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Analysis of inundation and rainfall-runoff in mountainous small catchment using the MIKE model - Focusing on the Var river in France - (MIKE 모델을 이용한 산지소유역 강우유출 및 침수 분석 - 프랑스 Var river 유역을 중심으로 -)

  • Lee, Suwon;Jang, Dongwoo;Jung, Seungkwon
    • Journal of Korea Water Resources Association
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    • v.56 no.1
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    • pp.53-62
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    • 2023
  • Recently, due to the influence of climate change, the occurrence of damage to heavy rain is increasing around the world, and the frequency of heavy rain with a large amount of rain in a short period of time is also increasing. Heavy rains generate a large amount of outflow in a short time, causing flooding in the downstream part of the mountainous area before joining the small and medium-sized rivers. In order to reduce damage to downstream areas caused by flooding, it is very important to calculate the outflow of mountainous areas due to torrential rains. However, the sewage network flooding analysis, which is currently conducting the most analysis in Korea, uses the time and area method using the existing data rather than calculating the rainfall outflow in the mountainous area, which is difficult to determine that the soil characteristics of the region are accurately applied. Therefore, if the rainfall is analyzed for mountainous areas that can cause flooding in the downstream area in a short period of time due to large outflows, the accuracy of the analysis of flooding characteristics that can occur in the downstream area can be improved and used as data for evacuating residents and calculating the extent of damage. In order to calculate the rainfall outflow in the mountainous area, the rainfall outflow in the mountainous area was calculated using MIKE SHE among the MIKE series, and the flooding analysis in the downstream area was conducted through MIKE 21 FM (Flood model). Through this study, it was possible to confirm the amount of outflow and the time to reach downstream in the event of rainfall in the mountainous area, and the results of this analysis can be used to protect human and material resources through pre-evacuation in the downstream area in the future.

Improvement of Mid-Wave Infrared Image Visibility Using Edge Information of KOMPSAT-3A Panchromatic Image (KOMPSAT-3A 전정색 영상의 윤곽 정보를 이용한 중적외선 영상 시인성 개선)

  • Jinmin Lee;Taeheon Kim;Hanul Kim;Hongtak Lee;Youkyung Han
    • Korean Journal of Remote Sensing
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    • v.39 no.6_1
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    • pp.1283-1297
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    • 2023
  • Mid-wave infrared (MWIR) imagery, due to its ability to capture the temperature of land cover and objects, serves as a crucial data source in various fields including environmental monitoring and defense. The KOMPSAT-3A satellite acquires MWIR imagery with high spatial resolution compared to other satellites. However, the limited spatial resolution of MWIR imagery, in comparison to electro-optical (EO) imagery, constrains the optimal utilization of the KOMPSAT-3A data. This study aims to create a highly visible MWIR fusion image by leveraging the edge information from the KOMPSAT-3A panchromatic (PAN) image. Preprocessing is implemented to mitigate the relative geometric errors between the PAN and MWIR images. Subsequently, we employ a pre-trained pixel difference network (PiDiNet), a deep learning-based edge information extraction technique, to extract the boundaries of objects from the preprocessed PAN images. The MWIR fusion imagery is then generated by emphasizing the brightness value corresponding to the edge information of the PAN image. To evaluate the proposed method, the MWIR fusion images were generated in three different sites. As a result, the boundaries of terrain and objects in the MWIR fusion images were emphasized to provide detailed thermal information of the interest area. Especially, the MWIR fusion image provided the thermal information of objects such as airplanes and ships which are hard to detect in the original MWIR images. This study demonstrated that the proposed method could generate a single image that combines visible details from an EO image and thermal information from an MWIR image, which contributes to increasing the usage of MWIR imagery.

