• Title/Summary/Keyword: Global Mapping

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Application of Depth Resolution and Sensitivity Distribution of Electrical Resistivity Tomography to Modeling Weathered Zones and Land Creeping (전기비저항 깊이분해능 및 감도분포: 풍화층 및 땅밀림 모델에 대한 적용)

  • Kim, Jeong-In;Kim, Ji-Soo;Ahn, Young-Don;Kim, Won-Ki
    • The Journal of Engineering Geology
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    • v.32 no.1
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    • pp.157-171
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    • 2022
  • Electrical resistivity tomography (ERT) is a traditional and representative geophysical method for determining the resistivity distributions of surrounding soil and rock volumes. Depth resolution profiles and sensitivity distribution sections of the resistivities with respect to various electrode configurations are calculated and investigated using numerical model data. Shallow vertical resolution decreases in the order of Wenner, Schlumberger, and dipole-dipole arrays. A high investigable depth in homogeneous medium is calculated to be 0.11-0.19 times the active electrode spacing, but is counterbalanced by a low vertical resolution. For the application of ERT depth resolution profiles and sensitivity distributions, we provide subsurface structure models for two types of land-creping failure (planar and curved), subvertical fracture, and weathered layer over felsic and mafic igneous rocks. The dipole-dipole configuration appears to be most effective for mapping land-creeping failure planes (especially for curved planes), whereas the Wenner array gives the best resolution of soil horizons and shallow structures in the weathered zone.

Multiple Reference Network Data Processing Algorithms for High Precision of Long-Baseline Kinematic Positioning by GPS/INS Integration (GPS/INS 통합에 의한 고정밀 장기선 동적 측위를 위한 다중 기준국 네트워크 데이터 처리 알고리즘)

  • Lee, Hung-Kyu
    • KSCE Journal of Civil and Environmental Engineering Research
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    • v.29 no.1D
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    • pp.135-143
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    • 2009
  • Integrating the Global Positioning System (GPS) and Inertial Navigation System (INS) sensor technologies using the precise GPS Carrier phase measurements is a methodology that has been widely applied in those application fields requiring accurate and reliable positioning and attitude determination; ranging from 'kinematic geodesy', to mobile mapping and imaging, to precise navigation. However, such integrated system may not fulfil the demanding performance requirements when the baseline length between reference and mobil user GPS receiver is grater than a few tens of kilometers. This is because their positioning/attitude determination is still very dependent on the errors of the GPS observations, so-called "baseline dependent errors". This limitation can be remedied by the integration of GPS and INS sensors, using multiple reference stations. Hence, in order to derive the GPS distance dependent errors, this research proposes measurement processing algorithms for multiple reference stations, such as a reference station ambiguity resolution procedure using linear combination techniques, a error estimation based on Kalman filter and a error interpolation. In addition, all the algorithms are evaluated by processing real observations and results are summarized in this paper.

Global Transcriptome-Wide Association Studies (TWAS) Reveal a Gene Regulation Network of Eating and Cooking Quality Traits in Rice

  • Weiguo Zhao;Qiang He;Kyu-Won Kim;Feifei Xu;Thant Zin Maung;Aueangporn Somsri;Min-Young Yoon;Sang-Beom Lee;Seung-Hyun Kim;Joohyun Lee;Soon-Wook Kwon;Gang-Seob Lee;Bhagwat Nawade;Sang-Ho Chu;Wondo Lee;Yoo-Hyun Cho;Chang-Yong Lee;Ill-Min Chung;Jong-Seong Jeon;Yong-Jin Park
    • Proceedings of the Korean Society of Crop Science Conference
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    • 2022.10a
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    • pp.207-207
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    • 2022
  • Eating and cooking quality (ECQ) is one of the most complex quantitative traits in rice. The understanding of genetic regulation of transcript expression levels attributing to phenotypic variation in ECQ traits is limited. We integrated whole-genome resequencing, transcriptome, and phenotypic variation data from 84 Japonica accessions to build a transcriptome-wide association study (TWAS) based regulatory network. All ECQ traits showed a large phenotypic variation and significant phenotypic correlations among the traits. TWAS analysis identified a total of 285 transcripts significantly associated with six ECQ traits. Genome-wide mapping of ECQ-associated transcripts revealed 66,905 quantitative expression traits (eQTLs), including 21,747 local eQTLs, and 45,158 trans-eQTLs, regulating the expression of 43 genes. The starch synthesis-related genes (SSRGs), starch synthase IV-1 (SSIV-1), starch branching enzyme 1 (SBE1), granule-bound starch synthase 2 (GBSS2), and ADP-glucose pyrophosphorylase small subunit 2a (OsAGPS2a) were found to have eQTLs regulating the expression of ECQ associated transcripts. Further, in co-expression analysis, 130 genes produced at least one network with 22 master regulators. In addition, we developed CRISPR/Cas9-edited glbl mutant lines that confirmed the role of alpha-globulin (glbl) in starch synthesis to validate the co-expression analysis. This study provided novel insights into the genetic regulation of ECQ traits, and transcripts associated with these traits were discovered that could be used in further rice breeding.

