• Title/Summary/Keyword: General hospitals

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Changes of Nursing Activities on Patients with DNR Orders (DNR 결정 환자에 대한 간호사의 간호활동 변화)

  • Lee, Ji Yun;Jang, Jae In
    • Journal of Hospice and Palliative Care
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    • v.20 no.1
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    • pp.46-57
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    • 2017
  • Purpose: The purpose of this study is to identify the changes to nursing activities of nurses on patients with DNR (Do-Not-Resuscitate) order and factors associated to the changes. Methods: Data were collected using a structured questionnaire for 173 nurses at general hospitals. Logistic regression analysis was performed on the data using SAS 9.4. Results: With 39 nursing activities, an average of 60.4 (34.9%) nurses reported an increase in the activities, 102.4 (59.2%) no change and 10.1 (5.9%) a drop. The activity increase was the greatest in the social area, and the physical area was where the activities decreased the most. The activity increase was associated knowledge competency (9 items), attitudes (2 items), practical competency (4 items) and work load (14 items were). Conclusion: To offer systematical care for DNR patients, it is necessary to expand nurses' knowledge through end-of-life education and adjust their workload and provide a support system at the department level.

An Epidemiological Study on the Neurological Sequelae of Acute Carbon Monoxide Poisoning (급성일산화탄소중독(急性一酸化炭素中毒)의 신경학적(神經學的) 후유증(後遺症)에 관(關)한 역학적(疫學的) 연구(硏究))

  • Park, Byung-Joo;Cho, Soo-Hun;Ahn, Yoon-Ok;Shin, Young-Soo;Yun, Dork-Ro
    • Journal of Preventive Medicine and Public Health
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    • v.17 no.1
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    • pp.5-24
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    • 1984
  • There has been an immense need for elaborate studies on the complications and the neuological sequelae generated by acute carbon monoxide (CO) poisoning which is highly prevalent in Korea due to widespread adoption of the anthracite coal briquette as domestic fuel for heating and for cooking. For this epidemiological study, a total of 444 subjects who received hospital emergency care for acute CO poisoning during the period of March 1982 to February 1983 were randomly selected from the emergency patients's lists of 13 general hospitals in Seoul area. Informations on the neurological sequelae were elucidated by means of home visiting with prearranged questionnaire consisting questions and concise neurological examination. The findings obtained were summarized as follows; 1. The complications were found in 18% of the surveyed and acute decubitus was comprised 67.5% of the complications. 2. The total cumulative incidence of the neurological sequelae was 41.2 per 100 patients and the absolute incidence rate regardless of the duration after poisoning was 40.8%. 3. The incidence of the neurological sequelae was higher in the older age than in the younger and also higher in female than in male. Twice higher incidence was observed in the admitted patients than in the non-admitted patients and the incidence became higher in proportion to the duration of CO exposure, coma and admission. The poorer the consciousness level of patients found, at emergency room and at discharge, the higher the incidence. The incidence of the neurological sequelae by emergency care was higher in hyperbaric oxygen therapy group(51.9%) than in 100% $O_2$ group(38.0%) 4. A total of five variables significantly associated with the occurrence of the neurological sequelae were selected by the stepwise discriminant analysis. The variables were following course of emergency care, age, consciousness level at discharge, admission duration, and consciousness level at emergency room in their sequence of discriminant power. Eight variables were selected as those associated with the degree of the neurological sequelae through the stepwise multiple regression analysis. Of these variables, the acute decubitus alone explained 21.1% of the total variation ana all the eight variables could explain 36.5% of the same. The remaining seven variables listed in the order of their relative importance were: age, consciousness level at discharge, admission duration, coma duration and consciousness level at emergency room. 5. It was postulated that unexpectedly high incidence of the neurological sequelae of the CO poisoning in this epidemiological study was mainly due to the inadequate emergency care and the lack of efficient and sophisticated treatment measure. In the effort to minimize the incidence of grave neurological sequelae of acute CO poisoning, new guidelines for the emergency care and treatment should be pursued with efficient ways.