The Impact of Human Resource Innovativeness, Learning Orientation, and Their Interaction on Innovation Effect and Business Performance : Comparison of Small and Medium-Sized vs. Large-Sized Companies (인적자원의 혁신성, 학습지향성, 이들의 상호작용이 혁신효과 및 사업성과에 미치는 영향 : 중소기업과 대기업의 비교연구)

  • Yoh, Eunah
    • Korean small business review
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    • v.31 no.2
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    • pp.19-37
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    • 2009
  • The purpose of this research is to explore differences between small and medium-sized companies and large-sized companies in the impact of human resource innovativeness(HRI), learning orientation(LO), and HRI-LO interaction on innovation effect and business performance. Although learning orientation has long been considered as a key factor influencing good performance of a business, little research was devoted to exploring the effect of HRI-LO interaction on innovation effect and business performance. In this study, it is investigated whether there is a synergy effect between innovative human workforce and learning orientation corporate culture, in addition to each by itself, to generate good business performance as well as a success of new innovations in the market. Research hypotheses were as follows, including H1) human resource innovativeness(HRI), learning orientation(LO), and interactions of HRI and LO(HRI-LO interaction) positively affect innovation effect, H2) there is a difference of the effect of HRI, LO, and HRI-LO interaction on innovation effect between large-sized and small-sized companies, H3) HRI, LO, HRI-LO interaction, innovation effect positively affect business performance, and H4) there is a difference of the effect of HRI, LO, HRI-LO interaction, and innovation effect on business performance between large-sized and small-sized companies. Data were obtained from 479 practitioners through a web survey since the web survey is an efficient method to collect a national data at a variety of fields. A single respondent from a company was allowed to participate in the study after checking whether they have more than 5-year work experiences in the company. To check whether a common source bias is existed in the sample, additional data from a convenient sample of 97 companies were gathered through the traditional survey method, and were used to confirm correlations between research variables of the original sample and the additional sample. Data were divided into two groups according to company size, such as 352 small and medium-sized companies with less than 300 employees and 127 large-sized companies with 300 or more employees. Data were analyzed through t-test and regression analyses. HRI which is the innovativeness of human resources in the company was measured with 9 items assessing the innovativenss of practitioners in staff, manager, and executive-level positions. LO is the company's effort to encourage employees' development, sharing, and utilizing of knowledge through consistent learning. LO was measured by 18 items assessing commitment to learning, vision sharing, and open-mindedness. Innovation effect which assesses a success of new products/services in the market, was measured with 3 items. Business performance was measured by respondents' evaluations on profitability, sales increase, market share, and general business performance, compared to other companies in the same field. All items were measured by using 6-point Likert scales. Means of multiple items measuring a construct were used as variables based on acceptable reliability and validity. To reduce multi-collinearity problems generated on the regression analysis of interaction terms, centered data were used for HRI, LO, and Innovation effect on regression analyses. In group comparison, large-sized companies were superior on annual sales, annual net profit, the number of new products/services in the last 3 years, the number of new processes advanced in the last 3 years, and the number of R&D personnel, compared to small and medium-sized companies. Also, large-sized companies indicated a higher level of HRI, LO, HRI-LO interaction, innovation effect and business performance than did small and medium-sized companies. The results indicate that large-sized companies tend to have more innovative human resources and invest more on learning orientation than did small-sized companies, therefore, large-sized companies tend to have more success of a new product/service in the market, generating better business performance. In order to test research hypotheses, a series of multiple-regression analysis was conducted. In the regression analysis examining the impact on innovation effect, important results were generated as : 1) HRI, LO, and HRI-LO affected innovation effect, and 2) company size indicated a moderating effect. Based on the result, the impact of HRI on innovation effect would be greater in small and medium-sized companies than in large-sized companies whereas the impact of LO on innovation effect would be greater in large-sized companies than in small and medium-sized companies. In other words, innovative workforce would be more important in making new products/services that would be successful in the market for small and medium-sized companies than for large-sized companies. Otherwise, learning orientation culture would be more effective in making successful products/services for large-sized companies than for small and medium-sized companies. Based on these results, research hypotheses 1 and 2 were supported. In the analysis of a regression examining the impact on business performance, important results were generated as : 1) innovation effect, LO, and HRI-LO affected business performance, 2) HRI by itself did not have a direct effect on business performance regardless of company size, and 3) company size indicated a moderating effect. Specifically, an effect of the HRI-LO interaction on business performance was stronger in large-sized companies than in small and medium-sized companies. It means that the synergy effect of innovative human resources and learning orientation culture tends to be stronger as company is larger. Referring to these result, research hypothesis 3 was partially supported whereas hypothesis 4 was supported. Based on research results, implications for companies were generated. Regardless of company size, companies need to develop the learning orientation corporate culture as well as human resources' innovativeness together in order to achieve successful development of innovative products and services as well as to improve sales and profits. However, the effectiveness of the HRI-LO interaction would be varied by company size. Specifically, the synergy effect of HRI-LO was stronger to make a success of new products/services in small and medium-sized companies than in large-sized companies. However, the synergy effect of HRI-LO was more effective to increase business performance of large-sized companies than that of small and medium-sized companies. In the case of small and medium-sized companies, business performance was achieved more through the success of new products/services than much directly affected by HRI-LO. The most meaningful result of this study is that the effect of HRI-LO interaction on innovation effect and business performance was confirmed. It was often ignored in the previous research. Also, it was found that the innovativeness of human workforce would not directly influence in generating good business performance, however, innovative human resources would indirectly affect making good business performance by contributing to achieving the development of new products/services that would be successful in the market. These findings would provide valuable managerial implications specifically in regard to the development of corporate culture and education program of small and medium-sized as well as large-sized companies in a variety of fields.

