• Title/Summary/Keyword: Government innovation

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A Study on the Collaborative Partnership Factors between Freight Forwarders and Consignors (국제물류주선업체와 화주기업의 협력적 파트너쉽 요인에 관한 연구)

  • Jun, Kyung Sook;Jang, Hyun Mi;Kim, Sang Youl
    • Journal of Korea Port Economic Association
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    • v.30 no.4
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    • pp.169-198
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    • 2014
  • Due to the recent worldwide economic downturn, companies are required to put more effort into their innovation and quality improvement. In particular, business relationship is increasingly emphasized to be changed from a vertical relationship to a more horizontal relationship, such as collaborative partnership based on trust. In the logistics industry, through the collaboration, consignors can gain competitive advantages by focusing on their core capabilities, and freight forwarders also take advantages of securing stable cargoes and specialist expertise in distribution. Therefore, this study aims to identify key factors for developing a collaborative partnership between freight forwarders and consignors, and further examine the differences between the two groups empirically by using questionnaire survey. Based on the results, the main factors were found as follows: 1) Trust Building, 2) Competence Improvement, 3) Business Ecosystem and 4) Government Assistance. According to the analysis on sub-factors, first, among the four main factors, it turned out that trust is the most important variable. Specifically, the sub-factor of providing regular and stable service was revealed to be most critical. Second, it was found that forwarders need to improve services on 'Information Exchange System' and 'Electronic Data Interchange'. Finally, it is necessary for both consignors and forwarders to have better understanding of partnership. Key implications for both groups are highlighted based on the results.

The Spatial Characteristics of Network in Zhongguancun Cluster - Focus on the Corporate Activities - (중관촌(中關村) 클러스터 네트워크의 공간적 특성 - 기업 활동을 중심으로 -)

  • Zhan, Jun
    • Journal of the Korean association of regional geographers
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    • v.18 no.3
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    • pp.298-309
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    • 2012
  • This paper studies the characteristics of the network of the Zhongguancun Cluster, the most representative innovative cluster of the high-tech industry in China at present. For this study, Zhongguancun Cluster was the first high-tech cluster created in China in 1988, the current Zhongguancun Cluster plays a leading role in the development of the high-tech industry in China. In addition, the Zhongguancun Cluster has attracted global attention and helped elevate China as a key region in terms of research development in relation to the high-tech industry. With regard to the spatial characteristics of the network belonging to the companies in Zhongguancun Cluster, purchase and producer services and information and R&D network have a strong tendency to be local, while on the other hand the product sales network has a strong tendency to be non-local. It is because the political support supplied by the government, institutional base that provides high-tech companies, producer services and information regarding producer services is relatively well prepared and managed in Zhongguancun Cluster. The spatial characteristics of the R&D network have a very strong local character is due to the location of the Zhongguancun Cluster where companies, universities and research centers with outstanding research development capacity as well as various support organizations for technology innovation within the cluster are included. On the other hand, because the high-tech products produced in this area are sold all across China as well as in foreign countries, the product sales network has a strong non-local character. Strengthening the local network in terms of the main agents of the cluster is the most important aspect in order to develop a certain industrial cluster into an innovative cluster. In this respect, if the Zhongguancun Cluster is seen from the perspective of a network, it has a basic network foundation. However, to strengthen international competitiveness, not only the local network but also the international network should be strengthened.

