• Title/Summary/Keyword: Generated axial force

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Research on Friction Characteristics of Constant Velocity Joint Grease (등속조인트용 그리스 마찰특성 연구)

  • Lee, Sung Uk;Bae, Dae Yoon
    • Tribology and Lubricants
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    • v.29 no.4
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    • pp.223-227
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    • 2013
  • A GAF (generated axial force) is produced at a plunging-type CVJ (constant velocity joint). A high GAF can cause vibrations in a vehicle. Grease is used to reduce friction between the roller and the track of the outer case of a CVJ. The grease performance depends on the surface conditions and operating temperature. The surface of the outer case is extremely rough and hard. In recent times, the maximum operating temperature of CVJs has crossed $140^{\circ}C$, because the exhaust line is now located close to the CVJ. In this study, we examined the friction characteristics of friction additives at $25-150^{\circ}C$ and determined an optimal formulation with a low friction coefficient. This formulation can be used to develop low-friction grease that can reduce the GAF produced at a CVJ by approximately 7-26%.

Evaluation of Structural Response of Base Isolated Frame Considering Uplift Effect of Isolators (면진장치 들림 효과를 고려한 면진된 골조의 구조 거동 평가)

  • Kim, Dae-Kon
    • Journal of Korean Association for Spatial Structures
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    • v.10 no.2
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    • pp.69-76
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    • 2010
  • After obtaining tensile and compressive stiffness as well as shear stiffness of elastomeric seismic isolator experimentally, those stiffness were modeled analytically using nonlinear computer program. To induce tensile stress due to overturning in the seismic isolators of an isolated frame for horizontal force, free vibration simulations generated by large initial displacement were conducted. Since elastomeric seismic isolator is weak for tensile stress, the axial stiffness of isolators shall be included properly in the analytical model to evaluate the uplift phenomenon of elastomeric seismic isolator.

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3-D Dynamic Visualization by Stereoscopic PIV

  • LEE Young-Ho
    • 한국가시화정보학회:학술대회논문집
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    • 2004.12a
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    • pp.15-23
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    • 2004
  • The present study is aimed to achieve dynamic visualization from the in-house 3-D stereoscopic PIV to represent quantitative flow information such as time-resolved 3-D velocity distribution, vorticity, turbulent intensity or Reynolds stresses and so on. One of the application of the present study is Leading edge extension(LEX) flow appearing on modern delta wing aircraft. The other is mixing flow in stirring tank used in industry field. LEX in a highly swept shape applied to a delta wing features the modern air-fighters. The LEX vortices generated upon the upper surface of the wing at high angle of attack enhance the lift force of the delta wing by way of increased negative suction pressure over the surfaces. The present method resolves also the complicated flow patterns of two type impellers rotating in stirring vessel. Flow quantities such as three velocity vector components, vorticity and other flow information can be easily visualized via the 3D time-resolved post-processing visualization. And it makes the easy understanding of the unsteady flow characteristics of the typical industrial mixers.

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Transfer System using Radial Electrodynamic Wheel over Conductive Track (래디얼 동전기 휠을 이용한 전도성 트랙 위에서의 이송 시스템)

  • Jung, Kwang Suk
    • Journal of the Korea Academia-Industrial cooperation Society
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    • v.18 no.11
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    • pp.794-801
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    • 2017
  • When a radial wheel is placed so as to partially overlap a conductive plate and rotated, a lift force is generated on the wheel, a thrust force along the edge, and a lateral force which tends to reduce the overlap region. When several of these wheels are combined, it is possible to realize a system in which the stability of the remaining axes is ensured, except in the traveling direction. To validate the overall characteristics of the multi-wheel system, we propose a transfer system levitated magnetically using radial electrodynamic wheels. The proposed system is floated and propelled by four wheels and arranged in a structure that allows the thrusts generated by the front and rear wheels to offset each other. The dynamic stability of the wheel and the effect of the pole number on the three-axial forces are analyzed by the finite element method. At this time, the thrust and levitation force are strongly coupled, and the only factor affecting them is the wheel rotation speed. Therefore, in order to control these two forces independently, we make use of the fact that the ratio of the thrust to the levitation force is proportional to the velocity and is independent of the size of the gap. The in-plane and out-of-plane motion control of the system is achieved by this control method and compared with the simulation results. The experimental results show that the coupled degrees of freedom can be effectively controlled by the wheel speed alone.

