• 제목/요약/키워드: Granitic gneiss

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Introduction of Several Albitite-greisen Type Deposits of Korea (한국 알비타이트-그라이젠형 광상의 소개)

  • Yoo, Jang Han;Koh, Sang Mo;Moon, Dong Hyeok
    • Journal of the Mineralogical Society of Korea
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    • v.25 no.4
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    • pp.221-231
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    • 2012
  • Uljin cassiterite deposit had been known to be a pegmatitic origin derived from the Wangpiri (Buncheon) granitic gneiss of Precambrian period. Lithium ore also shows the same origin and its lithium bearing mineral was ascertained to be a taeniolite. But the presence of leucocratic granites which played the role of host rocks haven't been clearly designated yet in these provinces. Even though Bonghwa and Youngweol sericite deposits situated in the vicinities of Hambaeg syncline had been known to have their host rocks as Hongjesa Granites of Precambrian period and Pegmatitic migmatite of unknown age respectively. But younger leucocratic granites are characterized by more amounts of albite and sericite (muscovite-3T type) than those of the older granitic rocks which contain plenty of biotite and chlorites. Although the younger granites show rather higher contents of alkalies such as $Na_2O$ (0.13~8.03 wt%) and $K_2O$ (1.71~6.38 wt%), but CaO (0.05~1.21 wt%) is very deficient due to the albitization and greisenization. Manisan granite, which is assumed to be Daebo granite which intruded the Gyunggi Gneiss Complex was again intruded by leucocratic granite whose microclinized part changed into kaolins. Taebaegsan region shows a wide distribution of carbonate rocks which are especially favorable to the ore depositions. And the presence of alkali granites which formed in the later magmatic evolution are well known to be worthwhile to the prospections of various rare metals and REEs resources.

Quality of Building Stones by Physical Properties (물성에 의한 석재의 품질도)

  • 박덕원
    • The Journal of Engineering Geology
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    • v.14 no.1
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    • pp.61-69
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    • 2004
  • Building stones are used mainly as a material for making decoration and sculpture, and consequently they must have predominant physical properties extensively. Among various physical properties, the coefficient of pore dominates the usefulness of building stones, so the plans were made for establishing the quality classification of building stones with respect to the nature of pore. For this study, bore-hole core samples according to the depth of the biotite granites and the granitic gneiss were applicated. From the related chart between porosity and absorption ratio, Mungyeong granitic gneiss($Gn_1$) shows the widest phase of distribution in the range of measurement values, and the values decrease in the order of Pocheon granite($Gr_2$) and Mungyeong granite($Gr_1$) in the range. The strength of each rock mass varies with the degree of alteration. Also in correlation between compressive strength and tensile strength, the range of measurement values decrease in the order of $Gn_1$, $Gr_2$and $Gr_1$. Porosity is adopted as a representative physical property for establishing the quality classification of building stones, and then relative evaluation was made with regard to various physical properties. From the related chart between porosity(n)-specific gravity(G), absorption ratio(Ab), compressive strength(${\sigma}_{c}$), tensile strength(${\sigma}_{t}$), shore hardness(Hs) and Young's modulus($E_{t}$), standard of each grade is established.

Environmental Geochemistry and Heavy Matel Contamination of Ground and Surface Water, Soil and Sediment at the Kongjujuil Mine Creek, Korea (공주제일광산 수계에 분포하는 지하수, 지표수, 토양 및 퇴적물의 환경지구화학적 특성과 중금속 오염)

