• Title/Summary/Keyword: Gas Discharge

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Development of Thermoplastic Carbon Composite Hybrid Bipolar Plate for Vanadium Redox Flow Batteries (VRFB) (바나듐 레독스 흐름전지용 열가소성 탄소 복합재료 하이브리드 분리판 개발)

  • Jun Woo Lim
    • Composites Research
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    • v.36 no.6
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    • pp.422-428
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    • 2023
  • The electrical contact resistance between the bipolar plate (BP) and the carbon felt electrode (CFE), which are in contact by the stack clamping pressure, has a great impact on the stack efficiency because of the relatively low clamping pressure of the vanadium redox flow battery (VRFB) stack. In this study, a polyethylene (PE) composite-CFE hybrid bipolar plate structure is developed through a local heat welding process to reduce such contact resistance and improve cell performance. The PE matrix of the carbon fiber composite BP is locally melted to create a direct contact structure between the carbon fibers of CFE and the carbon fibers of BP, thereby reducing the electrical contact resistance. Area specific resistance (ASR) and gas permeability are measured to evaluate the performance of the PE composite-CFE hybrid bipolar plate. In addition, an acid aging test is performed to measure stack reliability. Finally, a VFRB unit cell charge/discharge test is performed to compare and analyze the performance of the developed PE composite-CFE hybrid BP and the conventional BP.

Comparison of Direct and Indirect $CO_2$ Emission in Provincial and Metropolitan City Governments in Korea: Focused on Energy Consumption (우리나라 광역지방자치단체의 직접 및 간접 $CO_2$ 배출량의 비교 연구: 에너지 부문을 중심으로)

  • Kim, Jun-Beum;Chung, Jin-Wook;Suh, Sang-Won;Kim, Sang-Hyoun;Park, Hung-Suck
    • Journal of Korean Society of Environmental Engineers
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    • v.33 no.12
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    • pp.874-885
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    • 2011
  • In this study, the urban $CO_2$ emission based on energy consumption (Coal, Petroleum, Electricity, and City Gas) in 16 provincial and metropolitan city governments in South Korea was evaluated. For calculation of the urban $CO_2$ emission, direct and indirect emissions were considered. Direct emissions refer to generation of greenhouse gas (GHG) on-site from the energy consumption. Indirect emissions refer to the use of resources or goods that discharge GHG emissions during energy production. The total GHG emission was 497,083 thousand ton $CO_2eq.$ in 2007. In the indirect GHG emission, about 240,388 thousand ton $CO_2eq.$ was occurred, as 48% of total GHG emission. About 256,694 thousand ton $CO_2eq.$ (52% of total GHG emissions) was produced in the direct GHG emission. This amount shows 13% difference with 439,698 thousand ton $CO_2eq.$ which is total national GHG emission data using current calculation method. Local metropolitan governments have to try to get accuracy and reliability for quantifying their GHG emission. Therefore, it is necessary to develop and use Korean emission factors than using the IPCC (Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change) emission factors. The method considering indirect and direct GHG emission, which is suggested in this study, should be considered and compared with previous studies.

