• Title/Summary/Keyword: Grade 91 Steel

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Schemes to enhance the integrity of P91 steel reheat steam pipe of a high-temperature thermal plant (고온 화력 P91강 재열증기배관의 건전성 제고 방안)

  • Lee, Hyeong-Yeon;Lee, Jewhan;Choi, Hyun-Sun
    • Transactions of the Korean Society of Pressure Vessels and Piping
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    • v.16 no.1
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    • pp.74-83
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    • 2020
  • A number of so-called 'Type IV' cracking was reported to occur at the welded joints of the P91 steel or P92 steel reheat steam piping systems in Korean supercritical thermal power plants. The reheat steam piping systems are subjected to severe thermal and pressure loading conditions of coolant higher than 570℃ and 4MPa, respectively. In this study, piping analyses and design evaluations were conducted for the piping system of a specific thermal plant in Korea and suggestions were made how structural integrity could be improved so that type IV cracks at the welded joints could be prevented. Integrity evaluations were conducted as per ASME B31.1 code with implicit consideration of creep effects which was used in original design of the piping system and as per nuclear-grade RCC-MRx code with explicit consideration of creep effects. Comparisons were made between the evaluation results from the two design rules. Another approach with modification or reduction of the redundant supports in the piping systems was investigated as a tool to mitigate thermal stresses which should essentially contribute to prevention of Type IV cracking without major modification of the existing piping systems. In addition, a post weld heat treatment method and repair weld method which could improve integrity of the welded joint of P91 steel were investigated.

Creep and creep crack growth behaviors for base, weld, and heat affected zone in a grade 91 weldment

  • Kim, Woo-Gon;Sah, Injin;Kim, Seon-Jin;Lee, Hyeong-Yeon;Kim, Eung-Seon
    • Nuclear Engineering and Technology
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    • v.53 no.2
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    • pp.572-582
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    • 2021
  • This study investigated the creep and creep crack growth (CCG) behavior of the base metal (BM), weld metal (WM), and heat affected zone (HAZ) in a Gr. 91 weldment, which was made by a shield metal arc weld process. A series of tensile, creep, and CCG tests were performed for the BM, WM, and HAZ at 550 ℃. Creep behavior of the BM, WM, and HAZ was analyzed in terms of various creep laws; Norton's power-law, Monkman-Grant relation and damage tolerance factor (λ), and their constants were determined. In addition, each CCGR law for the BM, WM, and HAZ was proposed and compared in terms of a C*-fracture parameter. The WM and HAZ revealed faster creep rate, lower rupture ductility, and faster CCGRs than the BM, but they showed a similar behavior in the creep and CCG. The CCGRs obtained in the present study exhibited a marginal difference when compared with those of RCC-MRx of currently elevated design code in France. A creep crack path in the HAZ plane progressed towards a weak fine-grained HAZ adjacent to the BM.

Statistical Analysis for Creep Crack Growth Behavior of Modified 9Cr-1Mo Steel (Modified 9Cr-1Mo 강의 크리프 균열성장 거동에 관한 통계적 해석)

  • Jung, Ik-Hee;Kim, Woo-Gon;Yin, Song-Nan;Ryu, Woo-Seog;Kim, Seon-Jin
    • Korean Journal of Metals and Materials
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    • v.47 no.5
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    • pp.283-289
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    • 2009
  • This paper dealt with a statistical analysis for evaluating the creep crack growth rate (CCGR) for Modified 9Cr-1Mo (ASTM Grade 91) steel. The CCGR data was obtained by the creep crack growth (CCG) tests conducted under various applied loads at $600^{\circ}C$. To obtain logically the B and q values used in the CCGR equation, three methods such as the least square fitting method (LSFM), the mean value method (MVM) and the probabilistic distribution method (PDM) were adopted and their CCGR lines were compared, respectively. In addition, a number of random variables were generated by using the Monte Carlo simulation (MCS), and the CCGR lines were predicted probabilistically. It was found that both the B and q coefficients followed a 2-parameter Weibull distribution well. In the case of the ranges of 10-90% for the probability variables, P(B, q), the CCGR lines were predicted. Fractographic study was conducted from the specimen after the CCG tests.

