• Title/Summary/Keyword: Glacial

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The Late Quaternary Pollen Analysis of Gokgyo River Basin in Asan-City, Korea - Focused on Vegetation and Climate Environment between the Last Glacial Maximum and the Late Glacial - (충남 아산 곡교천 유역의 제4기 후기 화분분석 - 최종빙기 최성기~만빙기 식생 및 기후환경에 주목하여 -)

  • PARK, Ji-Hoon;KIM, Sung-Tae
    • Journal of The Geomorphological Association of Korea
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    • v.20 no.1
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    • pp.11-20
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    • 2013
  • The pollen analysis was performed targeting the valley plain alluvium of Jangjae-ri, Asan area in order to clarify the climate and vegetation environment of the Last glacial maximum and the Late glacial in terms of Gokgyo River Watershed In Asan-City, Korea. The sample collection point gets included in the current deciduous broadleaf forest zone (south cool temperate zone). The results are as follows. (1) The vegetation environment of about 19,300-14,100yrB.P. at the investigation area is mainly classified into YJ-I period and YJ-II period while YJ-Ia period is classified once again into YJ-Ia period and YJ-Ib period. YJ-Ia period (19,300-17,500yrB.P.) is correlated with the Last Glacial Maximum while the vegetation at the time has relatively a little wide distribution area of grassland compared to the forest and the forest vegetation of this time period is the mixed conifer and deciduous broad-leaved forest. YJ-Ib period (15,400-14,750yrB.P.) is correlated with the Late glacial (or the Last Glacial Maximum) and the distribution area of grassland became wider compared to the forest. While the forest vegetation of this time period is the mixed conifer and deciduous broad-leaved forest, a difference exists in terms of the dominant tree species. YJ-II period (about 14,650-14,100yrB.P.) is correlated with the Last glacial while the distribution area of grassland became even wider than the forest compared to the YJ-Ib in case of the vegetation at the time and the forest vegetation of this time period is the coniferous forest. (2) Both YJ-I period and YJ-II period were relatively cold and dry compared the End of Late Glacial (about 12,000-10,000yrB.P.)~Early Holocene (10,000-8,500yrB.P.), Also, YJ-II period was relatively colder than the YJ-I period and the YJ-Ib period was relatively more humid than the YJ-Ia period.

Variation of Biogenic Opal Production on the Conrad Rise in the Indian Sector of the Southern Ocean since the Last Glacial Period (남극해 인도양 해역에 위치한 콘래드 해령 지역의 마지막 빙하기 이후 생물기원 오팔 생산의 변화)

  • JuYeon Yang;Minoru Ikehara;Hyuk Choi;Boo-Keun Khim
    • Ocean and Polar Research
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    • v.45 no.3
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    • pp.141-153
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    • 2023
  • Biological pump processes generated by diatom production in the surface water of the Southern Ocean play an important role in exchanging CO2 gas between the atmosphere and ocean. In this study, the biogenic opal content of the sediments was measured to elucidate the variation in the primary production of diatoms in the surface water of the Southern Ocean since the last glacial period. A piston core (COR-1bPC) was collected from the Conrad Rise, which is located in the Indian sector of the Southern Ocean. The sediments were mainly composed of siliceous ooze, and sediment lightness increased and magnetic susceptibility decreased in an upward direction. The biogenic opal content was low (38.9%) during the last glacial period and high (73.4%) during the Holocene, showing a similar variation to that of Antarctic ice core ΔT and CO2 concentration. In addition, the variation of biogenic opal content in core COR-1bPC is consistent with previous results reported in the Antarctic Zone, south of the Antarctic Polar Front, in the Southern Ocean. The glacial-interglacial biogenic opal production was influenced by the extent of sea ice coverage and degree of water column stability. During the last glacial period, the diatom production was reduced due to the penetration of light being limited in the euphotic zone by the extended sea ice coverage caused by the lowered seawater temperature. In addition, the formation of a strong thermocline in more extensive areas of sea ice coverage led to stronger water column stability, resulting in reduced diatom production due to the reduction in the supply of nutrient-rich subsurface water caused by a decrease in upwelling intensity. Under such environmental circumstances, diatom productivity decreased in the Antarctic Zone during the last glacial period, but the biogenic opal content increased rapidly under warming conditions with the onset of deglaciation.

