• Title/Summary/Keyword: Geographic Data

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Development of Distribution System for Enhancing Utilization of Geotechnical Information DB (지반정보 DB 활용향상을 위한 유통시스템 개발)

  • Jang, Yong-Gu;Lee, Sang-Hoon;Koo, Jee-Hee
    • Journal of the Korean Association of Geographic Information Studies
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    • v.10 no.1
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    • pp.183-193
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    • 2007
  • Geotechnical Information Database Project was began by Ministry of Construction Transport at the 1999, because many people need a sharing and reusing the geotechnical report in construction process. In the beginning, target was report of national highway construction, the whole of country has been target on since the 2005. Today, the 60,581 number of geotechnical data(counted by boring number) is maintained. In this study, Geotechnical Information Distribute System(GIDS) was developed, in order to improve practical use and to be connected to National Geographic Information Center. and program to be applicable to construction was suggested. GIDS is able to search/download geotechnical report with digital map by internet. This system is consisted of geotechnical data and metadata editor, registration tool, and web system. We expect that GIDS make a effect to improve geotechnical data management and to be use in all part of construction process.

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Geographic information system analysis on the distribution of patients visiting the periodontology department at a dental college hospital

  • Jeong, Byungjoon;Joo, Hyun-Tae;Shin, Hyun-Seung;Lim, Mi-Hwa;Park, Jung-Chul
    • Journal of Periodontal and Implant Science
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    • v.46 no.3
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    • pp.207-217
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    • 2016
  • Purpose: The aim of this study is to analyze and visualize the distribution of patients visiting the periodontology department at a dental college hospital, using a geographic information system (GIS) to utilize these data in patient care and treatment planning, which may help to assess the risk and prevent periodontal diseases. Methods: Basic patient information data were obtained from Dankook University Dental Hospital, including the unit number, gender, date of birth, and address, down to the dong (neighborhood) administrative district unit, of 306,656 patients who visited the hospital between 2007 and 2014. The data of only 26,457 patients who visited the periodontology department were included in this analysis. The patient distribution was visualized using GIS. Statistical analyses including multiple regression, logistic regression, and geographically weighted regression were performed using SAS 9.3 and ArcGIS 10.1. Five factors, namely proximity, accessibility, age, gender, and socioeconomic status, were investigated as the explanatory variables of the patient distribution. Results: The visualized patient data showed a nationwide scale of the patient distribution. The mean distance from each patient's regional center to the hospital was $30.94{\pm}29.62km$ and was inversely proportional to the number of patients from the respective regions. The distance from a regional center to the adjacent toll gate had various effects depending on the local distance from the hospital. The average age of the patients was $52.41{\pm}12.97years$. Further, a majority of regions showed a male dominance. Personal income had inconsistent results between analyses. Conclusions: The distribution of patients is significantly affected by the proximity, accessibility, age, gender and socioeconomic status of patients, and the patients visiting the periodontology department travelled farther distances than those visiting the other departments. The underlying reason for this needs to be analyzed further.

Transportation Network Data Generation from the Topological Geographic Database (GIS위상구조자료로부터 교통망자료의 추출에 관한 연구)

  • 최기주
    • Spatial Information Research
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    • v.2 no.2
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    • pp.147-163
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    • 1994
  • This paper presents three methods of generating the transportation network data out of the topological geographic database in the hope that the conversion of the geographic database file containing the topology to the conventional node-link type trans¬portation network file may facilitate the integration between transportation planning mod¬els and GIS by alleviating the inherent problems of both computing environments. One way of the proposed conversion method is to use the conversion software that allows the bi-directional conversion between the UTPS (Urban Transportation Planning System) type transportation planning model and GIS. The other two methods of data structure conversion approach directly transform the GIS's user-level topology into the transportation network data topology, and have been introduced with codes programmed with FORTRAN and AML (Arc Macro Language) of ARC/INFO. If used successfully, any approach would not only improve the efficiency of transportation planning process and the associated decision-making activities in it, but enhance the productivity of trans¬portation planning agencies.

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Construction and Evaluation of Bank Marketing Database using Geographic Information Systems (GIS를 이용한 은행마케팅 데이터베이스의 구축과 과제)

  • Jo, Myung-Hee;Bu, Ki-Dong;Kim, Kwang-Ju;Suh, Jun-Seok
    • Journal of the Korean Association of Geographic Information Studies
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    • v.1 no.1
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    • pp.52-69
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    • 1998
  • Using GIS, this study constructs and evaluates a bank marketing system. The study collects a marketing GIS database case from the Daegu Bank, which is one of the leading local banks in Korea. The database includes spatial data such as digital road map, internal and external attribute data which are combined for the construction of bank marketing database. Based on these data, the study developed an interface which enables searching and analysing functions of bank GIS marketing system. For the development of the interface, this study examined the basic concepts of area marketing and its development and utilized Map/Info as a basic GIS software package and Delphi as computer language. Finally, the study makes a comprehensive evaluation of various problems of spatial and attribute data which occurred in the process of constructing the bank marketing database.