CAS 500-1/2 Image Utilization Technology and System Development: Achievement and Contribution (국토위성정보 활용기술 및 운영시스템 개발: 성과 및 의의)

  • Yoon, Sung-Joo;Son, Jonghwan;Park, Hyeongjun;Seo, Junghoon;Lee, Yoojin;Ban, Seunghwan;Choi, Jae-Seung;Kim, Byung-Guk;Lee, Hyun jik;Lee, Kyu-sung;Kweon, Ki-Eok;Lee, Kye-Dong;Jung, Hyung-sup;Choung, Yun-Jae;Choi, Hyun;Koo, Daesung;Choi, Myungjin;Shin, Yunsoo;Choi, Jaewan;Eo, Yang-Dam;Jeong, Jong-chul;Han, Youkyung;Oh, Jaehong;Rhee, Sooahm;Chang, Eunmi;Kim, Taejung
    • Korean Journal of Remote Sensing
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    • v.36 no.5_2
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    • pp.867-879
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    • 2020
  • As the era of space technology utilization is approaching, the launch of CAS (Compact Advanced Satellite) 500-1/2 satellites is scheduled during 2021 for acquisition of high-resolution images. Accordingly, the increase of image usability and processing efficiency has been emphasized as key design concepts of the CAS 500-1/2 ground station. In this regard, "CAS 500-1/2 Image Acquisition and Utilization Technology Development" project has been carried out to develop core technologies and processing systems for CAS 500-1/2 data collecting, processing, managing and distributing. In this paper, we introduce the results of the above project. We developed an operation system to generate precision images automatically with GCP (Ground Control Point) chip DB (Database) and DEM (Digital Elevation Model) DB over the entire Korean peninsula. We also developed the system to produce ortho-rectified images indexed to 1:5,000 map grids, and hence set a foundation for ARD (Analysis Ready Data)system. In addition, we linked various application software to the operation system and systematically produce mosaic images, DSM (Digital Surface Model)/DTM (Digital Terrain Model), spatial feature thematic map, and change detection thematic map. The major contribution of the developed system and technologies includes that precision images are to be automatically generated using GCP chip DB for the first time in Korea and the various utilization product technologies incorporated into the operation system of a satellite ground station. The developed operation system has been installed on Korea Land Observation Satellite Information Center of the NGII (National Geographic Information Institute). We expect the system to contribute greatly to the center's work and provide a standard for future ground station systems of earth observation satellites.

