• Title/Summary/Keyword: Geographic Data

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Estimation of High Resolution Gridded Temperature Using GIS and PRISM (GIS와 PRISM을 이용한 고해상도 격자형 기온자료 추정)

  • Hong, Ki-Ok;Suh, Myoung-Seok;Rha, Deuk-Kyun;Chang, Dong-Ho;Kim, Chansoo;Kim, Maeng-Ki
    • Atmosphere
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    • v.17 no.3
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    • pp.255-268
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    • 2007
  • This study generated and evaluated the high resolution (5 km) gridded data of monthly mean, maximum and minimum temperature from 2002 to 2005 over South Korea using a modified PRISM(Parameter-elevation Regressions on Independent Slopes Model: K-PRISM) developed by Daly et al. (2003). The performance of K-PRISM was evaluated by qualitative and quantitative ways using the observations and gridded data derived by inverse distance weighting (IDW) and hypsometric methods (HYPS). For the generation of high resolution gridded data, geographic informations over South Korea, such as the digital elevation, topographic facet and coastal proximity, are derived from the 1 km digital elevation data. The spatial patterns of temperature derived by K-PRISM were more closely linked to topography and coastal proximity than those by IDW. The K-PRISM performed much better than IDW for all months and temperatures, but it was equal to or slightly better than the HYPS. And the performances of K-PRISM were better in the minimum and mean temperature (winter) than the in maximum temperature (summer).

The Study on the Oceanic Surface Wind Retrieval using TRMM Microwave Imager (TRMM TMI를 이용한 해상풍 추정에 관한 연구)

  • Kim, Young-Seup;Hong, Gi-Man
    • Journal of the Korean Association of Geographic Information Studies
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    • v.5 no.2
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    • pp.47-53
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    • 2002
  • Ocean surface wind speed was estimated using TRMM (Tropical Rainfall Measurement Mission) TMI (TRMM Microwave/Imager) data. It is used the TRMM TMI brightness temperature and National Data Buoy Center's buoy winds speed dataset near North-America to estimate by the algorithm of the ocean surface wind speed retrieval over North America. Comparing with the buoy data by D-matrix equation, the result that RMSE, BIAS, and correlation coefficient are 2.19 $ms^{-1}$, 1.10 $ms^{-1}$, and 0.81, respectively. Therefore the estimated oceanic surface wind speed by TRMM TMI brightness temperature data show that available to ocean research over upper ocean.

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The Validation of Band Ratio Algorithm for Estimation of Transparency of Coastal Area (연안해역의 투명도 추정을 위한 밴드비율 알고리듬 검증)

  • Jeong, Jong-Chul
    • Journal of the Korean Association of Geographic Information Studies
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    • v.4 no.1
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    • pp.27-33
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    • 2001
  • SDD(Secchi disk depth) algorithm were composed of SeaWiFS bands combination using in-water optical data sets obtained Lake Sihwa, Kyungki Bay, Chunsu Bay, and Chinhae Bay. SDD algorithm were compared with in-situ data. Reflectance band ratio, $R_{rs}$(490/665) had the highest correlation($R^2$=0.8188) with in-situ data. For in-water algorithm applied to satellite data, reflectance band ratios of Landsat TM data were calculated. However, the results of applied Landsat TM had the low correlation, these reason were discussed in this paper.

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Improving Internet GIS Services Using the GML (GML을 이용한 인터넷 지리정보 서비스 향상방안에 관한 연구)

  • Chang, Min-Chol;Jun, Chul-Min
    • Journal of Korean Society for Geospatial Information Science
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    • v.13 no.2 s.32
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    • pp.51-63
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    • 2005
  • With the emerging mobile technologies, applications based on GIS are also getting more attention recently. But it is known to have some limitations in being served in different types of mobile devices and platforms. While information services are limited by data format and data exchange between platforms, the eXtensible Markup Language(XML) is getting focused as the most promising technology as the solution to such problems. Geographic Markup Language(GML) is based on XML technology and is being frequently mentioned recently as the solution to service problem on different mobile devices as well as the internet. In this study, we suggested the framework to use the GML in order to transfer and represent geographical data through the on-line or wireless platforms. We compared different application types which are currently used with GML and proposed to improve GIS services using the GML in geographical data transfer and description.

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Implementation of Information Retrieval and Management System Based on Ontology Using Object Oriented Design Pattern (객체지향 설계 유형에 의한 온톨로지 기반 정보검색 및 관리시스템 구현)

  • Lee, Hong-Ro
    • Journal of the Korean Association of Geographic Information Studies
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    • v.12 no.4
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    • pp.146-157
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    • 2009
  • In order to implement ontology data searching system, this paper uses some methods that effectively analyse searching options/key words with event process model and design pattern. I will propose some techniques on object-oriented process model that should improve reusability of system and reusability of ontology data which users can obtain more precise searching results. This paper shows that ontology-based data searching can assure users of the precision of searching results. Therefore, ontology-based data searching system on object-oriented design pattern is expected to show high stability and reliability, enhance reusability and scalability of modules and softwares and provide reliable data searching results to users.