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A Research Study on the Education System for Radiological Technologists and the Public health policy (방사선사의 교육시스템과 보건정책에 대한 조사 연구)

  • Jung, Hong-Ryang;Kim, Myeong-Soo;Choi, Jin
    • Journal of radiological science and technology
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    • v.27 no.4
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    • pp.67-74
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    • 2004
  • In order to assess policies for training of radiological technologists and public health, this study was conducted from the mid July to the end of August 2003 to the subjects of 890 radiological technologists who work at 44 general hospitals in 16 cities and provinces of the country. For this purpose, an analysis of variance was performed by regions divided in Capital city, metropolitan areas and small- and medium-sized cities as well as by length of service. The outcomes look as follows : 1. From the analysis of replies to questions about the government health policy for radiological technologists, high scores were given to the items: "the Law of Medical Engineers should be revised from the pattern of supervision to assignment" and "the medical institutions should be legally obliged to secure certain number of radiological technologists". 2. From the analysis of variance by regions and groups, there was difference by regions in the items: "demand and supply of radiological technologists should be controlled" and "the license number of radiological technologists should be indicated in the medical insurance bill"(p<0.000). 3. From the analysis of variance as to training of radiological technologists, a significant difference was found by length of service in the items: "it is necessary to open a 4-year department of radiology and to revise curriculum" and "the legal system to indicate license number of radiological technologists in the medical insurance bill should be introduced". 4. The analysis of variance by length of service revealed that those who have served for more than 20 years favored "it is necessary to open a 4-year department of radiology and to revise curriculum" higher than those who have served for less than 5 years, showing a tendency the longer they work, the stronger they feel necessity".

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A National-wide Survey on Utilization of Pattern Identification for Chronic Diseases among Korean Medicine Doctors (전국 한방의료기관 한의사 대상 만성질환의 변증활용 현황 조사)

  • Yeo, Minkyung;Park, Kihyun;Lee, Youngseop
    • Journal of Society of Preventive Korean Medicine
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    • v.21 no.2
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    • pp.23-34
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    • 2017
  • Objectives : The aim of this study was to survey the present utilization of pattern identification(PI) by chronic disease and using PI system in the clinical field among Korean medicine doctors. Methods : This survey was conducted from Oct. 1 to Oct. 31, 2014 by face-to-face interview using structured questionnaire. The subjects were 400 Korean medicine doctors who worked in hospitals or clinics. The questionnaire consisted of whether use clinical experience by chronic disease and the utilization of PI, the utilization of PI systems, the PI utilization rate, and the correlation between utilization PI and so on. General elements consisted of sex, age, clinical experience, place of work, district and so on. Results and Conclusions : This study revealed that clinical experience by chronic disease used 24.0-90.8%. The most chronic diseases were chronic fatigue and chronic pain, and least disease was cancer. Experience of the utilization of PI among Korean medicine doctors who have clinical experience was 87.8-97.1%. Also, the most utilized disease was chronic gastritis & gastric ulcer, and least disease was dyslipidemia. In this case, the most common cases were using the one PI between the utilization of PI systems, and the utilization ratio of Visceral PI was the highest. Phi coefficient between the PI systems in chronic diseases divided into positive correlation and negative correlation. The correlation of dementia between Triple energizer PI and Six excesses PI was the highest at positive correlation, and the frequency of occurrence between Defense, Qi, Nutrient and Blood PI was the highest at positive correlation. The correlation of osteoarthropathy between Meridian and Collateral PI and Sasang Constitutional Medicine was the highest at negative correlation. Also the frequency of occurrence between Qi, Blood, Fluid and Humor PI and Sasang Constitutional Medicine was the highest at negative correlation. We hope that additional studies on systematic PI research of chronic disease which needed to be in korean oriental medicine and meet the needs of clinical consumer continue based on this study.

