• Title/Summary/Keyword: Generated axial force

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Study on Measuring the Performance of an Air Tool Operating at 100,000 RPM Class (100,000 RPM급으로 회전하는 에어공구의 성능측정에 관한 연구)

  • Cho, Soo-Yong;Kim, Eun-Jong
    • The KSFM Journal of Fluid Machinery
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    • v.6 no.3 s.20
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    • pp.44-50
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    • 2003
  • An experiment is conducted for measuring the performance of an air tool, which is operated at 100,000 RPM in an unloaded state with very low torque. A 551 kPa in gauge pressure is supply to the inlet of an air tool. An experimental apparatus is developed as a friction type dynamometer. Inlet total pressure, air flow rate, rotational speed and operating force are measured simultaneously. Torque, output power and specific output power are obtained with different rotational speeds. Those are compared with the experimental results which were obtained by a commercial dynamometer. However, no commercial dynamometers are available for measuring the torque above 30,000 RPM. In order to reduce the rotational speed, a reduction gear is applied between the air tool and the commercial dynamometer. Torque and power obtained by the commercial dynamometer show $55\%$ lower than those obtained by the developed friction type dynamometer, because the mass is added to the rotor of air tool for the braking system of the commercial dynamometer and power loss is generated by the reduction gear. From the compared results, the friction type dynamometer should be applied for measuring the performance of the air tool operating at low torque and high RPM.

p-Version Nonlinear Finite Element Analysis of RC Slabs Strengthened with Externally Bonded CFRP Sheets (탄소섬유보강 플라스틱시트로 외부보강된 RC 슬래브의 p-Version 비선형 유한요소 해석)

  • Cho, Jin-Goo;Park, Jin-Hwan
    • Journal of The Korean Society of Agricultural Engineers
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    • v.48 no.1
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    • pp.61-68
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    • 2006
  • The p-version nonlinear finite element model has been developed to analyze the nonlinear behavior of simply supported RC slabs strengthened with carbon fiber reinforced plastic sheets. The shape function is adopted with integral of Legendre polynomials. The compression model of concrete is based on the Kupfer's yield criterion, hardening rule, and crushing condition. The cracking behavior is modeled by a smeared crack model. In this study, the fixed crack approach is adopted as being geometrically fixed in direction once generated. Each steel layer has a uniaxial behavior resisting only the axial force in the bar direction. Identical behavior is assumed fur tension and compression of steel according to the elastic modulus. The carbon fiber reinforced plastic sheets are considered as reinforced layers of equivalent thickness with uniaxial strength and rigidity properties in the present model. It is shown that the proposed model is able to adequately predicte the displacement and ultimate load of nonlinear simply supported RC slabs by a patch with respect to reinforcement ratio, thickness and angles of CFRP sheets.

A design approach of integral-abutment steel girder bridges for maintenance

  • Kim, WooSeok;Jeong, Yoseok;Lee, Jaeha
    • Steel and Composite Structures
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    • v.26 no.2
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    • pp.227-239
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    • 2018
  • Integral abutment bridges (IABs) have no joint across the length of bridge and are therefore also known as jointless bridges. IABs have many advantages, such as structural integrity, efficiency, and stability. More importantly, IABs have proven to be have both low maintenance and construction costs. However, due to the restraints at both ends of the girder due to the absence of a gap (joint), special design considerations are required. For example, while replacing the deck slabs to extend the service life of the IAB, the buckling strength of the steel girder without a deck slab could be much smaller than the case with deck slab in place. With no deck slab, the addition of thermal expansion in the steel girders generates passive earth pressure from the abutment and if the applied axial force is greater than the buckling strength of the steel girders, buckling failure can occur. In this study, numerical simulations were performed to estimate the buckling strength of typical steel girders in IABs. The effects of girder length, the width of flange and thickness of flange, imperfection due to fabrication and construction errors on the buckling strengths of multiple and single girders in IABs are studied. The effect of girder spacing, span length ratio (for a three span girder) and self-weight effects on the buckling strength are also studied. For estimation of the reaction force of the abutment generated by the passive earth pressure of the soil, BA 42/96 (2003), PennDOT DM4 (2015) and the LTI proposed equations (2009) were used and the results obtained are compared with the buckling strength of the steel girders. Using the selected design equations and the results obtained from the numerical analysis, equations for preventing the buckling failure of steel girders during deck replacement for maintenance are presented.