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4S-Van: A Prototype Mobile Mapping System for GIS

  • Lee, Seung-Yong;Kim, Seong-Baek;Choi, Ji-Hoon;Lee, Jong-Hun
    • Korean Journal of Remote Sensing
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    • v.19 no.1
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    • pp.91-97
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    • 2003
  • The design of Graphic Information System(GIS) in various applications is suffering from the difficulty of data acquisition, which is labor-intensive and time consuming. In order to provide the spatial data rapidly and accurately, 4S-Van, a prototype mobile mapping system, has been developed. The 4S-Van consists of 1)Global Positioning System(GPS), Inertial Navigation System(INS) for estimating the geographic position and attitude of the moving van, i.e.,(x, y, z) and the direction of the Van, 2) Charge Coupled Device(CCD) camera and laser scanner for capturing images and for measuring depth from geographic objects, and 3) External Synchronization Device(ESD) and industrial PC for synchronizing data from GPS/INS/CCD camera and for storing the data. In this paper, we present the design and implementation of the proto-Dpe 4S-Van system for spatial data acquisition for various GIS applications.

A Visualization Method for the Ocean Forecast Data using WMS System (WMS 시스템을 이용한 해양예측모델 데이터의 가시화 기법)

  • Kwon, Taejung;Lee, Jaeryoung;Park, Jaepyo
    • The Journal of the Institute of Internet, Broadcasting and Communication
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    • v.18 no.6
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    • pp.11-19
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    • 2018
  • Recently, many companies offer various web-based map that is based on GIS(Geographic Information System) information. Google Map, Open street, Bing Map, Naver Map, Daum Map, Vwolrd Map, etc are the few examples of such system. In this paper, we propose a method to visualize ocean forecasting model data considering the flow diagram of tidal current, streamline expression algorithm, and user convenience by using vector field data information that is currently being served. It is confirmed that the proposed method of the flow diagram of tidal current, and stream line expression algorithm is faster than that of conventional ocean prediction model data by more than 2 times.

Schema Integration Methodology and Toolkit for Heterogeneous and Distributed Geographic Databases

  • Park, Jin-Soo
    • Journal of Korea Society of Industrial Information Systems
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    • v.6 no.3
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    • pp.51-64
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    • 2001
  • Schema integration is one of the most difficult issues in the heterogeneous and distributed geographic database systems (GDSs). As the use of spatial information in various application areas becomes increasingly popular, the integration of geographic information has become a crucial task for decision makers. Most existing schema integration techniques described in the database literature, however, do not address the problems of managing heterogeneities among complex objects that contain visual data and/or spatial and temporal information. The difficulties arise not only from the semantic conflicts, but also from the different representations of spatial models. Consequently, it is much more complex to achieve interoperability in the area of geographic databases. This research attempts to provide a solution to such problems. The research reported in this paper describes a schema integration methodology and a prototype toolkit developed to assist in schema integration activities for GDSs.

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Geographic Distribution and Epidemiology of Lung Cancer During 2011 in Zhejiang Province of China

  • Lin, Xia-Lu;Chen, Yan;Gong, Wei-Wei;Wu, Zhao-Fan;Zou, Bao-Bo;Zhao, Jin-Shun;Gu, Hua;Jiang, Jian-Min
    • Asian Pacific Journal of Cancer Prevention
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    • v.15 no.13
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    • pp.5299-5303
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    • 2014
  • Background: To explore etiology for providing scientific clues for the prevention of lung cancer. Materials and Methods: Data for lung cancer incidence and meteorological geographic factors from 25 counties in Zhejiang province of China during 2011 were studied. Stepwise multiple regression and correlation analysis were performed to analyze the geographic distribution and epidemiology of lung cancer. Results: 8,291 new cases (5,998 in males and 2,293 females) of lung cancer during 2011 in Zhejiang province were reported in the 25 studied counties. Reported and standardized incidence rates for lung cancer were 58.0 and 47.0 per 100,000 population, respectively. The incidence of lung cancer increased with age. Geographic distribution analysis shows that the standardized incidence rates of lung cancer in northeastern Zhejiang province were higher than in the southwestern part, such as in Nanhu, Fuyang, Wuxing and Yuyao counties, where the rates were more than 50 per 100,000 population. In the southwestern Zhejiang province, for instance, in Yueqing, Xianju and Jiande counties, the standardized incidence rates of lung cancer were lower than 37 per 100,000 population. Spearman correlation tests showed that forest coverage rate, air quality index (AQI), and annual precipitation level are associated with the incidence of lung cancer. Conclusions: Lung cancer in Zhejiang province shows obvious regional differences. High incidence appears associated with low forest coverage rate, poor air quality and low annual precipitation. Therefore, increasing the forest coverage rate and controlling air pollution may play an important role in lung cancer prevention.

A Study on the Preparation Method of Fruit Cropping Distribution Map using Satellite Images and GIS (위성영상과 GIS를 이용한 과수재배 분포도 작성 기법에 관한 연구)

  • Jo, Myung-Hee;Bu, Ki-Dong;Lee, Jung-Hyoup;Lee, Kwang-Jae
    • Journal of the Korean Association of Geographic Information Studies
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    • v.3 no.4
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    • pp.73-86
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    • 2000
  • This study focused on extracting an efficient method in the fruit cropping distribution mapping with various classification methods using multi-temporal satellite images and Geographic Information Systems(GIS). For this study, multi-temporal Landsat TM images, in observation data and existing fruit cropping area statistics were used to compare and analyze the properties of fruit cropping and seasonal distribution per classification method. As a result, this study concludes that Maximum Likelihood Method with earlier autumn satellite image was most efficient for the fruit cropping mapping using Landsat TM image. In addition, it was clarified that cropping area per administrative boundary was prepared and distribution pattern was identified efficiently using GIS spatial analysis.

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