Studies on Pharmaceutical Quantitative Analysis by means of Non-aqueous Titration Method (I) Isolative Determination of Mixed Weak Basic Chemicals. (비수적정법을 이용한 약품분석 연구 (제1보) 약염기성혼합약품의 분리정량법에 대하여)

  • 고인석;김재백;최병기
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    • v.5 no.1
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    • pp.20-23
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    • 1960
  • The study of the isolative determination of the mixed weak bases of INAH and NA-Pas potentimetrically considering the properties of solvents for the INAH and Na-PAS, dielectric constant and solvative properties of solvents are described. The methanol: dioxan (4:1) and glacial acetic acid: dioxan (4:1) are studied first as the mixed solvent, using the N/10 perchloric acid and glacial acetic acid solution as the titrant. The authors found that there is no inflection on INAH with the methanol: dioxan solvent system and on Na-PAS at glacial acetic acid dioxan solvent system. By applying methanol glacial acetic acid dioxan (1:1:1) solvent system, Na-PAS and INAH were successfully determined isolatively from the mixed sample, showing the distinguished inflections respectively as shown in the titration curves in figures 3 and 4. It is found that this method could save considerable time for the isolative determination of the mixed sample of week bases as Na PAS and INHA which were quite difficult to be determined by the present routine at control laboratory.

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Geochemical Evidence for Spatial Paleoproductivity Variations the Northwest Pacific (Shikoku Basin) during the Last Glacial Maximum

  • Hyun, Sang-Min;Ahagon, Naogazu;Saito, Saneatu;Ikehara, Minoru;Oba, TadamichI;Taira, Asahiko
    • Journal of the korean society of oceanography
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    • v.31 no.4
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    • pp.207-216
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    • 1996
  • A geochemical study of three piston cores (ST.4, ST.6 and ST.20) taken from the Northwest Pacific (eastern edge of Shikoku Basin) provides information about changes in surface water paleoproductivity and sedimentation during the last 127 kys. Paleoproductivity variations were estimated on the basis of total organic carbon content and carbonate mass accumulation rate. The paleoproductivity based on total organic carbon shows significant spatial variations between glacial and interglacial periods. During the last glacial maximum (LGM) paleoproductivity increased about 1.5 times with deglaciation decrease compared with those of the Holocene at inner side of the Shikoku Basin (ST.4 and ST.6). On the other hand, paleoproductivity at outer side of Shikoku Basin (ST.20) indicating not distinctive increase but deglaciation increase. The C/N ratios fall below 10 for cores ST.4 and ST.6, but C/N ratios between 100 ka and 80 ka in ST.20 which show around 10 or larger values suggest a predominance of marine organic carbon with some admixture of terrigenous materials. The carbonate mass accumulation rate of three cores show different patterns of calcareous record with respect to organic carbon based paleoproductivity variation. In the inner side of Shikoku Basin (ST.4 and ST.6) the carbonate mass accumulation rate decreased during last glacial maximum, and significant increase of carbonate mass accumulation rate is recognized at outer side of Shikoku Basin (ST.20). Thus, this set of data reveals that spatial paleoproductivity variations between inner and outer side of Shikoku Basin during the glacial and interglacial periods.

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Interrelationship between Paleovegetation in Southern and Central California and Northeast Pacific Atmospheric and Oceanographic Processes over the Last ~30 kyr (과거 3만년 동안 캘리포니아 남부와 중부지역의 고식생 변화와 북동태평양 대기 및 해양순환 변동과의 연관성 연구)