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Spatial Concentration and Locational Characteristics of the Shipbuilding Industry in the South-East Region of Korea (우리나라 조선산업의 공간 집중과 입지 특성 : 동남권을 중심으로)

  • Lee, Jong-Ho;Ryu, Tae-Youn
    • Journal of the Korean association of regional geographers
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    • v.14 no.5
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    • pp.521-535
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    • 2008
  • This paper aims to explore the spatial distribution and locational characteristics of the shipbuilding industry in the south-east region of Korea. The geography of the Korea's shipbuilding industry illustrates an absolute spatial concentration into the south-east region, including Gyeongnam, Busan and Ulsan. In view of the type of agglomeration, it is argued that the south-east region's shipbuilding industry has been evolved as an Advanced Hub & Spoke cluster, which is characterized by interconnected relationships between a couple of gigantic customer firms and the majority of small and medium-sized supplier firms. A survey on the locational factors of the firms presents that traditional locational factors, such as physical infrastructure, land, labour and industrial linkages, are more important than new economic geographical locational factors, such as knowledge, learning, innovation and networks. According to firm's evaluation of the Gyeongnam region's locational environments for the shipbuilding industry is, however, rather different to the result of firm's location decision factors. The shipbuilding firms in Gyeongnam see that the Gyeongnam region retains regional advantages in terms of agglomeration economies, geographical proximity to customers, the infrastructure of transportation and communication and the quality of life. On the contrary, firms recognize that the Gyeongnam region suffers from the lack of R&D and production workforce and a weak basis of industry-university -government networks.

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Evaluating the Quality of Recommendation System by Using Serendipity Measure (세렌디피티 지표를 이용한 추천시스템의 품질 평가)

  • Dorjmaa, Tserendulam;Shin, Taeksoo
    • Journal of Intelligence and Information Systems
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    • v.25 no.4
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    • pp.89-103
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    • 2019
  • Recently, various approaches to recommendation systems have been studied in terms of the quality of recommendation system. A recommender system basically aims to provide personalized recommendations to users for specific items. Most of these systems always recommend the most relevant items of users or items. Traditionally, the evaluation of recommender system quality has focused on the various predictive accuracy metrics of these. However, recommender system must be not only accurate but also useful to users. User satisfaction with recommender systems as an evaluation criterion of recommender system is related not only to how accurately the system recommends but also to how much it supports the user's decision making. In particular, highly serendipitous recommendation would help a user to find a surprising and interesting item. Serendipity in this study is defined as a measure of the extent to which the recommended items are both attractive and surprising to the users. Therefore, this paper proposes an application of serendipity measure to recommender systems to evaluate the performance of recommender systems in terms of recommendation system quality. In this study we define relevant or attractive unexpectedness as serendipity measure for assessing recommendation systems. That is, serendipity measure is evaluated as the measure indicating how the recommender system can find unexpected and useful items for users. Our experimental results show that highly serendipitous recommendation such as item-based collaborative filtering method has better performance than the other recommendations, i.e. user-based collaborative filtering method in terms of recommendation system quality.

Deduction of Evaluation Factors and the Calculation of Weighted Value to Select Export Target Country of Public IT Service (공공 IT 서비스의 수출대상국 선정을 위한 평가항목 도출 및 가중치 산정)

  • Kwon, Hyeog-In;Lee, Jin-Hwa;Park, Jong-Seok
    • Information Systems Review
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    • v.17 no.3
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    • pp.1-17
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    • 2015
  • Due to the constant expansion of overseas public IT market, exportation market mainly based on e-government is expanding and platform needs to be introduced urgently to systematically support it. Thus, this study was carried on to draw evaluation items and weighted value of tools to support decision-making out of services of public IT platform. In this study, the tools supporting decision-making were defined as concept that draws exportation customers by wholly considering 2 aspects of enterprise capabilities and national environment. To develop tools supporting decision-making, the items to evaluate the aspect of enterprise capabilities and national environment were drawn through study on literature and open question and evaluation items were eliminated and AHP analysis was done through question given to experts. As a result, the significance was found in the order of Export Competitive Advantage > Export Marketing Strategy > Export Human Resources > Export-Related Organizational Resources > Export-Related Organizational Capabilities in the aspect of enterprise capabilities. The significance of evaluation was found in the order of Service Market Efficiency > Technical innovation and Maturity > Institutions > Market Efficiency > Macroeconomic Environment > Infrastructure in the aspect of national environment.