Carbon nanotube field emission display

  • Chil, Won-Bong;Kim, Jong-Min
    • Electrical & Electronic Materials
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    • v.12 no.7
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    • pp.7-11
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    • 1999
  • Fully sealed field emission display in size of 4.5 inch has been fabricated using single-wall carbon nanotubes-organic vehicle com-posite. The fabricated display were fully scalable at low temperature below 415$^{\circ}C$ and CNTs were vertically aligned using paste squeeze and surface rubbing techniques. The turn-on fields of 1V/${\mu}{\textrm}{m}$ and field emis-sion current of 1.5mA at 3V/${\mu}{\textrm}{m}$ (J=90${\mu}{\textrm}{m}$/$\textrm{cm}^2$)were observed. Brightness of 1800cd/$m^2$ at 3.7V/${\mu}{\textrm}{m}$ was observed on the entire area of 4.5-inch panel from the green phosphor-ITO glass. The fluctuation of the current was found to be about 7% over a 4.5-inch cath-ode area. This reliable result enables us to produce large area full-color flat panel dis-play in the near future. Carbon nanotubes (CNTs) have attracted much attention because of their unique elec-trical properties and their potential applica-tions [1, 2]. Large aspect ratio of CNTs together with high chemical stability. ther-mal conductivity, and high mechanical strength are advantageous for applications to the field emitter [3]. Several results have been reported on the field emissions from multi-walled nanotubes (MWNTs) and single-walled nanotubes (SWNTs) grown from arc discharge [4, 5]. De Heer et al. have reported the field emission from nan-otubes aligned by the suspension-filtering method. This approach is too difficult to be fully adopted in integration process. Recently, there have been efforts to make applications to field emission devices using nanotubes. Saito et al. demonstrated a car-bon nanotube-based lamp, which was oper-ated at high voltage (10KV) [8]. Aproto-type diode structure was tested by the size of 100mm $\times$ 10mm in vacuum chamber [9]. the difficulties arise from the arrangement of vertically aligned nanotubes after the growth. Recently vertically aligned carbon nanotubes have been synthesized using plasma-enhanced chemical vapor deposition(CVD) [6, 7]. Yet, control of a large area synthesis is still not easily accessible with such approaches. Here we report integra-tion processes of fully sealed 4.5-inch CNT-field emission displays (FEDs). Low turn-on voltage with high brightness, and stabili-ty clearly demonstrate the potential applica-bility of carbon nanotubes to full color dis-plays in near future. For flat panel display in a large area, car-bon nanotubes-based field emitters were fabricated by using nanotubes-organic vehi-cles. The purified SWNTs, which were syn-thesized by dc arc discharge, were dispersed in iso propyl alcohol, and then mixed with on organic binder. The paste of well-dis-persed carbon nanotubes was squeezed onto the metal-patterned sodalime glass throuhg the metal mesh of 20${\mu}{\textrm}{m}$ in size and subse-quently heat-treated in order to remove the organic binder. The insulating spacers in thickness of 200${\mu}{\textrm}{m}$ are inserted between the lower and upper glasses. The Y\ulcornerO\ulcornerS:Eu, ZnS:Cu, Al, and ZnS:Ag, Cl, phosphors are electrically deposited on the upper glass for red, green, and blue colors, respectively. The typical sizes of each phosphor are 2~3 micron. The assembled structure was sealed in an atmosphere of highly purified Ar gas by means of a glass frit. The display plate was evacuated down to the pressure level of 1$\times$10\ulcorner Torr. Three non-evaporable getters of Ti-Zr-V-Fe were activated during the final heat-exhausting procedure. Finally, the active area of 4.5-inch panel with fully sealed carbon nanotubes was pro-duced. Emission currents were character-ized by the DC-mode and pulse-modulating mode at the voltage up to 800 volts. The brightness of field emission was measured by the Luminance calorimeter (BM-7, Topcon).

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The Air-stripping Process Conjugated with the Ultrasonic Treatment to Remove TOC in Groundwater around the LPG Underground Storage Cavern (탈기법과 초음파 처리법을 연계한 LPG 지하공동저장소 주변 오염지하수 내 TOC 제거)

  • Han, Yikyeong;Jun, Seongchun;Kim, Danu;Jeon, Soyoung;Lee, Minhee
    • Economic and Environmental Geology
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    • v.55 no.5
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    • pp.511-519
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    • 2022
  • In order to develop an air-stripping based remediation process to remove the TOC (Total Organic Carbon) in groundwater around the underground LPG storage cavern, the laboratory scale experiments at various conditions (change of air injection volume and temperature, the application of ultrasonic treatment, etc.) for two types of groundwater (initial TOC concentration of 608 mg/L and 153 mg/L, respectively). From results of experiment, as the air injection rate for stripping into groundwater increased from 2 L/min to 11 L/min and as the air-stripping time increased from 1 hour to 24 hour, the TOC removal efficiency of air-stripping increased. However, the TOC concentration of treated groundwater was higher than the discharge tolerance limit (100 mg/L) even after 24 hour stripping at the maximum air injection rate of 11 L/min. The main compounds of the TOC in groundwater were identified as methanol and propane and the long stripping time (more than 24 hour) was needed to separate the methanol from groundwater because of the affinity between water and methanol. At 20℃ and 4 L/min of air injection, the TOC removal efficiency increased to 59.1% after 24 hour air-stripping. When the temperature of groundwater increased to 30℃ and 40℃, the TOC removal efficiency increased up to 80.0% and 82.8%, suggesting that more than 24 hour air-stripping at 40℃ is needed to lower the TOC concentration to below 100 mg/L and the additional TOC removal process as well as the air-stripping is necessary. When the temperature increased to 60℃ and the ultrasonic treatment was conjugated with the air-stripping, the TOC removal efficiency increased to 87.8% within 5 hour stripping and the final TOC concentration (72.4 mg/L) was satisfied with the TOC discharge tolerance limit. The TOC removal efficiency for groundwater having low TOC concentration (153 mg/L) also showed similar removal efficiency of 89.7% (the final TOC concentration: 18.9 mg/L). Results in this study supported that the air-stripping conjugated with the ultrasonic treatment could remove successfully the TOC in groundwater around the underground LPG strorage cavern.