  • Suh, Yeon Jee
    • Ocean and Polar Research
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    • v.41 no.3
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    • pp.159-168
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    • 2019
  • Understanding the interaction between climate and the water cycle is critical especially in a drought sensitive region such as California. This study explored hydrologic changes in central and southern California in relation to the glacial-interglacial climate cycles over the last 30 thousand years. To do this, we reconstructed paleovegetation using plant wax carbon isotopic compositions (${\delta}^{13}C$) preserved in marine sediment cores retrieved from the central California continental shelf (ODP Site 1018) and Santa Barbara Basin (ODP Site 893A). The results were then compared to the existing sea surface temperature (SST) and pollen records from the same cores to understand terrestrial hydrology in relation to oceanographic processes. The Last Glacial was generally dry both in central and southern California, indicated by grassland expansion, confirming the previously suggested notion that the westerly storm track that supplies the majority of the precipitation in California may not have moved southward during the glacial period. Southern California was drier than central California during the Last Glacial Maximum (LGM). This drying trend may have been associated with the weakening of the California Current and northerly winds leading to the early increase in SST in southern California and decline in both offshore and coastal upwelling. The climate was wetter during the Holocene in both regions compared to the glacial period and forest coverage increased accordingly. We attribute this wetter condition to the precipitation contribution increase from the tropics. Overall, we found a clear synchronicity between the terrestrial and marine environment which showed that the terrestrial vegetation composition in California is greatly affected by not only the global climate states but also regional oceanographic and atmospheric conditions that regulate the timing and amount of precipitation over California.

Did Fluvial Terrace of Mountain Streams in Korea Form in Each Glacial Stage? (우리나라 산지 하천의 하안단구는 매 빙기마다 형성되었는가?)

  • Lee, Gwang-Ryul
    • Journal of The Geomorphological Association of Korea
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    • v.26 no.3
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    • pp.19-30
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    • 2019
  • This study summarizes domestic and foreign previous works on fluvial terrace with absolute ages to discuss formative process of climatic terrace in Korea. Different from traditional climatic terrace model, approximately three quarters from foreign works have argued that formation of climatic terrace can be attributed to medium- and short-term climatic change or other environmental factors, rather than long-term climatic change of glacial and interglacial cycles. Based on previous works on fluvial terrace in Korea, it can be suggested that fluvial terrace in Korea formed not due to long-term climatic change of 100,000-year cycles related to glacial and interglacial cycles, but due to medium- and short-term climatic change or climatic event of tens of thousands of years related to intensity change in summer monsoon, one of the important factors affecting precipitation in Korea.

Variations of Biogenic Components in the Region off the Lutzow-Holm Bay, East Antarctica during the Last 700 Kyr (지난 70만 년 동안 동남극 Lutzow-Holm만 주변 해역의 생물기원 퇴적물 함량 변화)

  • Kim, Yeo-Hun;Katsuki, Kota;Suganuma, Yusuke;Ikehara, Minoru;Khim, Boo-Keun
    • Ocean and Polar Research
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    • v.33 no.3
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    • pp.211-221
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    • 2011
  • Contents of biogenic components [opal, $CaCO_3$, TOC (total organic carbon)] were measured in Core LHB-3PC sediments collected off Lutzow-Holm Bay, in order to understand glacial-interglacial cyclic variation of the high-latitude surface-water paleoproductivity, in the Indian Sector of the Southern Ocean. An age model was established from the correlation of ARM/IRM ratios of Core LHB-3PC with LR04 stack benthic ${\delta}^{18}O$ records, in complement with radiocarbon isotope ages and biostratigraphic Last Appearance Datum (LAD). The core-bottom age was estimated to be about 700 ka. Although the $CaCO_3$ content is very low less than 1.0% throughout the core, the opal and TOC contents show clear glacial-interglacial cyclic variation such that they are high during the interglacial periods (7.2-50.3% and 0.05-1.00%, respectively) and low during the glacial periods (5.2-25.2% and 0.01-0.68%, respectively). According to the spectral analysis, the variation of opal content is controlled mainly by eccentricity forcing and subsequently by obliquity forcing during the last 700 kyrs. The opal contents of Core LHB-3PC also represent the apparent Mid-Pleistocene Transition (MPT)-related climatic variation in the glacial-interglacial cycles. In particular, the orbital variation of the opal contents shows increasing amplitudes since marine isotope stage (MIS) 11, which defines one of the important paleoclimatic events during the late Quaternary, called the "Mid-Brunhes Event". Based on the variation of the opal contents in Core LHB-3PC, we suggest that the surface-water paleoproductivity in the Indian Sector of the Southern Ocean followed the orbital (glacial-interglacial) cycles, and was controlled mainly by the extent of sea ice distribution during the last 700 kyrs.