SLM using GIS data formats for 3D virtual model of research (SLM 포맷을 이용한 GIS 데이터의 3D 가상모델에 대한 연구)

  • Han, Jeong-Ah;Seo, Laiwon
    • Journal of Digital Contents Society
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    • v.15 no.1
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    • pp.113-120
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    • 2014
  • In recent years, devices using the smart ponwa IT service is activated, to research how the fusion of two or more devices will be able to be interest in the soybeans. One of them in the mobile sector through the development of network and hardware digital geo-spatial map of the rapid advances being made and the computer, how do you map data to efficiently simulate a 3D environment, providing services through a virtual environment focused on whether be. In this study, augmented reality and GIS (Geographic Information System), SLM (Static LOD Model) that combines augmented reality technology on the basis of the basic concepts and approaches in geographic space and how Augmented Reality Based on this interpretation of the relevant content What to do in the development and utilization has a purpose. In this study, the conventional SLM 3DS model data structure of a data format conversion of the proposed possibilities for analyzing and, SLM model generation and format of the existing three-dimensional visualization tools SLM model format for converting a format to a model function, and visualization features. In addition, 3D virtual model to propose a format for efficiently making.

Construction of Land Information System using Three Dimensional Digital Elevation Model Algorithm (3차원 지형모델 알고리즘을 이용한 토지정보체계 구축)

  • Kang, Ho-Yun;Chang, Yong-Ku;Kang, In-Joon
    • Journal of the Korean Association of Geographic Information Studies
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    • v.4 no.3
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    • pp.31-40
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    • 2001
  • Geography Information System is divided to many details fields such as Urban Information System, Land Information System, Military Information System etc. These detailed fields are connected each other and make National Geography Information System. Now Geography Information System is being used in many fields with Urban Information System. And information of all field is being constructed to network for share each other. Now Land Information System(LIS) is being constructed to two dimensional. But LIS can construct and utilize three dimensional geographic data by connecting Geography Information System and this effect will be greatest. Thus, the study of connecting cadastral map and digital terrain map must be continued. Through the study of connecting digital terrain map, the construction and analysis of three dimensional digital elevation model will be able to construct Land Information System effectively. To this study, the authors constructed integrated geographic data by uniting digital terrain map and cadastral map and constructed three dimensional digital elevation model. By connecting cadastral information database, the authors developed three dimensional Integrated Land Information System.

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Shifts of Geographic Distribution of Pinus koraiensis Based on Climate Change Scenarios and GARP Model (GARP 모형과 기후변화 시나리오에 따른 잣나무의 지리적 분포 변화)

  • Chun, Jung Hwa;Lee, Chang Bae;Yoo, So Min
    • Korean Journal of Agricultural and Forest Meteorology
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    • v.17 no.4
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    • pp.348-357
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    • 2015
  • The main purpose of this study is to understand the potential geographic distribution of P. koraiensis, which is known to be one of major economic tree species, based on the RCP (Representative Concentration Pathway) 8.5 scenarios and current geographic distribution from National Forest Inventory(NFI) data using ecological niche modeling. P. koraiensis abundance data extracted from NFI were utilized to estimate current geographic distribution. Also, GARP (Genetic Algorithm for Rule-set Production) model, one of the ecological niche models, was applied to estimate potential geographic distribution and to project future changes. Environmental explanatory variables showing Area Under Curve (AUC) value bigger than 0.6 were selected and constructed into the final model by running the model for each of the 27 variables. The results of the model validation which was performed based on confusion matrix statistics, showed quite high suitability. Currently P. koraiensis is distributed widely from 300m to 1,200m in altitude and from south to north as a result of national greening project in 1970s although major populations are found in elevated and northern area. The results of this study were successful in showing the current distribution of P. koraiensis and projecting their future changes. Future model for P. koraiensis suggest large areas predicted under current climate conditions may be contracted by 2090s showing dramatic habitat loss. Considering the increasing status of atmospheric $CO_2$ and air temperature in Korea, P. koraiensis seems to experience the significant decrease of potential distribution range in the future. The final model in this study may be used to identify climate change impacts on distribution of P. koraiensis in Korea, and a deeper understanding of its correlation may be helpful when planning afforestation strategies.

