• Title/Summary/Keyword: Geo-information

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Height Datum Transformation using Precise Geoid and Tidal Model in the area of Anmyeon Island (정밀 지오이드 및 조석모델을 활용한 안면도 지역의 높이기준면 변환 연구)

  • Roh, Jae Young;Lee, Dong Ha;Suh, Yong Cheol
    • Journal of Korean Society for Geospatial Information Science
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    • v.24 no.1
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    • pp.109-119
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    • 2016
  • The height datum of Korea is currently separated into land and sea, which makes it difficult to acquire homogeneous and accurate height information throughout the whole nation. In this study, we therefore tried to suggest the more effective way to transform the height information were constructed separately according to each height datum on land and sea to those on the unique height datum using precise geoid models and tidal observations in Korea. For this, Anmyeon island was selected as a study area to develop the precise geoid models based on the height datums land (IMSL) and sea (LMSL), respectively. In order to develop two hybrid geoid models based on each height datum of land an sea, we firstly develop a precise gravimetric geoid model using the remove and restore (R-R) technique with all available gravity observations. The gravimetric geoid model were then fitted to the geometric geoidal heights, each of which is represented as height datum of land or sea respectively, obtained from GPS/Leveling results on 15 TBMs in the study area. Finally, we determined the differences between the two hybrid geoid models to apply the height transformation between IMSL and LMSL. The co-tidal chart model of TideBed system developed by Korea Hydrographic and Oceanographic Agency (KHOA) which was re-gridded to have the same grid size and coverage as the geoid model, in order that this can be used for the height datum transformation from LMSL to local AHHW and/or from LMSL to local DL. The accuracy of height datum transformation based on the strategy suggested in this study was approximately ${\pm}3cm$. It is expected that the results of this study can help minimize not only the confusions on the use of geo-spatial information due to the disagreement caused by different height datum, land and sea, in Korea, but also the economic and time losses in the execution of coastal development and disaster prevention projects in the future.

Sediment Quality Assessment for Heavy Metals in Streams Around the Shihwa Lake (시화호 유역 하천 퇴적물에서의 중금속 오염도 평가에 관한 연구)

  • Jeong, Hyeryeong;Kim, Kyung-Tae;Kim, Eun-Soo;Ra, Kongtae;Lee, Seung-Yong
    • Journal of the Korean Society for Marine Environment & Energy
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    • v.19 no.1
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    • pp.25-36
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    • 2016
  • Heavy metals in the stream sediments around Shihwa Lake were studied not only to investigate the characteristics of spacio-temporal distribution but also to assess the pollution degree and ecological risk using various pollution indices. Among metals, Zn had the highest values (1,311 mg/kg) and Hg showed the lowest value (0.261 mg/kg). The order of mean concentrations (mg/kg) of metals was Zn>Cu>Pb>Cr>Ni>Co>As>Cd>Hg in stream sediments around Shihwa Lake. Metal concentrations showed different pollution pattern with industrial region, indicating that these metals originated from different sources and industrial region had higher metal concentration than rural/urban regions. The results of geoaccumulation index (Igeo) showed that the stream sediments were significantly polluted with Cd, Cu, Zn and Pb, indicating moderately to highly polluted by these metals. According to PLI consideration, industrial region was more seriously polluted by metals whereas an rural/urban region was not polluted. About 85% of sampling site for Cr, Ni, Cu, Zn and Pb from industrial regions were exceeded the PEL values. The mPELQ and SQI values derived from PEL of industrial region were classified as 'highly toxic' and 'very poor' and metal pollution level tend to be worse in wet season. This indicates that the industrial activities and stromwater runoff represents an important sources of heavy metals around Shihwa Lake.

