• Title/Summary/Keyword: Generate Data

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B-spline Surface Reconstruction in Reverse Engineering by Segmentation of Measured Point Data (역공학에서의 측정점의 분할에 의한 B-spline 곡면의 재생성)

  • Hur, Sung-Min;Kim, Ho-Chan;Lee, Seok-Hee
    • Transactions of the Korean Society of Mechanical Engineers A
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    • v.26 no.10
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    • pp.1961-1970
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    • 2002
  • A laser scanner is widely used fur a device fur acquiring point data in reverse engineering. It is more efficient to generate a surface automatically from the line-typed data than scattered data of points clouds. In the case of a compound model, it is hard to represent all the scanned data into one surface maintaining its original line characteristics. In this paper, a method is presented to generate a surface by the segmentation of measured point data. After forming triangular net, the segmentation is done by the user input such as the angle between triangles, the number of facets to be considered as small segment, and the angle for combining small segment. B-spline fitting is implemented to the point data in each segment. The surface generation through segmentation shows a reliable result when it is applied to the models with curvature deviation regions. An useful algorithm for surface reconstruction is developed and verified by applying an practical model and shows a good tools fur reverse engineering in design modification.

Toward accurate synchronic magnetic field maps using solar frontside and AI-generated farside data

  • Jeong, Hyun-Jin;Moon, Yong-Jae;Park, Eunsu
    • The Bulletin of The Korean Astronomical Society
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    • v.46 no.1
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    • pp.41.3-42
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    • 2021
  • Conventional global magnetic field maps, such as daily updated synoptic maps, have been constructed by merging together a series of observations from the Earth's viewing direction taken over a 27-day solar rotation period to represent the full surface of the Sun. It has limitations to predict real-time farside magnetic fields, especially for rapid changes in magnetic fields by flux emergence or disappearance. Here, we construct accurate synchronic magnetic field maps using frontside and AI-generated farside data. To generate the farside data, we train and evaluate our deep learning model with frontside SDO observations. We use an improved version of Pix2PixHD with a new objective function and a new configuration of the model input data. We compute correlation coefficients between real magnetograms and AI-generated ones for test data sets. Then we demonstrate that our model better generate magnetic field distributions than before. We compare AI-generated farside data with those predicted by the magnetic flux transport model. Finally, we assimilate our AI-generated farside magnetograms into the flux transport model and show several successive global magnetic field data from our new methodology.

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Morpho-GAN: Unsupervised Learning of Data with High Morphology using Generative Adversarial Networks (Morpho-GAN: Generative Adversarial Networks를 사용하여 높은 형태론 데이터에 대한 비지도학습)

  • Abduazimov, Azamat;Jo, GeunSik
    • Proceedings of the Korean Society of Computer Information Conference
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    • 2020.01a
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    • pp.11-14
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    • 2020
  • The importance of data in the development of deep learning is very high. Data with high morphological features are usually utilized in the domains where careful lens calibrations are needed by a human to capture those data. Synthesis of high morphological data for that domain can be a great asset to improve the classification accuracy of systems in the field. Unsupervised learning can be employed for this task. Generating photo-realistic objects of interest has been massively studied after Generative Adversarial Network (GAN) was introduced. In this paper, we propose Morpho-GAN, a method that unifies several GAN techniques to generate quality data of high morphology. Our method introduces a new suitable training objective in the discriminator of GAN to synthesize images that follow the distribution of the original dataset. The results demonstrate that the proposed method can generate plausible data as good as other modern baseline models while taking a less complex during training.

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Development of Chip-based Precision Motion Controller

  • Cho, Jung-Uk;Jeon, Jae-Wook
    • 제어로봇시스템학회:학술대회논문집
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    • 2003.10a
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    • pp.1022-1027
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    • 2003
  • The Motion controllers provide the sophisticated performance and enhanced capabilities we can see in the movements of robotic systems. Several types of motion controllers are available, some based on the kind of overall control system in use. PLC (Programmable Logic Controller)-based motion controllers still predominate. The many peoples use MCU (Micro Controller Unit)-based board level motion controllers and will continue to in the near-term future. These motion controllers control a variety motor system like robotic systems. Generally, They consist of large and complex circuits. PLC-based motion controller consists of high performance PLC, development tool, and application specific software. It can be cause to generate several problems that are large size and space, much cabling, and additional high coasts. MCU-based motion controller consists of memories like ROM and RAM, I/O interface ports, and decoder in order to operate MCU. Additionally, it needs DPRAM to communicate with host PC, counter to get position information of motor by using encoder signal, additional circuits to control servo, and application specific software to generate a various velocity profiles. It can be causes to generate several problems that are overall system complexity, large size and space, much cabling, large power consumption and additional high costs. Also, it needs much times to calculate velocity profile because of generating by software method and don't generate various velocity profiles like arbitrary velocity profile. Therefore, It is hard to generate expected various velocity profiles. And further, to embed real-time OS (Operating System) is considered for more reliable motion control. In this paper, the structure of chip-based precision motion controller is proposed to solve above-mentioned problems of control systems. This proposed motion controller is designed with a FPGA (Field Programmable Gate Arrays) by using the VHDL (Very high speed integrated circuit Hardware Description Language) and Handel-C that is program language for deign hardware. This motion controller consists of Velocity Profile Generator (VPG) part to generate expected various velocity profiles, PCI Interface part to communicate with host PC, Feedback Counter part to get position information by using encoder signal, Clock Generator to generate expected various clock signal, Controller part to control position of motor with generated velocity profile and position information, and Data Converter part to convert and transmit compatible data to D/A converter.

