암의 절리특성 비교분석)

  • Choi, Junghae
    • Economic and Environmental Geology
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    • v.52 no.2
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    • pp.189-197
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    • 2019
  • HLW (High Level Radioactive Waste) is one of the problems that must be solved in the countries that implement nuclear power generation. Most countries that are concerned about HLW treatment are considering complete isolation from human society by disposing them deep underground. For perfect isolation, understanding the characteristics of underground rocks is very important. In particular, understanding the characteristics of discontinuity as a path way is one of the first things in order to predict the movement of exposed nuclear species to the surface. In this study, we used 500m underground core samples obtained from granite and gneiss area. The purpose of this study is to understand the characteristics of the discontinuities in each rock type and to analyze the properties of the joints in the underground relative to the surrounding environment. For this purpose, the types of discontinuities were classified and the distribution of each discontinuity were analyzed through visual analysis of the each sample obtained at 500m underground. This study can be used as a basic data for understanding the properties of discontinuities in the rock of the survey area and it can be also used as an important data for understanding the distribution characteristics of discontinuities according to the rock types.

Geotechnical treatment for the fault and shattered zones under core foundation of fill dam (단층 및 파쇄대가 분포하는 Fill Dam 기초의 보강대책)

  • 김연중;최명달
    • The Journal of Engineering Geology
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    • v.2 no.1
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    • pp.19-35
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    • 1992
  • aThe elastic properties of the fault zone (width; 3~12m), the shattered zone (width; over 40m) and the fresh rock zone distributed under the core foundation of fill dam in granitic gneiss have widely different range. The deformation moduli of the fresh rock zone, the fault zone and the shattered zone obtained from in situ rock tests - Plate Load Test and Bore Hole Deformation Test - show a range of $42,000~168,000kg/\textrm{cm}^2,{\;}963~2,204kg/\textrm{cm}^2{\;}and{\;}1,238~2,098kg/\textrm{cm}^2$, respectively. The differential settlements hetween the fault zone and the fresh rock zone are expected after the dam construction. Therefore, the displacement of foundation and concrete fill are evaluated using FEADAM 84 program of finite element analysis. The geometric distribution of discontinuifies obtained from the site mapping and drilling is considered in the finite element analysis. The analysis shows that the differential settlements between the fault zone and the fresh rock zone is about 6cm, while that of concrete fill is within 0.5cm.

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The study on the Igneous Activity in the Southeastern Zone of the Ogcheon Geosynclinal Belt, Korea(I) with the Igneous Activity in Namweon-Geochang-Sangju Area (옥천지향사대(沃川地向斜帶) 동남대(東南帶)에서의 화성활동(火成活動)(I): 남원(南原)-거창(居昌)-상주(尙州) 지역(地域)을 중심(中心)으로)

  • Kim, Yong Jun;Park, Yong Seog;Choo, Seung Hwan;Oh, Mihn Soo
    • Economic and Environmental Geology
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    • v.22 no.4
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    • pp.355-370
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    • 1989
  • Igneous rocks of study area consist of Pre-Cambrian orthogneiss, Devonian granite, Triassic foliated granites and Jurassic granites distributed along the southeast margin of Ogcheon Geosynclinal belt(SE-zone), and irregular shaped granitic stocks in the central part of the belt(C-zone). Anorthosite and gaabbro are also present in southern part of the SE-zone in the belt and intruded into gneiss complex of Ryongnam massif. Distribuition of foliated granites shows three linear arrangements which are composed of hornblende-biotite foliated granodiorite, porphyritic foliated granodiorite, biotite foliated granodiorite, leuco foliated granite and two mica foliated granite. Foliated granites generated by dextral strike slip movement at deep level. Jurassic granites composed of several rock facies are considered to be formed by differentiation of magma during Daebo Orogeny. A general trend of the chemical composition of these igneous rocks in study area suggests that most of them corresponding to calc-alkaline rock series was affected under orogeny and I-type granite except for two mica foliated granite. In chondrite normalised REE pattern of these igneous rocks, LREE shows more variable range and strong (-)Eu anomaly than HREE. Geochronological episodes of igneous activity from early Proterozoic to Cretaceous in SE-zone of Ogcheon Geosynclinal belt are two more Pre-Cambrian Orogeny, Devonian Orogeny(Variscan), Songrim Disturbance, Daebo Orogeny and Bulkuksa Disturbance.