The Incidence Rate of Anxiety Disorders in the Korean Military (한국 군 장병에서의 불안장애의 발생률)

  • Lee, Seung-Yup;Yoon, Chang-Gyo;Min, Jung-Ah;Lee, Chang-Uk;Park, Dong-Un;Ahn, Jong-Seong;Lee, Sang Don;Baik, Myung Jae;Jang, Jun Young;Yang, Juyoun;Chae, Jeong-Ho
    • Anxiety and mood
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    • v.10 no.1
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    • pp.59-67
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    • 2014
  • Objective : To obtain the incidence rate of anxiety disorders among the active duty Korean military personnel, who visited the military hospitals from 2011 to 2013, this descriptive epidemiological study was performed. Methods : After acquiring the data for the anxiety disorders from Defense Medical Statistics Information System, the annual incidence rates were analyzed by forces, position status, and specific disease entities. Results : One thousand, nine hundred and thirteen (1,913) active duty male military personnel were diagnosed with any kinds of anxiety disorders in their first visit to the psychiatric outpatient department (OPD). The total OPD visit counts were 7,870 during the same period. Anxiety disorder, NOS was the most frequent disorder, followed by panic disorder. While the incidence rate for anxiety disorder, NOS decreased, panic disorder displayed increasing tendency. Stress-related disorders and obsessive-compulsive disorder were positioned third and fourth, respectively, for the number of first visit and they both showed decreasing tendency in annual incidence rates. Social anxiety disorder, specific phobias, generalized anxiety disorder (GAD) and mixed anxiety-depressive disorder followed next. The annual incidence rates for anxiety disorders showed decreasing tendency, particularly evident in army soldiers. However, naval officers showed higher anxiety disorder incidence rate compared to those of the army and the air forces. Conclusion : Comparing to general population, panic disorder was higher while specific phobias and GAD were lower in the Korean military. It is interesting to observe higher incidence rate for anxiety disorder in naval officers and warrants further evaluation.

A study on the knowledge and attitude of dental hygienists for infection control in dental clinic (치과진료실 감염 예방에 관한 치과위생사의 지식 및 태도 연구)

  • Jeong, Mi-Kyoung;Lee, Ji-Young;Kang, Yong-Ju
    • Journal of Korean society of Dental Hygiene
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    • v.10 no.5
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    • pp.935-945
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    • 2010
  • Objectives : The purpose of this study was to examine the knowledge of dental hygienists on infection control in dental office and their attitude toward that in a bid to provide some information on ways of enhancing the level of infection control in dental office. Methods : The subjects in this study were 220 dental hygienists who worked in dental hospitals and clinics in Busan and South Gyeongsang Province. A survey was conducted from May 17 to June 17, 2010, and the answer sheets from 183 respondents were analyzed with a SPSS WIN 12.0 program. Statistical data on frequency, percentage and mean were obtained, and t-test, Pearson correlation coefficient and one-way ANOVA were utilized. Results : They got a mean of $4.59{\pm}.68$ in six categories of infection control knowledge. They had the best knowledge on dental waste disposal, followed by hand washing, post-sterilization management, instrument disinfection and sterilization, surface management of dental equipment and wearing personal protective equipment. They got a mean of $3.99{\pm}.54$ in attitude, and they scored lowest in practice of surface management of dental equipment. Overall, they scored higher in every aspect of knowledge than in attitude(t=11.410, p=.0.000). There was the greatest gap between their knowledge and practice in surface management of dental equipment (t=13.885, p=0.000), and there was the smallest gap between their knowledge and practice in hand washing(t=5.460, p=0.000). And a positive correlation was found between knowledge and attitude, as better knowledge of infection control led to better attitude toward that(p<.001). Finally, concerning infection control knowledge and attitude by general characteristics, the presence or absence of infection control guidelines made differences to infection control knowledge, and infection control attitude was statistically significantly different according to infection control education experiences(t=6.501, p=.012) and the presence or absence of infection control guidelines(t=22.836, p=.000). Conclusions : In order to bolster infection control in dental office, the related system should be improved to legally require dental personnels to implement infection control. Every dental office must be furnished with infection control guidelines, and sustained education should be provided for dental hygienists to carry out infection control.