Legal and Policy Tasks for Raising a Climate Fund in Response to a New Climate Regime (신기후체제 대응을 위한 기후기금 조성의 법·정책적 과제)

  • Ku, Ji Sun;Park, Chul Ho
    • Journal of Climate Change Research
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    • v.9 no.2
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    • pp.181-195
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    • 2018
  • On December 12, 2015, the Conference of the Parties to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) adopted the Paris Agreement, in which several developed and developing countries all committed to participating in the reduction of greenhouse-gas (GHG) emissions. South Korea has submitted an intended nationally determined contribution (INDC) proposal with a target to cut down 37% greenhouse gas business as usual (BAU) until 2030 in preparation for the 2030 GHG BAU. Under the post-2020 regime, which will be launched from 2021 as the agreement entered into force early, it is expected that efforts to support GHG reduction and adaptation to climate change in developing countries will be accelerated with the utilization of technologies and financial resources of developed countries. South Korea has established the Basic Plan for Climate Change Response and the Basic National Roadmap for Greenhouse Gas Reductions by 2030 to promote the response to climate change at the government level. The Ministry of Science and ICT, as the National Designated Entity designated by the UNFCCC, has come up with middle and long-term strategies for climate technology cooperation. South-Korea has an abundance of energy-consuming industries to support its export-oriented industrial structure; it is thus expected that achieving the GHG reduction target will incur a considerable cost. Moreover, in order to meet the reduction target (11.3%) of the intended nationally determined contribution proposed by South Korea, it is necessary for South Korea to actively promote projects that can achieve GHG reduction achievements, and financial resources are needed as leverage to reduce risks that can occur in the early stages of projects and attract private sector investment. This paper summarizes the theoretical discussions on climate finance and conducted a comparative analysis on the status of the funds related to climate change response in the UK, Germany, Japan and Denmark. Through this, we proposed the legal and policy tasks that should be carried forward to raise public funds that can be used for creation of new industries related to climate change as well as to reduce GHG emissions in South Korea. The Climate Change Countermeasures Act, which has been proposed by the National Assembly of South-Korea, stipulates the establishment of funds but there is no additional funding except for general account. In this regard, it is also possible to take measures such as the introduction of carbon tax or the collection and use of royalties through technology research and development projects for climate change, such as Industrial Technology Innovation Promotion Act. In addition, since funds are used in various fields such as domestic greenhouse gas reduction, technology development, and overseas projects, it is necessary to establish a system in which various ministries cooperate with the operation of the fund.

The Case Analysis and It's Implications of Teacher Quality Management System in America (미국의 교원 질 관리체제에 관한 사례분석 및 시사점)

  • Ju, Dong-Beom;Chung, Il-Hwan;Jung, Hyun-Sook
    • Korean Journal of Comparative Education
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    • v.27 no.1
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    • pp.123-144
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    • 2017
  • The purpose of the study was to analyze American teacher quality management system and provide it's implications. For this, the study analyzed the main traits of American teacher policy, Pennsylvania State University's teacher cultivation system, Pennsylvania State's teacher certification, selection, and recruit system, the master teacher system of New Jersey and New York State. The main results are as the followings. First, American teacher policy is variously operated by state government and school district based on variety and autonomy. Second, for teacher cultivation in American teacher policy, the evaluation on the teacher cultivation program of teacher cultivation institute(mainly university) is strictly administrated. Third, for teacher certification, various tests for gaining teacher certificate are administered and standardized tests are used for the tests. Fourth, for teacher selection and recruit, there is no special test for selection and teacher recruit is done by contract. Fifth, for quality management using excellent teacher, America is administering master teacher that is similar with master teacher system in Korea. Finally, the innovation of teacher cultivation institute by introducing Every Student Succeeds Act(ESSA) is anticipated. Based on these results, the implications for Korean teacher policy were provided.