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A Preliminary Study for the Analytical Method and Environmental Characteristics of Radium-226 in Groundwater (지하수 중 라듐-226의 분석방법 및 환경 특성에 관한 예비 연구)

  • Jeong, Do-Hwan;Kim, Moon--Su;Noh, Hoe-Jung;Yoon, Yoon-Yeol;Kim, Dong-Soo;Lee, Young-Joon;Ju, Byoung-Kyu;Hong, Jung-Ki;Kim, Tae-Seung
    • Journal of Soil and Groundwater Environment
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    • v.17 no.2
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    • pp.22-27
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    • 2012
  • $^{226}Ra$ in groundwater could be analyzed by various methods. LSC (liquid scintillation counter) is used to measure its activity of Ba co-precipitates with Hisafe III scintillation cocktail solution. Counting efficiency was obtained using NIST $^{226}Ra$ standard solution in triplicate and calculated $^{226}Ra$ concentration using the efficiency values. $^{226}Ra$ values of 19 groundwaters having Gross-${\alpha}$ concentrations of more than 5 pCi/L ranged from ND (${\leq}$ 0.1 pCi/L) to 1.18 pCi/L. Geologic settings of the 19 areas are composed of granitic rocks of Pre-Cambrian and Jurassic and Cretaceous, gneiss (schist) of Pre-Cambrian, and volcanic rocks of Cretaceous. No relationship was shown among $^{226}Ra$ a concentrations and in-situ water quality data, and Gross-${\alpha}$, uranium, radon concentrations.

A Study on the Lineament Analysis Along Southwestern Boundary of Okcheon Zone Using the Remote Sensing and DEM Data (원격탐사자료와 수치표고모형을 이용한 옥천대 남서경계부의 선구조 분석 연구)

  • Kim, Won Kyun;Lee, Youn Soo;Won, Joong-Sun;Min, Kyung Duck;Lee, Younghoon
    • Economic and Environmental Geology
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    • v.30 no.5
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    • pp.459-467
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    • 1997
  • In order to examine the primary trends and characteristics of geological lineaments along the southwestern boundary of Okcheon zone, we carried out the analysis of geological lineament trends over six selected sub-areas using Landsat-5 TM images and digital elevation model. The trends of lineaments is determined by a minimum variance method, and the resulting geological lineament map can be obtained through generalized Hough transform. We have corrected look direction biases reduces the interpretability of remotely sensed image. An approach of histogram modification is also adopted to extract drainage pattern specifically in alluvial plains. The lineament extracting method adopted in this study is very effective to analyze geological lineaments, and that helps estimate geological trends associated various with the tectonic events. In six sub-areas, the general trends of lineaments are characterized NW, NNW, NS-NNE, and NE directions. NW trends in Cretaceous volcanic rocks and Jurassic granite areas may represent tension joints that developed by rejuvenated end of the Early Cretaceous left-lateral strike-slip motion along the Honam Shear Zone, while NE and NS-NNE trends correspond to fault directions which are parallel to the above Shear Zone. NE and NW trends in Granitic Gneiss are parallel to the direction of schitosity, and NS-NNE and NE trends are interpreted the lineation by compressive force which acted by right-lateral strike-slip fault from late Triassic to Jurassic. And in foliated Granite, NE and NNE trends are coincided with directions of ductile foliation and Honam Shear Zone, and NW-NNW trends may be interpreted direction of another compressional foliation (Triassic to Early Jurassic) or end of the Early Cretaceous tensional joints. We interpreted NS-NNE direction lineation is related with the rejuvenated Chugaryung Fault System.

