• Title/Summary/Keyword: Gas Discharge

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Output characteristics of ac excited $CO_2$ laser as a adjusting a phase angle and frequency (위상각와 주파수 제어에 따른 상용주파 AC 여기 방식의 펄스형 $CO_2$ 레이저 전원장치 개발에 관한 연구)

  • Chung, Hyun-Ju;Kim, Do-Wan;Lee, Dong-Hoon;Kim, Joong-Mann;Kim, Mee-Je;Cho, Jung-Soo
    • Proceedings of the KIEE Conference
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    • 2000.07c
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    • pp.2098-2100
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    • 2000
  • We propose pulsed $CO_2$ laser below 30W by the AC(60Hz) switching control of leakage transformer primary which has some advantage of cost and size compared to a typical pulsed power supply. Pulse repetition rate is adjusted from 5Hz to 60Hz to control laser output. In this laser, a low voltage open loop control for high voltage discharge circuit is employed to avoid the HV sampling or switching and high voltage leakage transformer is used to convert rectified low voltage pulse to high voltage one. A ZCS(Zero Cross Switch) circuit and a PIC one-chip microprocessor are used to control gate signal of SCR precisely. The pulse repetition rate is limited by 60Hz due to the frequency of AC line and a high leakage inductance. The maximum laser output was obtained about 23W at pulse repetition rate of 60Hz, total gas mixture of $CO_{2}/N_{2}$/He = 1/9/15, SCR gate trigger angle 90$^{\circ}$, and total pressure of 18Torr.

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A Computational Study on Cooling Analysis of the Flame Deflector for the 75 tonf Class Propulsion Test Facility (75톤급 추진기관 시험설비 화염유도로 냉각해석에 관한 수치적 연구)

  • Moon, Seong-Mok;Cho, Nam-Kyung;Kim, Seong-Lyong;Jun, Sung-Bok;Lee, Kyoung-Hoon;Kim, Dong-Hwan
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Propulsion Engineers
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    • v.19 no.2
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    • pp.55-64
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    • 2015
  • In this study, a 3-D flame cooling analysis is conducted to examine thermal safety for the flame deflector of the 75 tonf class propulsion test facility, and the safe discharge of the exhaust gas is assessed by using numerical results. The Mixture multiphase model is adopted for the simulation of heat transfer and phase exchange process between flame and cooling water, and the computational study using the single species unreacted model for the exhaust plume is carried out for the flame cooling. Numerical analysis predicts maximum temperature on the flame deflector wall for different water flow rates, and evaluates the safe minimum flow rate of water corresponding to the fire-resistant temperature for concrete.

An Investigation on the Technical Background for Carbon-14 Monitoring in Radioactive Effluents (원자력시설의 Carbon-14 방사성유출물에 대한 감시배경의 조사)

  • Kim, Hee-Geun;Kong, Tae-Young;Jeong, Woo-Tae;Kim, Seok-Tae
    • Journal of Radiation Protection and Research
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    • v.34 no.4
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    • pp.195-200
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    • 2009
  • effluents to the environment. The activity of carbon-14, one of the radioactive effluents, in the environment is already high level and its effect on radiation exposure to the public and the environment is insignificant; thus, NPPs did not perform the carbon-14 monitoring in effluents in the past. By the way, effluents of noble gas and particulate radioactive materials originated from nuclear fuels has been continuously reduced due to both the advancement of manufacturing and integrity technology for nuclear fuels and the improvement of operation methods of NPPs. Futhermore, the portion of dose assessment by tritium and carbon-14 to the public has been relatively increased because the lower limit of detection for low-energy beta sources, such as tritium and carbon-14, is low due to the advancement of radiation detection technology. In this paper, the technical background for carbon-14 monitoring in nuclear facilities was investigated using United States technical reports and papers. This paper also reviews whether carbon-14 monitoring is necessary or not based on the investigated documents.

Study on CO2 Decomposition using Ar/CO2 Inductively Coupled Plasma (아르곤/이산화탄소 혼합가스의 유도 결합 플라즈마를 이용한 이산화탄소 분해 연구)

  • Kim, Kyung-Hyun;Kim, Kwan-Yong;Lee, Hyo-Chang;Chung, Chin-Wook
    • KEPCO Journal on Electric Power and Energy
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    • v.1 no.1
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    • pp.135-140
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    • 2015
  • Decomposition of carbon dioxide is studied using $Ar/CO_2$ mixture inductively coupled plasmas (ICP). Argon gas was added to generate plasma which has high electron density. To measure decomposition rate of $CO_2$, optical emission actinometry is used. Changing input power, pressure and mixture ratio, the plasma parameters and the spectrum intensity were measured using single Langmuir probe and spectroscope. The source characteristic of Carbon dioxide ICP observed from the obtained plasma parameters. The decomposition rate is evolved depending on the reaction and discharge mode. This result is analyzed with both the measurement of the plasma parameters and the dissociation mechanism of $CO_2$.

