• Title/Summary/Keyword: Government's Support Policies

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An analysis of Chinese Policy for Establishing the World Class University and the characteristics of 'Double First Class University Plan' (중국의 세계일류대학 육성정책의 성과 및 '쌍일류' 건설의 주요 내용과 특징 분석)

  • Lee, Su-Jin
    • Korean Journal of Comparative Education
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    • v.28 no.4
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    • pp.107-135
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    • 2018
  • This study examines the contents and characteristics of 'Double First Class University Plan', which is conceived by Chinese government in 2015, following the current 211, 985 projects to develop comprehensively a group of elite Chinese universities and individual university departments into world class universities and disciplines by the end of 2050. For this study, we used the literature analysis method and collected various policy documents, research papers, newspapers and books published in China regarding this plan. First, this study looks at the development process, performance and limitations of 211, 985 projects. Second, it defines the concept of the world class university mentioned in China, and looks at the objectives and highlights of the plan. Finally, this study summarizes the characteristics of 'Double First Class University Plan' and the results such as focusing on the university's tradition and characteristic, cultivation and attraction of human resources, intensive financial support, and the introduction of a competitive system. Based on the results, this study proposes several implications such as establishing and implementing long-term and comprehensive higher education policies, inducing local government participation and support, focusing on fostering talents and developing disciplines, and putting emphasis on Korean characteristics in developing world class universities.

Directions for Professional Development of Agricultural Extension Educators in Korea (농촌지도공무원(農村指導公務員)의 전문성(專門性) 향상(向上) 방안(方案))

  • Kim, Sung-Soo
    • Journal of Agricultural Extension & Community Development
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    • v.1 no.2
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    • pp.147-163
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    • 1994
  • Agricultural extension programs in Korea had focused mainly on increased production, and the biggest pride of extension was the achievement of rice self-sufficency in 1970s and abundant vegetable and animal production in 1980s. Farming in Korea has changed rapidly in recent years and extension system on commercialized crops have not been satisfactorily developed to mete farmers` demands. Facing the emerging challenges of international competition and trade liberalization for agricultural commodities, the goals of extension should be focused on increased income and the welfare of coral communities. The transfering of agricultural extension educator from central government jobs to local ones has emerged recently under the trends of localization which resulted unstable job environment of extension educator. Intensive pre-service and in-service training of extension workers on current and advanced techologies are essential to upgrade the quality of extension services, and the future directions for professional development of agricultural extension educators in Korea were suggested as follows: 1. Establishing a national network on agricultural extension system to promote exchanges of information among counties and provinces, to conduct meetings and to publish information on agricultural extension. 2. Determining the implications of recent national and global trends on agricultural extension, and strenthening communication at local, national and international levels for an effective extension system in the era of localization, internationalization and globalization; 3. Recognizing the effect of number and quality of extension staff on the impact of extension and providing opportunities development and advancement of extension personnel through education, training, incentives and rewards; 4. Giving a higher priority to agricultural extension in national policies in order to ensure the adequacy of budgetary support and recognition of importance of extension by the ministries concerned and mass communications.

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Energy Storage System Model for Facility Plan Connected with Solar and Wind Power Plant (태양광/풍력 연계 기반의 에너지저장장치 설비계획 모델링)

  • Lee, Yong-Bong;Kim, Jeong-Ho
    • Journal of IKEEE
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    • v.19 no.3
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    • pp.295-303
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    • 2015
  • Considering to Energy Storage System (ESS) is a global trend In order to reduce global warming and carbon emissions. South Korea has announced various policies to vitalize the development and uptake of renewable energy. South Korea is planning the cumulative capacity of ESS of two million kW in 2020. According to the government support and development of technology companies, the battery of ESS prices are expected to fall gradually. In this paper, we develop a planning model that take into account the supply expansion of technology of ESS and prices. Based on planning model, we analyze the cost of ESS linked with wind power and the revenue for trading electricity and renewable energy certifications.

The Analysis of the Determinants Affecting the Rise of Fertility Rates by Each Parity (출산순위별 출산증가 요인 분석)

  • Lee, Sung-Yong
    • Korea journal of population studies
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    • v.32 no.1
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    • pp.51-70
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    • 2009
  • The main purpose of this study is to examine how individual's ideological factor, the individual perception of the economic situation, and the individual socioeconomic characteristics affect the fertility behavior during the fertility recovery periods-from 2006 to 2007- by each parity. For conducting this study, the 2008 Korean Fertility Survey Data are used. The respondents in this data consist of 1,467 women born their children at 2007 and 1,000 women not having their children at the recovery periods of fertility rates. Findings are as follows. First, the effect of individual's ideological factor, the individual perception of the economic situation, and the individual socioeconomic characteristics on fertility behavior differ by each parity. Second, the government policies increasing the fertility rate are needed to consider not only providing the economic support but also emphasizing the traditional ideology having the positive effects on the fertility behavior in order to increase the fertility rates. Third, the policy decreasing the age at the first marriage is needed.