  • 이찬희
    • Economic and Environmental Geology
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    • v.32 no.6
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    • pp.611-631
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    • 1999
  • Enviromental geochemisty and heary metal contamination at the Kongjueil mine creek were underaken on the basis of physicohemical properties and mineralogy for various kinds of water (surface, mine and ground water),soil, precipitate and sediment collected of April and December in 1998. Hydrgeochemical composition of the water samples are characterized by relatively significant enricant of Ca+Na, alkiali ions $NO_3$ and Cl inground and surfore water, wheras the mine waters are relatively eneripheral water of the mining creek have the characteristics of the (Ca+Mg)-$(HCO_3+SO_4)$type. The pH of the mine water is high acidity (3.24)and high EC (613$\mu$S/cm)compared with those of surface and ground water. The range of $\delta$D and $\delta^{18}O$ values (relative to SMOW) in the waters are shpwn in -50.2 to -61.6% and -7.0 to -8.6$\textperthousand$(d value=5.8 to 8.7). Using computer program, saturation index of albite, calcite, dolomite in mine water are nearly saturated. The gibbiste, kaolinite and smectite are superaturated in the surface and ground water, respectively. Calculated water-mineral reaction and stabilities suggest that weathing of silicate minerals may be stable kaolinite owing to the continuous water-rock reaction. Geochemical modeling showed that mostly toxic heavy metals may exist larfely in the from of metal-sulfate $(MSO_4\;^2)$and free metal $(M^{2+})$ in nmine water. These metals in the ground and surface water could be formed of $CO_3$ and OH complex ions. The average enrichment indices of water samples are 2.72 of the groundwater, 2.26 of the surface water and 14.15 of the acid mine water, normalizing by surface water composition at the non-mining creek, repectively. Characteristics of some major, minor and rate earth elements (Al/Na, K/Na, V/Ni, Cr/V, Ni/Co, La/Ce, Th/Yb, $La_N/Yb_N$, Co/Th, La/Sc and Sc/Th) in soil and sediment are revealed a narrow range and homogeneous compositions may be explained by acidic to intermediate igneous rocks. And these suggested that sediment source of host granitic gneiss colud be due to rocks of high grade metamorphism originated by sedimentary rocks. Maximum concentrations of environmentally toxic elements in sediment and soil are Fe=53.80 wt.% As=660, Cd=4, Cr=175, Cu=158, Mn=1010, Pb=2933, Sb=4 and Zn=3740 ppm, and extremely high concentrations are found are found in the subsurface soil near the ore dump and precipitates. Normalizing by composition of host granitic gneiss, the average enerichment indices are 3.72 of the sediments, 3.48 of the soils, 10.40 of the precipitates of acid mine drainage and 6.25 of the soils near the main adit. The level of enerichment was very severe in mining drainage sediments, while it was not so great in the soils. mineral composition of soil and sediment near the mining area were partly variable being composed of quartz, mica, feldspar, chlorite, vermiculite, bethierin and clay minerals. reddish variable being composed of quartz, mica, feldspar, chlorite, vermiculite, bethierin and clay minerals. Reddish brown precipitation mineral in the acid mine drainage identifies by schwertmanite. From the separated mineralgy, soil and sediment are composed of some pyrite, arsenopyite, chalcopyrite, sphalerite, galena, malachite, goethite and various kinds of hydroxied minerals.

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Distribution Characteristics of Uranium and Radon Concentrations of Groundwater in Gwangju Area (광주지역 지하수 중 우라늄과 라돈의 함량 분포 특성)