Pullout Behavior Characteristics of Enlarged Cylinder Type Anchor Using Numerical Analysis (수치해석을 이용한 확공형 앵커의 인발거동 특성)

  • Moon, Joon-Shik;Lee, Min-Joo
    • Journal of the Korean Geosynthetics Society
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    • v.16 no.4
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    • pp.113-118
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    • 2017
  • Numerical analysis was carried out using a finite element analysis program to analyze the behavior characteristics of enlarged cylinder type anchor. It was found that the ultimate resistance of enlarged cylinder type anchor increases with the enlargement angle from numerical analysis for various enlargement angle cases. In the case of $30-60^{\circ}$ of enlargement angle, the deformation and stress distribution characteristics in anchor are similar regardless of enlargement angle. However, when the same tensile force is applied, there is a difference in the degree of frictional resistance because of difference of displacement of top of grouting zone. Also, it was found that the maximum compressive force and tensile force were generated at the cone of the upper portion of the grouting zone, and tensile fracture of the upper grouting portion is likely to occur.

Stress distribution in premolars restored with inlays or onlays: 3D finite element analysis

  • Yang, Hongso;Park, Chan;Shin, Jin-Ho;Yun, Kwi-Dug;Lim, Hyun-Pil;Park, Sang-Won;Chung, Hyunju
    • The Journal of Advanced Prosthodontics
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    • v.10 no.3
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    • pp.184-190
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    • 2018
  • PURPOSE. To analyze stress distribution in premolars restored with inlays or onlays using various materials. MATERIALS AND METHODS. Three-dimensional maxillary premolar models of abutments were designed to include the following: 1) inlay with O cavity (O group), 2) inlay with MO cavity (MO group), 3) inlay with MOD cavity (MOD group), and 4) onlay (ONLAY group). A restoration of each inlay or onlay cavity was simulated using gold alloy, e.max ceramic, or composite resin for restoration. To simulate masticatory forces, a total of 140 N static axial force was applied onto the tooth at the occlusal contact areas. A finite element analysis was performed to predict the magnitude and pattern of stresses generated by occlusal loading. RESULTS. Maximum von Mises stress values generated in the abutment teeth of the ONLAY group were ranged from 26.1 to 26.8 MPa, which were significantly lower than those of inlay groups (O group: 260.3-260.7 MPa; MO group: 252.1-262.4 MPa; MOD group: 281.4-298.8 MPa). Maximum von Mises stresses generated with ceramic, gold, and composite restorations were 280.1, 269.9, and 286.6 MPa, respectively, in the MOD group. They were 252.2, 248.0, 255.1 MPa, respectively, in the ONLAY group. CONCLUSION. The onlay design (ONLAY group) protected tooth structures more effectively than inlay designs (O, MO, and MOD groups). However, stress magnitudes in restorations with various dental materials exhibited no significant difference among groups (O, MO, MOD, ONLAY).

Effects of implant alignment and load direction on mandibular bone and implant: finite element analysis (임플란트 배열과 하중 방향이 임플란트와 치조골에 미치는 유한요소 응력분석)

  • Chung, Hyunju;Park, Chan;Yun, Kwi-Dug;Lim, Hyun-Pil;Park, Sang-Won;Yang, Hongso
    • Journal of Dental Rehabilitation and Applied Science
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    • v.36 no.3
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    • pp.176-182
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    • 2020
  • Purpose: To evaluate the effects of load direction, number of implants, and alignment of implant position on stress distribution in implant, prosthesis, and bone tissue. Materials and Methods: Four 3D models were made to simulate posterior mandible bone block: two implants and 3-unit fixed dental prosthesis (FDP) with a pontic in the center (model M1), two implants and 3-unit FDP with a cantilever pontic at one end (model M2), FDP supported by three implants with straight line placement (model M3) and FDP supported by three implants with staggered implant configuration (model M4). The applied force was 120 N axially or 120 N obliquely. Results: Peak von Mises stresses caused by oblique occlusal force were 3.4 to 5.1 times higher in the implant and 3.5 to 8.3 times higher in the alveolar bone than those stresses caused by axial occlusal force. In model M2, the connector area of the distal cantilever in the prosthesis generated the highest von Mises stresses among all models. With the design of a large number of implants, low stresses were generated. When three implants were placed, there were no significant differences in the magnitude of stress between staggered arrangement and straight arrangement. Conclusion: The effect of staggering alignment on implant stress was negligible. However, the number of implants had a significant effect on stress magnitude.

