• Title/Summary/Keyword: Geometric transformation

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Geometric Modelling and Coordinate Transformation of Satellite-Based Linear Pushbroom-Type CCD Camera Images (선형 CCD카메라 영상의 기하학적 모델 수립 및 좌표 변환)

  • 신동석;이영란
    • Korean Journal of Remote Sensing
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    • v.13 no.2
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    • pp.85-98
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    • 1997
  • A geometric model of pushbroom-type linear CCD camera images is proposed in this paper. At present, this type of cameras are used for obtaining almost all kinds of high-resolution optical images from satellites. The proposed geometric model includes not only a forward transformation which is much more efficient. An inverse transformation function cannot be derived analytically in a closed form because the focal point of an image varies with time. In this paper, therefore, an iterative algorithm in which a focal point os converged to a given pixel position is proposed. Although the proposed model can be applied to any pushbroom-type linear CCD camera images, the geometric model of the high-resolution multi-spectral camera on-board KITSAT-3 is used in this paper as an example. The flight model of KITSAT-3 is in development currently and it is due to be launched late 1998.

Simulation Study for the Distortion Correction of Digital Angiographic Images using Geometric Transformation (디지털 혈관 조영상의 기하학적 왜곡 보정을 위한 모의 실험 연구)

  • 진호상;신동훈;허순녕;곽철은;최보영;이형구;서태석
    • Journal of Biomedical Engineering Research
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    • v.23 no.5
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    • pp.365-373
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    • 2002
  • Accurate localization of target lesion is required to protect normal peripheral tissue and irradiate exactly to tumors in stereotactic radiosurgery(SRS). Digital angiography is one of the most effective diagnostic tools to detect and identify the target tumors. However, it shows pincushion distortion due to the characteristics of the image intensifier. We have implemented a simulation study for the correction of distortion using the geometric transformation. Phantom images were produced transformation. In conclusion, the geometric transformation could effectively be used for the pincushion distortion of image intensifier and there was no significant different between two methods indicating 2% correction error from the ideal image in all cases.

Prediction of engineering constants for plain and 8-hardness satin woven composites (평직 및 주자직 복합재료의 탄성계수 예측)

  • Byeon, Jun-Hyeong
    • Transactions of the Korean Society of Mechanical Engineers A
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    • v.21 no.11
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    • pp.1757-1764
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    • 1997
  • The geometric and elastic models based on the unit cell have been proposed to predict the geometric characteristics and the engineering constants of plain and satin woven composites. In the geometric model, length and inclined angle of the yarn crimp and the fiber volume fraction of woven composites have been predicted. In the elastic model, the coordinate transformation has been utilized to transform the elastic constants of the yarn crimp to those of woven composites, and the effective elastic constants have been determined from the volume averaging of the constituent materials. Good correlations between the model predictions and the experimental results of carbon/epoxy and glass/epoxy woven composites have been observed. Based on the model, the effect of various geometric parameters and materials on the three-dimensional elastic properties of woven composites can be identified.

Gender Differences in Learning Geometric Transformations Using a Computer (컴퓨터를 이용한 기하 변환학습에서 남녀성차에 따른 연구)

  • ChoiKoh, Sang-Sook;Ko, Ho-Kyoung
    • Journal of the Korean School Mathematics Society
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    • v.9 no.4
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    • pp.539-556
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    • 2006
  • Tessellations are the pattern of iterations of geometric transformation. We can find them in the works of Escher, the famous Dutch artist. Also, We can find the beauty of tessellations in traditional Korean house doors, old Korean architecture, palace walls, and so forth. In this article, the figures of patterns we present are a pig, a frog, Tchiucheonwhang (the mascot of Korean football supporters), and figures by Escher, using the computer geometric program, GSP (Geometer's Sketchpad). We wanted to investigate the gender differences on students' achievement and disposition toward mathematics in constructing tessellations. The results indicated that if students were supported with well prepared instructional materials which helped students make their own figures, female students in particular would be more interested in learning geometric transformation.

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Invariant Range Image Multi-Pose Face Recognition Using Fuzzy c-Means

  • Phokharatkul, Pisit;Pansang, Seri
    • 제어로봇시스템학회:학술대회논문집
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    • 2005.06a
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    • pp.1244-1248
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    • 2005
  • In this paper, we propose fuzzy c-means (FCM) to solve recognition errors in invariant range image, multi-pose face recognition. Scale, center and pose error problems were solved using geometric transformation. Range image face data was digitized into range image data by using the laser range finder that does not depend on the ambient light source. Then, the digitized range image face data is used as a model to generate multi-pose data. Each pose data size was reduced by linear reduction into the database. The reduced range image face data was transformed to the gradient face model for facial feature image extraction and also for matching using the fuzzy membership adjusted by fuzzy c-means. The proposed method was tested using facial range images from 40 people with normal facial expressions. The output of the detection and recognition system has to be accurate to about 93 percent. Simultaneously, the system must be robust enough to overcome typical image-acquisition problems such as noise, vertical rotated face and range resolution.