  • Seo, Heejeong;Min, Kyoungwoo;Park, Jiyoung;Park, Juhyun;Hwang, Hoyeon;Park, Seil;Kim, Seonjeong;Jeong, Sukkyung;Bae, Seokjin;Kim, Seongjun
    • Journal of Environmental Health Sciences
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    • v.48 no.2
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    • pp.86-95
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    • 2022
  • Background: As high concentrations of uranium and radon have been detected in some areas in Korea, it is considered necessary to investigate natural radioactive materials in the Gwangju area. Objectives: This study aimed to identify the hydrochemical characteristics of groundwater in Gwangju and investigate the distribution characteristics of uranium and radon, which are naturally radioactive substances. Methods: To determine the uranium and radon concentrations in groundwater according to the geology of the Gwangju area, we measured 62 groundwater wells. A geological distribution map of uranium and radon content was prepared for this study. Results: The groundwater type, defined using a Piper diagram, was mainly Ca-HCO3. The concentration of uranium in the groundwater ranged from 0 to 29.3 ㎍/L, with a mean of 3.3 ㎍/L and a median of 0.9 ㎍/L. The median concentration of uranium in groundwater was highest in alluvium, granitic gneiss, and biotite granite (classified by geological unit), in that order. The concentration of radon in the groundwater ranged from 4.8 to 313.2 Bq/L, with a mean of 75.6 Bq/L and a median of 59.6 Bq/L. The median concentration of radon in groundwater was highest in biotite granite, alluvium, and granitic gneiss, in that order. As a result of the correlation analysis of groundwater in the study area, there was no significant correlation between uranium and radon. Conclusions: In this study area, uranium was shown to be far below the concentrations allowed by drinking water quality standards, but radon concentrations exceeded drinking water quality monitoring standards in 11% of the samples. It was judged that appropriate measures, such as the installation of radon reduction facilities, will be required after a thorough review of high-concentration radon detection sites of in the research area.

Pearson-type Chi-square Test on the Joint Orientations from Different Depths in Boreholes (시추공 영상자료와 카이제곱 검정을 이용한 절리 방향성의 수직적 변화양상에 관한 정량적 평가)

  • Kim, Ki-Seog;Park, Young-Do;Park, Yeon-Jun
    • Tunnel and Underground Space
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    • v.18 no.3
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    • pp.185-193
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    • 2008
  • We have carried out Pearson-type chi-square tests on the orientation data of joints from different depths in order to estimate the homogeneity of joint orientations obtained from a borehole. The orientation data of joints were collected from two non-foliated massive rocks of granitic gneisses in South Korea since orientations of joints in folded metamorphic rocks, for example, are controlled by foliation and also changes as the orientations of foliation change by folding. Borehole images were used for the analysis of the orientations of individual joints. The orientation data were subdivided into the upper level data and lower level data. The data from these two levels are plotted on the patch net consisting of 21 orientation patches. Then, the two patterns on the patch net were analyzed using a contingency table. From the chi-square test on the data collected from two sites, we found that some data sets show statistically meaningful differences in orientations of joints. Since joints are one of the important parameters in determining the physical properties of rock masses, in situ investigation of joints are desirable in the geotechnical investigation and also in design of subsurface structures (e.g. tunnels and underground storages).

Chemistry of Talc Ores in Relation to the Mineral Assemblages in the Yesan-Gongju-Cheongyang Area, Korea (충남 예산-공주-청양 지역 활석광석의 광물조합에 따른 화학적 특징)

  • 김건영;김수진
    • Journal of the Mineralogical Society of Korea
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    • v.10 no.1
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    • pp.60-73
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    • 1997
  • The talc of the Daeheung, Pyeongan, and Cheongdang (Shinyang) talc deposits in the Yesan-Gongju-Cheongyang area is a hydrothermal alteration product of serpentinite originated from ultramafic rocks. The mineral assemblages in alteration zones are: serpentine, serpentine-talc, talc, talc-chlorite, talc-phlogopite-chlorite, and talc-tremolite-chlorite. Chemical distributions in both the Al2O3-FeO-MgO system and the immobile elements suggest that the serpentine-talc and talc rocks are the reaction product of ultramafic rocks and silicic hydrothermal solution without addition of other granitic components, whereas chlorite-, phlogopite-, and tremolite-bearing rocks are the metasomatic alteration product of serpentinite by hydrothermal solution affected by granitic gneiss. Discontinuities in the immobile element ratios of mineral assemblages are due to changes in their mineralogy. The relative contents of Al2O3, TiO2, Zr in the talc-phlogopite-chlorite and talc-tremolite-chlorite rocks increase irregularly with increasing phlogopite, tremolite, and/or chlorite contents in contrast to other ore types. But the relative contents of Cr, Ni, and Co are uniform in all the mineral assemblages. Chemistry of each mineral assemblage formed by steatitization of serpentinite suggests that Cr, Co, Ni, MgO, and Fe2O3 are relatively immobile during the alteration, whereas SiO2, Al2O3, CaO, and K2O are highly increased. The contents of chlorite, phlogopite, and tremolite in each mineral assemblage might be controlled by addition of Al2O3, K2O, and CaO, respectively. The high contents of other elements than immobile elements in the altered rocks as compared with unaltered rocks indicate that a large amount of elements were introduced from hydrothermal solution up to about 8∼41% in total mass showing maximum value in the talc-phlogopite-chlorite rock.