An Experimental Study of Surface Pressure on a Turbine Blade in Partial Admission (분사영역과 터빈익형 위치에 따른 표면압 변화에 관한 실험적 연구)

  • Choi, Hyoung-Jun;Park, Young-Ha;Kim, Chae-Sil;Cho, Soo-Yong
    • Journal of the Korean Society for Aeronautical & Space Sciences
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    • v.39 no.8
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    • pp.735-743
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    • 2011
  • In this study, the distribution of surface pressure was measured in a steady state on a turbine blade which was moved the injected region and receded the stagnation region using a linear cascade apparatus. Axial-type blades were used and the blade chord was 200mm. The rectangular nozzle was applied and its size was $200mm{\times}200mm$. The experiment was done at $3{\times}10^5$ of Reynolds number based on the chord. The surface pressures on the blade were measured at three different nozzle angles of $58^{\circ}$, $65^{\circ}$ and $72^{\circ}$ for off-design performance test. In addition, three different solidities of 1.25, 1.38 and 1.67 were applied. From the results, the low solidity caused the low pressure on the blade suction surface at entering region and the reverse rotating force was generated at the low nozzle angle. The positive incidence also made the pressure lower on the suction surface at entering region.

Behaviors of concrete filled square steel tubes confined by carbon fiber sheets (CFS) under compression and cyclic loads

  • Park, Jai Woo;Hong, Young Kyun;Choi, Sung Mo
    • Steel and Composite Structures
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    • v.10 no.2
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    • pp.187-205
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    • 2010
  • The existing CFT columns present the deterioration in confining effect after the yield of steel tube, local buckling and the deterioration in load capacity. If lateral load such as earthquake load is applied to CFT columns, strong shearing force and moment are generated at the lower part of the columns and local buckling appears at the column. In this study, axial compression test and beam-column test were conducted for existing CFT square column specimens and those reinforced with carbon fiber sheets (CFS). The variables for axial compression test were width-thickness ratio and the number of CFS layers and those for beamcolumn test were concrete strength and the number of CFS layers. The results of the compression test showed that local buckling was delayed and maximum load capacity improved slightly as the number of layers increased. The specimens' ductility capacity improved due to the additional confinement by carbon fiber sheets which delayed local buckling. In the beam-column test, maximum load capacity improved slightly as the number of CFS layers increased. However, ductility capacity improved greatly as the increased number of CFS layers delayed the local buckling at the lower part of the columns. It was observed that the CFT structure reinforced with carbon fiber sheets controlled the local buckling at columns and thus improved seismic performance. Consequently, it was deduced that the confinement of CFT columns by carbon fiber sheets suggested in this study would be widely used for reinforcing CFT columns.

Analyses of structural dynamic characteristics and end milling in a vertical machining center (금형 가공기의 엔드밀 가공 및 구조 동특성 해석)

  • 이신영;김성걸;이장무
    • Journal of the Korean Society for Precision Engineering
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    • v.14 no.3
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    • pp.66-74
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    • 1997
  • In a high speed and high precision vertical machining center, chatter vibration is easily generated due to unbalanced masses in rotating parts and changtes of cutting forces. In this paper, modal test is performed to obtain modal parameters of the vertical machining center. In order to predit the cutting force of endmilling process for various cutting conditions, a mathematical model is given and this model is based on chip load, cutting geometry, and relationship between cutting forces and the chip load. Specific cutting constants of the model are obtained by averaging forces of cutting tests. The interactions between the dy- namic characteristics and cutting dynamics of the vertical machining center make the primary and the secondary feedback loops, and we make use of the equations of system to predict the chatter vibration. The chatter prediction is formulated as linear differential-differene equations, and simulated for several cases. Trends of vibration as radial and axial depths of cut are changed are shown and compared.

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