Variation of Paraspinal Muscle Forces according to the Lumbar Motion Segment Fusion during Upright Stance Posture (직립상태 시 요추 운동분절의 유합에 따른 척추주변 근력의 변화)

  • Kim, Young-Eun;Choi, Hae-Won
    • Journal of the Korean Society for Precision Engineering
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    • v.27 no.2
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    • pp.130-136
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    • 2010
  • For stability analysis of the lumbar spine, the hypothesis presented is that the disc has stress sensors driving feedback mechanism, which could react to the imposed loads by adjusting the contraction of the muscles. Fusion in the motion segment of the lumbar spinal column is believed to alter the stability of the spinal column. To identify this effect finite element (FE) models combined with optimization technique was applied and quantify the role of each muscle and reaction forces in the spinal column with respect to the fusion level. The musculoskeletal FE model was consisted with detailed whole lumbar spine, pelvis, sacrum, coccyx and simplified trunk model. Vertebral body and pelvis were modeled as a rigid body and the rib cage was constructed with rigid truss element for the computational efficiency. Spinal fusion model was applied to L3-L4, L4-L5, L5-S1 (single level) and L3-L5 (two levels) segments. Muscle architecture with 46 local muscles was used as acting directions. Minimization of the nucleus pressure deviation and annulus fiber average axial stress deviation was selected for cost function. As a result, spinal fusion produced reaction changes at each motion segment as well as contribution of each muscle. Longissimus thoracis and psoas major muscle showed dramatic changes for the cases of L5-S1 and L3-L5 level fusion. Muscle force change at each muscle also generated relatively high nucleus pressure not only at the adjacent level but at another level, which can explain disc degeneration pattern observed in clinical study.

Multi-objective optimization of tapered tubes for crashworthiness by surrogate methodologies

  • Asgari, Masoud;Babaee, Alireza;Jamshidi, Mohammadamin
    • Steel and Composite Structures
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    • v.27 no.4
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    • pp.427-438
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    • 2018
  • In this paper, the single and multi-objective optimization of thin-walled conical tubes with different types of indentations under axial impact has been investigated using surrogate models called metamodels. The geometry of tapered thin-walled tubes has been studied in order to achieve maximum specific energy absorption (SEA) and minimum peak crushing force (PCF). The height, radius, thickness, tapered angle of the tube, and the radius of indentation have been considered as design variables. Based on the design of experiments (DOE) method, the generated sample points are computed using the explicit finite element code. Different surrogate models including Kriging, Feed Forward Neural Network (FNN), Radial Basis Neural Network (RNN), and Response Surface Modelling (RSM) comprised to evaluate the appropriation of such models. The comparison study between surrogate models and the exploration of indentation shapes have been provided. The obtained results show that the RNN method has the minimum mean squared error (MSE) in training points compared to the other methods. Meanwhile, optimization based on surrogate models with lower values of MSE does not provide optimum results. The RNN method demonstrates a lower crashworthiness performance (with a lower value of 125.7% for SEA and a higher value of 56.8% for PCF) in comparison to RSM with an error order of $10^{-3}$. The SEA values can be increased by 17.6% and PCF values can be decreased by 24.63% by different types of indentation. In a specific geometry, higher SEA and lower PCF require triangular and circular shapes of indentation, respectively.

A Numerical Study of Turbulent Flow Around a Twin-Skeg Container Ship Model with Appendages

  • Kim, Hyoung-Tae;Lee, Pyung-Kuk;Kim, Hee-Taek
    • Journal of Ship and Ocean Technology
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    • v.10 no.4
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    • pp.12-23
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    • 2006
  • In this paper, a numerical study is carried out to investigate the turbulent flow around a twin-skeg container ship model with rudders including propeller effects. A commercial CFD code, FLUENT is used with body forces distributed on the propeller disk to simulate the ship stem and wake flows with the propeller in operation. A multi-block, matching, structured grid system has been generated for the container ship hull with twin-skegs in consideration of rudders and body-force propeller disks. The RANS equations for incompressible fluid flows are solved numerically by using a finite volume method. For the turbulence closure, a Reynolds stress model is used in conjunction with a wall function. Computations are carried out for the bare hull as well as the hull with appendages of a twin-skeg container ship model. For the bare hull, the computational results are compared with experimental data and show generally a good agreement. For the hull with appendages, the changes of the stem flow by the rudders and the propellers have been analyzed based on the computed result since there is no experimental data available for comparison. It is found the flow incoming to the rudders has an angle of attack due to the influence of the skegs and thereby the hull surface pressure and the limiting streamlines are changed slightly by the rudders. The axial velocity of the propeller disk is found to be accelerated overall by about 35% due to the propeller operation with the rudders. The area and the magnitude of low pressure on the hull surface enlarge with the flow acceleration caused by the propeller. The propellers are found to have an effect on up to the position where the skeg begins. The propeller slipstream is disturbed strongly by the rudders and the flow is accelerated further and the transverse velocity vectors are weakened due to the flow rectifying effect of the rudder.