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The Gradient Analysis of the Korean Peninsula by using DEM (DEM을 이용한 한반도 지형의 경사도 분석)

  • Lee, Kum-Sam;Jo, Wha-Ryong
    • Journal of the Korean Association of Geographic Information Studies
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    • v.3 no.1
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    • pp.35-43
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    • 2000
  • The slope gradient of the Korean Peninsula was analyzed by using DEM(DTED level 1). The Peninsula has high percentages of gentle slopes. But low plains and very steep slope regions are scarcely distributed in the Peninsula. Altitude lower than 150m areas are composed of plains and undulated plains. The steepest and most rugged topographies are observed in the range of altitude from 500m to 1,000m areas. The areas of altitude greater than 1,000m show plateau landscapes. By overlapping digital geology maps and the gradient grade maps, We revealed the characteristics of slope regions by geological districts. High latitude with steep slope are well developed in the geological districts of granitic gneiss(ARgr) and gneiss($PR_1$) of the Pre-Cambrian, sandstone of the Paleozoic era(P-T), and sedimentary rocks of the Mesozoic era($J_2$). Low altitude with gentle slope areas are representative in the districts of granite of the Mesozoic era($Jgr_1$), the Cretaceous sedimentary rocks of the Mesozoic era($K_1$, $K_2$) and the Cenozoic strata(N). Basalt extruded the Quaternary($Q_1$) are observed in the areas of very gentle slope but greater than 1,000m altitude.

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Petrology of the Blastoporphyritic Granite Gneiss in the Southwestern Part of the Sobaegsan Massif (소백산육괴 서남부의 잔류반상 화강편마암의 암석학적 연구)

  • Lee, Choon-Hee;Lee, Sang-Won;Ock, Soo-Seck;Song, Young-Sun
    • Journal of the Korean earth science society
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    • v.22 no.6
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    • pp.528-547
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    • 2001
  • The blastoporphyritic granite gneiss (BPGN) including much alkali-feldspar megacrysts occurs in Jiri mountains area, southwestern part of Sobaegsan massif, Korea. The BPGN is formed gneiss complexes with other gneisses in Precambrian. The BPGN was named as porphyroblastic gneiss with porphyroblasts of alkali-feldspar megacrysts by other researchers, but the BPGN includes of euhedral alkali-feldspars (microcline), and the boundary with the granitic gneiss represents sharp contact as intrusive relationship. The BPGN mainly composes of alkali-feldspar megacrysts, quartz, plagioclase, K-feldspar and biotite some almandine and accessary minerals are muscovite, chlorite, apatite, zircon and opaques. The alkali-feldspar is microcline with perthitic texture. An content of plagioclases show 30 to 40. Biotites occur two type, one is Brown biotite which shows compositional ranges of Mg/Fe+Mg ratios from 0.38 to 0.52, the other is Green Bt. which is retrograde product. Camels to be various sizes and shapes have composition of almandine with 73 to 80 mole percent, but represent retrogressive zoning from core (X$_{pyr}$: 15.9${\sim}$20.8) to rim (X$_{pyr}$:13.7${\sim}$15.9) to be evidence of retrograde metamorphism. Megacrysts of alkali-feldspar in the BPGN show rectangular shape of euhedral and some become ellipsoidal or spheroidal in shape and the average size up to 20 cm long. The megacryst includes of biotite, plagioclase and quartz, and rarely euhedral apatite as inclusions. In petrochemistry the BPGN represents granodiorite composition, characteristics of peraluminous S-type granitoid and calc-alkaline features.