A Study of the Potential Shelters in the Lunar Lava Tubes (달 동굴의 잠재적 주거환경에 관한 연구)

  • Oh, Jongwoo
    • Journal of Satellite, Information and Communications
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    • v.12 no.3
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    • pp.41-49
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    • 2017
  • This paper will describe lunar lava tubes' five analyzed fields, such as geology, geomorphology, internal configuration, stability, communication and habitats requirements. This research gets through qualitative and qualitative data analysis as following results. A huge size and configuration differences between lunar lava tubes and earth one on geology and landform environments. Exo-genetics activities, such as meteorites, radiation, and sudden temperature bigger affect than Endo-genetic activities, such as effusion and earthquake of the lunar lava tubes. Landform and internal configuration of the lunar lava tubes due to the huge cave perilous landform that gravity difference have a technical limitation from internal approach and data obtain of the huge skylights and sinuous rilles. Stability of the lunar lava tubes deals with geology and landform. It was obvious geo-structural stability elements results generated on low rate of collapsed halls(skylights), low gravity, and relatively thick covers. In terms of the communication capability on the external and internal lunar lava tubes cordless communication techniques will overcome limitations of the sun-power generates supporting communication systems. Through this research it realized obvious differs between potential habitats possibility by accumulative theories by scholars and techniques of the lunar lava tubes. Especially, it is a favorable expectation throughout overcoming attempt on zero gravity, cosmo radiation, lunar dust of the exo-genetic limitations to the steep escarpment of skylights to approach and achieve techniques by the civil engineering, networking and GIS techniques as the endo-genetic environment treatment.

Modeling and Controller Design for Attitude Control of a Moving Satellite (이동하는 위성의 자세제어를 위한 모델링 및 제어기 설계)

  • Lee, Woo-Seung;Park, Chong-Kug
    • Journal of the Institute of Electronics Engineers of Korea SC
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    • v.37 no.1
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    • pp.19-29
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    • 2000
  • Because the previous simulation tool for attitude control of satellite was designed for the modeling of rigid body and PD controller, the attitude error can be made more than the limitation value for keeping for communication link, and then the communication link can be lost at moving of satellite. So, for rapid attitude restoration and design of stable and modernized controller, the modelling of rigid body and flexible body structure for moving GEO and LEO satellites were performed. Also the minimum time controller is designed for the rapid restoration of attitude error at communication broken and to minimize the disconnection period from ground communication system during the satellite stationkeeping. The linear regulator is designed using the space state vector that is better than accuracy and stability of PD controller. Firstly the simulation was performed for comparison of the rigid and stability of PD controller. Firstly the simulation was performed for comparison of the rigid and flexible models using PD controller and the case of the pitch angle changing by ground command, and the case of the periodic north-south stationkeeping are performed for the analysis of response characteristics of each controller when the attitude is changed. As a result, the flexible body model represents more sililar results of real situation than the rigid body model. The minimum time controller can restore 7 times rapidly than PD controller for its lost attitude. The linear regulator has several merits for capability of adaptation against the external disturbance, stability and response time. In future, we can check the estimated results using this satellite model and controller for real operation. Futhermore the development of new controller and training can be supported.

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Enhanced SBAS Integration Method Using Combination of Multiple SBAS Corrections

  • Yun, Ho;Kim, Do-Yoon;Jeon, Sang-Hoon;Park, Bynng-Woon;Kee, Chang-Don
    • International Journal of Aeronautical and Space Sciences
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    • v.10 no.1
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    • pp.75-82
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    • 2009
  • In this parer, we propose a new way of improving DGNSS service using combination of multiple SBAS information. Because SBAS uses Geostationary Earth Orbit (GEO) satellites, it has very large coverage but it can be unavailable in urban canyon because of visibility problem. R. Chen solved this problem by creating Virtual Reference Stations (VRS) using the SBAS signal [1]. VRS converts SBAS signal to RTCM signals corresponding its location, and broadcast the converted RTCM signals over the wireless internet. This method can solve the visibility problem cost effectively. Furthermore it can solve DGNSS coverage problem by creating just a transmitter instead of a reference station. Developing above method, this paper proposes the methods that integrate two or more SEAS signals into one RTCM signal and broadcast it. In Korea, MSAS signal is available even though it is not officially certified for Korean users. As a Korean own SBAS-like system, there is the internet-based KWTB (Korean WADGPS Test Bed) which we developed and released at ION GNSS 2006. As a result, virtually two different SBAS corrections are available in Korea. In this paper, we propose the integration methods for these two independent SBAS corrections and present the test results using the actual measurements from the two systems. We present the detailed algorithm for these two methods and analyze the features and performances of them. To verify the proposed methods, we conduct the experiment using the logged SBAS corrections from the two systems and the RINEX data logged at Dokdo monitoring station in Korea. The preliminary test results showed the improved performance compared to the results from two independent systems, which shows the potential of our proposed methods. In the future, the newly developed SBASs will be available and the places which can access the multiple SBAS signals will increase. At that time, the integration or combination methods of two or more SBASs will become more important. Our proposed methods can be one of the useful solutions for that. As an additional research, we need to extend this research to the system level integration such as the concept of the decentralized W ADGPS.

