• Title/Summary/Keyword: Geographical conditions

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Runoff simulation for operation of small urban storm water pumping station under heavy storm rainfall conditions (집중호우 시 도시 소유역 배수펌프장 운영을 위한 강우유출모의)

  • Gil, Kyung-Ik;Han, Jong-Ok;Kim, Sung-Geun;Lee, Chang-No;Kim, Goo-Hyeon
    • Journal of Wetlands Research
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    • v.8 no.2
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    • pp.75-81
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    • 2006
  • In this study, runoff simulation was carried out in order to derive operational improvement of small urban storm water pumping station under heavy storm rainfall conditions. The flood inflow hydrograph of Guri city heavy storm in July, 2001 was successfully simulated by HEC-HMS, a GIS-based runoff simulation model. For the runoff simulation, ArcView, as an effective GIS tool, was used to provide input data of the model such as land use data, soil distribution data and SCS runoff curve number.

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Construction Delay Analysis Using Daily Work Report Data for Short Construction Seasons

  • Jamal, Md Shah;Abdelaty, Ahmed;Shrestha, K. Joseph
    • International conference on construction engineering and project management
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    • 2022.06a
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    • pp.616-623
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    • 2022
  • Some regions and states, such as Wyoming, have harsh weather conditions, forcing most transportation projects to be completed under tight schedules. However, construction projects are not only delayed by weather conditions, but also delayed by other factors such as contractor's competency, resource availability, coordination issues, and safety. Also, the construction method, geographical location of the projects, and inability to follow baseline schedules accurately due to the contractor's resource allocation are also reasons for the delay. This paper discusses the main reasons for the delay in the public transportation projects based on Daily Work Reports (DWRs) from five different transportation projects of the last three years in Wyoming. This paper focuses on the inconsistencies of the contractor's schedules to complete the project according to the baseline schedule. First, the authors collected DWRs and baseline schedules from the Wyoming Department of Transportation (WYDOT). Second, the DWR data are compared against the baseline schedules to determine the reasons for delaying their significance. Finally, the paper presents the recommendations to mitigate the effects of delays on public transportation projects as well as to improve the documentation process of DWR data.

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A Study of Non-Working Days Estimation in the High-rise Construction with Wind Load Data by Radiosonde

  • Kim, Se-Hoon;Kim, Yea-Sang;Shin, Hyuk;Kim, Hye-Jin
    • International conference on construction engineering and project management
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    • 2015.10a
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    • pp.188-191
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    • 2015
  • This study is based on the data of velocity actually measured at varied the heights in the last 3 years. As mentioned in the World Meteorological Monitoring Plan(World Weather Watch: WWW), using the meteorological data by radiosonde can calculate the probability of velocity greater than 10m/s which is the standard beginning point of non-working condition by wind. The height is divided into sections, with 100m for each section starting from the ocean surface up to 700m high. The data measured at each section could be used for estimating and predicting the probability of non-working days for the construction nearby. For example, the data of Osan region is expected to be applicable for the project located in Seoul which has similar geographical conditions. As comparing the velocity varied with height, non-working days calculated basing on the measured data shows a variation of from -0.3 to +64 days. However, this study use Weibull distribution which considered more reliable, the result is expected to be more useful, as the data was all actually measured in the real conditions.

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Evaluation of the limit ice thickness for the hull of various Finnish-Swedish ice class vessels navigating in the Russian Arctic

  • Kujala, Pentti;Korgesaar, Mihkel;Kamarainen, Jorma
    • International Journal of Naval Architecture and Ocean Engineering
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    • v.10 no.3
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    • pp.376-384
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    • 2018
  • Selection of suitable ice class for ships operation is an important but not simple task. The increased exploitation of the Polar waters, both seasonal periods and geographical areas, as well as the introduction of new international design standards such as Polar Code, reduces the relevancy of using existing experience as basis for the selection, and new methods and knowledge have to be developed. This paper will analyse what can be the limiting ice thickness for ships navigating in the Russian Arctic and designed according to the Finnish-Swedish ice class rules. The permanent deformations of ice-strengthened shell structures for various ice classes is determined using MT Uikku as the typical size of a vessel navigating in ice. The ice load in various conditions is determined using the ARCDEV data from the winter 1998 as the basic database. By comparing the measured load in various ice conditions with the serviceability limit state of the structures, the limiting ice thickness for various ice classes is determined. The database for maximum loads includes 3-weeks ice load measurements during April 1998 on the Kara Sea mainly by icebreaker assistance. Gumbel 1 distribution is fitted on the measured 20 min maximum values and the data is divided into various classes using ship speed, ice thickness and ice concentration as the main parameters. Results encouragingly show that present designs are safer than assumed in the Polar Code suggesting that assisted operation in Arctic conditions is feasible in rougher conditions than indicated in the Polar Code.

Estimating Air Temperature over Mountainous Terrain by Combining Hypertemporal Satellite LST Data and Multivariate Geostatistical Methods (초단주기 지표온도 위성자료와 다변량 공간통계기법을 결합한 산지 지역의 기온 분포 추정)

  • Park, Sun-Yurp
    • Journal of the Korean Geographical Society
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    • v.44 no.2
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    • pp.105-121
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    • 2009
  • The accurate official map of air temperature does not exist for the Hawaiian Islands due to the limited number of weather stations on the rugged volcanic landscape. To alleviate the major problem of temperature mapping, satellite-measured land surface temperature (LST) data were used as an additional source of sample points. The Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer (MODIS) system provides hypertemperal LST data, and LST pixel values that were frequently observed (${\ge}$14 days during a 32-day composite period) had a strong, consistent correlation with air temperature. Systematic grid points with a spacing of 5km, 10km, and 20km were generated, and LST-derived air temperature estimates were extracted for each of the grid points and used as input to inverse distance weighted (IDW) and cokriging methods. Combining temperature data and digital elevation model (DEM), cokriging significantly improved interpolation accuracy compared to IDW. Although a cokriging method is useful when a primary variable is cross-correlated with elevation, interpolation accuracy was sensitively influenced by the seasonal variations of weather conditions. Since the spatial variations of local air temperature are more variable in the wet season than in the dry season, prediction errors were larger during the wet season than the dry season.

