• 제목/요약/키워드: Generate Data

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Design and Implementation of a XML2RDB Middleware for Partition Storing of XML Documents (XML 문서의 분할저장을 위한 XML2RDB 미들웨어의 설계 및 구현)

  • 박성진
    • The Journal of Society for e-Business Studies
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    • v.8 no.3
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    • pp.1-16
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    • 2003
  • XML(Extensible Markup Language) is an emerging standard for data representation and exchange in e-commerce and internet-based information. However, to realize this potential, it is necessary to be able to extract structured data from XML documents and store it in a database, as well as to generate XML documents from data extracted from a database. Although many DBMS vendors are scrambling to extend their products to handle XML, there is a need for a lightweight, DBMS and platform-independent XML middleware as well. In this paper we describe such a XML2RDB middleware, that solves the following problems . generating relational schema from XML DTDs for storage of XML documents, importing data from XML documents into relational tables, creating XML documents according to a XMLQL(XML Query Language) from data extracted from a database.

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Selective Rendering of Specific Volume using a Distance Transform and Data Intermixing Method for Multiple Volumes (거리변환을 통한 특정 볼륨의 선택적 렌더링과 다중 볼륨을 위한 데이타 혼합방법)

  • Hong, Helen;Kim, Myoung-Hee
    • Journal of KIISE:Computer Systems and Theory
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    • v.27 no.7
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    • pp.629-638
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    • 2000
  • The main difference between mono-volume rendering and multi-volume rendering is data intermixing. In this paper, we first propose a selective rendering method for fast visualizing specific volume according to the surface level and then present data intermixing method for multiple volumes. The selective rendering method is to generate distance transformed volume using a distance transform to determine the minimum distance to the nearest interesting part and then render it. The data intermixing method for multiple volumes is to combine several volumes using intensity weighted intermixing method, opacity weighted intermixing method, opacity weighted intermixing method with depth information and then render it. We show the results of selective rendering of left ventricle and right ventricle generated from EBCT cardiac images and of data intermixing for combining original volume and left ventricular volume or right ventricular volume. Our method offers a visualization technique of specific volume according to the surface level and an acceleration technique using a distance transformed volume and the effective visual output and relation of multiple images using three different intermixing methods in three-dimensional space.

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Genetically Optimized Self-Organizing Polynomial Neural Networks (진화론적 최적 자기구성 다항식 뉴럴 네트워크)

  • 박호성;박병준;장성환;오성권
    • The Transactions of the Korean Institute of Electrical Engineers D
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    • v.53 no.1
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    • pp.40-49
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    • 2004
  • In this paper, we propose a new architecture of Genetic Algorithms(GAs)-based Self-Organizing Polynomial Neural Networks(SOPNN), discuss a comprehensive design methodology and carry out a series of numeric experiments. The conventional SOPNN is based on the extended Group Method of Data Handling(GMDH) method and utilized the polynomial order (viz. linear, quadratic, and modified quadratic) as well as the number of node inputs fixed (selected in advance by designer) at Polynomial Neurons (or nodes) located in each layer through a growth process of the network. Moreover it does not guarantee that the SOPNN generated through learning has the optimal network architecture. But the proposed GA-based SOPNN enable the architecture to be a structurally more optimized network, and to be much more flexible and preferable neural network than the conventional SOPNN. In order to generate the structurally optimized SOPNN, GA-based design procedure at each stage (layer) of SOPNN leads to the selection of preferred nodes (or PNs) with optimal parameters- such as the number of input variables, input variables, and the order of the polynomial-available within SOPNN. An aggregate performance index with a weighting factor is proposed in order to achieve a sound balance between approximation and generalization (predictive) abilities of the model. A detailed design procedure is discussed in detail. To evaluate the performance of the GA-based SOPNN, the model is experimented with using two time series data (gas furnace and NOx emission process data of gas turbine power plant). A comparative analysis shows that the proposed GA-based SOPNN is model with higher accuracy as well as more superb predictive capability than other intelligent models presented previously.