The Study on the Paradigm Change of Policy Making in the field of Korean Content Industry (문화콘텐츠 정책평가와 개선방안에 관한 연구)

  • Shim, Sang-Min
    • Review of Culture and Economy
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    • v.17 no.2
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    • pp.103-135
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    • 2014
  • This research dwells on the new paradigm of policy making of some innovative nations in Korean content industry. Especially this paper did evaluation of governmental policy in recent 5 years (2008~2012) in the field of Korean content industry. According to this research, the program of policy in Korean content industry had been obsessed to passive enrichment focusing on some part of content industry. The whole process of policy, scheme of policy and working flow of policy were very constrained in order to encourage more measurable area like CT(culture technology). Thus, we need new strong policy in this new government launched in 2013. The apparent keyword should be 'management'. New activity of policy need to focus on encourage Korean content industry in the real site of field, not in bureaucratic office in remote site. This change reflecting real filed management system would be productive innovation for policy making and activity in Korea.

A Functional Analysis of NEIS School Affairs Business System : From the Records Management Perspective (교무업무시스템의 기록관리 기능 분석 - 학교생활기록부를 중심으로 -)

  • Lim, Mi-Suk
    • The Korean Journal of Archival Studies
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    • no.18
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    • pp.91-138
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    • 2008
  • A fast foot of information communication technology is appearing as expansion of prompt administrative service desire and national participation desire regarding administration. This is following again by government innovation and demand of customer-oriented governmental implementation with information technology. The Ministries of Education and Human Resources Development proceeded with National Education Information System(NEIS) for the aim of educational informatization at a highest global level. NEIS that was operated from 2003 established a system in Educational Offices in 16 cities/province and the Ministry of Education and Human Resources Development, and connected all educational administration organizations and primary and middle schools with Internet. Thus, NEIS processes electronically the general administration affairs in educational administration organizations each unit school. The NEIS school affairs business system that is newly enforced is producing an important documentation (of semi-permanent level) such as personal information and grade of students including School Human Document with electronic methods. However, we need to guarantee authenticity, integrity, reliability and usability of documentation because school affairs business system is producing important documentation under poor circumstances. According to this necessity, school affairs business system analyzed how many a record management function includes by the ISO 15489 that was an international record managerial standard. On the basis of these analyses, I will present a plan for management of a school documentation in this study. These researches are meaningful in electronically analyzing a record management function of the National Education Information System(NEIS) and in documentarily approaching management plan. I expect theses researches to be able to used as useful data for documental management plan preparations regarding a productive documentation of all kinds of business systems using in public institutions as well as National Education Information System(NEIS).

A Study on the Relationship between Entrepreneurship and Entrepreneurial Intention: Focusing on Panel Data Regression Model (창업가정신과 창업의도에 관한 연구: 패널데이터 회귀모형을 중심으로)

  • Lee, Joon beom
    • Asia-Pacific Journal of Business Venturing and Entrepreneurship
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    • v.14 no.1
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    • pp.1-15
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    • 2019
  • The purpose of this study is to analyze the relationship between entrepreneurship and entrepreneurial intention. This relationship has been conceptually addressed in many previous studies and has been empirically tested. However, this study is different from the previous studies in the following four points. First, we measured entrepreneurial intention by manipulating launching a start-up as a relative concept for employment, which is consistent with the conceptual definition of entrepreneurial intention (i.e. entrepreneurial decision making in the process of career choice). Second, it is distinguished from previous researches in that it uses the question of preference for "action" with regard to job choice. Third, we expanded the opportunity for discussion using the youth panel data of the Korea Employment Information Service. Fourth, the altruistic purpose is included in the category of entrepreneurship. Empirical results showed that intentions of entrepreneurship were stronger when the need for achievement was intense, internal control tendency was intended, risk-taking propensity was sturdy, and autonomous tendency was high. However, innovation and aggressiveness are not statistically related to entrepreneurial intention. On the other hand, the altruistic tendency was found to have a negative correlation with entrepreneurial intention. The results of this study can provide meaningful implications for both private sector investors and government policy makers.