Species Identification of Nontuberculous Mycobacteria (NTM) by PCR-Restriction Fragment Length Polymorphism (PRA) of the rpoB Gene from Three Hospitals of Busan-Kyeongnam Area

  • Choi, Sung-Ran;Kang, Min-Jung;Park, Gyu-Hwan;Kim, Da-Hye;Jeong, Da-Woon;Seo, Eun-Hye;Lee, Hyang-Min;Park, Hyun-Kyung;Jeong, Jin-Yee;Lee, Jung-Min;Jeong, Soo-Young;Lee, Jun-Young;Cho, Eun-Jin;Jekal, Suk;Kim, Chung-Hwan
    • Korean Journal of Clinical Laboratory Science
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    • v.45 no.2
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    • pp.48-53
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    • 2013
  • Recently, the isolation rate of nontuberculous mycobacteria (NTM) in clinical laboratories and the incidence of NTM infections are on the increase in Korea, but there have been only a few studies that reveal the general aspect of NTM isolation or species distribution. Therefore, this study was performed to examine the species identification by PCR-restriction fragment length polymorphism analysis (PRA, PCR-RFLP), and the clinical significance of mycobacterial cultures. PRA was used during the novel region of the rpoB gene and was developed for rapid and precise identification of mycobacteria to the species level. From January 2012 to April 2012, we examined pre-identified nontuberculous mycobacteria (60 species in 3 hospital of Busan-Kyeongnam area). We confirmed 4 (6.6%) Mycobacterium tuberculosis (MTB) and 56 (93.4%) NTM from 60 pre-identified NTM species by multiplex PCR (MolecuTech $MTB-ID^R$ V3, YD Diagnostics, Korea) and PRA (Myco-ID, YD Diagnostics, Korea). The distribution of 56 NTM species were M. intracellulare type I 15 (26.7%), M. avium 14 (25%), M. abscessus 11 (19.5%), M. kansasii type I 3 (5.4%), M. pulveris 2 (3.6%), M. intracellulare type, M. chelonae, M. kansasii type V, M. gallinarum, M. wolinskyi. Respectively, 1 (1.8%) and 6 (10.7%) species were not identified.

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Cancer Unit Nurses' End-of-Life Care-Related Stress, Understanding and Training Needs (암병동 간호사의 임종간호 스트레스와 인지 및 교육요구도)

  • Kim, Jung Hee;Lee, Hyeonkyeong
    • Journal of Hospice and Palliative Care
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    • v.15 no.4
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    • pp.205-211
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    • 2012
  • Purpose: This study was performed to identify the level of stress perceived by nurses who attend dying patients in the cancer care unit; their understanding regarding end-of-life care and related training needs. Methods: A cross-sectional descriptive study was conducted with 151 nurses stationed at the cancer care units of four general hospitals located in Seoul and Gyeonggi province in Korea. Data were collected using self-reported questionnaires and the response rate was 96%. The data were analyzed using t-test, ANOVA and Pearson's correlation analysis. SPSS 12.0 was used for data analysis. Results: Nurses experienced a high level of stress in the end-of-life care settings. Their understanding of end-of-life care was above the mid-point of the scale while their training needs for end-of-life care was relatively high. The more experienced the nurses were, the more stressed they were, particularly due to excessive workload. Nurses who served longer in the cancer unit tended to show greater needs for end-of-life care training. Conclusion: This study found nurses perform end-of-life care with a high level of stress but with insufficient understanding, and thus, showed great needs for related training. Such findings can be useful to develop an end-of-life care training program for nurses.