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QTL Identification for Slow Wilting and High Moisture Contents in Soybean (Glycine max [L.]) and Arduino-Based High-Throughput Phenotyping for Drought Tolerance

  • Hakyung Kwon;Jae Ah Choi;Moon Young Kim;Suk-Ha Lee
    • Proceedings of the Korean Society of Crop Science Conference
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    • 2022.10a
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    • pp.25-25
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    • 2022
  • Drought becomes frequent and severe because of continuous global warming, leading to a significant loss of crop yield. In soybean (Glycine max [L.]), most of quantitative trait loci (QTLs) analyses for drought tolerance have conducted by investigating yield changes under water-restricted conditions at the reproductive stages. More recently, the necessity of QTL studies to use physiological indices responding to drought at the early growth stages besides the reproductive ones has arisen due to the unpredictable and prevalent occurrence of drought throughout the soybean growing season. In this study, we thus identified QTLs conferring wilting scores and moisture contents of soybean subjected to drought stress in the early vegetative stage using an recombinant inbred line (RIL) population derived from a cross between Taekwang (drought-sensitive) and SS2-2 (drought-tolerant). For the two traits, the same major QTL was located on chromosome 10, accounting for up to 11.5% of phenotypic variance explained with LOD score of 12.5. This QTL overlaps with a reported QTL for the limited transpiration trait in soybean and harbors an ortholog of the Arabidopsis ABA and drought-induced RING-D UF1117 gene. Meanwhile, one of important features of plant drought tolerance is their ability to limit transpiration rates under high vapor pressure deficiency in response to mitigate water loss. However, monitoring their transpiration rates is time-consuming and laborious. Therefore, only a few population-level studies regarding transpiration rates under the drought condition have been reported so far. Via employing an Arduino-based platform, for the reasons addressed, we are measuring and recording total pot weights of soybean plants every hour from the 1st day after water restriction to the days when the half of the RILs exhibited permanent tissue damage in at least one trifoliate. Gradual decrease in moisture of soil in pots as time passes refers increase in the severity of drought stress. By tracking changes in the total pot weights of soybean plants, we will infer transpiration rates of the mapping parents and their RILs according to different levels of VPD and drought stress. The profile of transpiration rates from different levels of severity in the stresses facilitates a better understanding of relationship between transpiration-related features, such as limited maximum transpiration rates, to water saving performances, as well as those to other drought-responsive phenotypes. Our findings will provide primary insights on drought tolerance mechanisms in soybean and useful resources for improvement of soybean varieties tolerant to drought stress.

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A Study on Implementation of Indoor Positioning Simulator through Indoor Positioning API Development (실내측위 API개발을 통한 실내측위 시뮬레이터 구현에 관한 연구)

  • Shin, Chang Soo;Kim, Sung Su
    • KSCE Journal of Civil and Environmental Engineering Research
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    • v.43 no.6
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    • pp.873-881
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    • 2023
  • The evolution of civil engineering technology, exemplified by recent milestones like the completion of the Gangnam Global Business Center (GBC), has fostered the construction of expansive civil and architectural structures both above and below the earth's surface. This surge in construction necessitates a commensurate advancement in research and technology pertaining to safety protocols applicable to these vast edifices. Such protocols encompass a spectrum of concerns, ranging from the preemptive mitigation of accidents to the effective management of exigencies such as fires. As the trajectory of construction endeavors continues unabated, encompassing both subterranean and elevated domains, a concomitant imperative emerges to refine the methodologies underpinning precise indoor positioning. To address this need, an innovative web-based simulator has been devised to emulate indoor positioning scenarios for rigorous testing. This research further entails the development of an indoor positioning data Application Programming Interface (API) fortified by Geographic Information System (GIS) spatial operation techniques. This API is anchored in the construction of intricate test data, centered on the spatial layout of building 13 at the Electronics and Telecommunications Research Institute (ETRI). Consequently, the study renders feasible the expeditious provisioning of diverse signal-based and image-based spatial information, pivotal for enhancing the navigational acumen of mobile devices. Path delineation, cellular signal mapping, landmark identification, and ancillary navigational aids are among the manifold datasets promptly furnished by the indoor positioning data API. In summation, this study engenders a crucial leap towards the fortification of safety protocols and navigational precision within the expansive confines of modern architectural wonders.