2-D Inundation Analysis According to Post-Spacing Density of DEMs from LiDAR Using GIS (GIS를 활용한 LiDAR 자료의 밀도에 따른 2차원 침수해석)

  • Ha, Chang-Yong;Han, Kun-Yeun;Cho, Wan-Hee
    • Journal of the Korean Association of Geographic Information Studies
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    • v.13 no.1
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    • pp.74-88
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    • 2010
  • In this study, the points of LiDAR were modified in order to generate various DEM resolutions by applying LiDAR data in Ulsan. Since the LiDAR data have points with 1m intervals, the number of points for each resolution was modified to the size of 1, 5, 10, 30, 50, 100m by uniformly eliminating the points. A runoff analysis was performed on Taehwa river and its tributary, Dongcheon, with 200 year rainfall exceedance probability. 2-dimensional inundation analysis was performed based on the density of LiDAR data using FLUMEN, which was used to establish domestic flood risk map. Once DEM data obtained from LiDAR survey are used, it is expected that the study results can be used as data in determining optimal grid spacing, which is economical, effective and accurate in establishing flood defence plans including the creation of flood risk map.

An Analysis of Changing River Sections Using GIS Spatial Analysis - Nonsan River - (공간분석기법을 이용한 하천단면 변화분석 - 논산천을 대상으로 -)

  • Lee, Jae-Yil;Lee, Gyu-Sung;Ha, Sung-Ryong
    • Journal of Environmental Impact Assessment
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    • v.19 no.1
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    • pp.91-97
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    • 2010
  • The systematic data management system in the area of river flow analysis has not yet constructed, even though the need is evident due to the complicated process of tremendous input/output data in the modeling study and the importance of visualization of spatial flow variation. The objectives of this study are to suggest the method for analysis of changing river sections affecting ecological habitat characteristics. The effects of ecological habitat characteristics are assessed with respect to changing river sections. A GIS special analysis is created representing in the past section of Nonsan-river using historical data. Topographic surfaces are subject to erosional and depositional forces that a specific set of surface characteristics unique to elevation data. GIS spatial analyst is used to generate surface grids from historical point data. Using the GIS spatial analyst can be constructed sections for anywhere of river. The change of depth between 1979 and 1988, the left bank elevations of a river are increased about 1.5m. But the right bank elevations of a river are decreased about 2.3m caused by erosion. In addition, the change of spatial between 1988 and 2002, the regions of a river from upper stream to midstream are decreased the elevation. But the downstream regions are increased the elevation. These changes are analyzed in GIS program to assess methods for affecting ecological habitat.

A Study on Ion Extraction Characteristics of Ceramics by Cleaning Agents (보존처리용 세척제에 대한 토기의 이온용출 특성연구)

  • Park, Dae-Woo;Kang, Hyun-Mi;Nam, Byeong-Jik;Jang, Sung-Yoon;Ham, Chul-Hee
    • 보존과학연구
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    • s.31
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    • pp.43-57
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    • 2010
  • This study intends to provide quantitative data about the extraction characteristics of major elements of earthenware by executing soaking test of cleaning agents. It aims at providing basic data for the stability assessment when applying the cleaning agents for conserving earthenware. The data will be extracted from the analysis of co-relationship between the physical characteristics and the ion extraction characteristics. XRD analysis displayed that AT-1, AT-2 and AT-3 which did not generate mullite were fired at lower than 1,000 whereas AT-3 and AT-5 that included mullite were higher than 1,000. The degree of absorption was AT-4 > AT-2 > AT-1 > AT-3 > AT-5 in order and the correlation between the degree of absorption and firing temperature of earthenware displayed a positive correlation. Extraction amount of oxalic acid which was used for the removing iron oxide was AT-1 > AT-2 AT-4 > AT-3 > AT-5 in order. and the ion extraction data displayed that there is a positive correlation with absorption level. However AT-1 and AT-2 which were fired at lower temperature showed that there was no correlation between the ion extraction characteristics and absorption level. Ion extraction of citric acid produced little amount compared with the one of oxalic acid, yet it caused less damage to earthenware than oxalic acid when it applied. The result of ion extraction level in the absorption test displayed that Fe had higher level than in Si, Al from the test for both oxalic acid and citric acid. Based on the regression analysis of the data from the previous studies, the physical characteristics of the earthenware and ion extraction level, further studies will be conducted on the predicting technique on the extraction characteristics of major elements of earthenware samples for the conservation in future.

