• 제목/요약/키워드: Graduate School Newspaper

검색결과 66건 처리시간 0.022초

외식·조리전공 대학생들의 사찰음식에 대한 인식 및 대중화 방안에 관한 연구 (Recognition and Propagation for Temple Food among University Students with Food-related Majors)

  • 허인준;이심열
    • 대한지역사회영양학회지
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    • 제23권2호
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    • pp.137-147
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    • 2018
  • Objectives: This study was conducted to investigate the perspective and popularization of temple food among university students with food related majors, and to provide basic data for the popularization and the fostering of professional lecture in temple food. Methods: A self-administered questionnaire was applied to 453 university students at six universities with food related majors. The questionnaire was designed to examine interest, recognition, consumption, popularization and curriculum of temple food. Results: The study population consisted of 19.2% men, and 80.8% women, and the most common response to desired career after graduation was food related employment (53.9%). Overall, 49.0% replied that they had an interest in temple food, which was relatively low. 59.9% of respondents who had been known throw TV, Internet, newspaper, and magazines about temple food were showed the highest results. Additionally, as for the perception of temple food, 'Prevention of lifestyle related disease' was the highest score (4.10). Overall, 64.9% of the subjects had not tried temple food, and 84.7% of these responded that this was because they had not encountered temple food. Among subjects who had tried temple food, most had encountered it at a temple (73.0%), and 78.0% replied that the taste of temple food was suitable. The intention to try temple food was 73.3%, and 64.8% of respondents said there was a necessity to establishment curriculum regarding temple food. Finally, interest, popularization, and intention to try temple food were significantly positively corelated. Conclusions: The results showed high interest in temple food and willingness to participate in education regarding temple food, as well as awareness of the need for popularization. Therefore, it is necessary to increase intake opportunities to raise interest in temple foods. This can be accomplished utilizing publicity materials, as well as by offering opportunities for temple food education through curriculum.

문화가 지방자치단체 지역주민들의 행복에 미치는 영향 - 문화예산과 문화활동을 중심으로 (An Impact of Culture on Citizens Happiness - With a Focus on Cultural Budget and Cultural Activities)

  • 최보윤;유지연;김상헌
    • 문화경제연구
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    • 제20권3호
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    • pp.35-59
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    • 2017
  • 본 연구는 2013년 지방자치단체의 문화예산과 각 지자체에서 민간부문에 의해 이루어지는 문화활동이 주민 행복도에 미치는 영향을 분석한 연구다. 주민 행복도에 영향을 미치는 요인으로 '문화'를 선택한 것은 도시가 성장하면서 행복을 설명하는 다양한 요소들이 있지만 문화와의 관계를 살펴본 연구는 상대적으로 많지 않기 때문이며, 주로 문화예산과 행복도 간 관계, 문화 향유와 행복도 간 관계를 중심으로 연구가 이루어지고 있어 문화예산과 문화활동 모두를 포함하여 살펴본 연구는 전무하기 때문이다. 실증분석결과, 문화예산은 주민 행복에 양(+)의 방향으로 유의미한 영향을 미치는 것으로 나타난 반면, 문화활동은 유의미하지 않은 것으로 나타났다. 이러한 분석결과는 문화정책 입안자들로 하여금 문화재정을 늘리는 데 정당성을 부여할 수 있다. 문화활동이 유의미하지 않게 나온 이유는 접근성, 질적 수준, 주민들의 문화수요와의 부적합성 등 다양한 관점에서 생각해 볼 수 있으며, 이에 따라 여러 가지 정책적 시사점을 제공하고 있다.

Monpe Workpants and Their Memetic Derivations

  • Rhew, Soohyeon;Ro, Juhyun;Yi, Jaeyoon
    • International Journal of Costume and Fashion
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    • 제17권1호
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    • pp.73-87
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    • 2017
  • Monpe, Korean women's wartime attire during the Japanese colonization period, has survived for 70 years as typical baggy workpants for rural women and emerged as retro-fashion. This paper applied a theory of "meme" to explain the monpe fashion trend in Korea. Based on literature review, empirical analyses were conducted by analyzing market and media including newspaper articles and blogs. We found that the monpe meme has evolved over time through variation, penetration, and diffusion. In terms of variation, the impression of monpe transitioned from a negative image to a positive one as a result of changes in design, functionality, and popular image. In terms of penetration, the monpe meme has spread into popular culture, again through mass media, with images of active, sexy, and attractive monpe-wearers on television and at popular occasions. Finally, the monpe meme has diffused throughout a broad range of consumers of various ages and both genders as an item of clothing for various occasions through diversified distribution channels. In this way, the development of monpe as fashionable clothing in Korea during the 2000s is itself a meme reflecting its evolution from a disgraceful colonial legacy to an item of contemporary fashion.