Chemical Weathering Characteristics of Red Saprolites at Granitic Hills in Yeongam, Southwestern Korea (한반도 남서부 영암의 화강암 구릉대 적색토의 화학적 풍화 특색)

  • Kim, Young-Rae
    • Journal of the Korean Geographical Society
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    • v.47 no.3
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    • pp.315-327
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    • 2012
  • Red saprolites are appeared in granitic hills in Yeongam, Southern Korean Peninsula. These red saprolites were analyzed for their geochemistry, including CIA, A-CN-K and A-CNK-FM ternary plots, to understand the chemical weathering trend and rubefaction of the saprolites. These saprolites were compared with laterite profiles in Cameroon formed under humid tropical conditions. The red saprolites in Yeongam show commonly massive loss of CaO, $Na_2O$, but $K_2O$ is being slow. The red saprolites in Yeongam relative to laterite and kaolinite profiles of Cameroon and Spain show weak chemical alteration owing to slow removal of $K_2O$, but high mafic constituents, $Fe_2O_3$ and MgO, for most of the samples. In the saprolites of Yeongam, mafic oxides become enriched because of the fast and massive removal of alkali constituents, such as CaO, $Na_2O$ and $K_2O$, relative to other elements, resulting in rubefaction of the saprolites. It is found that the rubefaction of the saprolites is not necessarily proportional to chemical weathering intensity.

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Location Optimization in Heterogeneous Sensor Network Configuration for Security Monitoring (보안 모니터링을 위한 이종 센서 네트워크 구성에서 입지 최적화 접근)

  • Kim, Kam-Young
    • Journal of the Korean Geographical Society
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    • v.43 no.2
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    • pp.220-234
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    • 2008
  • In many security monitoring contexts, the performance or efficiency of surveillance sensors/networks based on a single sensor type may be limited by environmental conditions, like illumination change. It is well known that different modes of sensors can be complementary, compensating for failures or limitations of individual sensor types. From a location analysis and modeling perspective, a challenge is how to locate different modes of sensors to support security monitoring. A coverage-based optimization model is proposed as a way to simultaneously site k different sensor types. This model considers common coverage among different sensor types as well as overlapping coverage for individual sensor types. The developed model is used to site sensors in an urban area. Computational results show that common and overlapping coverage can be modeled simultaneously, and a rich set of solutions exists reflecting the tradeoff between common and overlapping coverage.

The Study on the Factors Affecting the Elderly Employment: Focusing on the Comparisons between Urban and Rural Areas (고령자의 취업에 영향을 미치는 요인에 대한 연구: 도시와 농촌의 비교를 중심으로)

  • Koo, Yangmi
    • Journal of the Economic Geographical Society of Korea
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    • v.19 no.1
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    • pp.104-121
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    • 2016
  • This study was conducted in order to investigate the factors affecting the elderly employment and especially focused on the factor of their residential areas. This paper performs binary logistic regression analysis with the micro data of 2014 Survey of Living Conditions and Welfare Needs of Older Koreans. To reveal the influence on the elderly employment, various dependent variables was used such as demographical, health, household, economic, lifelong job, living environment, and residential area characteristics. The elderly in rural areas have higher possibility of currently working than those in urban areas. Based on the results, more various and complex factors affected on the employment of the urban elderly. This suggested that differentiated policy supports were needed in the urban and rural areas.

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Development Axis and the Programs of Spatial and Regional Planning in Germany (독일의 국토 및 지역계획 II: 역사적 전개와 주요 계획프로그램)

  • Ahn, Young-Jin
    • Journal of the Economic Geographical Society of Korea
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    • v.18 no.3
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    • pp.381-394
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    • 2015
  • The German spatial planning has undergone significant changes. The purpose of this study is to describe and to show how the development of spatial planning programs has developed in the Federal Republic of Germany in the last 50 years. However, the aim of this paper is not just to trace certain trends in planning practices, but to investigate their origin including the visions, directions, and purposes according to the each period. The national-level spatial planning could be divided into three phases since the enactment of the first Federal Regional Planning Act (ROG): The heyday of regional planning (1965-1975), the skepticism and crisis (1975-1990), new challenges by German unification and European integration since 1990. After 1965 the federal government has set up a number of frame-setting programs at the federal level to cope with the changing conditions and new challenges.

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Innovation City and Competitiveness of Region and Nation (혁신도시와 지역 및 국가의 경쟁력)

  • Lee, Bo-Young
    • Journal of the Economic Geographical Society of Korea
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    • v.14 no.1
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    • pp.1-18
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    • 2011
  • This paper explores changing concept of city in the context of globalization with innovation city and examines the characteristics of innovation city along with regional and national competitiveness. It is agreed that construction of innovation city by relocation of public institutions for balanced development of the country has valid logic. However, there are weak possibilities of innovation within the innovation city. Further more it is not a proper solution for the level up of national and regional competitiveness through this policy. The main logic is that physical relocation of institutions do not guarantee innovation of region through integration into globalization network resulting from the scale difference between nation and globe. Rather this paper suggests that regional innovation policy should performed in accordance with regional conditions and for the better competitiveness of nation and region, decentralization of power is needed. Then a region could have connection with global pipeline based on endogenous development power.

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