Associations of Serum Lipid Profiles with Incidence of Ischemic Heart Diseases in Korean Adults: Retrospective Cohort Study (우리나라 성인에서 혈청 지질성분비가 허혈성 심장질환 발생에 미치는 위험도 평가: 코호트 연구)

  • Shin, Sook-Hee;Lee, Tae-Yong
    • Journal of the Korea Academia-Industrial cooperation Society
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    • v.13 no.5
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    • pp.2219-2231
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    • 2012
  • This study conducted to investigate incidence rate and association of serum lipid profiles with incidence of ischemic heart disease. Study subjects consisted of 417,642 adults aged 30 years and over, who underwent physical examination and responded to questionnaire from health examination center of 19 university general hospitals. Hazard ratio of risk factor for ischemic heart disease (IHD) were calculated by Cox's proportional hazard regression model adjusted for ages, BMI and lifestyle (drinking, smoking and exercising). For TC/HDL ratio, hazard ratio of IHD in male increased from 1.21 times to 1.84 times increase with TC/HDL ratio, and that in female also increased from 1.26 times to 1.86 times. For TG/HDL ratio, hazard ratio of IHD in male increased from 1.17 times to 1.49 times increase with TG/HDL ratio, and that in female also increased from 1.42 times to 1.97 times. For LDL/HDL ratio, hazard ratio of IHD in male increased from 1.26 times to 1.82 times increase with LDL/HDL ratio, and that in female also increased from 1.26 times to 1.68 times. In conclusion serum lipid indexes are the significant risk factors for cardiovascular diseases. The higher the concentration of TC, LDL and TG is, the lower the concentration of HDL is, hazard ratio for IHD increased. Ratio of TC/HDL, TG/HDL and LDL/HDL were also verified to be significant risk factors for IHD.

A Consideration on the Instituting Home Health Care in Korea (우리나라 가정간호제도화 방안에 관한 고찰)

  • Yun, Soon-Nyoung;Hwang, Na-Mi;Hyun, Hye-Jin;Choi, Joung-Myoung;Kwon, Mi-Kyung
    • Journal of Home Health Care Nursing
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    • v.2
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    • pp.5-18
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    • 1995
  • While the socioeonomic status of Koreas has been dramatically increasing in recent years, chronic and geriatric diseases have also been on the rise, bringing about many changes in our health care system. The basic goals of the home health care are to reduce health care costs, to increase the attrition rate in general hospitals, and to care for patients effectively and conveniontly at home. The purpose of this paper is to review and examine the current status of the home health care in Korea throughout the reports, surveys, other informations and education system of home health nurse. We identified the various types of home health care services programs, such as hospital-based home health care operated in public sector(demonstration project) and community-based home health care in health centers or in private sector, that is, Korean Nurse Association. Hospital based home heatlh care model was established as an alternative to traditional in-patiet services. Quality assurance and client satisfaction is an important measure of care received and establishment of payment and reimbursement for home health care services is important in promotng the home health care. We found out a fee-per-visit system composed of three kinds of fees : a basic service fee(16,000 Won), a travel fee(5,000 Won), and per-service fees (variables). Like fees paid for in-patient care, insureds pay 20% and insurers pay 80% of the basic and per-service fee. The travel fee is borne totally by the insured. Home health care continues to be viewed as not only the most preferred way to provide care to clients, but also the most cost effective. Home health care is that component of a continuum of comprehensive health care whereby health services are provided to individuals and families in their places of residence for the purpose of promoting, maintaining, or restoring health, or of maximizing the level of independence, while minimizing illness. Services appropriate to the needs of the individual patient and family should be planned and provided, nursing is to be a force for positive change and enhanced the nursing professionalism. Whatever type of involvement of home health care, it is essential to remember that home health care is highly service-oriented and highly touch health car deilvery system.

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