A Study on the Improvement Measures for the Management and Utilization of Korea's Fiscal Government Data: Focusing on Fiscal Data Governance (재정데이터의 관리 및 활용을 위한 개선방안 연구: 재정데이터 거버넌스를 중심으로)

  • Song, Seok-Hyun
    • Informatization Policy
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    • v.28 no.3
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    • pp.95-111
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    • 2021
  • To achieve a data-driven policy decision-making system, the Ministry of Strategy and Finance has formed a marketing team and is actively building upon it. This system, currently under construction, will enable data-driven financial tasks beyond simple financial administration. The U.S. has already enacted The Foundations for Evidence-Based Policymaking Act in the process of similar pursuits. Since last year, the data-driven system administrative law has been enacted in Korea, and a legal framework has been established for data-driven administrative work. The next-generation budget accounting system to fulfill its role as a data-driven system needs public policy support to operate. Innovation and transformation are needed in various areas such as data management, legal system, and installation of related systems. Accordingly, it is very timely to analyze the financial systems and policies of advanced countries such as the U.S. and U.K., which already have established and operates such a financial system. By benchmarking and applying existing financial information systems to the next-generation budget accounting system, a better system will result. In this study, major developed countries, including the U.S., U.K., France, and Canada were benchmarked and analyzed in terms of the main elements of data governance: public policy, systems, legal framework, promotion system, and service level. It was discovered that the role and direction of the national fiscal policy system that the people favor should be able to respond quickly to the recent difficult economic crisis environment such as the digital transformation trend and COVID-19.

Building the University Entrepreneurial Ecosystem towards Hub University at Seoul National University in Korea (서울대 창업생태계의 형성과정과 허브 대학으로의 변화)

  • Soyeong Jung;Yangmi Koo
    • Journal of the Economic Geographical Society of Korea
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    • v.25 no.4
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    • pp.469-483
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    • 2022
  • This paper aims to examine how and why the role of Seoul National University has evolved through the formation of Seoul National University's entrepreneurial ecosystems (SNUEEs). To identify this, we used secondary data on SNU entrepreneurship and did in-depth interviews with 17 student entrepreneurs and supportive actors in the ecosystems. First, the university-industry cooperation policy and the first start-up boom in the late 1990s gave rise to the first generation of SNUEEs. They entered the second generation with the second start-up boom in 2010. The third generation emerged through the government's start-up support policy and the venture investment market revitalization in 2017. Second, SNUEEs have experienced transformations of the university's role from an 'ivory tower' to a 'feeder of knowledge and labor' and have become a 'hub of knowledge networks.' Third, hub institutions and organizations were established and supported by government policies, and networks of SNUEEs have been embedded in these hub institutions and organizations. SNUEEs as a hub university are evolving through the formation of a voluntary entrepreneurial culture by student entrepreneurs, the supportive policy at the university level, and the establishment of linkages with the region where the university is located.

Processes and Outcomes of Creative City Policies: Case Studies on UK-Tech City (창조도시정책의 추진과정과 성과에 대한 연구: 영국의 테크시티 정책을 중심으로)

  • Lee, Byung-min
    • Journal of the Economic Geographical Society of Korea
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    • v.19 no.4
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    • pp.597-615
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    • 2016
  • Since 1997 the United Kingdom has pursued creative industry and creative city development in accordance with the New Labor Party policy, strengthening its cluster policy by assigning creative city policies to traditional manufacturing-oriented regions. Tech City in London, one of the most successful examples of digital clusters, is an area in which diverse ecosystems for venture business integration have been established, as the once barren space began to spontaneously develop. For this region, systematic linkages including universities, private companies, start-ups, and accelerators have been added, along with the UK government's active support system. As a result of this opportunity, the scale of the UK start-up ecosystem has significantly grown, the number of local companies has surged, and brand effect has greatly improved. Tech City is an example of a well-balanced combination of public effort and private governance, based on the region's historical background and its potential for growth. It is an effective coordination of public policy and private active investment, services, research, and education. The market platform for institutional technology and commercialization, and aggressive investment shares in the risk, have lead to its growth as a start-up and an innovative city. Britain's efforts to expand the nationwide cluster for the future-oriented digital economy is most noteworthy.