Seismic wave propagation through surface basalts - implications for coal seismic surveys (지표 현무암을 통해 전파하는 탄성파의 거동 - 석탄 탄성파탐사에 적용)

  • Sun, Weijia;Zhou, Binzhong;Hatherly, Peter;Fu, Li-Yun
    • Geophysics and Geophysical Exploration
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    • v.13 no.1
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    • pp.1-8
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    • 2010
  • Seismic reflection surveying is one of the most widely used and effective techniques for coal seam structure delineation and risk mitigation for underground longwall mining. However, the ability of the method can be compromised by the presence of volcanic cover. This problem arises within parts of the Bowen and Sydney Basins of Australia and seismic surveying can be unsuccessful. As a consequence, such areas are less attractive for coal mining. Techniques to improve the success of seismic surveying over basalt flows are needed. In this paper, we use elastic wave-equation-based forward modelling techniques to investigate the effects and characteristics of seismic wave propagation under different settings involving changes in basalt properties, its thickness, lateral extent, relative position to the shot position and various forms of inhomogeneity. The modelling results suggests that: 1) basalts with high impedance contrasts and multiple flows generate strong multiples and weak reflectors; 2) thin basalts have less effect than thick basalts; 3) partial basalt cover has less effect than full basalt cover; 4) low frequency seismic waves (especially at large offsets) have better penetration through the basalt than high frequency waves; and 5) the deeper the coal seams are below basalts of limited extent, the less influence the basalts will have on the wave propagation. In addition to providing insights into the issues that arise when seismic surveying under basalts, these observations suggest that careful management of seismic noise and the acquisition of long-offset seismic data with low-frequency geophones have the potential to improve the seismic results.

Wavelet Transform-based Face Detection for Real-time Applications (실시간 응용을 위한 웨이블릿 변환 기반의 얼굴 검출)

  • 송해진;고병철;변혜란
    • Journal of KIISE:Software and Applications
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    • v.30 no.9
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    • pp.829-842
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    • 2003
  • In this Paper, we propose the new face detection and tracking method based on template matching for real-time applications such as, teleconference, telecommunication, front stage of surveillance system using face recognition, and video-phone applications. Since the main purpose of paper is to track a face regardless of various environments, we use template-based face tracking method. To generate robust face templates, we apply wavelet transform to the average face image and extract three types of wavelet template from transformed low-resolution average face. However template matching is generally sensitive to the change of illumination conditions, we apply Min-max normalization with histogram equalization according to the variation of intensity. Tracking method is also applied to reduce the computation time and predict precise face candidate region. Finally, facial components are also detected and from the relative distance of two eyes, we estimate the size of facial ellipse.

Estimation of the Amount of Soil toss and Main Sources of Riverbed Sediments in Each Tributary Basin of the Seomjin River in Sunchang Area, Korea (순창지역 섬진강 지류별 토양유실량 산정과 하상퇴적물의 주공급원에 관한 고찰)

  • Kwak Jae-Ho;Yang Dong-Yoon;Lee Hyun-Koo;Kim Ju-Yong;Lee Seong-Gu
    • Economic and Environmental Geology
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    • v.38 no.6 s.175
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    • pp.607-622
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    • 2005
  • This study was carried out in order to evaluate where the soil loss was mainly occurred, .and to verify how riverbed sediments in the tributaries of the Seomjin River were related to their source rocks distributed in Sunchang area. The study area including the Seomjin River with 4 tributaries of Kyeongcheon, Okgwacheon, Changjeong-cheon and Ipcheon was divided into 10 watershed. The RUSLE (Revised Universal Soil Loss Equation) was estimated for all the grids (10 m cells) in the corresponding watershed. The amount of soil loss per unit area was calculated as follows: dry fold (53,140.94 tons/ha/year), orchard (25,063.38 tons/ha/year), paddy field (6,506.7 tons/ha/year) and Idlest (6,074.36 tons/ha/year). The differences of soil loss per unit area appear to be depends on areas described earlier. Soil erosion hazard zones were generally distributed within dry fields. Several thematic maps such as land use maps, topographical maps and soil maps were used as a data to generate the RUSLE factors. The amount of soil loss, computed by using the RUSLE, showed that soil loss mainly occurred at the regions where possible source rocks were distributed along the stream. Based on the this study on soil loss and soil erosion hazard zone together with chondrite-normalized REE patterns that were previously analyzed in same study area, a closed relationship between riverbed sediments and possible source rocks is formed. Especially in the Okgwacheon that are widely distributed by various rocks, chondrite-normalized REE pattern derived from the riverbed sediments, source rock and soil is expected to have a closed relationship with the distribution of soil loss.