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Prediction and development on technics of landslide prospecting by seismic refraction(PS-1) (소형 탄성파탐사기(PS-1)을 이용한 산사태예지기술개발)

  • 김재헌
    • Journal of the Korean Professional Engineers Association
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    • v.25 no.4
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    • pp.102-108
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    • 1992
  • This study was carried to find out the soil characteristics of landslide site and to develope landslide prediction method by seismic refraction prospecting. For these aims, landslide condition and travel time were investigated at 68 Landslide sites over the country during 1990 to 1991. The results were as follows. 1. The surface of rupture was included mainly in C layer. Its Hardness was less than 3kg / $\textrm{cm}^2$ at the upper pare of landslide. 2. When the profile line length was 20m, the range of travel time was 40 to 90 msec. The travel time did not differ between bedrocks. 3. Refraction distance ranged from 1 to 7m and mean of that was 2.5m. Travel time was increased according to receiving distance without large variance in the refraction distance but that was appeared large variance out of the refraction distance on slope that has shallow soil depth and discontinuous ground surface. Therefore, the spread distance must be shorten to 10-l5m. 4. The seismic velocity at the first layer(layer of rupture) was less than 500m1sec by degree of weathering and the velocity at the second layer decreased in order of Granite> Granitic gneiss >Sedimentary rock. 5. The first layer observed by seismic refraction was contained C layer that has parent material and weathered rocks of hardness 10-20kg/$\textrm{cm}^2$. 6. Among the range of seismic velocity was less than 200m/sec in 63% of the total plots, 200-300m/sec in 34% and 300-500m /sec in 3%. 7. There was a proportional relationship between seismic prospecting soil depth and executive soil depth, and seismic propection soil depth was about 10 to 20cm deeper than the order.

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Lithology Determination by Log Analysis from a Borehole-PABH1 in the Pungam Sedimentary Basin (풍암퇴적분지 내 시추공 PABH1에서의 물리검층에 의한 암상의 판정)

  • 김영화;장승익
    • The Journal of Engineering Geology
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    • v.8 no.2
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    • pp.163-173
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    • 1998
  • Suite of log analysis techniques consisting of geophysical well log, geological core log, and physical core log have been made to understand the well log responses and to determine the lithology of a test borehole-PABH1 located in Pungam sedimentary basin, Sosok, Hongchon-gun, Kangwon Province. Geological core logging has been precisely made over the cores taken between 64 and 124 meters, and 11 groups of rock types were deduced. Using the core samples divided by 11 groups, geophysical property measurements consisting of resistivity, natural gamma and density were made. Each rock group in the area is shown to have its characteristic physical response from geophysical well log and geophysical core logs. The outstanding physical responses particularly shown from siltstone, coarse sandstone to conglomerate, and granitic gneiss in the area were effectively used as keybeds in correlating the geophysical well logs to the result of geological core logs.

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Evaluation and characteristics of commercial Portable ground-water in Korea

  • Cho, Byong-Wook;Sung, Ig-Hwan;Choo, Chang-O;Lee, Byeong-Dae;Kim, Tong-Kwon;Lee, In-Ho
    • Proceedings of the Korean Society of Soil and Groundwater Environment Conference
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    • 1998.11a
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    • pp.119-122
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    • 1998
  • Chemical analysis, measurement of pumping rates of 60 production wells and depth to water tables of 57 monitoring wells were carried to protect depletion of water resources and deterioration of water quality for the commercial portable ground-water. Borehole depth of production well averages 149m(31 boreholes), casing depth is 28m(29 boreholes), production rate is 70 $m^3$/day and depth to water table of monitoring well is 23.26m, respectively. The geology of 60 wells can be divided into Daebo granite(20), Okchun metarmorphic complex(18), Precambrian granitic gneiss(15), Bulguksa granite(4), Cheju volcanics(2), Cretaceous sedimentary rock(1). Average electrical conductivity and pH are 152$\mu$S/cm, and 7.35, respectively. The contents of major cation and anion predominantly $Ca^{2+}$>N $a^{+}$>M $g^{2+}$> $K^{+}$ and HC $O_{3}$$^{-}$ >S $O_{4}$$^{2-}$>Cl ̄>F ̄. Water type is predominantly $Ca^{2+}$-HC $O_{3}$$^{-}$(81.7%). It's possible that water chemistry of some wells were affected not only by the geology of boreholes penetrated but by inflows of surface water or shallow ground-water. Therefore, it is strongly necessary to steadily monitor the water quality and hydrogeologic conditins of production wells.ells.ls.ells.

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