Ordinary kriging approach to predicting long-term particulate matter concentrations in seven major Korean cities

  • Kim, Sun-Young;Yi, Seon-Ju;Eum, Young Seob;Choi, Hae-Jin;Shin, Hyesop;Ryou, Hyoung Gon;Kim, Ho
    • Environmental Analysis Health and Toxicology
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    • v.29
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    • pp.12.1-12.8
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    • 2014
  • Objectives Cohort studies of associations between air pollution and health have used exposure prediction approaches to estimate individual-level concentrations. A common prediction method used in Korean cohort studies is ordinary kriging. In this study, performance of ordinary kriging models for long-term particulate matter less than or equal to $10{\mu}m$ in diameter ($PM_{10}$) concentrations in seven major Korean cities was investigated with a focus on spatial prediction ability. Methods We obtained hourly $PM_{10}$ data for 2010 at 226 urban-ambient monitoring sites in South Korea and computed annual average $PM_{10}$ concentrations at each site. Given the annual averages, we developed ordinary kriging prediction models for each of the seven major cities and for the entire country by using an exponential covariance reference model and a maximum likelihood estimation method. For model evaluation, cross-validation was performed and mean square error and R-squared ($R^2$) statistics were computed. Results Mean annual average $PM_{10}$ concentrations in the seven major cities ranged between 45.5 and $66.0{\mu}g/m^3$ (standard deviation=2.40 and $9.51{\mu}g/m^3$, respectively). Cross-validated $R^2$ values in Seoul and Busan were 0.31 and 0.23, respectively, whereas the other five cities had $R^2$ values of zero. The national model produced a higher cross-validated $R^2$ (0.36) than those for the city-specific models. Conclusions In general, the ordinary kriging models performed poorly for the seven major cities and the entire country of South Korea, but the model performance was better in the national model. To improve model performance, future studies should examine different prediction approaches that incorporate $PM_{10}$ source characteristics.

Remote Measurements of the Geological Structures, Using Photogrammetric Method (입체사진을 이용한 원거리 면구조 측정)

  • Hwang Sang-Gi
    • The Journal of Engineering Geology
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    • v.15 no.2 s.42
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    • pp.201-212
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    • 2005
  • A photogrammetric camera system and a software have been built for capturing planned stereo images. To evaluate the system,25 planar data from a constructed rock slope were measured using both geological compass and photo system. Comparison of the data groups from both system showed matching relationship that falls within the error range of $5.25\pm4.53$ in strike and $3.18\pm3.17$ in dip angles, when the 2 standard deviation error distributions were considered. To evaluate the errors of the Photo matching and non planarity of the surface, orientations of the same plane were repeatedly measured 20times. These measurements showed error ranges of $8.2\pm3.4$in strike and $6.6\pm3.4$ in dip angle, considering the same error distributions. Measured strikes and dips were compared with the corresponding compass measurements in 5 constructed. slopes to test the system. Stereonet plots showed that the photo system measured data coincided well with the compass measurements. With these evaluations, the photo system can measure the planar structure in inaccessible locations with reliable accuracy at the same time reducing the data gathering period therefore resulting to an efficient geological survey.

