• Title/Summary/Keyword: Geospatial

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A Study on the Evaluation of Airborne Lidar Height Accuracy for Application of 3D Cadastral (3차원지적 적용을 위한 항공라이다의 수직 정확도 평가에 관한 연구)

  • Choi, Byoung Gil;Na, Young Woo;Lee, Kyung Sub;Lee, Jung Il
    • Journal of Korean Society for Geospatial Information Science
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    • v.22 no.2
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    • pp.33-40
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    • 2014
  • At present, Cadastral map of 2 dimensional is in the stream of changing it to 3 dimensional type supported by GPS and laser techniques. In addition, this steam can be explained at the same time with improvement of equipment of storing much information, support of equipment for imaginative 3D spatial information, and support of equipment of expressing land in 3D Cadastral. This study suggest to apply airborne lidar survey technique on cadastral map to acquire comparably and quickly detailed height of ground. For doing this, this study checked out credibility regarding accuracy of airborne lider survey. After choosing research area, this study has done the airborne lidar survey and acquire the result after surveying Cadastral Comparison Point to check out the accuracy of acquired results. In addition, this study check out the result of Cadastral Comparison Point and airborne lidar survey applied by paired sample t-test based on actual results. The result is that test statistics is 0.322 which is 5 % similar level and null hypothesis cannot be rejected, so this study found out that result of both survey ways are the same. Therefore, the result of airborne lidar survey can be utilized to build up 3D Cadastral information hereafter.

A Study on the Application of River Surveying by Airborne LiDAR (항공라이다의 하천측량 적용 방안 연구)

  • Choi, Byoung Gil;Na, Young Woo;Choo, Ki Hwan;Lee, Jung Il
    • Journal of Korean Society for Geospatial Information Science
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    • v.22 no.2
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    • pp.25-32
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    • 2014
  • The river plan executes the role for prevention of disaster and protection of environment, and requires the surveying results with high accuracies for managing river, dam, reservoir which will be the major infrastructures. The purpose of this study is for comparing and analyzing the results of river surveying which is used widely for disaster management and construction industry support. The results are gathered by using LiDAR which is being used in Korea recently and by using Total station. Study area is chosen at upper area of Bukhan River which is located at Gangwon-do. Total 2 cross-sections of the two methods are extracted from the study area. The standard deviation of land part is about 0.017m which shows little difference between two methods, but the Airborne LiDAR results cannot survey the heights of the points accurately at the singular points with vertical structure and water body part. To overcome the problems through this study, there should be ways to survey the bottom river through transmission of water level within the same margin scope as land part and to survey detailed facilities used by laser exactly through continuous research and experiment. When implementation stage comes, this study expect that this document will be utilized variously for making decision in the area of planning and drawing of business and engineering not just for river regarding the major area or the area that people cannot access.

A Study on Application of the UAV in Korea for Integrated Operation with Spatial Information (무인항공기(UAV)의 공간정보 통합운영을 위한 국내적용 방안)

  • Yun, Bu Yeol;Lee, Jae One
    • Journal of Korean Society for Geospatial Information Science
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    • v.22 no.2
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    • pp.3-9
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    • 2014
  • With broadcasting telecommunication, rapid change detection, and construction of spatial information, a long reconnaissance, resources detection in dangerous area and natural disasters, which are difficult for manned aerial vehicles to perform, international recognition in UAV merely being used for limited military purposes has been changed and its demand for both civil and military purpose have been increased. However, considering the current situation that availability of UAV varies and its working areas also broaden, the stability of UAV and the problems of privacy protection are more important in integrated operation of UAV. In particular, the application of UAV system is urgent for the area where rapid decision making due to expedite data construction such as disaster, calamity, and the acquisition of spatial information for small area are required. However, since technical stability for UAV system and institutional regulation in regard of spatial information are not examined, and UAV system has not been integrated with aerial photograph, the limitation of UAV system has been presented. Thus, this study is aimed at analyzing domestic and foreign research trend and institutional research trend in terms of integrated UAV operation, and proposing its implications and the availability of integrated UAV operation for future national spatial information data construction.