주문형 전자신문 시스템에서 사용자 접근패턴을 이용한 기사 프리패칭 기법 (Article Data Prefetching Policy using User Access Patterns in News-On-demand System)

  • 김영주;최태욱
    • 한국정보처리학회논문지
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    • 제6권5호
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    • pp.1189-1202
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    • 1999
  • As compared with VOD data, NOD article data has the following characteristics: it is created at any time, has a short life cycle, is selected as not one article but several articles by a user, and has high access locality in time. Because of these intrinsic features, user access patterns of NOD article data are different from those of VOD. Thus, building NOD system using the existing techniques of VOD system leads to poor performance. In this paper, we analysis the log file of a currently running electronic newspaper, show that the popularity distribution of NOD articles is different from Zipf distribution of VOD data, and suggest a new popularity model of NOD article data MS-Zipf(Multi-Selection Zipf) distribution and its approximate solution. Also we present a life cycle model of NOD article data, which shows changes of popularity over time. Using this life cycle model, we develop LLBF (Largest Life-cycle Based Frequency) prefetching algorithm and analysis he performance by simulation. The developed LLBF algorithm supports the similar level in hit-ratio to the other prefetching algorithms such as LRU(Least Recently Used) etc, while decreasing the number of data replacement in article prefetching and reducing the overhead of the prefetching in system performance. Using the accurate user access patterns of NOD article data, we could analysis correctly the performance of NOD server system and develop the efficient policies in the implementation of NOD server system.

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A Basic Study on the Sustainable Design Elements in China's Houtan Park

  • Jiang, Sijing;Kim, Soobong
    • 휴양 및 경관연구
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    • 제12권4호
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    • pp.17-24
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    • 2018
  • With industrialization, environmental problems have become severe worldwide as resources are exhausted for mass production purposes and pollutants are produced in excess of nature's capacity to absorb them. Since modernity, urban parks have emerged as an important element for addressing challenges facing urban environments, which include environmental degradation. In 1987, the Brundtland Commission's report presented a sustainable developmental perspective in solving environmental problems and provided ideas for sustainable design and sustainable urban park landscape design. The purpose of this study is to analyze sustainable design applied to Houtan Park in central Shanghai, China from the perspective of social culture preservation, ecological restoration, and economic effect, and to provide the basic data for urban park design in similar areas in the future. This study consists of a literature survey and a field investigation. The field investigation lead to analysis from three perspectives: social culture preservation, ecological restoration, and economic effect. The literature survey examined sustainable urban parks and Houtan Park based on relevant papers, newspaper articles, and reports. Through actual visits (Aug. 28 - Sep. 1, 2018), it also examined the elements of sustainable design that were applied to the architecture. The three sustainable design elements derived from this study, being a sustainable design for the future, will be used as an important basis for developing urban parks for the regeneration of brownfields in many areas in China.

동아일보(東亞日報)에 나타난 복식연구(服飾硏究) (A Study on the Costumes in the Dong A II Bo - $1920{\sim}1945$ -)