A Study on Environmental Impact Assessment Guidelines for Marine Environments in Construction Projects of Thermal Power Plant (화력발전소 건설사업의 해양환경 환경영향평가 가이드라인(안) 연구)

  • Maeng, Junho;Kim, Eunyoung;Kang, Taesoon;Son, Minho
    • Journal of Environmental Impact Assessment
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    • v.26 no.1
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    • pp.78-92
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    • 2017
  • Environmental impact assessment(EIA) on the construction and operation of thermal power plant(TPP) is aimed at promoting sustainable coastal development by clearly identifying the marine physics and organisms effects of the project on the surrounding marine environment and minimizing its impact. The primary purpose of this study is to establish EIA guidelines for TPP in order to assess how TPP construction projects influence marine environment and to establish the mitigaion plans of environmental impacts. Through this study, scientific and efficient EIA guidelines for the marine environments were established by a specialist forum consisted of officials from the Ministry of Environment and the Ministry of Trade, Industry and Energy, personnel from five public corporations in charge of TPPs and marine environment experts. In the study, fifteen EIA reports (2009~2015) on TPPs submitted were analyzed to identify the shortcomings of current assessment items on marine environment and to collect a wide range of information including EIA report formulation regulations, domestic and overseas environmental survey guidelines and EIA review comments on TPPs. Based on the findings, a specialist forum put together EIA guidelines for TPP construction projects.

Boresight Calibration Comparison Using Geoid Models (지오이드 모델에 따른 Boresight 검정 비교)

  • So, Jae Kyeong;Park, Young Su;Won, Jae Ho;Yun, Hee Cheon
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Surveying, Geodesy, Photogrammetry and Cartography
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    • v.34 no.3
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    • pp.291-297
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    • 2016
  • Direct georeferencing has become widespread in the field of digital aerial photogrammetry; as a result, the boresight calibration has become an essential component of the procedure to calculating exterior orientation parameters of aerial photographs accurately. During this procedure, a reference is used for the height of the geoid model, and the calibration results can appear different depending on the geoid model. The exterior orientation parameters calculated through direct georeferencing during boresight calibration may have varied values according to the corresponding geoid model. With that in mind, the effects of the geoid model on the boresight calibration were analyzed through three different cases. The geoid models used in the experiments were EGM96, EGM08, and KNGeoid14, and, through boresight calibration, the datum shift and boresight angle for each model was computed. After calculating the exterior orientation of each case, the GCP (Ground Control Point) was verified using the DPW (Digital Photogrammetry Workstation). In each case, results in the boresight calibration acquired through the geoid model demonstrated a difference in the Z datum, the exterior orientation heights Z, and the rotation Ω and Φ. After utilizing the DPW in each case and comparing it to the GCP, the difference in accuracy in accordance with the geoid model was found to be within 3cm, and it was concluded that the geoid model did not have a significant impact on boresight calibration.

A study on Private Investigation System (Detective System) issues and policy alternative (민간조사제도(탐정제도) 쟁점 분석 및 정책적 대안)

  • Noh, Jin Geo;Jeang, Il Hong
    • Convergence Security Journal
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    • v.16 no.6_2
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    • pp.61-71
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    • 2016
  • In this study, Private investigation in South Korea, while gone through so far of politics, the process of social change, a positive feature, without evolve, insufficient growth and security services of the business burden of national judicial institutions, detective industry international of the negative vicious circle, such as the acquisition of drop and expedient information of competitiveness is continuously induced it is a reality. It is, therefore, to the proposal, such as the following. First, it must be able to use the term "detective". Secondly, in order to verify the validity of this system, after introducing the first private sphere, in accordance with the stepwise its necessity, it is desirable to extend the operational range of the public area. Third, to have a country of qualification to private research workers, will be managed directly from the country is ideal. Fourth, we must also seek plan to specialize the designated educational institution as a commissioned education institution to institution with a faculty and facilities that are specialized. Fifth, the National Police Agency must manage and supervise the private investigation business. Sixth, the legislative form to amend the current security law, as a kind of private security, must be introduced by adding a private trillion business. Therefore, in order to complement the limitation of such studies, additional subsequent research has if it is not carried out.