• Title/Summary/Keyword: Government Certification System

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Automation of Information Extraction from IFC-BIM for Indoor Air Quality Certification (IFC-BIM을 활용한 실내공기질 인증 요구정보 생성 자동화)

  • Hong, Simheee;Yeo, Changjae;Yu, Jungho
    • Korean Journal of Construction Engineering and Management
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    • v.18 no.3
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    • pp.63-73
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    • 2017
  • In contemporary society, it is increasingly common to spend more time indoors. As such, there is a continually growing desire to build comfortable and safe indoor environments. Along with this trend, however, there are some serious indoor-environment challenges, such as the quality of indoor air and Sick House Syndrome. To address these concerns the government implements various systems to supervise and manage indoor environments. For example, green building certification is now compulsory for public buildings. There are three categories of green building certification related to indoor air in Korea: Health-Friendly Housing Construction Standards, Green Standard for Energy & Environmental Design(G-SEED), and Indoor Air Certification. The first two types of certification, Health-Friendly Housing Construction Standards and G-SEED, evaluate data in a drawing plan. In comparison, the Indoor Air Certification evaluates measured data. The certification using data from a drawing requires a considerable amount of time compared to other work. A 2D tool needs to be employed to measure the area manually. Thus, this study proposes an automatic assessment process using a Building Information Modeling(BIM) model based on 3D data. This process, using open source Industry Foundation Classes(IFC), exports data for the certification system, and extracts the data to create an Excel sheet for the certification. This is expected to improve the work process and reduce the workload associated with evaluating indoor air conditions.

A Study for Acquiring ISO 30301 Standard Certification in Public Institutions (공공기관에서 기록경영시스템 표준(ISO 30301) 인증 획득을 위한 연구)

  • Park, Jeong-joo;Rieh, Hae-young
    • Journal of Korean Society of Archives and Records Management
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    • v.22 no.1
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    • pp.83-107
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    • 2022
  • Although the ISO 30301 Management Systems for Records (MSR) Standard has established a standard system for records management to be promoted at the management level, only a few institutions have been certified, and there are few known cases. The purpose of this study is to present essential requirements for the establishment of MSR suitable for public institutions that want to acquire ISO 30301 standard certification, and through excellent cases of success in practice, various matters related to certification were used to help in the introduction of the ISO 30301 standard. In this study, cases of certified public institutions, local government funding agencies, and certification bodies (CB) were investigated and analyzed. In addition to the analysis of internal documents obtained through information disclosure requests, interviews were conducted with four public agency employees and one certification body auditor to capture the know-how and expertise of the individuals in charge who went through the certification screening process. Through the case study, the scope of the performance was divided into 1 to 5 stages so that organizations that want to acquire the certification can effectively obtain a certification, and the ISO 30301 Standard Certification Process was presented. Lastly, five ways were proposed to ensure that certification could be obtained effectively and practically.

A study on the Effect of the Venture Identification System on Productivity and Technical Inefficiency (벤처 인증의 생산 및 기술적 비효율성에 대한 영향 분석)

  • You, Yen-Yoo;Roh, Jae-Whak
    • Journal of Digital Convergence
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    • v.9 no.6
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    • pp.295-311
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    • 2011
  • The government is working out the development of a venture enterprise through a venture certification system. The broad effects of its policies are anticipated by the government and revealed in the 'The Survey on Actual Condition of Venture Enterprises 2010'. These benefits include the revitalization of start-up, promotion of technological innovation, progress in marketing ability, improvement in corporate image, financing and investment, and benefit from tax reduction & exemption. However, with the estimation of production function and sales function, which both uses capital and labor as a basic elements, it was found that only 'financing and ease of investment' produces a statistically significant effect on production and sales. An addition, this study looks into whether venture-supporting system are helpful to the eradication of technical inefficiency. The policies brought about positive changes in reduction of technical inefficiencies except with regard to the ease of start-up where it was found that an increase in inefficiencies was the result.