Temperature-dependent Diffusion Coefficient of Chloride Ion in UAE Concrete (UAE 콘크리트에 대한 염화물 확산의 온도의존성)

  • Ji-Won Hwang;Seung-Jun Kwon
    • Journal of the Korea institute for structural maintenance and inspection
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    • v.28 no.4
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    • pp.48-54
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    • 2024
  • NPP (Nuclear power plant) structures have been constructed near to the sea shore line for cooling water and exposed to steel corrosion due to chloride attack. Regarding NPP structures built in the UAE, chloride transport may be more rapid than those in the other regions since the temperature near to the coast is high. In this study, concrete samples with 5,000psi (35MPa) design strength grade were manufactured with the materials and mix proportions, which were the same as used in the UAE NPP structures, then chloride diffusion coefficients were evaluated considering temperature and curing age. The compressive strength and the diffusion coefficient were evaluated and analyzed for the samples with 28 and 91 curing days. In addition, chloride diffusion tests for 91-day-cured condition were carried out in the range of 20℃ to 50℃. The activation energy was obtained through converting the temperature slope to a logarithmic function and it was compared with the previous studies. The proposed activation energy can be useful for a reasonable durability design by using actual temperature-dependent chloride diffusion coefficient.

Investigation on the Experimental Results of Anisotropic Fracture Behavior for UHSS 1470 MPa Grade Sheets (초고강도 1470 MPa급 판재의 파단 이방성 실험 결과에 관한 연구)

  • J. Lee;H. J. Bong;D. Kim
    • Transactions of Materials Processing
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    • v.32 no.2
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    • pp.87-91
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    • 2023
  • In the present work, the ductile fracture behaviors of ultra-high strength steel sheets along the different loading directions are investigated under various loading paths. Three loading paths, i.e., in-plane shear, uniaxial tension, plane strain tension deformations, are considered, and the corresponding specimens are described. The experiments are conducted using the digital image correlation (DIC) system to analyze the strain at the onset of the fracture. The experimental results show that the loading path for each specimen sample is linear, and different values of the fracture strains for the loading direction from the plane strain tension are observed. The ductile fracture model of the modified Mohr-Coulomb (MMC) is constructed based on the experimental data and evaluated along the rolling direction and transverse direction under various loading paths.

Tensile and impact toughness properties of various regions of dissimilar joints of nuclear grade steels

  • Karthick, K.;Malarvizhi, S.;Balasubramanian, V.;Krishnan, S.A.;Sasikala, G.;Albert, Shaju K.
    • Nuclear Engineering and Technology
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    • v.50 no.1
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    • pp.116-125
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    • 2018
  • Modified 9Cr-1Mo ferritic steel is a preferred material for steam generators in nuclear power plants for their creep strength and good corrosion resistance. Austenitic stainless steels, such as type 316LN, are used in the high temperature segments such as reactor pressure vessels and primary piping systems. So, the dissimilar joints between these materials are inevitable. In this investigation, dissimilar joints were fabricated by the Shielded Metal Arc Welding (SMAW) process with Inconel 82/182 filler metals. The notch tensile properties and Charpy V-notch impact toughness properties of various regions of dissimilar metal weld joints (DMWJs) were evaluated as per the standards. The microhardness distribution across the DMWJs was recorded. Microstructural features of different regions were characterized by optical and scanning electron microscopy. Inhomogeneous notch tensile properties were observed across the DMWJs. Impact toughness values of various regions of the DMWJs were slightly higher than the prescribed value. Formation of a carbon-enriched hard zone at the interface between the ferritic steel and the buttering material enhanced the notch tensile properties of the heat-affected-zone (HAZ) of P91. The complex microstructure developed at the interfaces of the DMWJs was the reason for inhomogeneous mechanical properties.