Residual Voltage Reduction of Coaxial Surge Arrestor Using Ceramic Filler (세라믹 필터를 이용한 동축 서지어레스터의 잔류전압 저감)

  • Eom, Ju-Hong;Cho, Sung-Chul;Lee, Tae-Hyung;Lee, Young-Chul
    • Journal of the Korean Institute of Illuminating and Electrical Installation Engineers
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    • v.21 no.2
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    • pp.46-53
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    • 2007
  • Extension of the mobile communication and the rapidly developing services connected with wireless multimedia(W-CDMA, DMB, Wibro, and so on) need great many base station transceiver systems, antennas, and many signal transmission line to embody these services. The min communication appliances system is exposed always in danger of transient overvoltage by direct stroke or induced lightning surge flowing in through antenna because the antenna of base station transceiver system or relay equipment is combined with expensive communication network equipments through signal transmission line. Now, gas discharge tube(GDT) or narrow band stub arrestor which is used by the surge protector for communication use is exposing limitations as for lightning surge protective means of the communication facility with high speed and wide frequency band. Therefore, for improving performance of surge arrestor, we applied ceramic filter which can reduce lightning surge invading from antenna effectively, and proved that ceramic filter is effective in residual voltage reduction through the experimental research.

Synthesis of $LiCoO_{2}$ Nanoparticles From Leach Liquor of Lithium Ion Battery Wastes by Flame Spray Pyrolysis

  • Lee Churl Kyoung;Chang Hankwon;Jang Hee Dong;Sohn Jeong-Soo
    • Resources Recycling
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    • v.14 no.6 s.68
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    • pp.37-43
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    • 2005
  • [ $LiCoO_{2}$ ] nanoparticles were synthesized from leach liquor of lithium ion battery waste using flame spray pyrolysis. Electrode Materials containing lithium and cobalt could be concentrated with thermal and mechanical treatment. After dissolution of used cathode materials of the lithium battery with nitric acid, the molar ratio of Li/Co in the leach liquor was adjusted at 1.0 by adding a fresh $LiNO_{3}$ solution. The nanoparticles synthesized by the flame spray pyrolysis showed clear crystallinity and were nearly spherical, and their average primary particle diameters ranged from 11 to 35 nm. The average particle diameter increased with an increase in the molar concentration of the precursor. Raising the maximum flame temperature by controlling the gas flow rates also led to an increase in the average diameter of the particles. The $LiCoO_{2}$ powder was proved to have good characteristics as cathode active materials in charge/discharge capacity and cyclic performance.

Research on Step-Type Chemical Liquid Deodorizer using Liquid Catalyst

  • WOO, Hyun-Jin;KWON, Lee-Seung;JUNG, Min-Jae;YEO, Og-Gyu;KIM, Young-Do;KWON, Woo-Taeg
    • The Korean Journal of Food & Health Convergence
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    • v.6 no.5
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    • pp.19-25
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    • 2020
  • The purpose of this study was to research and develop a step-type chemical liquid deodorizer including a liquid catalyst that can prevent civil complaints due to odor due to its excellent deodorizing performance. The main composition of chemical liquid deodorizer including liquid catalyst is cleaning deodorization, catalyst deodorization, chemical deodorization, water film plate, deodorization water circulation device, deodorization water injection device, catalyst management system, gas-liquid separation device, chemical supply device, deodorizer control panel, etc. It consists of a device. The air flow of the step-type liquid catalyst chemical liquid deodorizer is a technology that firstly removes basic odor substances, and the liquid catalyst installed in the subsequent process stably removes sulfur compounds, which are acidic odor substances, to discharge clean air. The efficiency of treating the complex odor of the prototype was 98.5% for the first and 99.6% for the second, achieving the target of 95%. The hydrogen sulfide treatment efficiency of the prototype was 100% for the first and 99.9% for the second, which achieved 95%, which was the target of the project. As a result, ammonia was removed by the reaction of ammonia and hydrogen sulfide.

A possible application of the partial discharge measurement due to artificial defect using Pockets sensor in GIS(Gas Insulated Switchgear) (가스절연기기(GIS)의 인위적 결함에 의한 부분방전의 검출을 위한 Probe-Type Pockels Sensor의 적용 가능성)