Design of the self-oscillation UV flash lamp power supply and the characteristic of its operation using self-resonance of the transformer (트랜스포머의 자가 공진(Self-Resonance)특성을 이용한 자가 발진(Self-Oscillation) UV(Ultra Violet) 발생 플래시램프 전원장치설계 및 그 동작 특성)

  • Kim, Shin-Hyo;Cho, Dae-Kweon
    • Journal of Advanced Marine Engineering and Technology
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    • v.38 no.1
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    • pp.48-55
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    • 2014
  • These Xenon flashlamp power supply for Ultra Violet has converter with high voltage conversion ratio. General model is composed of transformer with high voltage conversion ratio and voltage doubler rectifier circuit. Purpose of power supply leads dielectric breakdown of Xenon flashlamp and passes current rapidly. When passing current, it has to limit current to avoid over-heat, damage of electrode and acceleration of gas oxidation which are cause of performance degradation of lamps. Generally, inductors and resistors, which are called as "Ballast," are used to limit currents. Generally, Transformer has high turn ratio to make high voltages. But we can get high voltages using the transformer with low turn ratio which is driven with self resonance. Also, an advantage of self resonance is to make a circuit simply through impedance of transformer in resonance frequency which filters output voltage. As using an unique impedance of transformer, the circuit does not need other impedance elements like the ballast. So the power supply assures high efficiency of the arc discharge.

A Study on the characteristic analysis and optimization according to Ballast design of Induction Lamp (고출력 무전극램프의 점등회로 설계를 통한 특성분석 및 최적화에 관한 연구)

  • Chung, Young-Il;Jung, Dae-Chul;Park, Dae-Hee;Kim, Yong-Kab
    • The Journal of Korea Institute of Information, Electronics, and Communication Technology
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    • v.10 no.1
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    • pp.31-37
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    • 2017
  • In this paper, we implemented for the development of a high output induction lamp system, which lamp design is optimized by gas type, mixing ratio, pressure and discharge tube size, amalgam type and mixing ratio, and characteristics of ferrite core in the lamp. It's the circuit design by improving the power factor and efficiency according to the driving method, which has analyzing the characteristics according to the waveform and frequency. Finally, luminaries design part for applying the optimal lighting system considering the surrounding environment, the characteristics of the lighting circuit for electrodeless lamp has analyzed and the improvement has been proceeded. In conclusion, the driving frequency has optimized at 135kHz with degrading $7{\sim}10^{\circ}C$ based on the results of the optical characteristics of the induction lamp on peak noise FET(Q3,Q4) damage.

Hydration Reaction of Non-Sintering Cement Using Inorganic Industrial Waste as Activator (무기계 산업폐기물을 자극제로 이용한 비소성 시멘트의 수화반응)

  • Mun, Kyoung-Ju;Lee, Chol-Woong;So, Seung-Young;Soh, Yang-Seob
    • Journal of the Korea Concrete Institute
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    • v.18 no.2 s.92
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    • pp.267-274
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    • 2006
  • Greenhouse gas reduction will be highlighted as the most pending question in the cement industry in future because the production of Portland cement not only consumes limestone, clay, coal, and electricity, but also release waste gases such as $CO_2,\;SO_3$, and NOX, which can contribute to the greenhouse effect and acid rain. To meet the increase of cement demand and simultaneously comply with the Kyoto Protocol, cement that gives less $CO_2$ discharge should be urgently developed. This study aims to manufacture non-sintering cement(NSC) by adding phosphogypsum(PG) and waste lime(WL) to granulated blast furnace slag(GBFS) as sulfate and alkali activators. This study also Investigates the hydration reaction of NSC through analysis of scanning electron microscopy(SEM), X-ray diffraction(XRD), differential thermal analysis(DTA), and pH. Results obtained from analysis of the hydrate have shown that the glassy films of GBFS are destroyed by the activation of alkali and sulfate, ions eluted from the inside of GBFS react with PG and produce ettringite, and consequently the remaining component in GBFS slowly produced C-5-H(I) gel. Here, PG is considered not only to play the role of simple activator, but also to work as a binder reacting with GBFS.