Mechanical performance analysis of an electromagnetic friction pendulum system based on Maxwell's principle

  • Mao Weikang;Li Xiaodong;Chen Enliang
    • Earthquakes and Structures
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    • v.27 no.2
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    • pp.143-154
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    • 2024
  • Friction pendulums typically suffer from poor uplift-restraining. To improve the uplift-restraining and enhance the energy dissipation capacity, this article proposed a composite isolation device based on electromagnetic forces. The device was constructed based on a remote control system to achieve semi-active control of the composite isolation device. This article introduces the theory and design of an electromagnetic chuck-friction pendulum system (ECFPS) and derives the theoretical equation for the ECFPS based on Maxwell's electromagnetic attraction equation to construct the proposed model. By conducting 1:3 scale tests on the electromagnetic device, the gaps between the practical, theoretical, and simulation results were analyzed, and the accuracy and effectiveness of the theoretical equation for the ECFPS were investigated. The hysteresis and uplift-restraining performance of ECFPS were analyzed by adjusting the displacement amplitude, vertical load, and input current of the simulation model. The data obtained from the scale test were consistent with the theoretical and simulated data. Notably, the hysteresis area of the ECFPS was 35.11% larger than that of a conventional friction pendulum. Lastly, a six-story planar frame structure was established through SAP2000 for a time history analysis. The isolation performances of ECFPS and FPS were compared. The results revealed that, under horizontal seismic action, the horizontal seismic response of the bottom layer of the ECFPS isolation structure is greater than that of the FPS, the horizontal vibration response of the top layer of the ECFPS isolation structure is smaller than that of the FPS, and the axial force at the bottom of the columns of the ECFPS isolation structure is smaller than that of the FPS isolation structure. Therefore, the reliable uplift-restraining performance is facilitated by the electromagnetic force generated by the device.

Thermal Behavior and Structral Efficiency of Rahmen with Sliding-Girder (슬라이딩 거더를 가진 라멘의 온도거동과 구조효율)

  • Jeong, Dal-Yeong;Jeong, Chang-Hyun;Yhim, Sung-Soon
    • Journal of the Korea Academia-Industrial cooperation Society
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    • v.21 no.1
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    • pp.1-7
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    • 2020
  • Although the temperature load is an important load among the various loads affecting the behaviors of general rahmen-type temporary bridges (GRTB), no study of the thermal load has been carried out. In the case of GRTB, horizontal displacement should be free, and the generated internal force should be minimized to reduce stress due to a temperature load. Sliding girder type bridge (SGTB) allows the axial deformation due to thermal load, and decreases the axial stress and delivers bending stress. This study examined the temperature behavior of an SGTB. Structural analysis was carried out for four types of spans (eq, 10, 20, 30, and 40m) and three types of pier heights (eq, 2, 4, and 6m) along with the GRTB. The applied loads were a fixed vertical load and an axial temperature load. The friction coefficient was 0.4, which is a representative value of a steel girder. Consequently, the stress of the SGTB increased with increasing span length, regardless of the temperature load. The stress of the GRTB increased with increasing temperature and span length. Compared to the GRTB, the stress of the SGTB decreased by 20% to 50% at the center of the girder and by 50% to 90% at the bottom of the pier. This could secure the structural efficiency compared to the GRTB with the same specifications.

Test Result on Embedded Steel Column-to-Foundation Connection for Modular Unit Structural System (유닛 모듈러 기둥 매입형 기초 접합부에 대한 실험 연구)

  • Lee, Sang Sup;Bae, Kyu Woong;Park, Keum Sung;Hong, Sung Yub
    • Journal of Korean Society of Steel Construction
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    • v.26 no.6
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    • pp.537-547
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    • 2014
  • A steel modular unit structural system has been used increasingly for mid and high-rise buildings, since the building can be easily constructed by assembling the pre-made modular unit structures. For this structural system, each modular unit structures have to be properly connected to the foundation to transfer the axial force and the bending moment that are generated from external load to the ground. In this study, a new type of the embedded steel column-to-foundation connection was proposed, and its flexural behavior was evaluated through a series of experimental study. Five full scale specimens for the proposed connections were constructed and tested. The effect of the main parameters that affect the flexural behavior of the proposed connection, such as embedment length and shape of end plate, were studied. From the results, it was found that the flexural stiffness of the proposed connection was higher than that of the semi-rigid connection for all test specimens, and 200 mm of embedment length was proper for the given test specimens in this study.

Parametric Design of Contact-Free Transportation System Using The Repulsive Electrodynamic Wheels (반발식 동전기 휠을 이용한 비접촉 반송 시스템의 변수 설계)

  • Jung, Kwang Suk
    • Journal of the Korea Academia-Industrial cooperation Society
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    • v.17 no.3
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    • pp.310-316
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    • 2016
  • We propose a novel contact-free transportation system in which an axial electrodynamic wheel is applied as an actuator. When the electrodynamic wheel is partially overlapped by a fixed conductive plate and rotates over it, three-axis magnetic forces are generated on the wheel. Among these forces, those in the gravitational direction and the lateral direction are inherently stable. Therefore, only the force in the longitudinal direction needs to be controlled to guarantee spatial stability of the wheel. The electrodynamic wheel consists of permanent magnets that are repeated and polarized periodically along the circumferential direction. The basic geometric configuration and the pole number of the wheel influence the stability margin of a transportation system, which would include several wheels. The overlap region between the wheel and the conductive plate is a dominant factor affecting the stiffness in the lateral direction. Therefore, sensitivity analysis for the major parameters of the wheel mechanism was performed using a finite element tool. The system was manufactured based on the obtained design values, and the passive stability of a moving object with the wheels was verified experimentally.