GIS Vector Map Compression using Spatial Energy Compaction based on Bin Classification (빈 분류기반 공간에너지집중기법을 이용한 GIS 벡터맵 압축)

  • Jang, Bong-Joo;Lee, Suk-Hwan;Kwon, Ki-Ryong
    • Journal of the Institute of Electronics Engineers of Korea CI
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    • v.49 no.3
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    • pp.15-26
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    • 2012
  • Recently, due to applicability increase of vector data based digital map for geographic information and evolution of geographic measurement techniques, large volumed GIS(geographic information service) services having high resolution and large volumed data are flowing actively. This paper proposed an efficient vector map compression technique using the SEC(spatial energy compaction) based on classified bins for the vector map having 1cm detail and hugh range. We encoded polygon and polyline that are the main objects to express geographic information in the vector map. First, we classified 3 types of bins and allocated the number of bits for each bin using adjacencies among the objects. and then about each classified bin, energy compaction and or pre-defined VLC(variable length coding) were performed according to characteristics of classified bins. Finally, for same target map, while a vector simplification algorithm had about 13%, compression ratio in 1m resolution we confirmed our method having more than 80% encoding efficiencies about original vector map in the 1cm resolution. Also it has not only higher compression ratio but also faster computing speed than present SEC based compression algorithm through experimental results. Moreover, our algorithm presented much more high performances about accuracy and computing power than vector approximation algorithm on same data volume sizes.

The Alternatives of Communication Model and Geographic Visualization (커뮤니케이션 이론에 대한 대안과 지리적 시각화)

  • Son, Ill
    • Journal of the Korean association of regional geographers
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    • v.4 no.1
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    • pp.27-41
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    • 1998
  • The communication model has been accepted as the basic research paradigm of cartography since Board(1967) discussed the map/model analogy. In that paradigm, the function of maps was limited to the media of communication, and the functionality of maps was extremely emphasized. Therefore the model could not play its own role under the new environments such as computer, GIS, scientific visualization. Nowadays, the model has been attacked on several grounds and several alternatives have been suggested. Among the objections raised are (1) geographic visualization in which maps are considered as the tool of scientific visualization, (2) the contributions of art which are ignored in the positivist cartographic research, and (3) deconstructionist arguments which deny the scientific epistemology of map as an objective form of knowledge and recognize the textuality of maps including their metaphorical and rhetorical nature. Since a publication by McCormick et al, the scientific visualization based on the powerful computer graphics is used in a wide context. Maps are treated as the tools of scientific visualization and emphasis is on exploration of the geographic data to gain understanding and insight in the geographic visualization processes. The research on geographic visualization have stayed in the early stage of developing the conceptual model and the basic visualization tools. But, it is expected that the geographic or visual thinking which is emphasized in the geographic visualization will contribute the reestablishment of links between cartography and geography. Also, the development of scientific visualization tools and strategies will offer the opportunities to suggest a fresh idea, to synthesize information and develop holistic approaches to geographical problems.

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Classification of Forest Vegetation Zone over Southern Part of Korean Peninsula Using Geographic Information Systems (環境因子의 空間分析을 통한 南韓지역의 山林植生帶 구분/지리정보시스템(GIS)에 의한 접근)

  • Lee, Kyu-Sung;Byong-Chun Lee;Joon Hwan Shin
    • The Korean Journal of Ecology
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    • v.19 no.5
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    • pp.465-476
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    • 1996
  • There are several environmental variables that may be influential to the spatial distribution of forest vegetation. To create a map of forest vegetation zone over southern part of Korean Peninsula, digital map layers were produced for each of environmental variables that include topography, geographic locations, and climate. In addition, an extensive set of field survey data was collected at relatively undisturbed forests and they were introduced into the GIS database with exact coordinates of survey sites. Preliminary statistical analysis on the survey data showed that the environmental variables were significantly different among the previously defined five forest vegetation zones. Classification of the six layers of digital map representing environmental variables was carried out by a supervised classifier using the training statistics from field survey data and by a clustering algorithm. Although the maps from two classifiers were somewhat different due to the classification procedure applied, they showed overall patterns of vertical and horizontal distribution of forest zones. considering the spatial contents of many ecological studies, GIS can be used as an important tool to manage and analyze spatial data. This study discusses more about the generation of digital map and the analysis procedure rather than the outcome map of forest vegetation zone.

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