Analysis of Airborne LiDAR-Based Debris Flow Erosion and Deposit Model (항공LiDAR 자료를 이용한 토석류 침식 및 퇴적모델 분석)

  • Won, Sang Yeon;Kim, Gi Hong
    • Journal of Korean Society for Geospatial Information Science
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    • v.24 no.3
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    • pp.59-66
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    • 2016
  • The 2011 debris flow in Mt. Umyeonsan in Seoul, South Korea caused significant damages to the surrounding urban area, unlike other similar incidents reported to have occurred in the past in the country's mountainous regions. Accordingly, landslides and debris flows cause damage in various surroundings, regardless of mountainous area and urban area, at a great speed and with enormous impact. Hence, many researchers attempted to forecast the extent of impact of debris flows to help minimize the damage. The most fundamental part in forecasting the impact extent of debris flow is to understand the debris flow behavior and sedimentation mechanism in complex three-dimensional topography. To understand sedimentation mechanism, in particular, it is necessary to calculate the amount of energy and erosion according to debris flow behavior. The previously developed debris flow models, however, are limited in their ability to calculate the erosion amount of debris flow. This study calculated the extent of damage caused by a massive debris flow that occurred in 2011 in Seoul's urban area adjacent to Mt. Umyeonsan by using DEM, created from aerial photography and airborne LiDAR data, for both before and after the damage; and developed and compared a debris flow behavioral analysis model that can assess the amount of erosion based on energy theory. In addition, simulations using the existing debris flow model (RWM, Debris 2D) and a comprehensive comparison of debris flow-stricken areas were performed in the same study area.

Development of Intelligent GNSS Positioning Technique Based on Low Cost Module for an Alley Navigation (골목길 내비게이션을 위한 저가 모듈 기반의 지능형 GNSS 측위 기술 개발)

  • Kim, Hye In;Park, Kwan Dong
    • Journal of Korean Society for Geospatial Information Science
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    • v.24 no.3
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    • pp.11-18
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    • 2016
  • Since GNSS signals get blocked by buildings in urban canyons or narrow alleys, it is very difficult to secure a enough number of visible satellites for satellite navigation in those poor signal-reception environments. In those situations, one cannot get their coordinates or obtain accurate positions. In this study, a couple of strategies for improving positioning accuracy in urban canyons were developed and their performance was verified. First of all, we combined GPS and GLONASS measurements together and devised algorithms to quality-control observed signals and eliminate outliers. Also, a new multipath reduction scheme was applied to minimize its effect by utilizing SNR values of the observed signals. For performance verification of the developed technique, a narrow alley of 10m width located near the back gate of the Inha University was selected as the test-bed, and then we conducted static and kinematic positioning at four pre-surveyed points. We found that our new algorithms produced an 45% improvement in an open-sky environment compared with the positioning result of a low-cost u-blox receiver. In the alleys, 3-D accuracy improved by an average of 37%. In the case of kinematic positioning, especially, biases showing up in regular receivers got eliminated significantly through our new filtering algorithms.

Image Quality Assessment of Mobile-based Image Acquisition System for Disaster Scientific Investigation (재난원인과학조사를 위한 차량기반 영상취득시스템의 영상품질평가)

  • Kim, Mi Kyeong;Kim, Sang Pil;Kim, Nam Hoon;Song, Young Karb;Sohn, Hong Gyoo
    • Journal of Korean Society for Geospatial Information Science
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    • v.24 no.3
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    • pp.75-83
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    • 2016
  • There are various types of disasters now, and accordingly it is practically difficult to manage all types of disasters effectively. If we are able to reconstruct the disaster event and investigate the cause, it may be possible to prepare the recurrence of similar patterns of disasters. The vehicle-based system equipped with state-of-the-art sensors has been proposed in order to reconstruct the disaster site as much as possible and help the disaster investigator to analyze the cause of the disaster by providing high-quality information. However, the data quality obtained from the sensors can be lowered due to unpredictable circumstances of disaster site. In this aspect it is essential to provide practical procedures that assess and analyze the performance of the equipment on site. In this paper, we selected critical elements of performance that can evaluate the vehicle-based image acquisition system, since it is the most critical piece of information in the disaster sites. The quality of the images obtained from vehicle-based image system was analyzed and verified on the test site. From the results of spatial resolution based on GRD(Ground Resolved Distance), we were able to identify maximum 5mm of spatial resolution at a distance of 70m distance. The result of field test is expected to be used for data acquisition plan in future disaster situations.

A Study on the Feasibility of Geomagnetic Declination Investigation at Unified Control Points in South Korea (국내 통합기준점에서 지자기 편각 조사의 타당성 연구)

  • Lee, Yong Chang
    • Journal of Korean Society for Geospatial Information Science
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    • v.24 no.3
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    • pp.29-38
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    • 2016
  • As publicizing of electromagnetic devices such as smart_phone and drone etc. which are relate with geomagnetic direction, and recognition about the importance to space weather effect and their hazards rises up recently, it is required heavily that the study on the effective measurement of geomagnetic declination and geomagnetic field effects of space weather. The purpose of this study is that the investigation of the feasibility of the absolute geomagnetic measurement in a place, where man-made geomagnetic contamination is low or negligible, with replacing the azimuth marks used for the absolute geomagnetic declination measurement with unified control points(UCP) which established at suburb. Further to this, have first derived the correlation of daily variations and disturbance level between the published indices($K_P$ and $K_K$) and geomagnetic element calculated from geomagnetic data of Cheongyang observatory located at the middle stage in Korea and is a member of INTERMAGNET. In addition, have carried out that the absolute measurement for the geomagnetic declination at three places near unified control point and one place with wide open field in Korea. The world magnetic models(WMMs) are selected as the criteria for comparison on the feasibility of geomagnetic declination investigation near unified control points. We compared deviations of declination from absolute measurement with that obtained from WMMs, also those from WMMs inter-comparison. The result through examination and analysis show that the feasibility of the absolute geomagnetic declination measurement with replacing the azimuth marks with UCP which established at suburb is possible.