Estimation of Sediment Provenance Using Clay Mineral Composition in the Central Basin of the Ross Sea Continental Margin, Antarctica (남극 로스해 대륙주변부 중앙분지의 점토광물 조성을 통한 기원 추적)

  • Ha, Sangbeom;Khim, Boo-Keun;Colizza, Ester;Giglio, Federico;Koo, Hyojin;Cho, Hyen Goo
    • Ocean and Polar Research
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    • v.41 no.4
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    • pp.265-274
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    • 2019
  • To trace the provenance of fine-grained sediments in response to the growth and retreat of glaciers (i.e., Ross Ice Sheet) that affects the depositional process, various kinds of analyses including magnetic susceptibility, granulometry, and clay mineral composition with AMS 14C age dating were carried out using a gravity core KI-13-GC2 obtained from the Central Basin of the Ross Sea continental margin. The sediments mostly consist of silty mud to sand with ice-rafted debris, the sediment colors alternate repeatedly between light brown and gray, and the sedimentary structures are almost bioturbated with some faint laminations. Among the fine-grained clay mineral compositions, illite is highest (59.1-76.2%), followed by chlorite (12.4-21.4%), kaolinite (4.1-11.6%), and smectite (1.2-22.6%). Illite and chlorite originated from the Transantarctic mountains (metamorphic rocks and granitic rocks) situated to the south of the Ross Sea. Kaolinite might be supplied from the sedimentary rocks of Antarctic continent underneath the ice sheet. The provenance of smectite was considered as McMurdo volcanic group around the Victoria Land in the western part of the Ross Sea. Chlorite content was higher and smectite content was lower during the glacial periods, although illite and kaolinite contents are almost consistent between the glacial and interglacial periods. The glacial increase of chlorite content may be due to more supply of the reworked continental shelf sediments deposited during the interglacial periods to the Central Basin. On the contrary, the glacial decrease of smectite content may be attributed to less transport from the McMurdo volcanic group to the Central Basin due to the advanced ice sheet. Although the source areas of the clay minerals in the Central Basin have not changed significantly between the interglacial and glacial periods, the transport pathways and delivery mechanism of the clay minerals were different between the glacial and interglacial periods in response to the growth and retreat of Ross Ice Sheet in the Ross Sea.

Reconstruction of Changes in Eolian Particle Deposition Across the Mid-Pleistocene Transition in the Central Part of the North Pacific (중기 플라이스토세 전이기 전후 북태평양 중앙 해역 퇴적물에 기록된 풍성 퇴적물 입자 퇴적 양상 변화 복원)

  • Lee, Sojung;Seo, Inah;Hyeong, Kiseong
    • Ocean and Polar Research
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    • v.41 no.4
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    • pp.275-288
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    • 2019
  • We investigated flux, grain size distribution, Nd-Sr isotope composition, mineral composition, and trace metal composition (REEs and Sc) of inorganic silicate fraction (ISF, mainly Asian dust with an unrestricted amount of volcanic materials) deposited during 600~1000 ka across the Mid-Pleistocene Transition at core NPGP 1401-2A (32°01'N, 178°59'E, 5205m) taken from the central part of the North Pacific. Our results reveal about a 2-fold increase in ISF flux after 800 ka, which is associated with an increase in La/Sc and a decrease in mean grain size. Asian dusts are finer than volcanic materials and La/Sc increases with the enhanced contribution of Asian dusts. Thus, increased flux after 800 ka can be explained by the increased contribution of Asian dusts relative to volcanic materials, likely due to an intensified Westerly Jet (WJ) and the drying of the Asian continent after the MPT. Mean grain size of ISF varies systematically in relation to glacial-interglacial cycles with a decrease during glacial stages, which is consistent with the previous results in the study area. Such a cyclical pattern is also attributed to the increase in the relative contribution of Asian dusts over volcanic components in glacial stages due to intensified WJ and drying of the Asian continent. Thus, it can be concluded that climate changes that had occurred across the MPT were similar to those of interglacial to glacial transitions at least in terms of the dust budget. Different from the Shatsky Rise, however, compositional changes associated with glacial-interglacial mean grain size fluctuations are not observed in Nd-Sr isotope ratios and trace element composition in our study of the Hess Rise. This may be attributed to the location of the study site far (> 4,000 km) from the volcanic sources. The volcanic component at the study site comprises less than 10% and varies within 3% over glacial-interglacial cycles. Such a small variation was not enough to imprint geochemical signals.