A Study on the Analysis about Assessment Items of the Eco-friendly Certified Schools' Indoor Environment through the Cases (친환경 학교건축물 인증사례를 통한 실내환경 평가항목에 대한 분석 연구)

  • Lee, Yong-Hwan
    • KIEAE Journal
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    • v.9 no.1
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    • pp.3-10
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    • 2009
  • There are more interests and studies to change the buildings into eco-friendly spaces as the present age recognizes nature-friendly environment more and more. In response to this trend, the government reinforces regulations for the variety of the eco-friendly buildings using a certification system. The eco-friendly certification system which was started only for residing since 2002, and this has been now for schools that are the spaces of the students who will lead the future since March 2005. The purpose of this study is to help understanding of the eco-friendly buildings, and to popularize and activate those as developing and making up for the classification system, evaluation items, detailed standards to evaluate them more precisely by analysing eco-friendly planning features and data of the eco-friendly certificated schools. This study selected 15 eco-friendly certified schools among the schools certified by the Ministry of Land, Transport, and Maritime Affaires since 2005, and analyzed evaluation result. After the analysis, I had a thorough grasp of the point distribution of the each building, analyzed the cause of the low points or no points, and tried to find the improvements. There should be continuing adjustment and complement for the evaluation items and detailed standards, and these should be applied to models as well as certified schools. Active public relations are also needed to educate the public and elevate their participation.

Korea National Food Safety Certificate for ensuring global competitiveness of food export industry (수출식품산업의 국제경쟁력 확보를 위한 식품안전국가인증제)

  • Baek, Sang-Woo;Kim, So-Hee;Cho, Jae-Jin;Ahn, Yeong-Soon;Cho, Ah-Ra
    • Food Science and Industry
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    • v.54 no.2
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    • pp.82-92
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    • 2021
  • To resolve difficulties of export process and strengthen competitiveness, Korea National Food Safety Certificate (K-NFSC), a comprehensive food safety support system, has been promoted to introduction. K-NFSC is at a developmental stage where the government certifies the safety of exported K-foods by developing Korean certification system based on HACCP and food safety management added for international use, and provides consulting on regulations of customs clearance and safety test analysis of food intended for export. To apply for the Global Food Safety Initiative (GFSI) technical equivalence in 2022, developmental direction of Korean certification system is set referring to FSSC22000. If selected as participants of an export supporting project, regulatory information such as customs clearance procedures and food labeling will be provided. In addition, the results of safety test analysis will be certified to help export products pass customs entry. K-NFSC is expected to support K-food exports and be growth engine for K-food industry.

A Study on the Korea Smart City Certification Index and Demonstration Authentication (국내 스마트시티 인증 지표 및 시범 인증에 관한 연구)

  • Han, Sun-Hee;Shin, Young-Seob;Yu, In-Jae;Lee, Jae-Yong
    • Journal of the Korea Academia-Industrial cooperation Society
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    • v.19 no.1
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    • pp.688-698
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    • 2018
  • The government has recognized the importance of smart city indicators and prepared the legal grounds for the certification of smart cities in the recently revised "Act on Smart City Development and Industrial Promotion." This study derived smart city indicators adequate for the domestic conditions and compatible with the overseas trends by examining and complementing the indicators through an AHP analysis based on consultations and interviews (surveys) with experts and local government officials, who are actually carrying out related projects. In addition, the adequacy and reliability of the indicators were confirmed by verifying and certifying the Korean local governments' smart city plans through demand surveys on a trial basis. This study is meaningful in that it systematically studies the smart city indicators that have gained in importance and reviews their application. The findings of this study can be used as a basis for implementing a smart cities certification system in the future. Recently, the Special Committee on Smart Cities was established under the Committee for the Fourth Industrial Revolution. This committee is composed of civilian members and is working with the Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, and Transport, the Ministry of Science and ICT, etc., to promote the creation of smart cities. It is expected that smart city indicators that include the levels of both domestic and overseas smart cities will boost the active spread of such cities in Korea.

Situations of GAP certified ginseng and 4P's strategies (GAP 인증인삼 현황과 4P 전략)

  • Hong, Seung-Jee;Kim, Kwan-Hoo
    • Korean Journal of Agricultural Science
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    • v.38 no.2
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    • pp.369-381
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    • 2011
  • Ginseng in Korea has not only the big production value but also till a good reputation from overseas in the name of 'Korea Ginseng'. Having spread rapidly nationwide from 2000 year, its production keeps on increasing but its consumption becomes lazy and its price is also falling down because of comsumer's concern about mainly overusing pesticide for ginseng. In order to cope with this problem, the government introduced the GAP certification system to ginseng in 2006 to reflect consumer's needs for food safety. This system will be a good opportunity to promote ginseng consumption dramatically. In this aspect it is very important to know how well this system is established and how ginseng farmers build marketing strategies to draw new wind in the market. This study was carried out to look over the GAP certified ginseng system and show its marketing strategies using 4P's(product, place, promotion and price). The main results are as follows. GAP ginseng system currently has some weaknesses such as lack of systematic certification management and after-service, nonrealistic certification fee and poor linkage from production to consumption. In the marketing mix strategies, product strategy suggests that the most desirable appearance be transplanted ginseng filled with branch roots and 4 to 5 year-ginseng, and it is necessary to choose multi-brand strategy divided for present into for self-sufficiency and family brand strategy by use if its brand enlarges to processed products in the future. In the place strategy, 3 stages like 'producer group' - 'GAP certified facility' - 'sales shop' are based as the physical marketing channel according to traceability, and connected with giant retail market and environment friendly stand, and if its sales volume enlarges, it should be considered the GAP ginseng specialized marketplace which is a type of chain store. In the promotion strategy, the promotion of government level is necessary at first and producer alliances require the promotion targeting at the group of women under 40 with differentiation from price, quality, and safety. In the price strategy, the early stage-high price strategy which sets 20~25% higher for self-sufficiency and 30~35% for present is desirable.