A Study on Need Assessment in Health Promotion Programs for Developing Nursing Centers - Breast Self Examination- (간호센타 개발을 위한 건강증진 프로그램 요구사정 연구-유방자가검진 프로그램을 중심으로-)

  • Park, In-Hyae;Kang, Hae-Young;Lee, Jeong-Hee;Ryu, Hyun-Sook
    • Research in Community and Public Health Nursing
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    • v.11 no.1
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    • pp.21-36
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    • 2000
  • The purpose of this study was to assess the needs of breast self examination education (BSEE) programs for developing nursing centers. A first, we reviewed the literature of activity and management-related factors of nursing centers: and, second. we used a questionnaire to discover the degree of knowledge, attitude, and practice on breast cancer, as well as an individual's intention to participate BSEE program. 1. Reviewing the literatures of nursing center activities. Nursing centers which were administered by a professional nurse are an ideal site for faculty and student practices. With the use of nursing models of health. professional nurses in nursing centers diagnose and treat human responses to potential and actual health problems and offer holistic, client-centered health service. In nursing centers professional nursing services include health education, health promotion, and health-related research. A nursing center is comprised of the advisory and exacutive commitee; the advisory commitee serves consultants and links community needs to the nursing center, while the director of the exacutive commitee identifies the potential resources to generate funds, support, and facilitate the activities of staffs in a nursing center. Nursing centers mobilize various financal resources for reimbursement of services from college and insurance companies, collect minimum service fees from the client, and further collect fees for providing programs to community groups, this also includes membership fees, and donations. The services provided by nursing centers focus on services related to primary prevention, health maintenance & health promotion, direct nursing care for acute & chronic diseases, and holistic care for actual and potential health problems. The client satisfaction for the services was high. Students also showed positive reponses for their clinical experiences and independent working conditions. 2. The degree of knowledge, attitudes, and practices for breast cancer. and an individual's intention to participate in the BSEE program. The subjects of this study were 308 females in K-city in the Republic of Korea. Data were collected using a self-administered questionnaire. The mean age of the respondents was 35.0 years old. Those who already participated in the BSEE were 64.9%, and those who had support and encouragement to practice BSE from significant others were 25.1 %. Clients intent to participate in the BSEE were 37.0%. The mean score of knowledge(2.4 out of 5 points) and practices(1.8 out of 5 points) for breast cancer were quite low, but the mean score of attitudes was relatively positive04.5 out of 20 point) for breast cancer. Those who already had BSEE showed significantly high scores in knowledge(t=6.48, p<0.01), attitudes (t=10.54, p<0.01). and practices(t=57.07, p<0.001) for breast cancer than those who had not participated in the BSEE. In all age groups no intention to participate in the BSEE was higher than who the intention to participate. These findings suggest some strategies should be developed to increase the awareness of breast cancer's early detection.

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Factors Related with Job Satisfaction in Workers - Through the Application of NIOSH Job Stress Model - (직장인의 직무만족도 관련요인 분석 - NIOSH의 직무스트레스 모형을 적용하여 -)