A Study on the Long Term Demand Estimation for the Livestock Products (축산물(畜産物) 수요(需要)의 장기여측(長期予測)에 관(關)한 연구(硏究))

  • Kim, Chul Ho
    • Korean Journal of Agricultural Science
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    • v.10 no.2
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    • pp.393-405
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    • 1983
  • The demand for livestock and poultry products including beef, pork, chicken, egg and milk whose income elasticities are relatively higher than other staple foods, has been increased significantly during the past two decades in response to the remarkable increase in per capita GNP. This trend will be continued during the fifth and the sixth five year economic development plan period beginning with 1982. The annual GNP growth rate will be 7.5% on the average during the next 10 years. It is greatly needed to estimate the demand for beef, pork, chicken egg and milk and to study the feasibilities of domestic production of livestock products for the formulation of adequate policies in order to equate the consumption and the production during the 1980s. So this study reviewed the possible changes in the food consumption patterns during the 1980s, estimated the demand for beef, pork, chicken, egg and milk by using empirical demand functions and finally made suggestions for the formulation of long term price stabilization policies for each livestock, poultry and dairy products through the equilibrium of the quantity of demand for and supply of the products. There are many factors affecting the demand for meats, but this study considered own price, prices of supplements and substitutes and per capita income as the independent variables in the demand equations. It was found that it's own price and income were most significantly affecting factors among others and the degree of substitution effects were remarkably different among the products. According to the meat demand derived in this study, per capita consumption of beef, pork and chicken in the base year 1982 was 11.2kg for total meat, 2.5kg beef, 6.0kg pork and 2.5kg chicken, 106 pieces egg, 15.1kg milk respectively, while those in 1991 were 19.3kg for total meat, 4.8kg beef, 9.6kg pork, 4.9kg chicken, 133pieces egg and 44.1kg milk. It is also predicted through this study that, when the level of production costs be maintained, the domestic production of pork and chicken will meet the demand for them during the fifth and sixth five year economic plan period. However, there will be chronic shortage of beef supply during the coming years. The annual import requirement will be 30,000tons to 40,000tons during the period. In order to stabilize the domestic livestock and poultry and dairy products market, the government should introduce measures to curb the increase in beef consumption by encouraging the consumption of pork and chicken. For this, the livestock production policy measures should be concentrated on : 1) the improvement of infrastructures of beef production by introducing advanced feeding and management technology, subsidies for the establishment of facilities and price support programs for farmers : 2) the development of dairy beef : 3) the reinforcement of the forecast systems for pork and chicken production and consumption.

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A Case Study on Digital Transformation in Education: Focusing on International Cases (교육 분야 디지털 전환 사례 연구: 해외 사례를 중심으로)

  • Iljoo Kim
    • Asia-Pacific Journal of Business Venturing and Entrepreneurship
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    • v.19 no.5
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    • pp.111-124
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    • 2024
  • Digital transformation, actively progressing in various fields, is also being applied to the education sector, bringing positive changes in many schools and education settings. However, despite continued discussions and efforts, the pace of digital transformation in Korean education has been very slow. In contrast, countries showing smooth digital transformation processes are successfully digitalizing their educational environments through continuous research, technology development, and implementation efforts. This paper aims to study international cases of successful digital transformation in the education sector and explore best applicable solutions for digital transformation in the domestic education field. The study classifies case studies into government-led and private-led initiatives based on the main drivers of digital transformation in education, considering solutions that take into account Korea's educational structure and environment. The key insights derived from the cases are as follows. First, the government-led digital transformation in domestic education lacks sustainability and consistency in its policies, overly focusing on infrastructure development. There is a need to concentrate more on the development of diverse digital transformation technologies and high-quality content. Second, countries that have successfully implemented government-led digital transformation operate excellent online integrated learning platforms that provide new technologies and digital content. It is necessary for the government to consider the development and operation of such platforms. Third, there is a need to open up the public education that is mainly led and controlled by government to the private sector further through the support of education-related venture companies and startups, while also enhancing the autonomy of individual local schools. This would facilitate technological advancement and a swift digital transformation in education through the activation of the edutech market. This research, based on the analysis of international cases, contributes to establishing the direction of digital transformation policies in Korean education and provides effective solutions for more successful implementation.

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Open Source Software (OSS) and Strategy for Software Industries in Developing Countries (오픈 소스 소프트웨어와 개발도상국의 소프트웨어산업 발전전략)

  • Jang Seungk-Won;Ko Kyung-Min;Lee Hee-Jin
    • Journal of Korea Technology Innovation Society
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    • v.8 no.spc1
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    • pp.297-322
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    • 2005
  • The paper aims to analyze the logic and power of open source software (OSS), and to show the ways in which Korean government and companies support developing countries in the field of software development. Many developing countries are considering software industry to be a strategic industry due to the fact that software industry seems to be labor-intensive, or rather knowledge-intensive industry. In this regard, developing countries without huge financial investment can achieve certain level of economic development while leveraging software industry. Concerning software development tools, among recent trends OSS has been regarded as a viable alternative software development tool for developing countries. In developing countries, OSS is believed to resolve some difficulties caused by proprietary software such as Microsoft Windows, which is too expensive to buy for users and developers in low-income developing countries. In this sense, OSS has been considered as only solution for software developing because OSS is able to reduce the cost of software development and to enhance the technological capabilities of developing countries. In addition to the benefit of low cost, we have to shed light on the business model of OSS that is not to sell software licence, but to provide technical support and services. In order to use OSS as much as they can, developing countries have to invest for educating human resources who can develop and implement software system using OSS. These OSS-related policies can lead developing countries to developed countries.

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