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Inline Binding For XNL DataInline Binding For XML Data (XML 데이터의 인라인 바인딩 방법)

  • Lee Eun-Jung;Yoo Ga-Yeon
    • The KIPS Transactions:PartA
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    • v.13A no.1 s.98
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    • pp.71-78
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    • 2006
  • For using XML data in programming languages, there is a data binding method, which generates classes from XML type definitions. However, since existing binding frameworks for this method generate all classes for element definitions, the number of generated classes becomes large and the complexity of the overall application system gets high. In this research, we propose an inline binding method for selecting necessary classes from element definitions. In the proposed method, classes are created only for elements with repetitions and recursions, and they include fields for values of terminal elements. We introduce a generation algorithm for binding classes and the marshaling methods for recovering the omitted paths. We develop IBinder system to validate the proposed method and compare the generated codes with the ones of existing systems. As a result, we carl show that the number of generated classes decrease substantially compared to other systems.

Integration of Heterogeneous Protein Databases Based on RDF(S) Models (RDF(S) 모델에 기반한 다양한 형태의 단백질 데이타베이스 통합)

  • Lee, Kang-Pyo;Yoo, Sang-Won;Kim, Hyoung-Joo
    • Journal of KIISE:Databases
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    • v.35 no.2
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    • pp.132-142
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    • 2008
  • In biological domain, there exist a variety of protein analysis databases which have their own meaning toward the same target of protein. If we integrate these scattered heterogeneous data efficiently, we can obtain useful information which otherwise cannot be found from each original source. Reflecting the characteristics of biological data, each data source has its own syntax and semantics. If we describe these data through RDF(S) models, one of the Semantic Web standards, we can achieve not only syntactic but also semantic integration. In this paper, we propose a new concept of integration layer based on the RDF unified schema. As a conceptual model, we construct a unified schema focusing on the protein information; as a representational model, we propose a technique for the wrappers to aggregate necessary information from the relevant sources and dynamically generate RDF instances. Two example queries show that our integration layer succeeds in processing the integrated requests from users and displaying the appropriate results.

Implementation of Data Mining Engine for Analyzing Alert Data of Security Policy Server (보안정책 서버의 경보데이터 분석을 위한 데이터마이닝 엔진의 구현)

  • 정경자;신문선
    • Journal of the Korea Society of Computer and Information
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    • v.7 no.4
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    • pp.141-149
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    • 2002
  • Recently, a number of network systems are developed rapidly and network architectures are more complex than before, and a policy-based network management should be used in network system. Especially, a new paradigm that policy-based network management can be applied for the network security is raised. A security policy server in the management layer can generate new policy, delete. update the existing policy and decide the policy when security policy is requested. The security server needs to analyze and manage the alert message received from server Policy enforcement system in the enforcement layer for the available information. In this paper, we implement an alert analyzer that analyze the stored alert data for making of security policy efficiently in framework of the policy-based network security management. We also propose a data mining system for the analysis of alert data The implemented mining system supports alert analyzer and the high level analyzer efficiently for the security.

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Development of educational programs for managing medical information utilizing medical data generation and analysis techniques (의료 데이터 발생과 분석기술을 활용한 의료정보관리 교육용 프로그램 개발)

  • Choi, Joonyoung
    • Journal of Digital Convergence
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    • v.15 no.10
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    • pp.377-386
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    • 2017
  • This study has developed a medical information management educational program that can improve the management ability of medical information. The educational medical information management program was developed for 8mnths uing VB. The database utilized the ACCESS Database, which allows learners to easily understand and understand the structure of the data. The learners enter data in the discharge analysis and the cancer registration program and the incomplete program after analyze the medical records. After entering and saving data, medical information management programs can be used to understand and analyze the structure of the database to generate medical information. The educational programs can improve the ability of learners to manage medical information by extracting the necessary data from the database directly through SQL and creating various medical information. However, although the medical information management program is an educational program, there is no evaluation system for the learners program operation. Accordingly, the next studies should develop the assessment system of the medical information management program for learners evaluation.