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Architectural Design for Hardware Implementations of Parallelized Floating-point Rounding Algorithm (부동소수점 라운딩 병렬화 알고리즘의 하드웨어 구현을 위한 구조 설계)

  • 이원희;강준우
    • Proceedings of the IEEK Conference
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    • 1998.10a
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    • pp.1025-1028
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    • 1998
  • Hardware to implement the parallelized Floating-point rounding algorithm is described. For parallelized additions, we propose an addition module which has carry selection logic to generate two results accoring to the input valuse. A multiplication module for parallelized multiplications is also proposed to generate Sum and Carry bits as intermediate results. Since these modules process data in IEEE standard Floatingpoint double precision format, they are designed for 53-bit significands including hidden bits. Multiplication module is designed with a Booth multiplier and an array multiplier.

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The Optimal and Complete Prompts Lists for Connected Spoken Digit Speech Corpus (연결 숫자음 인식기 학습용 음성DB 녹음을 위한 최적의 대본 작성)

  • Yu Ha-Jin
    • Proceedings of the KSPS conference
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    • 2003.05a
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    • pp.131-134
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    • 2003
  • This paper describes an efficient algorithm to generate compact and complete prompts lists for connected spoken digits database. In building a connected spoken digit recognizer, we have to acquire speech data in various contexts. However, in many speech databases the lists are made by using random generators. We provide an efficient algorithm that can generate compact and complete lists of digits in various contexts. This paper includes the proof of optimality and completeness of the algorithm.

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Development of Neural-Networks-based Model for the Generation of an Earthquake Response Spectrum and a Design Spectrum (지진 응답 스펙트럼과 설계용 응답 스펙트럼 생성을 위한 신경망 모델의 개발)

  • 조빈아;이승창;한상환;이병해
    • Proceedings of the Computational Structural Engineering Institute Conference
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    • 1998.10a
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    • pp.447-454
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    • 1998
  • The paper describes the second half of the research for the development of Neural-Networks-based model for the generation of an Artificial earthquake and a Response Spectrum(NNARS). Based on the redefined traditional processes related to the generation of an earthquake acceleration response spectrum and design spectrum, four neural-networks-based models are proposed to substitute the traditional processes. RS_NN tries to directly generate acceleration response spectrum with basic data that are magnitude, epicentral distance, site conditions and focal depth. The test results of RS_NN are not good because of the characteristics of white noise, which is randomly generated. ARS_NN solve this problem by the introduction of the average concept. IARS_NN has a role to inverse the ARS_NN, so that is applied to generate a ground motion accelerogram compatible with the shape of a response spectrum. Additionally, DS_NN directly produces design spectrum with basic data. As these four neural networks are simulated as a step by step, the paper describes the methods to generate a response spectrum and a design spectrum using the neural networks.

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Obtaining bootstrap data for the joint distribution of bivariate survival times

  • Kwon, Se-Hyug
    • Journal of the Korean Data and Information Science Society
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    • v.20 no.5
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    • pp.933-939
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    • 2009
  • The bivariate data in clinical research fields often has two types of failure times, which are mark variable for the first failure time and the final failure time. This paper showed how to generate bootstrap data to get Bayesian estimation for the joint distribution of bivariate survival times. The observed data was generated by Frank's family and the fake date is simulated with the Gamma prior of survival time. The bootstrap data was obtained by combining the mimic data with the observed data and the simulated fake data from the observed data.

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  • Yoon Jong-suk;Shan Jie
    • Proceedings of the KSRS Conference
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    • 2005.10a
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    • pp.683-686
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    • 2005
  • This study addresses a photogrammetric approach to generate Mars topographic products from mapping data of Mars Global Surveyor (MGS). High-resolution stereo images and laser altimetry data collected from the MGS mission are combined and processed to produce Digital Elevation Models (DEM) and orthoimages. First, altimeter data is registered to high resolution images and considerable registration offset (around 325 m) is discovered on high resolution stereo images. Altimetry data, exterior orientation elements of the camera and conjugate points are used for bundle adjustment to solve this mis-registration and detennine the ground coordinates. The mis-registration of altimetry data are effectively eliminated after the bundle adjustment. Using the adjusted exterior orientation the ground coordinates of conjugate points are detennined. A sufficient number of corresponding points collected through image matching and their precise 3-D ground coordinates are used to generate DEM and orthoimages. A posteriori standard deviations of ground points after bundle adjustment indicate the accuracy of OEM generated in this study. This paper addresses the photogrammetric procedure: the registration of altimetry data to stereo pair images, the bundle adjustment and the evaluation, and the generation of OEM and orthoimages.

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Automatic NURBS Surface Generation from Unorganized Point Cloud Data (임의의 점 군 데이터로부터 NURBS 곡면의 자동생성)

  • Yoo, Dong-Jin
    • Journal of the Korean Society for Precision Engineering
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    • v.23 no.9 s.186
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    • pp.200-207
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    • 2006
  • In this paper a new approach which combines implicit surface scheme and NURBS surface interpolation method is proposed in order to generate a complete surface model from unorganized point cloud data. In the method a base surface was generated by creating smooth implicit surface from the input point cloud data through which the actual surface would pass. The implicit surface was defined by a combination of shape functions including quadratic polynomial function, cubic polynomial functions and radial basis function using adaptive domain decomposition method. In this paper voxel data which can be extracted easily from the base implicit surface were used in order to generate rectangular net with good quality using the normal projection and smoothing scheme. After generating the interior points and tangential vectors in each rectangular region considering the required accuracy, the NURBS surface were constructed by interpolating the rectangular array of points using boundary tangential vectors which assure C$^1$ continuity between rectangular patches. The validity and effectiveness of this new approach was demonstrated by performing numerical experiments for the various types of point cloud data.