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Relation between Metamorphic P-T Conditions and Boron Concentrations of Metasedimentary Rocks and Biotite Granitic Gneisses from NE Yeongnam Massif around Samcheok Area, South Korea (영남 육괴 북동부 변성퇴적암과 흑운모 화강편마암의 변성 온도-압력 조건과 전압 붕소 함량사이의 상관관계)

  • Cheong, Won-Seok;Sun, Gwang-Min;Na, Ki-Chang
    • Economic and Environmental Geology
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    • v.42 no.3
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    • pp.247-259
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    • 2009
  • This study is focused on the relationship between whole rock boron contents and metamorphic P-T conditions of metasedimentary rocks from northeastern Yeongnam massif around Samcheok area, Korea. Metamorphic P-T conditions of sillimanite and garnet zones based on the Ti-biotite geothermometer is 553-687$^{\circ}C$ and 582-722$^{\circ}C$ at 4-6 kbar, respectively. In the metasedimentary rocks, boron contents in whole rock decrease with increasing metamorphic grade, from sillimanite zone (9.60-189 ppm B) to garnet zone (2.63-15.97 ppm B), except one sample (90.9 ppm B) from garnet zone containing graphites. Boron depletion in garnet zone has relation with mode of tourmaline which are broken down with increasing metamorphic temperature. Boron contents are indirectly proportional to major and trace elements such as $Al_2O_3$, MgO, $Fe_2O_3$, $K_2O$, Li, Ba, Sc, Co, Cr, Rb and Cs that are abundant in tourmalines. In conclustion, tourmalines and graphite are modulator of boron contents in metasedimentary rocks. In the biotite granitic gneisses, boron contents (2.62-12.2 ppm B) are similar or lower than those of metasedimentary rocks and have no relation with metamorphic P-T conditions.

Petrogenesis and Metamorphism of Charnockite of Eastern Jirisan Area (지리산 동부 지역에 분포하는 차노카이트의 변성작용과 성인에 관한 연구)

  • 김동연;송용선;박계헌
    • The Journal of the Petrological Society of Korea
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    • v.11 no.3_4
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    • pp.138-156
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    • 2002
  • Precambrian metamorphic rocks of southwest Sobaeksan massif consist of mainly granitic gneiss, porphyroblastic gneiss and quartzofeldspathic gneiss. The orthopyroxene-bearing rocks(charnockites) are found in the west of Hadong-Sancheong anorthosite complex. The charnockites are 3km wide, 12km long and divided into massive and foliated types based on their texture. The compositions of charnockites are comparable to granodiorite to adamellite and subalkaline. Variations in major and trace elemental abundances show typical magmatic differentiation trends. The geochemical data plotted on tectonic discrimination diagrams reveal that these charnockites were formed in the active tectonic environment. The massive and folidated charnockites are mainly composed of plagioclase, orthopyroxene, microcline, quartz and disseminated garnet. Camels generally show characteristic zonal textures with decreasing $X_{alm}$(0.74~0.83), $X_{Py}$ (0.07~0.12) and $X_{Mg}$ (0.12~0.08) and increasing $X_{grs}$(0.03~0.15) from core to rim. Metamorphic temperature and pressure of the charnockites estimated from orthopyroxene-garnet-plagioclase-quartz assemblages show wide range of variation of $600~900^{\circ}C$ and 2.5~7.5 kbar respectively. The results of P-T estimates indicate an anticlockwise P-T evolution path.