Study on the Damage Pattern Analysis of a 3 Phase 22.9/3.3kV Oil Immersed Transformer and Judgment of the Cause of Its Ignition (3상 22.9/3.3kV 유입변압기의 소손패턴 해석 및 발화원인 판정에 관한 연구)

  • Choi, Chung-Seog
    • The Transactions of The Korean Institute of Electrical Engineers
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    • v.60 no.6
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    • pp.1274-1279
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    • 2011
  • The purpose of this paper is to present the manufacturing defect and damage pattern of a 3 phase 22.9/3.3kV oil immersed transformer, as well as to present an objective basis for the prevention of a similar accident and to secure data for the settlement of PL related disputes. It was found that in order to prevent the occurrence of accidents to transformers, insulating oil analysis, thermal image measurement, and corona discharge diagnosis, etc., were performed by establishing relevant regulation. The result of analysis performed on the external appearance of a transformer to which an accident occurred, the internal insulation resistance and protection system, etc., showed that most of the analysis items were judged to be acceptable. However, it was found that the insulation characteristics between the primary winding and the enclosure, those between the ground and the secondary winding, and those between the primary and secondary windings were inappropriate due to an insulating oil leak caused by damage to the pressure relief valve. From the analysis of the acidity values measured over the past 5 years, it is thought that an increase in carbon dioxide (CO2) caused an increase in the temperature inside the transformer and the increase in the ethylene gas increased the possibility of ignition. Even though 17 years have passed since the transformer was installed, it was found that the system's design, manufacture, maintenance and management have been performed well and the insulating paper was in good condition, and that there was no trace of public access or vandalism. However, in the case of transformers to which accidents have occurred, a melted area between the upper and the intermediate bobbins of the W-phase secondary winding as well as between its intermediate and lower bobbins. It can be seen that a V-pattern was formed at the carbonized area of the transformer and that the depth of the carbonization is deeper at the upper side than the lower side. In addition, it was found that physical bending and deformation occurred inside the secondary winding due to non-uniform pressure while performing transformer winding work. Therefore, since it is obvious that the accident occurred due to a manufacturing defect (winding work defect), it is thought that the manufacturer of the transformer is responsible for the accident and that it is lawful for the manufacture to investigate and prove the concrete cause of the accident according to the Product Liability Law (PLL).

Testing for Convergence in Carbon Dioxide Emissions : Using a Dynamic Panel Analysis and Panel Unit Root Test (이산화탄소 배출량의 수렴성 검정 : 다이나믹 패널 분석과 패널 단위근 검정을 이용하여)

  • Cho, Sungtaek;Cho, Yongsung
    • Environmental and Resource Economics Review
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    • v.18 no.1
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    • pp.53-73
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    • 2009
  • This study examines the existence of ${\beta}$-convergence of carbon dioxide emissions in 24 countries over the period 1971~2002. For that purpose, The model of economic growth developed by Barro and Sala-i-Martin (1995) is extended and conducted Dynamic panel analysis and unit root testing by employing the panel stationarity test of Levin et al. (2002) and 1m et al. (2003). A dynamic panel estimation is well known method including capacity to control for both the endogeneity problem and the unobserved country-specific effects problem. Dynamic panel estimation method has been widely used in similar empirical studies. therefore, we also used the dynamic panel estimation method in our estimation. The result show that evidence of ${\beta}$-convergence exists among both the Obligatory GHG reduction countries (Annex) and the Non-obligatory GHG reduction countries (Non-Annex). but China discharge amount of $CO_2$ gas more than any other country. This fact can cause some bias in overall test. and so we reexamined test of convergence for Non-annex countries excluding china. As expected, in the Non-annex countries excluding china, I couldn't find any evidence of convergence.

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A Comparative Study on the $CO_2$ Storage Method ($CO_2$ 해양처리방안 비교연구)

  • Jung, R.T.;Kang, S.G.;Kang, C.G.;Park, Y.C.;Yoon, C.H.
    • Journal of the Korean Society for Marine Environment & Energy
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    • v.8 no.3
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    • pp.111-115
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    • 2005
  • The concentration of atmosphere carbon dioxide ($CO_2$) which is one of the major greenhouse gas, continues to rise by the increase in fossil fuel consumption, forest destruction and decrease of biological diversity, etc. In order to weaken the global warming, a reduction of $CO_2$ discharge to the atmosphere is required. The $CO_2$ ocean sequestration technology utilizes the intrinsic oceanic capacity of $CO_2$ absorption, diluting and/or dispersing the liquefied $CO_2$ in the deep ocean (>2,000 m). This geo-engineering approach is regarded as one of the occasions to mitigate the $CO_2$ concentration in the atmosphere. Some developed centuries such as Japan, USA, Norway, etc. have intensively carried out the projects on the research and development of $CO_2$ ocean sequestration since 1990s. There have been several approaches to develop the relative technological system to mitigate the increasing $CO_2$, however, there was no systematic and practical R&D programme in the $CO_2$ ocean sequestration. This paper has described the state of the art on the three optional methods of $CO_2$ sequestration, and compared with them in the aspect of the applicable possibility.

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