  • 손명임;김진구
    • 복식
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    • 제14권
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    • pp.145-165
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    • 1990
  • This study examine closely conditions of costume between the Modernized period and Liberation with newspaper materials. Because newspaper generally appear society conditions in those days on rapid and across-the boad basis. The Modernized period is extremely change among history of costum (ordinance prohibiting top knots, allowance of foreign clothes putting on). Because this change have been spontaneously not by internal desired but Western input by the strong nation of imperialism to enclose Chosun, they was accepted by the general public later under the rule of Japaneses Imperialism. Consequently, study of costume play an important part periods between the Japanese annexation of Korea and Liberation. This study apply to newspaper characteric for costume, and closely examine an important costum condition of those days next time, and present costume material in those days that composed the account catalog appeared periods between the first publication(1920) of the Dong A II Bo, and in the year 1945, it is as follows. 1. Foreign clothes of men generally accept the general public on look at from form change, in the 1920's had come short Jackets and narrow throusers into fashion, in the 1930's had come trousers of generous waist band with broads shoulder and long Jackets. Catalog of Major clothes is as follows; Spring coat, Jacket, Vest, Shirt, etc. While pants had come trousers into fashion 2. Functional characteric of Foreign clothes was the possible acceptance of women's foreign clothes. It relate with much discussion to improve Korean development in those days and substitute foreign clothes for Korean clothes because of institence in those days to improve functional clothes life. 3. An improvement women's Korean clothes generally take aim at women's nipple liberation, substitute vest waist for skirt waist, appear seamless one-piece skirt of shade length, and long dress length of Jacket. 4. Children's clothes give an account of functional and sanitary conditions, handling method, washing method. 5. Clothes materials give account of foreign clothes material, artificial silk, furs, cotton fabrics, and etc. 6. Clothes management give an account of washing, keeping method, washing method of foreign clothes, and keeping of furs. 7. The hair generaly had come short hair into fashion in men's case, while accounts on long hair fashion of foreign nation effect in case of women. 8. Describing on beauty care manage primary beauty care, reform, plastic operation, and shade beauty care. Ideal beauty care deal with natural and dignified buauty care. 9. Accesaries (hat, handbag, handkerchief, gloves) change with fashion of clothes, it rapid more than clothes fashion. 10. On encouragement of abolition of white clothes and putting on dyeing clothes, because of economic defect of white clothes, psychology and beauty consequently, white clothes is on the rise abolition. In national level almost substitute dyeing clothes for control and improvement of people of all social standings consequently, dress and its ornaments conditions in those days analyzed account of Dong-A II Bo accept the foreign clothes that introduced internal country of the whole century, and substitute dyeing for white clothes. Costume condition in those days appear the mixed conditions of Korean clothes and Foreign clothes. In the 1920's is the first consideration dress and its ornaments form of Korean clothes. As later goes on foreign is given much weight in the whole clothes life. Account of foreign clothes managemental ways appear in the 1920's, while those facts prove the point that appeared the account that always dealed with concrete content of foreign fashion in the 1930's.

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Doctors' Images Represented in the Korean Press: From a Perspective of the Korean Doctor's Role 2014

  • Kim, Kyong-Jee;Yoo, Kyung-Eun;Hwang, Jee-Young
    • 의학교육논단
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    • 제20권3호
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    • pp.141-149
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    • 2018
  • This study examined doctors' images represented in the Korean press to identify overall public perceptions of doctors and to suggest areas for improvement to enhance their image. All news reports published in the two major Korean daily newspapers between years 2011 and 2015 related to doctors and the practice of medicine were searched and collected. The news reports were categorized into the five competency domains in the Korean doctor's role (i.e., patient care, communication and cooperation, social accountability, professionalism, and education and research). Each news item was coded as being either positive or negative and was given a score regarding the extent to which positive or negative image that it represents of doctors using the Doctor Image Scale (DIS) score. A total of 314 news reports were collected, a majority of which were on patient care (36%), professionalism (33%), and social accountability (23%). Positive stories slightly outnumbered negative ones (56% vs. 44%). The largest number of positive news reports was in patient care (n=82); negative news reports most frequently appeared in professionalism (n=99) and patient care (n=32). The total DIS score was also positive (+28): the highest positive DIS score was in social accountability (+164); the highest negative DIS score was obtained in professionalism (-226). This study revealed overall positive portrayals of doctors in the Korean press, yet doctors need to better comply with regulations and ethical guidelines and enhance their medical knowledge and clinical skills and to improve their image.

병원 조직의 특성이 언론홍보실적에 미치는 영향 (Effects of Structural Characteristics on Newspaper Public Relation Activities in Hospitals)

  • 정영한;박은철;박종연;손명세;이지전
    • 한국병원경영학회지
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    • 제5권1호
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    • pp.176-199
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    • 2000
  • This study is to identify factors affecting public relations(PR) activities through newspapers among hospitals. 53 acute hospitals with more than fill beds were surveyed by telephone interview, and hospital-related articles on 4 major daily newspapers were searched in KINDS(Korea Intergrated Newspapers Database System). Hospitals' PR scores were evaluated by weighting the directoin and the number of hospitals mentioned in an articles. The scores were analysed as the outcome of PR activities by some general characteristics. The mean of PR score was 4.64, most hospitals(22, 41.5%) fell on the group scored more than 0 and less than 5. Hospitals with score under zero were 7(13.2%) and the hospitals scored over 20 point were 3(5.8%). The number of beds and area, two general characteristics of hospitals, had decisive effect on PR activities. Analysis showed hospitals over 1000 beds scored 17.06 point and this group accounted for the highest. Hospitals from 600 to 799 beds scored 2.86, with 800 to 999beds scored 1.93 and with 500 to 599 beds scored 0.59. Along with area, hospitals in Seoul scored 11.50 point, in Kyong-Ki and Incheon scored 1.50 and in the other areas scored -0.23 point. Department for PR and the number of workers in PR activities made hospitals active in PR. Hospitals with PR department scored 7.05 point, without PR department scored 0.98. Hospitals with workers who is whole responsibility over 5 scored 13.67, from 3 to 4 scored 6.54, from 1 to 2 scored 1.02, and the hospitals without workers who is whole responsibility scored 0.53. Among the characteristics related with PR activities, the assignment of a report in individual hospital had significant effect on the outcome of PR. Hospitals with assigned reporters scored 8.31 point, without them scored 1.89. Finally, the factors affecting PR score were identified by multiple regression analysis. The number of beds and the area(Seoul) were significantly associated with the score in positive direction.