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A New Shape-Based Object Category Recognition Technique using Affine Category Shape Model (Affine Category Shape Model을 이용한 형태 기반 범주 물체 인식 기법)

  • Kim, Dong-Hwan;Choi, Yu-Kyung;Park, Sung-Kee
    • The Journal of Korea Robotics Society
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    • v.4 no.3
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    • pp.185-191
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    • 2009
  • This paper presents a new shape-based algorithm using affine category shape model for object category recognition and model learning. Affine category shape model is a graph of interconnected nodes whose geometric interactions are modeled using pairwise potentials. In its learning phase, it can efficiently handle large pose variations of objects in training images by estimating 2-D homography transformation between the model and the training images. Since the pairwise potentials are defined on only relative geometric relationship betweenfeatures, the proposed matching algorithm is translation and in-plane rotation invariant and robust to affine transformation. We apply spectral matching algorithm to find feature correspondences, which are then used as initial correspondences for RANSAC algorithm. The 2-D homography transformation and the inlier correspondences which are consistent with this estimate can be efficiently estimated through RANSAC, and new correspondences also can be detected by using the estimated 2-D homography transformation. Experimental results on object category database show that the proposed algorithm is robust to pose variation of objects and provides good recognition performance.

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The Research on Extraction of Topology Model Using Straight Medial Axis Transformation Algorithm (SMAT 알고리즘을 이용한 위상학적 모델 추출 방법)

  • Park, So-Young;Lee, Ji-Yeong
    • Spatial Information Research
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    • v.20 no.2
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    • pp.117-127
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    • 2012
  • The purpose of this study is to develop the auto-building algorithm of the Geometric Network Model(GNM), a topology model including geometric information because of the need to reflect the features' geometric characteristic into the topology model, which is for development of indoor 3D virtual model enabling queries. As the critical algorithm, the Straight Medial Axis Transformation(SMAT) algorithm is proposed in order to automatically extract the medial axis of features. The SMAT algorithm is generalized from the existing S-MAT algorithm and a range of target features where applicable is extended from simple polygons to weakly simple polygons which mean the polygons containing the inner ring inside. The GNM built automatically is finally printed out as the .csv file for easy access and w ide application in other systems. This auto-building algorithm of the GNM is available for plenty of cases such as finding a shortest path, guiding a route in emergency situation, and semantic analysis.

Representation of Uncertain Geometric Robot Environment Using Fuzzy Numbers

  • Kim, Wan-Joo-;Ko, Joong-Hyup;Chung, Myung-Jin
    • Proceedings of the Korean Institute of Intelligent Systems Conference
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    • 1993.06a
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    • pp.1211-1214
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    • 1993
  • In this paper, we present a fuzzy-number-oriented methodology to model uncertain geometric robot environment and to manipulate geometric uncertainty between robot coordinate frames. We describe any geometric primitive of robot environment as a parameter vector in parameter space. Not only ill-known values of the parameterized geometric primitive but the uncertain quantities of coordinate transformation are represented by means of fuzzy numbers restricted to appropriate membership functions. For consistent interpretation about geometric primitives between different coordinate frames, we manipulate these uncertain quantities using fuzzy arithmetic.

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Design of robust Watermarking Algorithm against the Geometric Transformation for Medical Image Security (의료 영상보안을 위한 기하학적 변형에 견고한 워터마킹 알고리즘 설계)

  • Lee, Yun-Bae;Oh, Guan-Tack
    • Journal of the Korea Institute of Information and Communication Engineering
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    • v.13 no.12
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    • pp.2586-2594
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    • 2009
  • A digital watermarking technique used as a protection and certifying mechanism of copyrighted creations including music, still images, and videos in terms of finding any loss in data, reproduction and pursuit. This study suggests using a selected geometric invariant point through the whole processing procedure of an image and inserting and extracting based on the invariant point so that it will be robust in a geometric transformation attack. The introduced algorithm here is based on a watershed splitting method in order to make medical images strong against RST(Rotation Scale, Translation) transformation and other processing. It also helps to maintain the watermark in images that are compressed and stored for a period of time. This algorithm also proved that is has robustness against not only JPEG compression attack, but also RST attack and filtering attack.

Geometric error compensation of machine tools by geometry redesign (형상 재 설계에 의한 공작기계 기하오차 보정)

  • 서성교
    • Proceedings of the Korean Society of Machine Tool Engineers Conference
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    • 2000.04a
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    • pp.367-372
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    • 2000
  • Accuracy of a machined component is determined by the relative motion between the cutting tool and the workpiece. One of the important factors which affects the accuracy of this relative motion is the geometric error of machine tools. In this study, geometric error is modeled using form shaping motion of machine tool, where a form shaping function is derived from the homogeneous transformation matrix. Geometric errors are measured by laser interferometer. After that, the local positioning error can be estimated from the form shaping model and geometric error data base. From this information, we can remodel the part by shifting the design surface to the amount of positional error. By generating tool path to the redesigned surface, we can reduce the machining error.

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