Technical and Political Approaches for Successful Settling of the Environmental Agriculture System in Korea (한국 환경농업의 성공적 정착을 위한 정책적 및 기술적 접근과제)

  • 손상목;정길생
    • Korean Journal of Organic Agriculture
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    • v.5 no.2
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    • pp.13-36
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    • 1997
  • This study aims to point out the basic strategy of agrotechnical and -political approaches toward successful settling for the environmental agriculture system in Korea. Although environmental agriculture & forestry strategy toward the 21st century and it's action program were released in 1996, some scientist from environmental agriculture and organic agriculture still argue on the errors of it's strategy and action program in terms of environmental sound functions. Especially it's strategy and action program of government did not focus the reduction of fertilizer and pesticide as the matters of weight and importance to reduction of fertilizer and pesticide as the matters of weight and importance to realize an environmental sound agriculture system. And korean organic agriculture gets a point in dispute, because 1) they do not practice of Basic Standard of IFOAM and FAO/WHO Codex draft, and 2) organic farming is defined quite differently from internationally recognized core aspects of organic agriculture. Organic farming, in Korea, is taken to mean the replacement of chemical fertilizer by organic manure and avoidance of agricultural chemicals. In the paper it is discussed the necessity, purpose, effect and consequence of basic standard for korean organic agriculture. The reformation of the certification system and t he direct payment system in environmental agriculture & forestry strategy toward the 21st century and it's action program by government, and on the need of the teaching program and curriculum in high education institution, the breeding program of resistant cultivars, the soil testing for optimum fertilization strategy, the nutrient management program, the declaration for 2020 environemntal agriculture are also discussed.

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Review of Medical Services for Inbound Muslim Patients Associated with Global Healthcare Industry Activation - Focus on Nutrition Service - (글로벌헬스케어산업 활성화에 따른 방한 무슬림환자의 의료서비스에 관한 개관 -영양서비스를 중심으로-)

  • Bai, Young-Hee
    • Journal of the Korean Dietetic Association
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    • v.21 no.4
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    • pp.333-341
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    • 2015
  • This article aimed to investigate problems relating to medical tourism based on a review of medical tourism reports and statistics in the global healthcare industry. To be a leading nation in the global healthcare industry, the needs and culture of many peoples, including Muslims, should be considered. Qualified medical services by JCI certification, including nutrition services, will provide opportunities to participate in the international and Asia medical tourism markets. In this article, the definitions of medical tourism, medical service, Halal and Haram, nutrition service for inbound Muslim patients, and Halal food supply in Korea were examined for medical service improvement. Mutual assistance between the government and private enterprise, sharing of medical service information, and construction of a cooperative network system are needed and should be supported by the government.

A Study on the Promotion Method of Domestic Video Security Industry (국내 영상보안산업 활성화 방안 연구)

  • Yoo, Soonduck;Ryu, Daehyun
    • The Journal of the Institute of Internet, Broadcasting and Communication
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    • v.17 no.3
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    • pp.9-21
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    • 2017
  • The purpose of this study is to identify the current situation and actual condition of the video security industry, The research method was based on interviews with twelve specialists, and examined the market trends, the problems of the video security industry, the improvement plan and the government promotion strategy. The problem with the domestic video security industry is that there are the decline in overseas exports and the slowdown in exports to China, insufficient measures to overcome certification barriers due to the strengthening of national certification system, domestic demand growth slowed, expansion of domestic market share of Chinese products, lack of high-tech development of domestic products, lack of expertise in technology development and operation and inadequate legislation for revitalizing the video security industry. The improvement plan is as follows. Need to implement export expansion support policy, need to build tailored response system for each country, need improvement of security related demand creation system, take measures such as domestic industrial protection policy, certification barriers and tariff barriers, induce future core technology to create high added value. The government also needs to actively support human resources development, and induce stabilization of relevant laws and institutions. This study will contribute to the development of related industries by suggesting the development direction of the video security industry.