  • Song, Young-Joo;Park, Eun-Seo;Yoo, Sung-Moon;Park, Sang-Young;Choi, Kyu-Hong;Yoon, Jae-Cheol;Yim, Jo-Ryeong;Kim, Han-Dol;Choi, Jun-Min;Kim, Hak-Jung;Kim, Byung-Kyo
    • Journal of Astronomy and Space Sciences
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    • v.21 no.4
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    • pp.351-360
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    • 2004
  • An orbit propagation software for the Mars orbiting spacecraft has been developed and verified in preparations for the future Korean Mars missions. Dynamic model for Mars orbiting spacecraft has been studied, and Mars centered coordinate systems are utilized to express spacecraft state vectors. Coordinate corrections to the Mars centered coordinate system have been made to adjust the effects caused by Mars precession and nutation. After spacecraft enters Sphere of Influence (SOI) of the Mars, the spacecraft experiences various perturbation effects as it approaches to Mars. Every possible perturbation effect is considered during integrations of spacecraft state vectors. The Mars50c gravity field model and the Mars-GRAM 2001 model are used to compute perturbation effects due to Mars gravity field and Mars atmospheric drag, respectively. To compute exact locations of other planets, JPL's DE405 ephemerides are used. Phobos and Deimos's ephemeris are computed using analytical method because their informations are not released with DE405. Mars Global Surveyor's mapping orbital data are used to verify the developed propagator performances. After one Martian day propagation (12 orbital periods), the results show about maximum ${\pm}5$ meter errors, in every position state components(radial, cross-track and along-track), when compared to these from the Astrogator propagation in the Satellite Tool Kit. This result shows high reliability of the developed software which can be used to design near Mars missions for Korea, in future.

Estimation of Changes in Potential Forest Area under Climate Change (기후변화하(氣候變化下)에서 잠재삼림면적(潛在森林面積)의 변화(變化) 예측(豫測))

  • Cha, Gyung Soo
    • Journal of Korean Society of Forest Science
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    • v.87 no.3
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    • pp.358-365
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    • 1998
  • To offer the basic information for sustainable production of forest resources and conservation of the global environment, change in potential natural vegetation (PNV) associated with climate change due to doubling atmospheric carbon dioxide ($2{\times}CO_2$) was estimated with the global natural vegetation mapping system based an K${\ddot{o}}$ppen scheme. The system interpolates climate data spherically to each grid cell, determines the vegetation types onto the grid cell, and produces potential vegetation map and area on the globe and continents. The climate data consist of the current, ($1{\times}CO_2$) climate prior to AD 1958 observed at some 2,000 stations and the doubling ($2{\times}CO_2$) climate estimated from Meteorological Research Institute of Japan. The vegetation zone under the $2{\times}CO_2$ climate scenario expanded mainly toward the poles due to the rise in temperature. The changed PNV area on the globe amounts to 1/3 (4.91 billion (G) ha) of the total land area (15.04 Gha). Kappa statistic for judging agreement between the patterns of vegetation distribution under $1{\times}CO_2$ climate and $2{\times}CO_2$ climates shows good agreement (0.63) for the globe as a whole. The most stable areas are desert and ice. The potential forest area (PFA) was estimated at 6.82 Gha of the land area in $2{\times}CO_2$ climate scenario. In terms of continental changes in PFA, North America and Asis are increased under the $2{\times}CO_2$ climate. However, the potential forest arms of the other continents are decreased by the climate. Europe has no change in the PFA. Especially, the expansion of desert area in Oceania would be accelerated by the $2{\times}CO_2$ climate.

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Geological Heritage Grade Distribution Mapping Using GIS (공간정보를 이용한 지질유산 등급분포도 작성 연구)

  • Lee, Soo-Jae;Lee, Sunmin;Lee, Moung-Jin
    • Korean Journal of Remote Sensing
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    • v.33 no.5_3
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    • pp.867-878
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    • 2017
  • Recent interest in geological heritage has been increased in that it can be used as a basic data onto predicting the global environmental change of its containing information about past global environment. In addition, due to the characteristics of the geological heritage, it is easy to damage and difficult to recover without continuous preservation and management. However, there are more damages occurring because of the sporadic spatial distribution and ambiguous management authority of geological heritage. Therefore, an integrated management system is needed by determining the spatial distribution of geological heritage preferentially. In this study, the detailed criteria for assessment of value from the preliminary studies were applied and the geological heritage grade distribution map was generated by using geospatial data in Seoul metropolitan area. For this purpose, the list of geological heritage sites in the Seoul metropolitan area, which is the study area, were complied through a literature review. The geospatial database was designed and constructed by applying the detailed criteria for assessment of value from the preliminary studies. After the construction of the spatial database, a grade map of the geological heritage was created. As a result of the geological heritage grade map in the Seoul metropolitan area, there were more than 35% of the geological heritage in northern Gyeonggi provinces such as Yeoncheon city (18.8%), Pocheon city (10.6%) and Paju city (6.3%). It is followed by 18.1% in Incheon and 8.1% in Ansan, which is approximately 26.2% in western Gyeonggi Province. The geological age of the geological heritage was the highest at in the fourth stage of the Cenozoic era of 16.9%. Through the results of this study, the geological heritage data of the Seoul metropolitan area were extracted from existing literature data and converted into spatial information. It enables comparing the geological features with the spatial distribution of geological heritage. In addition, a management system has been established based on spatial information of constantly building geological heritage data. This provides the integrated management system of the geological heritage to manage authority so that it can be used as a basis for the development of the geological park. Based on the results of this study, it is considered to be possible to systematically construct and utilize the geological heritage across the country.