Clinical factors affecting the longevity of fixed retainers and the influence of fixed retainers on periodontal health in periodontitis patients: a retrospective study

  • Han, Ji-Young;Park, Seo Hee;Kim, Joohyung;Hwang, Kyung-Gyun;Park, Chang-Joo
    • Journal of Periodontal and Implant Science
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    • v.51 no.3
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    • pp.163-178
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    • 2021
  • Purpose: The aim of this study was to evaluate clinical factors affecting the longevity of fixed retainers and the influence of fixed retainers on periodontal health in periodontitis patients. Methods: In total, 52 patients with at least 2 years of follow-up after periodontal and orthodontic treatment were included in this study. After scaling and root planing, orthodontic treatment with fixed appliances or clear aligners was performed. Fixed retainers with twist-flex stainless steel wires were bonded to the palatal or lingual sides of anterior teeth. Changes in clinical parameters, including the plaque index, gingival index, calculus index (CI), probing pocket depth, and radiographic bone levels, were evaluated before bonding of fixed retainers and at a 12-month follow-up. Cumulative survival rates (CSRs) for retainer failure were evaluated according to sex, site, CI, stage of periodontitis, and the severity of the irregularity with the log-rank test and hazard ratios (HRs). Results: Twelve months after bonding of fixed retainers, improvements were observed in all clinical parameters except CI and radiographic bone gain. The overall CSR of the retainers with a CI <1 at the 12-month follow-up after bonding of fixed retainers was significantly higher than that of the retainers with a CI ≥1 at the 12-month follow-up (log-rank test; P<0.001). Patients with stage III (grade B or C) periodontitis had a higher multivariate HR for retainer failure (5.4; 95% confidence interval, 1.22-23.91; P=0.026) than patients with stage I (grade A or B) periodontitis. Conclusions: Although fixed retainers were bonded in periodontitis patients, periodontal health was well maintained if supportive periodontal treatment with repeated oral hygiene education was provided. Nonetheless, fixed retainer failure occurred more frequently in patients who had stage III (grade B or C) periodontitis or a CI ≥1 at 12-month follow-up after bonding of fixed retainers.

Reliability of mortar filling layer void length in in-service ballastless track-bridge system of HSR

  • Binbin He;Sheng Wen;Yulin Feng;Lizhong Jiang;Wangbao Zhou
    • Steel and Composite Structures
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    • v.47 no.1
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    • pp.91-102
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    • 2023
  • To study the evaluation standard and control limit of mortar filling layer void length, in this paper, the train sub-model was developed by MATLAB and the track-bridge sub-model considering the mortar filling layer void was established by ANSYS. The two sub-models were assembled into a train-track-bridge coupling dynamic model through the wheel-rail contact relationship, and the validity was corroborated by the coupling dynamic model with the literature model. Considering the randomness of fastening stiffness, mortar elastic modulus, length of mortar filling layer void, and pier settlement, the test points were designed by the Box-Behnken method based on Design-Expert software. The coupled dynamic model was calculated, and the support vector regression (SVR) nonlinear mapping model of the wheel-rail system was established. The learning, prediction, and verification were carried out. Finally, the reliable probability of the amplification coefficient distribution of the response index of the train and structure in different ranges was obtained based on the SVR nonlinear mapping model and Latin hypercube sampling method. The limit of the length of the mortar filling layer void was, thus, obtained. The results show that the SVR nonlinear mapping model developed in this paper has a high fitting accuracy of 0.993, and the computational efficiency is significantly improved by 99.86%. It can be used to calculate the dynamic response of the wheel-rail system. The length of the mortar filling layer void significantly affects the wheel-rail vertical force, wheel weight load reduction ratio, rail vertical displacement, and track plate vertical displacement. The dynamic response of the track structure has a more significant effect on the limit value of the length of the mortar filling layer void than the dynamic response of the vehicle, and the rail vertical displacement is the most obvious. At 250 km/h - 350 km/h train running speed, the limit values of grade I, II, and III of the lengths of the mortar filling layer void are 3.932 m, 4.337 m, and 4.766 m, respectively. The results can provide some reference for the long-term service performance reliability of the ballastless track-bridge system of HRS.