Application of Drone Photogrammetry for Current State Analysis of Damage in Forest Damage Areas (드론 사진측량을 이용한 산림훼손지역의 훼손 현황 분석)

  • Lee, Young Seung;Lee, Dong Gook;Yu, Young Geol;Lee, Hyun Jik
    • Journal of Korean Society for Geospatial Information Science
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    • v.24 no.3
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    • pp.49-58
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    • 2016
  • Applications of drone in various fields have been increasing in recent years. Drone has great potential for forest management. Therefore this paper is using drone for forest damage areas. Forest damage areas is divided into caused by anthropogenic and occurs naturally, the possibility of disasters, such as slope sliding, slope failures and landslides, sediment runoff exists. Therefore, this research was to utilize the drone photogrammetry to perform the damage analysis of forest damage areas. Geometrical treatment processing results in Drone Photogrammetry, the plane position error RMSE was ${\pm}0.034m$, the elevation error RMSE was ${\pm}0.017m$. The plane position error of orthophoto RMSE was ${\pm}0.083m$, the elevation error of digital elevation model RMSE was ${\pm}0.085m$. In addition, It was possible to current state analysis of damage in forest damage areas of airborne LiDAR data of before forest damage and drone photogrammetry data of after forest damage. and application of drone photogrammetry for production base data for restoration and design in forest damage areas.

Evaluation of EGM2008 earth geopotential model using GPS/leveling data (GPS/leveling 데이터에 의한 EGM2008 지구중력장모델의 평가)

  • Lee, Suk-Bae;Kim, Jin-Soo;Kim, Cheol-Young
    • Journal of Korean Society for Geospatial Information Science
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    • v.16 no.3
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    • pp.117-126
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    • 2008
  • Earth geopotential models were used to determine the reference surface in geoid modelling and many global geopotential models were developed after 1980's. Nowadays, EGM96 and EIGEN-GL04C geopotential models have been most widely used in the world, but what so called EGM2008 earth geopotential model were developed in 2008 by NGA. In this paper, we intended to compare the results of spherical harmonic analyses using the three geopotential model, EGM96, EIGEN-GL04C and EGM2008. So, the spherical harmonic analyses were performed up to degree and order 360(in case of EGM2008, up to degree and order 720, 1440, 2190 in addition), on each $1'{\times}1'$grid point in and around Korean peninsula. Geometric geoid were calculated at 464 GPS/leveling points for accuracy evaluation and then the results of three geopotential models were compared to geometric geoid. The results show that the accuracy of EGM2008 is improved considerablely compared to EGM96 and EIGEN-GL04C and it is possible to calculate geoidal heights within 14cm standard deviation and 5.5cm standard deviation after LSC fitting in and around Korean peninsula using EGM2008 geopotential model.

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Comparative Study on the Building Outline Simplification Algorithms for the Conversion of Construction Drawings to GIS data (건설도면의 GIS 데이터 변환을 위한 건물외곽선 단순화기법 비교 연구)

  • Park, Woo-Jin;Park, Seung-Yong;Yu, Ki-Yun
    • Journal of Korean Society for Geospatial Information Science
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    • v.16 no.3
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    • pp.35-41
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    • 2008
  • Recently needs for the convergence of CAD and GIS data are increasing, and many studies on converting two systems to each other are being carried out. In this study, to revise and update the building data of digital map using CAD data for construction, the outline of building is abstracted from the CAD data and the outline is generalized to the same level of detail with the building data of digital map. Several line simplification algorithms to generalize the outline are adopted and compared, especially at the view of satisfaction to the drawing rule for digital map. Douglas-Peucker algorithm, Lang's algorithm, Reumann-Witkam algorithm, and Opheim algorithm are applied as the line simplification method. To evaluate the results of these algorithms, visual assessment and variation ratio of the number of points, total length of lines, the area of polygon, and satisfaction ratio to the drawing rule of digital map are analyzed. The result of Lang algorithm and Douglas-Peucker algorithm show superior satisfaction ratio. But general satisfaction ratio is 50~60% for all algorithm. Therefore there seems to be a limit to use these algorithms for the simplification method to update the building data in digital map and it is necessary to develop line simplification algorithm which satisfy the drawing rule well.

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