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방송대 간호학생의 교육요구 및 효율적 네트워크 구성에 관한 조사연구 (A Study on Education Need and Effective Network Formation for the KNOU Nursing Students)

  • 이상미;김영임;이선옥;근효근
    • 한국간호교육학회지
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    • 제4권2호
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    • pp.236-248
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    • 1998
  • This survey study was attempted for two purposes : 1) to grasp Korea National Open University(KNOU) students' changing aspects for their education need through comparison analyses with 1996 data ; 2) to establish foundation of the systematic network formation by investgating students' opinion about network framework. Among randomly assigned 4,500 students, 1,505 KNOU nursing students who allowed to participate in the study completed the questionnaires. The data were collected by mail. For the comparison 1996 data were also used. The data were analyzed using descriptive statistics, chi-square test, and t-test. Results of this study were as follows 1. The admission purposes of the KNOU nursing students were 'in order to get a bachelor's degree (70.7%)', 'to do studying and working simultaneously(43.0%)', or 'to be admitted for the graduate school (41%)' etc. Comparing the admission purposes by age, the investigator found 4 items which are 'small amount of tuition', 'graduate school admission', 'aspiration for the university', 'promotion or commencement of work' showed statistically significant differences. These 4 items were also found to show significant differences by marital status. 2. In relation to the learning media, the study showed most students(74%) got effective informations from the school newspaper(36.5%) or peer group(37.7%). The result showed that few students (0.7%) used the computer for communication. The research indicated that KNOU nursing students have tendency to rely on printed materials more than on broadcasting media. This is almost the same result as that of 1996. 3. The results revealed that 12.4% of the respondents had ever experienced unregistration or temporary withdrawal. The most common reason for the unregistration was 'due to family affairs or their job (71.3%)'. There were no change for this aspects with 1996. 4. As for the professors-students network formation. The result revealed that 38.5% students among respondents had heard of the network formation. 78.7% of respondents, however, positively responed that they would willingly participate in the networking if it is made. Especially the students showed much interest in 'the improvement for the understanding of study' and 'strengthening of the relations between professors and students'.

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결혼이주여성 전통식문화 인식 및 교육방안 (A Study on the Awareness of Traditional Korean Food Culture among Immigrant Housewives to Design Educational Plans)

  • 강윤주;정희선
    • 한국식생활문화학회지
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    • 제28권3호
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    • pp.246-260
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    • 2013
  • This study examines the awareness of traditional Korean food culture among immigrant housewives in multicultural families, with the aim of introducing educational plans suitably designed for them. Our survey shows that Korean traditional holidays most well-known to the immigrant housewives are New Year's Day and Chusuk. Sambok and Chusuk are at the top in terms of preference. Samgyetang, Ddukguk, and Ogokbab are among the best known festive food to immigrant housewives for holidays such as New Year's Day, Jeongwol Daeboreum, Sambok, Chusuk, and Dongji; Samgyetang is the most preferred food, followed by Ddukguk and Patjuk. In addition, a vast majority of immigrant housewives who have ever attended Korean traditional cuisine education programs found the need for such an experience, with the score of 4.16 out of 5. In addition, the survey shows the order in which the immigrant housewives want to learn: the recipe of Korean food (53.5%), followed by table setting and manners (16.5%) and then nutrition (15%). The recipe of interest for most respondents is the one concerning daily food (69.5%). And more than half of the respondents prefer cooking practice as a desirable educational method. The difficulties that they have when attending such an educational course are usually inability to understand the language, difficulty in identifying the ingredients (seasonal), and lack of cultural understanding. The most preferred educational method is direct lecture (71.5%), followed by written materials such as books and newspaper (10.5%) and the Internet (9.5%). Finally, strategies for promoting traditional food culture are suggested as following: developing educational resources (31.5%), making various educational programs more available (25%), narrowing the cultural gap (22%), and improving the educational environment (21.5%). Therefore, this study proposes that there is a need to develop and diffuse Korean traditional food culture first, and then provide many immigrant housewives with a variety of educational programs. It is expected that these efforts will solve the problems caused by cultural differences in the early stage of international marriages and eventually contribute to the harmony in multicultural families.