  • Kim, Soon-Lae;Lee, Bok-Im;Lee, Jong-Eun;Rhee, Kyung-Yong;Jung, Hye-Sun
    • Research in Community and Public Health Nursing
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    • v.14 no.2
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    • pp.190-199
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    • 2003
  • This study was conducted to determine the factors affecting job satisfaction in workers by using the Job Stress Model proposed by the National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH). Data were collected from December 1 to December 30, 1999. The subjects were 2,133 workers employed at 155 work sites, who were examined using NIOSH Job Stress questionnaire translated by the Korea Occupational Safety ${\pounds}|$ Health Academy and Occupational Safety ${\pounds}|$ Health Research Institute. SAS/PC program was used for statistical analysis using descriptive analysis. Pearson's correlation coefficient, ANOVA, and Stepwise multiple regression analysis. The results of this study were as follows. 1. According to general characteristics of the subjects, job satisfaction was high in those with less number of children. 2. By work condition, job satisfaction was higher in those who were working in a permanent job position, were working with regular time basis than with shift basis, were working in regular shift hours than in changing shift hours, were working for a short period, and were working less hours and overtime works per week. 3. In terms of physical work environment, job satisfaction was significantly related to 10 physical environmental factors. In other words, job satisfaction was high in workers who were working in an environment with no noise, bright light, temperature adjusted to an appropriate level during summer and winter, humidity adjusted to an appropriate level. well ventilation, clean air, no exposure to hazardous substance during work hour, overall pleasant work environment and not crowded work space. 4. By work-related factors, job satisfaction was high in those with less ambiguity about future job and role, high job control/autonomy, and less workload. On the other hand, job satisfaction was low in those with little utilization of competencies, and much role conflict at work and workload. 5. As for the relationships between job satisfaction and the non-work related factors, job satisfaction was high in workers who were volunteering at different organizations or active in religious activities for 5-10 hours per week. 6. In the relationships between job satisfaction and buffering factors, significantly positive correlations were found between job satisfaction and factors such as support by direct superior, support by peers, and support by spouse, friend and family. 7. There were nine factors that affected job satisfaction in the workers: age, number of children, work hours per week, noise, temperature at the work site during summer, uncomfortable physical environment, role ambiguity, role conflict, ambiguity in job future, work load, no utilization of competencies and social support from direct supervisor. These nine factors accounted for 26% of the total variance in the multiple regression analysis. In conclusion. the following are proposed based on the results of this study. 1. The most important physical environmental factors affecting job satisfaction in workers were noise, role ambiguity, and work load, suggesting a need to develop strategies or programs to manage these factors at work sites. 2. A support system that could promote job satisfaction is needed by emphasizing the roles of occupational health nurses who may be stationed at work sites and manage the factors that could generate job stress. 3. Job satisfaction is one of the three acute responses to stress proposed in NIOSH job stress model (job satisfaction. physical discomfort and industrial accidents). Therefore, further studies need to be conducted on the other two issues.

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An Exploratory Study of REID Benefits for Apparel Retailing (의류소매업에서의 RFID 이점에 대한 탐색적 연구)

  • Kim, Hae-Jung;Kim, Eun-Young
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Clothing and Textiles
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    • v.30 no.12 s.159
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    • pp.1697-1707
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    • 2006
  • Relentless advances in information technology are constantly transforming market dynamics of the retail industry. RFID is an emerging innovative technology that can reduce labor costs, improve inventory control and increase sales by effective business processes. Apparel retailers need to recognize the benefits of RFID and identify critical success factors. By focusing on apparel retailers, this study attempts (1) to identify the reality of RFID associated with benefits; and (2) to prospect the implementation of RFID in apparel retailing. We conducted a focus group interview with selected six panels who were experts of retail industry in the United States to obtain data regarding RFID attributes. Content analysis was used to generate related excerpts and classify 31 attributes of RFID benefits from the meaningful 173 responses. For experience of RFID, retailers were familiar with RFID technology and expressed the belief that RFID basically would support an existing retail system for speed to markets. However, retailers addressed the level of experience with RFID technology that they were still in the early adoption stage among few innovative companies. The content analysis identified five dimensions of RFID benefits for apparel retailing: Visibility and Velocity, Revenue Enhancement, Customer Service, Security, and Employee Productivity. This result lends support to the belief that RFID has a significant potential to streamline supply chain management, store operation and customer service for apparel retailing. This study provides intellectual and managerial implications far practitioners and researchers by postulating the effective use of RFID in the apparel retail industry.