Physical Offset of UAVs Calibration Method for Multi-sensor Fusion (다중 센서 융합을 위한 무인항공기 물리 오프셋 검보정 방법)

  • Kim, Cheolwook;Lim, Pyeong-chae;Chi, Junhwa;Kim, Taejung;Rhee, Sooahm
    • Korean Journal of Remote Sensing
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    • v.38 no.6_1
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    • pp.1125-1139
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    • 2022
  • In an unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) system, a physical offset can be existed between the global positioning system/inertial measurement unit (GPS/IMU) sensor and the observation sensor such as a hyperspectral sensor, and a lidar sensor. As a result of the physical offset, a misalignment between each image can be occurred along with a flight direction. In particular, in a case of multi-sensor system, an observation sensor has to be replaced regularly to equip another observation sensor, and then, a high cost should be paid to acquire a calibration parameter. In this study, we establish a precise sensor model equation to apply for a multiple sensor in common and propose an independent physical offset estimation method. The proposed method consists of 3 steps. Firstly, we define an appropriate rotation matrix for our system, and an initial sensor model equation for direct-georeferencing. Next, an observation equation for the physical offset estimation is established by extracting a corresponding point between a ground control point and the observed data from a sensor. Finally, the physical offset is estimated based on the observed data, and the precise sensor model equation is established by applying the estimated parameters to the initial sensor model equation. 4 region's datasets(Jeon-ju, Incheon, Alaska, Norway) with a different latitude, longitude were compared to analyze the effects of the calibration parameter. We confirmed that a misalignment between images were adjusted after applying for the physical offset in the sensor model equation. An absolute position accuracy was analyzed in the Incheon dataset, compared to a ground control point. For the hyperspectral image, root mean square error (RMSE) for X, Y direction was calculated for 0.12 m, and for the point cloud, RMSE was calculated for 0.03 m. Furthermore, a relative position accuracy for a specific point between the adjusted point cloud and the hyperspectral images were also analyzed for 0.07 m, so we confirmed that a precise data mapping is available for an observation without a ground control point through the proposed estimation method, and we also confirmed a possibility of multi-sensor fusion. From this study, we expect that a flexible multi-sensor platform system can be operated through the independent parameter estimation method with an economic cost saving.

A Case Study on the Design of Pickup Truck Tuning Equipment according to the Lifestyle of Modern People (현대인의 라이프스타일에 따른 픽업트럭 튜닝 용품 디자인 사례 연구)

  • Lee, Dong-Hun;Park, Hae-Lim;Lee, Sang-Ki
    • Journal of Service Research and Studies
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    • v.13 no.4
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    • pp.131-141
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    • 2023
  • Changes in consumer needs and behaviors according to lifestyle changes lead to consumption culture, affecting the automobile market. However, research and research to provide options tailored to the lifestyle of consumers in related markets are still insufficient. Focusing on pickup truck accessories applied to pickup trucks that reflect lifestyle the most among vehicle types, this study first examined the theoretical background of the aftermarket market and lifestyle of pickup trucks. Second, through image mapping, the market possibilities and opportunity factors of pickup trucks were discovered through market size analysis and possibilities, and through this, user types could be classified. Third, interviews were conducted with those representing user types, the contents were organized, and interviews were conducted centering on related groups to create a persona of a user group, and what needs each group's persona wanted. Finally, a design concept suitable for the issue keywords and insights derived for each user lifestyle type was presented. In this study, the user type was divided into ① outdoor activity type, ② hobby activity type, and ③ small-scale work type, and a design case study was conducted by applying the concept suitable for the keyword for each group. For the outdoor activity type, a variable storage structure and a living space-type accessory design were presented, and for the hobby type, a modular decktop design and a sports coupe-type hardtop design were presented. For the small business type, a partition that is easy to fix the load and a stepper design that is easy to board the cargo box were presented. It is expected that the size of the pickup truck aftermarket will be expanded by diversifying the option designs that users want by lifestyle by applying them to the development of pickup truck accessories that fit the lifestyle of pickup truck users in the automobile market, which is currently mass customized.