  • Ryu, Cheol-Hwi;Lee, Jae-Ho;Ma, Ji-Hoon;Kang, Won-Jong;Chang, Yong-Moo;Koo, Ja-Yoon
    • Proceedings of the KIEE Conference
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    • 2003.07c
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    • pp.1770-1772
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    • 2003
  • 본 연구는 국내에서 최초로 제안되고 적용가능성이 입증되어 설계, 제작된 Probe-type Pockets sensor(HY-Pockets Sensor)를 GIS등의 고전압 장비들에 응용한 레이저 부분방전 진단 시스템 개발을 목표로 하고 있다. 이러한 목적으로, 170kV 급 실 규모 GIS내부의 전류 도체에 다양한 곡률 반경의 침 전극을 부착시켜 부분 방전에 기인된 불평등 전계를 형성시켜 개발된 센서의 실규모 적용 가능성을 고찰하였다. 본 레이저 계측 시스템은 He-Ne laser, single multi-mode optical fiber, $2{\times}2$ 50/50 laser to single mode fiber coupler, probe-type Pockets sensor, photo detector 등으로 구성하여 레이저의 진행을 유도하고, 신호의 특성을 분석하였다. probe-type Pockets sensor로부터 의 출력 신호는 photo detector를 통해 전기적 신호로 변환되어 digital oscilloscope에 의해 측정되고, 또한 PC를 통해 데이터의 저장과 통계적, 분석적 처리 과정을 수행하게 된다. 본 연구의 결과로서 부분방전원에서 생성된 방전 신호에 대한 거리에 따른 센서 감도 결정, 그에 대한 센서 감도의 보정 향상, 전계의 세기의 변화에 따른 센서의 선형성 등이 도출되었고, 이러한 실험결과를 통해 실 GIS(170kv급) 내부에서 발생하는 부분방전의 검출에 본 레이저 부분방전 진단 시스템의 적용 가능성이 제시 되었다.

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Modeling of a Compressed Air Energy Electrification by Using Induction Generator Based on Field Oriented Control Principle

  • Vongmanee, Varin;Monyakul, Veerapol
    • Journal of Electrical Engineering and Technology
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    • v.9 no.5
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    • pp.1511-1519
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    • 2014
  • The objective of this paper is to propose a modelling of a small compressed air energy storage system, which drives an induction generator based on a field-oriented control (FOC) principle for a renewable power generation. The proposed system is a hybrid technology of energy storage and electrification, which is developed to use as a small scale of renewable energy power plant. The energy will be transferred from the renewable energy resource to the compressed air energy by reciprocating air compressor to be stored in a pressurized vessel. The energy storage system uses a small compressed air energy storage system, developed as a small unit and installed above ground to avoid site limitation as same as the conventional CAES does. Therefore, it is suitable to be placed at any location. The system is operated in low pressure not more than 15 bar, so, it easy to available component in country and inexpensive. The power generation uses a variable speed induction generator (IG). The relationship of pressure and air flow of the compressed air, which varies continuously during the discharge of compressed air to drive the generator, is considered as a control command. As a result, the generator generates power in wide speed range. Unlike the conventional CAES that used gas turbine, this system does not have any combustion units. Thus, the system does not burn fuel and exhaust pollution. This paper expresses the modelling, thermodynamic analysis simulation and experiment to obtain the characteristic and performance of a new concept of a small compressed air energy storage power plant, which can be helpful in system designing of renewable energy electrification. The system was tested under a range of expansion pressure ratios in order to determine its characteristics and performance. The efficiency of expansion air of 49.34% is calculated, while the efficiency of generator of 60.85% is examined. The overall efficiency of system of approximately 30% is also investigated.

A Study on the Application of Phase Change Material for Electric Vehicle Battery Thermal Management System using Dymola (전기자동차 배터리팩 열관리시스템에서 상변화물질 적용에 관한 고찰)

  • Choi, Chulyoung;Choi, Woongchul
    • The Transactions of The Korean Institute of Electrical Engineers
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    • v.66 no.12
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    • pp.1889-1894
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    • 2017
  • Global automobile manufacturers are developing electric vehicles (EVs) to eliminate the pollutant emissions from internal combustion vehicles and to minimize fossil fuel consumptions for the future generations. However, EVs have a disadvantage of shorter traveling distance than that of conventional vehicles. To answer this shortfall, more batteries are installed in the EV to satisfy the consumer expectation for the driving range. However, as the energy capacity of the battery mounted in the EV increases, the amount of heat generated by each cell also increases. Naturally, a better battery thermal management system (BTMS) is required to control the temperature of the cells efficiently because the appropriate thermal environment of the cells greatly affects the power output from the battery pack. Typically, the BTMS is divided into an active and a passive system depending on the energy usage of the thermal management system. Heat exchange materials usually include gas and liquid, semiconductor devices and phase change material (PCM). In this study, an application of PCM for a BTMS was investigated to maintain an optimal battery operating temperature range by utilizing characteristics of a PCM, which can accumulate large amounts of latent heat. The system was modeled using Dymola from Dassault Systems, a multi-physics simulation tool. In order to compare the relative performance, the BTMS with the PCM and without the PCM were modeled and the same battery charge/discharge scenarios were simulated. Number of analysis were conducted to compare the battery cooling performance between the model with the aluminum case and PCM and the model with the aluminum case only.